Post leftists getting rekt by their dindu pets


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why aren't they taught to properly fear/respect the danger that is blacks? it's like we let them walk into a lion's cage after teaching them their whole lives "don't be silly, lions won't hurt you"



The ones my favorite
The smug face in the pic is worth a thousand keks




How many of these are legit?
It seems too good to be true...


pic is the real reason why lefties travel to africa

Nonwhites kill whites all the time it just doesn't go beyond a couple minutes of coverage on local news.
When they kill this many whites, they're bound to hit a few SJWs.

he's a pedophile rapist btw

captcha "REMOVAL"

A LOT of retarded women go there to do peace corp type shit.
They can then mention it for a lifetime of social signalling to come, that they taught English for six months to Ethiopian kids.

A bunch of baboons ffs

if you dont redpill your chilrdren on the dangers of blacks and sandniggers its your fault if they get raped or killed.

Ok I'm out.
Somebody post more so I can expand my collection please.

God exist, and he is an asshole to people that support degeneracy.

Sir, your utterance is terribly insensitive and offensive to baboons. Do not insult these noble creatures like that.

It's not as funny if they don't live to learn from their mistakes.

anyone have her beheading video}?

Why is this moving so slow.... I am not entertained.

The funniest part to me is that it happened in the very first Muslim country she entered, Turkey, which is relatively civilized compared to most of the rest of the Muslim world she was heading for.
It's like she died on level 1 of a video game.

yeah, same goes for all those African anchor marriages to fat cows in Europe.
Media often run with the fake stories of how a fat cow found "love" in africa, lol
few days later she ends up literally gutted

Like Mario getting killed by the first turtle

You dont see the beheading, only the shooting. She got shot in the back after claiming to be a mother with children, thinking that might save her life. Of course, she wasn't a mother, she was a childess feminist. Fitting that her final words were a tacit acknowledgment of gender roles and her place in them. Dumb bitch.

Well - level 2.
Level 1 was coastal/European part of Turkey, liberal by Turkish standards, that she passed through unharmed. Once she got into rural Anatolian countryside, the nature did its job.

I wish more traitors get culturally enriched like this

top kek. a white BLM supporter got arrested by a black cop today too


This girl loved immigration.

bumping for keks

Pls be true

I like these good news threads.

I've seen the video. She got off lucky, tbqh. Those niggers could have gang-raped her for weeks, before burning her alive. Instead they just shoot her in the back of the head. Quick and painless.


>get hit in the eye
>literally bleeding from it
>"better post it to social media first"


You should fear the wrath all of humanity is capable of. You wouldn't pick a fight with a biker gang.

>>>literally a stacie
does art imitate life or does life imitate art?


Hitchhiking through several European countries, no problem. Dead in the first muslim country.

> It's always women
Giving the right to vote was a mistake

>why aren't they taught to properly fear/respect the danger that is blacks?

These are often upper class big city people who get told all their lives by their family, teachers and friends, that blacks are just poor defenseless creatures that are being oppressed by big bad whitey.

Then in the real world, they get to learn some hard lessons.

she was shot to death first and then beheaded after she was already dead

there is a video of it

these glasses are done, these days they are just obnoxious. She should have money for something better.

Anyway- she is in shape and looks sharp. Nice.

Shame Trump's a fat fuck.


>why aren't they taught to properly fear/respect the danger that is blacks?

It's better to let fools be fools. Piss on them and laugh when fools die, for only the death and wounding of fools can wake other people.

My favorite part about this story was that she listed herself on twitter as an "expert on congo". Anyone who has spent 5 mins reading about congo knows that the east part of the country is one of the most dangerous in the world--the same place that birthed the rwandan genocide. It was pure arrogance that got her killed.

I wish the MSM would show this video but they won't. They live in a sheltered world. Niggers are savages. If the news showed violent muslim beheadings and this shit it might sway public opinion.

I legitimately cannot tell the difference between satire and leftist views.

okay, now THIS is Photoshop.

"he two victims have been identified as Michael Sharp, an American, and Zaida Catalan, a Swede.

There bodies were found on March 27, 2017 in a shallow grave two weeks after they went missing on March 12, 2017 in the remote village of Bunkonde. Four Congolese interpreters and drivers had also gone missing. The Congolese victims have still not been found.

The two were investigators with the United Nations Security Council looking into alleged human rights abuses in the Kasai-Central Province there.

Two suspects, one identified as Daniel Mbayi Kabasele and referred to as an insurgent by authorities, were arrested. One has since escaped. Four police officers, whose responsibility it had been to guard the suspects, were arrested for the escape.

Michael Sharp was shot at the head. Zaida Catalan was shot three times in the back."

Interesting. Is this all actually cosmic social justice at work? You try to socially engineer society to some wonky Utopia and you suffer the results personally.

Why do I get the feeling the dude in the wedding dress is the leader of this merry little band?


This has to be fake, or perhaps Swedish.

>Having killed somebody doesn't make you a killer.

I wish all brown people could just vanish.

Because he is. I like General Butt Naked, he is the greatest of all African warlords.

any estimate on who'd be the first to kick-shift the Overton window and say "repeal the 19th?"

(alright, I guess I just did. Next, in media?)

Leftists are willing to risk death to prove to themselves there is such thing as "equality".
I can admire their reckless self-righteousness on some level.

But we are certainly better off without them people around, and should actively encourage them to make a trip to the East Congo to prove they're not racist :~)

>this whole thread

>Zaida Catalan

She was a staunch supporter of white genocide.
Heres the video of her death if you want to fap.

It sounds fake but why would someone make up this entire story?

He is, but when you're a billionaire you don't even have to hold in your gut. Ever seen some of the chicks Soros gets? Crazy man.

I honestly don't blame the niggers for any of this. They know damn well who they are as people and these morons were ripe for the picking.

oh shit there's the reptilian secret service agent

The only black people they meet are wealthy and/or mixed race. Few of these champagne socialists meet real niggers

There is no way this is real, sow can someone be so blind?

>eat mud cookies and drink donkey piss all year
>some privileged 1st world cunt comes on a estrogen-fueled crusade to "save" you
>show her what the real world is like

Kek, his own parent's don't even care that he's dead. What a way to go. I'd almost feel sorry

this just can´t be real

i want to know what she was thinking right before they shot her. Fuck, fuck, fuck, they were right. Sup Forums was right, why didn't I listen, here I am about to get fucking executed because I didn't listen.

Overton window isn't a pendulum. There is no reason to expect it to slide backwards. More likely you get a violent collapse and harsh transition to extreme tradionalism.

The pendulum is a lie to make conservicucks wait their turn quietly, a turn that will never come.

If you're wondering how a "Swede" ends up with a name like Zaida Catalán, it's because her parents were exiled from Pinochet's Chile for being Marxist scum. Sweden took in a lot of Chile's gommunists.

you underestimate the mental insanity among these people

She pleaded for her life and told them she was a mother with kids.

She lied about having/being of values she despises.

Dead anyways.

What an idiot, you can get off'd hitchhiking in a 1st world country, why risk it in unstable nations.

Is this true? God that would be glorious

Unlikely. It was probably just fear and "why can't these PoC see that I am their ally?"


>violent collapse and harsh transition to extreme tradionalism
but it IS a swing backwards - just a very fast and far one

(much like both Brexit and Trump were - unexpected sharp turns. Pendulum doesn't have to be smooth, that's where analogy falls apart, yeah)

She studied in a river?

Of course.

This is why I can never be a white supremacist.

White leftists are some of the stupidest people on earth.

i know, she will say anything to stay alive. I want to know what she was thinking though. I know she had to have come around before they killed her, right? I like to think every leftist swallows a redpill before getting killed by a nigger.

>reckless self-righteousness
can't we just rename it "leftousness" by now?

Because she lived in a safe, first world country her entire life and never thought a single bad thing would ever happen to her. It's funny, isn't it? Being racist actually makes one safer in the grand scheme of things. All you need to remember is the golden rule: around blacks, never relax.

>he doesn't do Linear Algebra while submerged under water

I think all wealthy liberals should live with the apes for at least a year before they ever have any opinions about them

No guarantee it will go back. It might just stablize into a neo-feudal hell where Jews own everything.

Breads like these are why I love this place.

>mental insanity
yeah, not enough is being said about links between SJWism and mental/personality disorders

The white liberal version of equality they subscribe to says all races behave the same and it's only oppressive whitey who makes things bad for them.

So when they go to 95% nigland they assume they are meeting black versions of white people.

Right up until the violence starts and then their entire worldview falls apart in delicious pottery.