/HFG/ - Hurricane Harvey Houston Flood General: They ded Edition

PASTEBIN: notehub.org/b1v5b

Mandatory and Voluntary Evacuations, Shelter Information:
(Let's try this again)


Recent updates:
>Port Arthur is underwater, flooding fast, reports of upstream levee may breach, possible flash flood
>Emergency personal, trucks and boats incoming
twitter.com/search?f=tweets&q=port arthur&src=typd&lang=en

Harris County Official Rundown
>Major flooding continues
>Shelters are filling up fast.
>Curfew 12am till 5am
>Officers cannot access calls
>Multiple people trapped
>Fatalities are being called
>High-Water rescues and Airlifts taking place now
>Active looting and armed robbery continues
>National Guard, Cajun Navy, USCG, US Navy, and Border Patrol On-Site

Addicks Reservoir Rundown
>Water being released from Barker and Addicks Reservoirs
>Water depth at Addicks dam is 109.07 feet and rising
>Dam Edge: Highest 115.5 feet, Lowest 108 feet
>Lower edges overspilling
>Upstream levees may be breaching

Addicks Reservoir Levels Monitoring
>Harris County

Real Time Info on Rain and Water Levels
>National Weather Service Houston:
>Storm Visualization:
>Houston Transtar - road cameras:

Local MSM Streams
>KHOU 11 Live Stream – Alternate Studio Up
>Houston Flooding - Fox 26 Local News Live
>KFDM Southeast Texas Channel 6 Live

Other urls found in this thread:



first for gatoraids

Where's Daddy Edition

Bro it's over



>implying he was around

Beaumont + Port Arthur rescues still happening.

Houston = no happenings

Chem plant might still explode.

So what's next? any incoming cities about to get flooded or is it pretty much over and time to collect bodies?

At the store, forever.

My guess is they haven't see daddy in some time.

Post doomiest photos

Crikey i just finally fukken got down t houston wheres the fukken crocs im gonna wrassle the first croc i see

>Chemicals in plant will degrade and lead to a fire or explosion within next 6 days, warns @Arkema_Inc CEO.


But the fun is just beginning
>nogs nigging
>chemicals blowing
>gators snapping
>marshals lawing
You think it's over. I say it hasn't even begun

Which plant?

600 gators on the loose

No way the death toll is only 20 right?
My hamster drowned when I was a kid in a small puddle that had formed in my garden when he escaped. We didn't find the body until 1 week later when the puddle evaporated and by that time insects had eaten most of the corpse. My dad kept the body to serve it to me for dinner when I misbehaved (I'd go to bed hungry). How many bodies are hidden beneath the water? Does the average American home have a number of escape routes?

I heard an airplanes were underwater flooded?

Martian law?

thread theme:


They need to start cutting open some gators

delayed happenings suck

Does this include the 350 from the gater meat farm?

in Crosby

yes. my bad


an organic peroxide plant, read: highly sensitive shock-sensitive explosives in industrial amounts

which stream is best right now?

Me and my guys taking a break right now to clean the water out of my AR and plate carrier, getting something to eat, recharging my radios, refueling and changing out the propellers on our my mudboats. We'll be back out patrolling the Houston area within an hour. We've already pulled 43 bodies out of the water, rescued 62 people, treated 20 medically, and have run off to many looters to count.

Me and my buddies been taking care of a thirteen year old girl for the last 37 hours now. that we found injured on a feeder road. I found her Parents drowned in their car. They were bloated so they've been there a while.

I've been rendering medical aide to the girl since then and trying to plan a route to one of the Medical Centers. Our propellers keep getting fucked by underwater debris. I've tried to contact Texas Highway Patrol, Houston PD, National Guard and Coast Guard multiple times to come get her and haven't heard nothing back. We've been calling the phone numbers of family members that Lily gave us non-stop and we're having no success. I'm starting running out of morphine, hydromorphone, antibiotics, saline, sterile bandages and medical tape. I don't know when I'll be able to stock up on medical supplies again.

Information: First name: Lily-Anna. Middle name: Raelyn, Race: Caucasian Non-Hispanic, Age: 13. Birthday: 4/6/2004. Home Location: Inverness Forest area. Lily hasn't given me her surname. I'm hoping someone on here can help. We're two miles west outside of the Northwood Pines area right now in the only dry area. I'm trying THP and USCG, again. Lily's in pretty bad shape. I had to give her a breathing tube in a mudboat. She had a puncture wound to the lower chest that I've flushed out and examined. It doesn't look like her lung was punctured but she still has labored breathing.

Houston should have a wet t-shirt contest

someone set up a betting pool on what day it will be

it'sthe 600 from an alligator rescue farm

Carlos? What happened?

>meanwhile nearby

Talked with a friend who got flooded out, she said some people we work with were evacuated from some apartments where the northern reservoir is and they said that the fire department told them that there was a crack in the levy and if they didn't evacuate and the levee broke they would not be able to get them out.

the search continues...

He's probably in Louisiana

>That image

If there actually is one, he's already on his way to join the FFL or buying a new identity.

mods must want texas containment spilling and sperging into elsethreads

Hostoun is spic central right.
Do mexicans put bars on their windows like people do in spain ?
this could mean alot more casualties as people cant exit their house

if you could not post something that makes me angry and depressed in one go that would be nice

You guys took in the hot mexican refugees with big asses right?

>gracias señor Burger!

It's true that niggas can't swim

is it possible the water will be gone by then and roads will be accessible ?

>nearly 1000 formerly captive gators in addition to wild gators

Mexicans are fine. They turn white after 3 generations, they are family oriented, and Christian. But a lot of nigger put bars on their windows in Houston.

poetic image desu.


REMINDER: Cesspools breeding AIDS carrying mosquitoes, GatorAIDS, bullsharks (most likely with AIDS), and floating colonies of biting/stinging fireAIDS ants are all pieces to the AIDSpocalypse puzzle in TX. Keep your dicks out of the flood waters...

You cant force a happening for only Kek knows the day and the hour

he probably went to stock up on cigarettes before the storm

Reminder: The ride never ends.

HIV doesn't work like that does it? I thought the flooding out would kill it.


>950 gators
>The gators begin fucking

>who has the small dick now?

i thourght it was some spanish thing
when i went to spain everey house had bars on the windows even tough my area was a quiet posh suburb that disnt seem to have any crime
i've lived in a ghetto of london and there was no bars

he posted a video a couple hours ago


LOL he was gone LONG before the hurricane.

in this area, it's a lot of 1 story houses. some percentage of people are just going to be asleep/disabled/stupid. they'll either drown quickly, or slowly from hypothermia.



It's very common in parts of latin america as well

sleep tight flooder

Basically you only see them here in areas that are crime infested. Houston is littered with very safe areas as well as not-so-safe ones....

Does it matter? The new biggest pool in the USA is closed due to AIDS. That's all we need to know.

Pakistan is about to get glassed

>My dad kept the body to serve it to me for dinner when I misbehaved
Sorry what


I hoped for another hurricane

well then see you Sup Forums

Where do they shit? Imagine stuck on a room with a 100 people and no toilet

why does the US literally go under water during hurricanes
dont they got water dams?

godspeed my precious gators, go for the melanin-enriched snax

katrina pic. waste of digits.

Why so much aids?

I actually don't understand why US coast isn't filled with similar dams like NLs


When I went outside this morning (my street is flooded) it smelled weird. Took me a second to place it...death, rotting bodies.
This fucking sucks.

As punishment he kept the corpse in the freezer
If I misbehaved at school he would not cook dinner and instead put the frozen dead hamster (which had frozen bugs inside) on the plate and say 'that or nothing'.
I tried to eat it maybe 10 times but everytime it made me wretch, and I was punished like this at least 150 times in 5 years or so until the hamster was crushed by a tub of ice cream

any beaumont anons here? is spectrum internet down for you? i live near westbrook and its been down for 2 days. still have power. also sprint 4g towers arent working since this morning so stuck with 3g


How would the bars stop people from escaping? It only takes a couple seconds to swing them out of the way.

Jesus bro..

Good luck with that.. I mean, if all else fails.. Slave girl?

wtf man

Don't worry the next hurricane will wash away the smell.



Take pictures you dumb fucking idiot.

Was your dad Josef Fritz?

Carlos...you a bitch I'm glad all your shit is ruined. Now go curl up in a corner somewhere and cry like the lil bitch you are

Oh god.
I wish Lily the best , rip parents


just kill five people, put them in your freezer and feed them to your dad next time he comes over


AIDS is like all-spice. It makes everything more palatable.

are you near the Parkdale Mall?