do you think he is a good guy
What does Sup Forums think of francis
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Catholic Master Catechist here:
I think he's a bag of shit.
-Thank you.
You already know the answer to this question.
Not even Catholics (faithful, that is) think he has the well-being of the Church in mind.
He is more comfortable with the enemies of the Church, whether it is Islamic, Communist, or Protestant.
His theology is utterly Protestant; his conception of the Church is Protestant; his treatment of the Holy Sacrament of the Altar is how a Protestant would treat it; He enthroned Father Luther in the Vatican; He told Lutherans that they could attend Holy Communion; He told Waldensians it doesn't matter what church you belong to, their rebellion was justified; He turned down an Anglican "Bishop" who wanted to convert that there was no need, and it would only hurt "ecumenism" between the two churches.
He is a political and theological liberal.
Communist Pope can burn with the rest of the degenerates on the day of the rope!
Worst pope ever and half of the other previous popes were child molesting demons.
There's a line between "help those that need it" and being a flat out communist.
>were child molesting demons
There is no bottom to stupidity
I'm an atheist suffering from a lapse of faith and even I think this pope is awful.
He really reinforces the idea that the catholic church is corrupt to its core.
Give me a quick rundown: how fucked are things getting internally
I think that's the point.
How far back do you want me to start.
I'll just run with it. The problem is theological, philosophical, and political.
Theological liberalism began in 1517 with Father Luther's revolt. Its hallmark was the rejection of spiritual authority, the looting of Church property, and the appropriation of the Church's Scripture and the alteration of its theology. All of this under the auspice of private interpretation.
>1717, Masonic lodge
Jacobite/Whig & Anabaptist revolutionaries had imbibed the protestant hermeneutic of private interpretation and grew sick of the hundreds of schisms caused by the protestant revolt. The result of private interpretation was the fracturing of the Christian people in its theology and in Christian Europe (Christendom).
These revolutionaries grew tired of the Christian hermeneutic and began re-examining Christian philosophy in a humanist light--a pagan light. This spawned what we call today the Renaissance. Masonic powers utilized this liberal philosophy to undermine Christian kings and nations.
>1776, 1789
The descendants of these revolutionaries, embodying the same principle of private interpretation, manifested the philosophical liberalism of Voltaire, Hobbes, and Locke.
They literally overthrew Christian rule in Europe; and in America, founding the first secular, godless nation in recorded human history; aka classical liberalism.
>1917, Bolshevism
Marxism was a natural outgrowth of this liberalism; as the intellectual father of cultural Marxism said in pic related.
Thanks user
Better having a bad father than having none. He's the head of my church and I respect him as such.
We went through a very high-level rundown of the continuity of liberalism.
Now to the Church. The Church was an enemy of liberalism from the beginning; it saw the end result of Protestantism long before it ever materialized.
Theological liberalism of the 19th and 20th centuries became known as "modernism." Modernism is basically baptized neo-paganism; the idea that truth changes according to time and place, and that truth evolves. It posits that truth can evolve from one thing to its opposite over time, in different places, to different people. In a word, it is relativism.
Modernism in its infancy was inspired by and a spinoff of Protestant liberalism; from the Protestant notion of ecumenism (that doctrine is not as important as vague notions of "faith" between competing or contradictory Christian sects).
Pope Pius X fought and drove modernism underground during his reign in the early 20th century after he penned his famous encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis.
The modernists were condemned and driven underground, only to return at the Second Vatican Council. Here, modernism was triumphant in asserting a new (dis)orientation of the Church upon the world. "Opening the window" to the world, as John XXIII said, only to have his predecessor Paul VI say, "through some fissure, the smoke of Satan has entered the sanctuary."
he needs a bullet
what is the current state of Vatican politics? is it true that the traditionalist wing of the church is beginning to regain influence?
I think he's a good goy
He could have been in a different time. Now more than ever the Catholics need an evangelist who is uncompromising on questions of doctrine.
This is how John Paul II listened to priests who dabbled in Marxism. Sadly you can't see how animated he was in telling this Sandinista jagoff to knock it the fuck off.
The Church has been undergoing a 50-year long chastisement with these modernist nutjobs. They seek to reconcile all Christian (and even non-Christian sects, via the debased theology of the Jesuit Fr. Teilhard de Chardin) sects into one federation of churches. They seek to place doctrine underneath practice.
That is, the practice of the faith would supercede the actual doctrine, when in reality, practice of the faith naturally follows the doctrine.
In this way they seek to hollow out the Church into a mere humanist organization, a worldly NGO.
Francis' priestly formation was completely conciliar, meaning that he was formed after the Council, in the Council, and by the Council. He, like his colleagues, seek to remove the faith of all time, and especially the traditional Latin Mass which embodies it, and replace it with an ecumenical religion devoid of the Apostolic faith.
this nigger is the anti-christ
we need another Fr. Coughlin desu
Commie shill.
a bag of shit and the vicar of God on earth?
He is shutting down all the vatican committees aimed at tackling degeneracy and upholding morality
to be fair, he was not pleased with that hammer and sickle crucifix, he chastised the fellow
but he is cracking down on priests partaking in degeneracy is he not?
I'm pretty sure these niggers have been bussy abusing children FOR CENTURIES
Wow. How did it even get that far? These photo ops are carefully managed. You'd think someone would have brought up how offensive that is.
On a list to get the bullet.
He is a total fuck head
soviets made a huge push to infiltrate the Catholic Church in South America, which they did with success evidenced by the hammer and sickle crucifix
I want an autistie to sit in St. Peter's throne like Pius XIII so badly
Speaking of South America.
>For decades, many have accused Bergoglio of collaborating with the junta and informing on these left-wing Catholics.
>Among the best known accusers were two of Bergoglio’s former teachers, Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics, Jesuits who were determined to work in the slums of Buenos Aires and interact with leftists who were doing the same.
>When they rejected Bergoglio’s orders to stop their work, he kicked them out of the Jesuit order. Shortly thereafter they and six parishioners were kidnapped by junta thugs. The priests were tortured for several months and then dumped on the roadside. The six lay Catholics were disappeared. Yorio declared in the first trial of junta leaders in 1985, “I am sure that he himself [Bergoglio] gave over the list with our names to the Navy.”
I recommend reading the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita. It was a Masonic document discovered and published by Leo XIII with his own funds.
It lays out the program for infiltration of the Church.
To answer your question, the situation is so bad, that there is no human solution.
The mindset of people is illuminized; theology, philosophy, and sociology is re-engineered from Christian thought and rule to a secular, purely rationalist framework.
The only thing for now is to pray and wait for either a temporal chastisement or a miracle of grace beyond what we have ever seen. I am banking on the former.
just to clarify, this junta was /our/junta correct?
He's a cuck and the prime reason why Christianity is failing.
Catholic here: you're full of shit. this guy is going to be the next John Paul ll
not a pope.
pic unrelated
Most of the shit people say about him here is the result of the media misrepresenting (sometimes deliberately, sometimes accidentally) things he says. Prime examples would be his negative comment about Trump's wall during the election, which was both taken out of context, and a response to misinformation he was given by the reporter, as well as back when a bunch of outlets were reporting he said atheists can go to heaven, when what he actually said was that atheists are redeemed, same as everyone else, and if they convert and live properly they can go to heaven.
3 top Cardinals, subordinate only to the Pope we're arrested at a gay drug orgy with underage prostitutes at the Vatican. Happened like a month ago.
We all do m8
thats good in my opinion, at least these deigns are OUT
are they making a second season?
>American flag
Yes, it was. Literally.
Hah yeah I don't doubt they'll try to make that happen. John Paul II was an ecumenist just like Francis. Except JPII was more orthodox on moral questions.
>"May Saint John Baptist protect Islam"
JPII the joke.
Based mestizo pope.
They weren't fired.
that's not the real JPII, thats a paper mache dummy
Yeah they confirmed second season. Date is TBA though
Just become Orthodox already.
God isn't going to give you a more obvious hint than Pope Francis.
I heard the first season took 4 years to make, is that true?
Francis is a trial to the faithful
There's a reason you fellas haven't had a Council in over a thousand years; your patriarchs can't agree on fundamental questions.
... which is why the Orthodox tolerate up to 3 divorces and "remarriages." I don't recall reading that when Christ spoke about remarriage being adultery.
Literally Jesus 2.0
He a communist/illuminati evil globalist and needs to go.
I will not say i hate him but i seriously dislike him and his whole islam is so good and kissing feet and all that pro refugee shit even when he knows what is going on.
I completely lost my trust in the concept of a pope and especially this pope.
Matthew 5:32
"but I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery."
No, instead of allowing divorce like the gospel does for infidelity, let's just use semantic loopholes to pretend we don't allow divorce when we really do.
The Orthodox do not merely make this distinction. The exception is made the rule; just like when annulments were liberalized after the Second Vatican Council, the requests flooded in; just like when Francis "streamlined" the annulment process, requests and grants increased ever greater.
When you make the exception the rule, the rule becomes the exception and then no more rule exists. Orthodox have been doing this for over a thousand years.
Tired of the old model? Turn her in for a new!
the Catholic church permits divorce, although it is looked down upon
but we forbid remarriage after divorce
Crypto-Jew pedophile demon.
he's a commie and a globalist
Fuck off.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
I thought the last pedo pope was evil. Now there's a pedo commie pope. The worst of the worst.
Matthew 16:18 doesn't establish the doctrines of papal infallibility and supremacy.
St Basil warned us in the 4th century that the Latins were beginning to twist scripture to usurp the authority of the other 4 patriarchates.
The hub of the Church is not Rome, it is Jerusalem. The head of the Church is not the bishop of Rome, it is Jesus Christ.
he already is
No but he is a good goy
He's a satanist patsy bent to deal the final blow to whatever remains of catholic values in Europe. He needs to be...DEALT with.
>is he a dindu nuffin now
head of largest and oldest international criminal organization in history known for pedo, rape, slavery, anti-jew, murder, extortion, blackmail, terrorism, genocide, fraud, child abuse of every sort known to man, robbery, theft, literally every crime known to man throughout the centuries.
This pope spends his time blatantly lying about everything, shilling for muslims, pedos, pretending he's anything but what he is: a murderous manipulating syndicate boss that oversees child slavery and abuse throughout the world.
I know for a fact he is not a good man.
I would probably like him more if he came out as a kiddie fiddler.
And also, stop saying being anti jew is a bad thing, faggot kike.
Not for a second. You Catholics got fucked.
Why is Protestant "bad"?
Literal definition of a heretic.
A heretic at the very top of the twisted decaying Cathedral of idolatry and false saints.
>Why is Protestant "bad"?
It's taking soul aspect out of catholicism and turing it into materialistic mantra, basically kiking the catholic.
No. He's a heretic. And like all heretics, they will BURN.
I like him because he's finally showing Catholics that their church is utterly fucked and will never recover.
An apostate heretic and LIKELY the False Prophet of the Holy Bible.
Fucking this
See >ex protestant myself
It kicked off the institution of the secular State, which required the destruction of Christendom, the separation of millions of souls from the Church founded by Christ--however humanly imperfect.
Without it, as an ideology, ultimately would be no SJW.
He is just softening the Christians even more. Absolute heretic.