Since stormfront got banned or whatever you can't go a single thread here without someone spouting absurd jew conspiracies, stormfags fuck off
Stormfag immigrants
>Since stormfront got banned
new users should be IP-banned for at least a couple of months before being allowed to post
No one from stormfront immigrated here. They'd take one look at the degenerate porn and free speech and fuck off. They are the white nationalist equivalent of cuckservatives, old boomers who manage to make white nationalism not edgy
Welcome to Sup Forums faggot. It's always been like this. It's part of Sup Forums culture, nigger, since the beginning.
Fuck off t_d
stormfront had a very small userbase mostly comprised of fat middle-aged skinheads who even if they all migrated here at once would make virtually no difference to the board
Sup Forums has always been anti-hebe
Im WN my self and I know jews meme have been here since start but this is just overboard
>Since stormfront got banned or whatever you can't go a single thread here without someone spouting absurd jew conspiracies, stormfags fuck off
repeating lies dont make them treu ((op))).
uggghhh... seriously, this is the most racist sub on the entire internet!
>Im WN my self
>hello my fellow white nationalists
they would more likely got to 8ch/pol/
I'm not for Stormfront. I've never even been to the website before. But these aren't 'absurd conspiracies.' The evidence is literally right there in front of you.
How well does the ADL pay?
>steam will become an alt-right platform in your life time
Oh well could be worse.
>new users should be IP-banned for at least a couple of months before being allowed to post
We all started as newfags tho albeit I did lurk for a month or two
You can notice stormfrontfags because they call niggers "black people"
>absurd jew conspiracies
this has been going on on Sup Forums since the beginning, and Sup Forums has WAY more traffic than stormfront.
>Thinks Jew conspiracies originated from Stormfront
Fuck off newfag.
stormfugees lol
>those 8s
> ITT: newfags to new to remember when Stormfront got redpilled by Sup Forums
Stormfront didn't make Sup Forums what it is, Sup Forums made Stofrmfront what it is. Stay a while, you'll see the light it's pretty much guaranteed.
>jew memes
This isn't memes, the facts are really real.
Stormfags come from stormfront and dailystormer. You will even find da joos conspiracy in /g tech threads. The cancer is real and not just on pol. Learn to recognize them
We're Here
We're Clear (White)
We've landed
A fucking joke. These washed up losers must be crying themselves to sleep after losing their circa 1990s, Web 1.0, bulletin board with nowhere to call home.
Guess they will need to content themselves with watching American History X on VHS.
You don't post without lurking for a year and reading at least 10 books posted regularly.
stormies are very welcome here
All im saying is it would be better if we had normal right wing discussion rather then ((((())))) every second comment like in pic
Very edgy of you. I will not miss LARPing Naziniggers when you are shoahed from Sup Forums. Just keep shitting up our boards and telling yourself it's not possible
Transgender people are an attack on the white race
>Mfw Sup Forums is a natsoc and libertarian board
>you can't go a single thread here without someone spouting absurd jew conspiracies
So nothing has changed?
Man its almost as if you can scroll right past them and ignore them
Begone kike
Stormfags can always go here to pretend it's still the 90s:
Yes, you'd love for us to ignore your jewery that's fucking up the globe right now. You'd love for us to keep bickering about a two-party system and staying distracted from the real problem. You'd sure love that wouldn't you? Not going to happen. We know you're scared. You're reaping the fruits of what you've sown. Does it surprise you that jews are leaving countries like the UK in record numbers to go back to Israel? Rabbis are urging people to go back to Israel, to leave Western countries. Why's that? Is it because the goyim have finally started waking up to your tricks?
Ever wonder if it's more than coincidence that Stormfront is in Florida and it's owner is named Don Black?
Donald Schwartz had a good run.
They're not absurd and we've been aware of the JQ for a long time here.
Fuck off jews.
I came from Stormfront, but that was back in 2011 or so. They'll assimilate into Sup Forums culture faster than those plebbit fags
Just trash there nazi generals. They'll get the message then. Also don't reply to any pro-white meme flags.
Octo chan is more their style
I've only just noticed Stormfront is gone.
The end of the far right is upon us. Jew tube is silencing undesirables and descenting websites are being shut down.
We're next
You must be new here, well Hi as a carer racist and conspiracy theorist I'll have you know that those "Jew conspiracies" have been around since w2ch which I'm imagining predates both stormfront and your life, please go back to /tg/ or somewhere else where otsrsns is a requirement or hammer.
Welcome to Sup Forums now lurk more, kike.
This is what we need. They need to step on normie conservative toes as collateral dmg in " shutting down nazis " . Similar to how the reaction to Charlottesville had the left protesting normie free speech rallies, causing normie conservatives to identity with those they saw at Charlottesville.
This is a very basic military strategy. It's basically what Britain was doing through all of ww2 attempting to bring U.S.A into conflict on its side. So we do the same now. We need the massive bulk of the normie Trump movement to identify with us and practically be forced to stand with us. If liberals continue to treat them the way they are- then it is going according to plan.
>everyone that criticize jews are neonazi
t. schlomo goldberg
>Since stormfront got banned or whatever you can't go a single thread here without someone spouting absurd jew conspiracies
Yeah before our jew conspiracy theories were always right on the money.
This is our board you leftist fuck.
what ?? a Sup Forums ylyl ?
t. don black
Then stop wasting your life away here, it's simple.
the only reason Sup Forums isn't down right now is because the intel agencies have direct access to the ip logs on this site
stormfront will be permabanned cause they didn't cop out like moot/hiroshimoot
Are you fucking retarded? Since when has that not been Sup Forums?
>the only reason Sup Forums isn't down right now is because the intel agencies have direct access to the ip logs on this site
>stormfront will be permabanned cause they didn't cop out
2c/6c/8c/12c are all pumping strong on onion & frost+p2p and they not only refuse to give out any info but also host the most illegal kind of goodness, yet they are doing nothing about them? they've been there for YEARS, we might need to start looking into alternate reasons they shut down storm
stormfront getting banned proves the jews have more power than they pretend to
Shills like yourself are making it a necessity. You're trying, with futility, to divide the board. Trying to separate and ostracize the "Nazi" and Jew-wise elements in favor of civic nationalism and perpetual ignorance, a victory for team anti-white. It's obvious, you idiots.
Literally no one can give a good answer to these questions