Can women bully men?
In the workplace, school or wherever
What does it say about those men?
Can women bully men?
I want to be bullied by those feet
I was nervous around girls due to being sexual molested by my stepmother and they destroyed me in school
36 year old forgotten by society virgin reporting in
God I wish that were me
I used to have a female bully at work. She got furious because I called her out for liking me and wouldn't have sex with her after her countless advances. One day she went on a tirade in front of customers and I literally said she has a shitty personality..that was all
I fuck feet
The only thing that comes kinda close is black girls but all they do is yell, the second you get up they shut the fuck up real quick
>t. The one white kid on a bus full of niggers and niggresses
That guy looks like 40 or something. Context? Is he one of their teachers? What a pervert.
Yes they can. Saw a woman bully a guy for years at work till he snapped and made his way to an office, then proceeded to pound a pair of scissors into his own fucking heart. Of course nothing ever came of it.
A sexual situation works the same for both individuals as long as both are compliant, there's no such thing as sexual distinctions by gender, you are acting like a liberal.
I was bullied by girls in elementary school. I had gfs and stuff and they were jealous whores
Did he die?
you detached from society, society didn't forget you.
>foot fetish
>nazi flag
get out
>Can women bully men?
>What does it say about those men?
Women are naturally submissive, but they'll take great pleasure in tormenting timid men. It's basically a shit test. You're meant to man up and then they'll respect you instead.
>kek flag
Back to Riddit
Not really bullying. After one or two interactions of certain girls being cunts I would just avoid them forever. I mention it because I would feel dread if I had to sit near them or work in a group with them after.
Also one time I gave a girl a valentines day card and she got two boys to hold me to a wall in front of everyone then spat in my face.
same here
i remember back then i was the only male player on the local handball team, because my parents put me in handball when football was off season. all the other guys just waited for football to start. one time we went to a tournament out of county, with like 6 hour bus ride each way, then slept in some old gymnasium. constant teasing, hair pulling, dragging my clothes. it was awful. managed to get rid of the frustration during the games though, i was pretty much a beast at handball since most opponents were girls too.
footfags are furry tiers
>you will never have your lunch money taken and hair pulled by a busfull of handballolis and her revenge by playing physical defense during practice
>Low test-the post
No wonder you rabbits cry about white genocide
you may fantasize about that as an adult, but it's not something you enjoy when you don't even have hairs on your dingus.
desu furries are superior to footfags
How can you be bullied by someone physically weaker than you
some people just don't have it in them to fight back no matter the advantage.
>some faggot stabbed himself because some bitch bullied him
sounds like a pussy
At work, I doubt it although it's possible.
I've had many women bosses who've been very good. A few who haven't. But actual bullying from women would have to be some type of blackmail, in which case that's criminal. Women play a different game than men. It's difficult to explain.
Women can and often are much more ruthless than men, though. But they do it to other women, not usually to men. Of course there exceptions, but I can only tell from experience.
I was unfaithful to my wife once. And I told my wife after it happened - not immediately but about 3 days later. My mrs. thanked me for being honest, we got drunk over some wine and talked about it. She looked me in the eyes and said "user, I'm glad you told me yourself. But if you ever do it again, then I'm out." Then she held my hand. wtf?
Women have a power over men that can be destructive for us. But they give us a connection to a side of ourselves that brings out the best in us men. They need a provider, good lover, good father, and so on.
It's a balance. Women can bully other women. But they can't bully men. Because other than blackmail or some subterfuge that I can't see, there is a gender balance. And often an imbalance - that's when things go wrong.
This balance is maintained through simple primordial needs; reproduction,shelter, food, protection. When that balance is upset, then watch out for a storm.
Yeah and fucking land in jail for half your life because of a false rape accusation? That's all they need to do. You cant just beat them into being your little bitch anymore.
Yeah, especially when there's an Amber Alert in your area. Fix your shit, loser.
WOW. I never had a foot fetish, but now I think I have one. Thanks, OP!
You were in the wrong and you're lucky she's with you still.
10/10 would love getitng bullied.
So this is why we haven't had a proper half in the bag or re:wind in months
No they cannot. They can only bully nu-male effeminate faggots. Also that video is absolutely fucking disgusting, and that is exactly the type of "male" that I would expect to enjoy that kind of shit.
Every guy was "nervous" around girls in high school
It's because the system penalizes you if you escalate the things into physical violence. In the good old days a man could slap a woman who would go too far, but try doing that in the modern day with all the iPhones and you'll have to fight off white knights whenever you go to work (provided you still have work and they didn't fire you in order to virtue signal). I've had older female bosses bully me, but it simply boils down to bullying them back. Ruin/delete their work, lock them out of their systems prior to an important meeting, keep putting them behind the line when you're doing IT work, etc, etc. They know enough now not to even talk to me anymore unless if it's work related.
Same here. Got bullied by a group of girls since kindergarden and through elementary. The thing was that I fancied one of them in the start, so I kept going back to them and not resisting like a retard. I can feel the marks, I'm a virgin who never approaches women. I'm highly distrustful of them.
shut up whore.
Have been abused by women the first decades of my life.
My mother loved to do sadistic shit to me, then i got a girlfriend which turned out to be extremely abusive.
Nearly killed me, destroyed my personality and everything i was.
That´s why i really hate those feminists.
Nobody cared, there was a woman who should love me and she sabotaged my whole life from the beginning, and there was a girl who i loved who did horribly cruel things to me which have left never disappearing scars and society just comforts and pets women while mocking me and calling me a rapist.
They can, moreso than men can.
>What does it say about those men?
It says that they are spineless faggots who probably deserve to be bullied.
What if the figure out that you sexually like being bullied then? Do they get creeped out?
A foot fetish is a sign of high intelligence. 10000 years ago a women with unbruised and healthy feet was a sign high intelligence males used to determine whether the female was able to take care of herself and in good health, which in turn would make her a worthy mate to knock up and protect.
If you don't have a foot fetish, chances are that you are a brainlet.
OP watches CEI videos
>tfw you bullied girls in school
>tfw 117 IQ
Checks out.
>unironically hitting women
I think you might be a nigger.
Footfags should be put down to stop them from ruining femdom.
not bullying
well aren't you bent over, lubed up and ready.
I used to bully girls at work, a buffalo wild wings. Had a major girlbutt fetish
I'd bully them and be mean and they'd hate me but 3-4 let me sniff their assholes. I tossed two. I was on one knee but still. If I saw one I liked w/ wet hair cuz she just showered I went for it.
>call me beta
I love eating women's ass.
>eating something poo comes from
damn skippy
I'd start by sniffing- literally burying my nose in their asshole and inhaling furiously, unable to contain myself.
If it passed I buried my tongue in that ass. The noises she makes, the way she moves- you haven't lived you fucking virgin.
It was extremely painful
I just ruin the mood. -fuck em simply.
for you
good luck catching dysentery
The only girl who ever tried to bully me ended up liking me. In 8th grade there was this cute half chinese half mexican girl who would give me shit all the time because she made better grades than me. When I just ignored her she began to get very aggressive with her advances but I found her annoying and chased her off eventually. Saw her not long ago, she was with some mexican manlet and tried her best not to make eye contact with me.
if you've ever worked in an all-female environment, you'll notice that they're all sort of rapey and catty over attention
You ignored so much Info I passed on, you judgmental fuck
Yes because they can be horrible cunts and you can't criticize them or else you're sexist!
I got my ass beaten by older Mexican girls when I was like 9 or 10. They were like 12, 15, and 17 and beat the fuck out of me I went home crying like a bitch lol.
Such is life being a white minority as a kid.