Would the world be a better place if the Axis had won WWII
Why would the USA be balkanized?
Japan is now like 10 times as large. That means 10 times more anime. What a fucking nightmare that would be.
I would not be alive today if that was the case so it's rather irrelevant.
Where is the Mediterranean?
depends, whats better, german immigrants or shitskin?
probably would have signed a white peace if brits and soviets were occupied tbqh
It would definitely be more united and driven towards a common grater purpose don't you think? the authoritarianism would fade over time and society would go through changes over time, it's not like it would remain as it was in 1940ies NAZI germany.
Fuck no. No democracy and free speech.
Nazis wanted to drain Mediterranean sea?
Yes. It would be perfect.
Gone, it's now a salty desert. That's what would've happened due to Atlantropa
All of Bohemia would be a flavor of Sudetengerman.
USA wouldn't have gone to war if Soviets peaceful out in 1941 or if the brits peaced out in 1940
>japan and germany parting brazil
We tordesillas 2.0
Yes, it's unlikely that the Jews would be in control now if they did.
you cant know that for sure though. After the conquest of the entire world the Nazis might have moved towards a more democratic government, as a normal evolutionary course.
No, that's just Man in the High Castle. IRL Nazis had little actual interest in Atlantropa, and even if they started the project it would be immediately stopped due to climate effects
Yes, but I also think it would have it's own fair share of problems.
For the world to be a genuinely decent place, I think WW1 needed to have been avoided entirely. Or perhaps not - could be that the sheer devastation of WW1/2 were necessary to remove the idea of total war from the public consciousness entirely.
Since a "WW1" in today's age would probably mean the complete annihilation of modern society and a regression of several hundred years worth of technological progress and the deaths of about 9/10ths of the human population.
not to mention the soil would be too salty to be of much use
>if they won by the victory in the framework of what we did to Germany
No probably not. To get that powerful, that able to conquer the world in its totality and frame the planet in two racial ethnic groups owning everything would either involve massive brutal genocide of hundreds of people that aren't in our way, aren't in our effect, and aren't going to be... or to be as deracinated and decentralized as the Roman Empire and get easily jewed away in a generation.
The best solution would have been a war no one totally won, or better no war at all.
IIRC Hitler never intended Germany to be a permanent dictatorship. He even made Donitz President, not Chancellor like he was.
Did they drain it in the series? I think I'm gonna watch it.
Woke based quads, you are right!
It's a book
of course. the nazis were working with genetic engineering and space guns, shit we aren't even picking up the ball on eighty years later.
Would have against the Japs who would have attacked Pearl Harbor or elsewhere (in the event we don't hold that gambit) regardless due to their position in China and our ongoing embargo. US goes to war against Japan and Japan only, Japs ask their German allies to apply pressure to Americans, Germans have a decision:
-Japs didn't help with Soviets as they asked, so why should they help the Japs?
-Making friends with the USA would keep a strategic deterrent to the Japanese gaining too many resources and eventually becoming a threat.
It would have tons of problems, just as there are tons of problems right now all around the world, the only difference would be the way in dealing with them. A unified world under axis rule would solve problems more efficiently imo, rather than to each his own.
I just feel like unifying under one strong power was the next step in the evolution of mankind and we were somehow deprived of it.
Who in Gods green earth would want to drain the mediterreanian? What advantages?
no it's a show.
We already mastered those
>being this retarded
what was the last book you read?
>being this retarded
>coming from an SHITALIAN
Last book I read, lets see that was Robinson Crusosoe.
it was initially a book on which the show is based.
The Mediterranean is not even the point, why did that get so much attention?
i just thought it was a small fuck up on the map.
so you do know that Man in the High Castle book is far superior to that shitty tv show right?
thats a funny video are you mad?
Do you know that some people actually have lives and don't have time to read all day?
Also Sicilians and Italians and any other Med is the same to me. As i am of NORDIC stock.
>I just feel like unifying under one strong power was the next step in the evolution of mankind and we were somehow deprived of it.
And so you decided to sacrifice Russia for the "evolution of mankind".
You never learn, stupid fucks.
Russia is the future of the mankind.
Who cares as long as glorious Canada is left intact
so you're a failed normie retard, please stop watching Jewish movies and actually culture yourself with enriching entertainment
>has a meme flag
show your real flag nigger
Russia died in the 1920ies when it was overrun by communist jews. It has never been the same since. The Soviet Union was a shit show and left behind a bunch of ruined counties including Russia, that will never recover from the years of jewish cucking they received.
Latvia, lithuania and estonia got out on time to retain their humanity.
Ah the beautiful things we could build if Africa was not full of niggers
Wikipedia is your friend. The answer is hydroelectricity and farming.
You are Italian, you are cultureless as the Italians that came after the Nordic stock left
it would be a better place if hitler never came to power
Maybe that's the real reason they're inviting the refugees over in the first place.
>implying no
There is no way Germany or Japan could have taken the US by force. The only way the Germans could have won WWII is by allying with the US to push back against the Soviets.
If the Germans won in the Western front, they would have lost the Eastern front and most of Europe would have become part of the Soviet Union.
Canada would be assigned to whomever took the UK at the time, or the US would have taken it by force.
I doubt Germany and Japan could have started a land war with the US and won, it's a big, rich, developed country to take by force, across the ocean.
>drain a saltwater sea
>be stuck with salt saturated sandy soil
Sorry this, was meant for.
>still uses faggy kekflag
you do know that most of the Italian culture you see today was from 600 years ago, the renaissance is not ancient history and the Italians back then are the same as they are now
I feel like there was grounds in the US to gather enough Nazi support among the common folk to actually ally with them. Unfortunately for some reason, Japan and Germany didnt communicate enough and the dumbasses bombed pearl harbor, that was the biggest mistake they could make.
We wouldn't exist.
It was only North Italians which at the time were Germanic. Da Vinci was German ethnically, same with all the other guys who the Mutant Turtles were named after.
>Russia died in the 1920ies when it was overrun by communist jews.
Stalin did his job. He killed almost all of the jews.
>It has never been the same since.
Yeah, if before the revolution in Russian Empire 90% of population were illiterate peasants and during Stalin's rule we became a nuclear superpower.
Yes, I'd say it makes some difference.
>The Soviet Union was a shit show and left behind a bunch of ruined counties including Russia, that will never recover from the years of jewish cucking they received.
Jews destroyed the USSR. Gorbachev and Eltsin's wives were jewish.
Why would they do it if the USSR was so good for them?
>Latvia, lithuania and estonia got out on time to retain their humanity.
>retain their humanity
>constantly blaming russians for all their shit
>open discrimination towards russians
>oy ey they are retaining their humanity
Go fuck yourself, Fritz.
You literally deserved what you get now.
actually, anime would either not exist, or it would be more masculine cool anime like Cowboy Bebop or Fist of the North Star because all that moe shit is a result of the crushing defeat and emasculation that Japan suffered at the end of WW2.
The US was playing both sides of the war. I think they were anti-Japan prior to the war because of their aggression, but neutral on the war in Europe. They only took a side when they had too.
If some of the German soldier accounts I heard are correct, it's possible they already knew Germany was going to lose the war and just wanted to push the Soviets back as much as possible under the guise of defeating Germany and ending the war. The Americans probably knew the soviets were working on Nukes.
I think WWII had a lot more to do with defeating the Soviet Union without starting another war than it did with Germany. I think in the start, it was certainly about German aggression, but by about 1943, Europe started to realize Stalin was a bigger threat.
It would collapse within 30 years
Authoritarian empires don't last.
See: the Soviet Union
U.S has lasted, Rome lasted a long time, Egypt was authoritarian lasted 7000 years.
When is the third season going to be released?
go back to Burning Man Bernout. But seriously, examples like Rome and Egypt don't really work because they existed in a much different time without things like mass literacy and mass communication. Its much harder to maintain an imperialistic totalitarian regime when your people can talk to the people in your rival countries within seconds.
What is every regime ever before the (((enlightenment)))?
The Roman Republic collapse to the Empire, and the Empire started to collapse around 300 AD with Constantinople.
>still wont show his real flag
im now certain that youre mentally retarded
Italians born in Italy are Italian also of course north Italians have Germanic blood do you need a lesson in geography too?
I would take it over what we have now
Japan would never be able to take any part of the mainland U.S maybe Hawaii but not the mainland, rest of it seems pretty accurate
Just because rich white men who wrote all the diaries said America was free doesn't mean it was. If you were the following you were treated like dirt and enslaved basically
>Thought differently
>rich white men
nigger detected
I'm not black
show your flag
what meme shit is this. If the axis won ww2 they still wouldnt have done shit to the usa and we would own even more land.
Fascism is an explicitly and openly totalitarian ideology, and politically there is no greater purpose than liberty.
I don't think so. You fought against the Axis so you would have been split like Germany was.
Wait there is a show? Is it good?
Unlikely, the Axis did not have the ressources to enforce this.
In the show the Germans have nukes before americans and bomb the shit out of Washington D.C., so US surrenders.
Canada is free because the Nazi's fear the Canadian warrior.
>There is no way Germany or Japan could have taken the US by force.
Not in WW2 without having some massive nuke advantage, no.
>The only way the Germans could have won WWII is by allying with the US to push back against the Soviets.
No, allying the Brits or defeating said brits in 1940 would've done the trick.
>If the Germans won in the Western front, they would have lost the Eastern front and most of Europe would have become part of the Soviet Union.
Ludicrous. Actually emailed Nigel Askey, a historian who's writing a very large collection on Barbarossa and it is his belief that without a Western front, German victory in the east was nearly assured. Having all the extra planes, FlaKs, and garrisons (manpower) would've made all the difference. Instead of investing so much in Subs, those men (~60/uboat so 12 tanks + crew/uboat) could've served in the Panzerwaffe. He even believes that the Germans had a very good chance if Britain was still in the war yet no LL was sent. He even thinks Germany could've won in 1941 historically.
>Canada would be assigned to whomever took the UK at the time, or the US would have taken it by force.
Unless the scenario is heavily altered (mass internal US problems, etc) Canada being occupied by the US is nearly guaranteed.
>I doubt Germany and Japan could have started a land war with the US and won, it's a big, rich, developed country to take by force, across the ocean.
Correct. That doesn't mean they would've lost either, just a stalemate. Even Hitler acknowledged that this was too much for his generation. What likely would've occurred is a Cold War where a detente is reached in 30 years at most
it is alright, but the book is better.
>tfw no anime
>da vinci was German
The US joined only because of Roosevelt. Had Roosevelt not run third term or Huey Long survived, it's likely that the US doesn't get involved. Especially if FDR gets shot in 1933 and the New Deal never goes through.
Hell, had FDR flatly told Churchill that the US would not enter the war in 1940 like Churchill had asked in the June of 1940 instead of being noncommittal, Britain may have sued for peace. If not then, then after a German victory of England or the fall of Gibraltar, or Malta, or Egypt
*Victory over England
That is retarded no way those grey islands are not Reich
Even Mexico is begging for take over
That's a literal nightmere.
>Da vinci was Nordic source
suspicious website= source
show us your flag negro
>wahh wahhh its not the site i go to
your source is trash
why are you so embarrassed of your country?
>literally most educated place on the web
why are you avoiding my question?
>why are you so embarrassed of your country?
It's irrelevant, im a global citizen.
ok man enjoy your global citizenship
into the trash
Germans having ideas of bringing raperefugees more easily 100 years than inviting them for MSM and allowing rubber raperefugees boats
Based Germans.
What of Francos Spain?
what the fuck do you think he is
another bogged down amerimongrel
Now I'm curious as well, show your flag, buddy