War with Pakistan is coming

>Donald Trump criticized Pakistan for allegedly harboring "agents of chaos" and providing safe havens to militant groups waging an insurgency against the US-backed government in Kabul.

>And he said the situation “must change immediately” as US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned reporters that Washington would consider cutting aid to Pakistan if things did not improve.

>But the comments have been met with fury from the government, with the National Assembly now unanimously passing a resolution calling on the state to cut ground and air supply lines to the US-led NATO mission.

Just the other day the Pakistani government suspended talks with the US, and then begged China for assistance.

If they cut our our supply lines to Afghanistan we will have no choice but to declare war.

Today the US secretary of defense announced that we have thousands more troops in Afghanistan than previously disclosed.

We are about to witness the first war between nuclear armed states.





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It's the same old Great Game as world powers have played in the region for a thousand years.

Of all the happenings, this is a third-tier one.

Our lines were cut back in like 2009 or so....it just sucked for a while. It won't last. It's a nothing burger, just an attempt to renegotiate our deal

>Pakistan's nukes get smacked with PGMs before they can launch or "disappear"
>flatten Islamabad with impunity
I suspect this is how it's going to happen.

It's different this time. We gave them an ultimatum. They refused to deny terrorists a safe haven.

Pakistan and the terrorists that operate under their protection are a direct threat to not only US national security, but to the entire world.

Pakistan has a nuclear arsenal that is just one bad day away from falling into the hands of terrorists.

These are the same faggots who got mad when we took out Bin Laden. Why aren't they glass yet?

I have no idea why y'all still support those fucking faggots

>Why aren't they glass yet?
We haven't had a real leader over the past 8 years or so.

Take their nukes Trump! The civilised world depends upon it!

We """support""" Pakistan because it keeps their nukes out of terrorist hands and they let us have nearby bases for Afghanistan. Both of those seem to be in jeopardy, hence IT'S HAPPENING.

typical burger talk. you just want to kill people, why dont u kys yourself instead

t. butthurt jihadi

Big if true



>Inb4 the Russians or Chinese use the conflict as cover to nuke a us fleet letting pakis take the blame

But yeah. This has been an inevitable collision for a while. Isolating us troops in Afghanistan would be the perfect and expected casus belli.

Yes yes goy go after Pakistan, so me and my buddies can collect sheckles

t. butthurt arab

Not happening. Pakistan is not Afghanistan or Iraq. Relatively strong armed forces with nukes. China would intervene in case of war. Deep state in US likes Pakis.

Pakistan does more than harbor agents of chaos.

While I was on Taskforce on the Afgh/pak border we had instructions to shoot on sight any Pakistanis who had crossed over into Afghan territory and to kill any pakistanis over the border that were harboring or assisting in crossborder attacks.

I met a guy who worked the border just further north and said he wasn't allowed to shoot at the Paki military despite them mortaring their positions constantly.

>Relatively strong armed forces with nukes. China would intervene in case of war. Deep state in US likes Pakis.
Wrong. They have nukes but they're weak as fuck.

Serious question, Does anyone like Pakistan other than China?


Much like it was in Iraq with plain clothes Iran Al Quds leaking over the border. in RC E we had plenty of plain clothes paki military wind up getting killed in gunfights with NATO/ISAF.

Need to go after the boy-fuckers in afghanistan too. Nothing will change until they're all shot in the head.

If it happens then India is going to have a field day with the Pakis.

Didn't USA give Pakis nukes?




Probably Saudis. Pakis are their helots.

What's going on in these pics?

Fckk the paki. On 9/11, they were in their shit-filled streets celebrating the attack. Making those ridiculous goddamned monkey muslim noises like a troop of desert boons.

Why would they even bother with a collapsible stock? LOP looks to long for chinks even when fully collapsed.

First pic is new Chinese assault rifles. Likely developed for export.

>War with Pakistan is coming
That will never happen. Pakistan has nukes.

Burger governments have been supporting Pakis since 1950s.

Latest Chinese weaponry.

> How quickly we forget they denounce terrorist groups for and helped end iraq war

>These are the same faggots who got mad when we took out Bin Laden.
>he thinks that raid was without agreement with paki government
>he thinks that Osama was killed that day
>he thinks that was not PR stunt with smoke and mirrors to elect Obama

Kurd militia member with H&K rifle. Pic was collected for a grey arms market project.

2nd pic is as the other user said. Chinese assault rifle.

that they transport around in vans.

>they denounce terrorist groups for

>We """support""" Pakistan because it keeps their nukes out of terrorist hands
You really got yourself and entire world into corner arming muslim savages with nukes.

They developed the nukes themselves.

All of congress is to be briefed on North Korea, Afghanistan, and likely Pakistan, on next Wednesday.



Blame the Brits.

Archive or screenshot please

stop embarrassing us.

It's just so the media may pick up Awan case. Since he`s ISI

>Litterally denounced terror group in 24 hour of Sept 11 helped for our fight against iraq.

The Pakistan problem has to deal with education. Theere is few formal education and thus a black market in labour. The only education is control by Muslims school that breed jihad since they will get no job and only good paying is jihad. We have used Pakistan for our fight many times.

The problem with Pakistan is that it's a nuclear armed state with an unstable government that's been infiltrated by Islamic extremists.

Pakistan is no ally of the US.

55% of Pakis in the U.K. are inbred (BBC). That means about 90% of them are.

I will fight for any nation that wages war against this menace.

No you faggot, It not infiltrated. Go read a book you fag the problem with Pakistan is that a majority of education which is shit levels is temple school run by extremists.

US really gave birth to dragons with all that USSR hate
You were so eager to create monsters ro combat ''Communism" which are x10 more dangerous than old and cold USSR. Fucking CIA.

Remember OPSEC? I think you should.

It's a corrupt Islamist shit hole with no hope of reform short of civil war.

Building more schools isn't going to do a damn thing.

This how you spell "infiltrate" in other words. You got same problem with left spilling from universities into everything.

If the US (and therefore the UK) went to war with Pakistan I would be like a dog with two dicks. I think it's massively unlikely though, this thing about CIA and ISI being against each other is obviously bullshit.

Just remember, the Chinese reverse engineered the weapons technology you sold to them and cancelled any further orders that wrecked your economy. The CIA do not represent the interests of the American peoples.

they're more likely to go to war with india you retard
fuck, the USA had to step in the last time they almost had a fucking nuclear conflict, though I'm guessing they didn't teach your retarded ass that in school

>post yfw you realize the taliban aren't the bad guys

>American education
mmh, yeah, and I bet IS just popped right up out of the ground, yeah?

>there being a bad and a good side in any war
what are you, 12?

go back to /sg/

Problem is that they tend to keep their warheads in unmarked convoys moving around the country

While that won't work forever (they'll have to move the warheads to the missiles, etc.) Pakistan might "lose" some to a few jihadis just to say 'fuck you" to the US

Pretty much. Pakistan has a long history of instability, and the thought of a Pakistani collapse/civil war/Islamist coup has weighed heavy on the minds of the superpowers, especially after Pakistan's nuclear capability became known.

no u

> Taliban. A group that banned, singing, music, dancing, radio, television, computer games, comics, drinking...
>Aren't the bad guys.

So all it takes is a few rogue elements to hijack one of these nukes? Are they moved around loaded on missiles or just warheads?

Problem is that we work with them. It's fucking disgusting.

I'd have to dig up the link, but a while back a Green Beret got court-martialed for beating up either an Afghan officer or an allied warlord because the Afghan kept raping boys. The Afghan did it on a U.S. base IIRC, and the Green Berets could actually hear it going on. They reported it multiple times, but were told to ignore it.

Fucking subhumans

both the russians and the americans and the chinese, hell, pretty much everyone with a large nuclear program has a couple "loose nukes" floating around
I believe there's even one off the coast of Georgia that was never recovered, just sitting there off the coast near a city that could go off at any time

>So all it takes is a few rogue elements to hijack one of these nukes?

>Are they moved around loaded on missiles or just warheads?
Dissembled and moving constantly in unmarked vans. Occasionally they stop at a military base and switch vans to obscure location.

>denies the jew
>bad guys

not everything is about the jews you retard

Our Georgia or the Soviet Georgia?

There was one incident in my state where a bomb actually got dropped after a B-52 blew up in midair. They recovered most but not all of it, and they found that three of the four safety mechanisms had failed. Spooky shit.

I'm old enough to remember the news reports of people all over Pakistan celebrating the day the towers fell on 9/11. I can even remember the video footage of them dancing in the streets. I found out later that Pakistan sent out the army to stop them protesting because they didn't want to get fucked up by the US military. None of this was reported by the MSM. It makes be angry to this day... why would western media protect Pakistan when they hate the west so much.

I hope Trump bombs them into the fucking stone age, which DESU wouldn't be much of a change for them.

>reverse engineered
they always have our files because we let them walk around anywhere
they don't need to reverse engineer a damn thing

US Georgia

This shit makes me ashamed to be American. The fuckin kikes rule us with an iron fist. We dish out terrorists, train them and arm them and give them money and nukes, and then act like they're the enemy, but we created them to begin with,and continue to propel them as puppets. Boogeymen for the greater Israel project. And when it goes down and Israel is attacked, they'll nuke us all.

>Israel and America are the terrorists with nukes.

I once got to visit a naval shipyard that was opened to the public for a day. Every where you looked there was a chink with a giant high tech camera taking a picture of anything and everything. We literally let them in.

t. butthurt arab

nah it looks about the maximum functional size to me, my best friend is half filipino and like 5'6

Pakistan have MRBMs, Cruise missiles capable of carrying nukes. US would never dare to touch them.

Furthermore China backs them.

US regime will only squirm like pigs if Pakistan cuts route to Afghanistan.


You're next T*rk.

American born cis white male actually. I'm sick of living in Jewmerica. Unfortunately, there's nowhere else to go.

I'm guessing you are too underage to know about Dr. AQ Khan ?

this never gets old


if i were in charge this sort of retard shit would end
who lets this shit happen? prosecute them.


There are too many feeble minded neets on Sup Forums

Pakistan's nuclear achievements are mind blowing. Despite the poverty, sanctions and shortages these guys build the bomb. And now, some retards go as far as claiming that Americans gave them the weapons.

Dumb retards.

I hope they mess with Pakistan and get nuked.

Think about it Norgay, your right next door to Pakistan, you would be the first to get nuked


and its allegedly still out there too, ready to go off at any moment since 1958

>Furthermore China backs them.
isn't that a bit disputed because they bicker over territory too?

Nah, Pak-China is Mil/Econ tight buds...

But holy smokes man off by just one?

Like, "Russia-China" tight or "Germany-Austria" tight?
And yeah, apparently the get was for a "tits or gtfo" post, good shit

yah, Paki Military industrial complex seem to be doing a bang up job against all odds including internal politics...take their Babur 3 SLCM for instance, becoming only the 6th nation on earth to be able to produce one was kinda mindboggling