Good Jew Thread

Post any decent jew who almost has no involvement in their master plan, I'll start with pic related. On top of always being hilarious, he has attacked political correctness multiple times in the past.

Other urls found in this thread:

Larry King, despite being a media Jew, has always struck me as an innocent fella who just loves broadcasting and a good chit-chat.

My favourite jew and arab at the same time.


Best one i could find

Mel Brooks is alright.

>inb4 ashes


Larry David and Mel Brooks, I'll always like them. I don't care.

Fred Leuchter

All these posted are wrong.
Only two are Brother Nathanael and Bobby Fischer.

Felix Mendelssohn
Great composer

What's the deal with jews? I mean they control the world but they still have to eat Chinese food on Christmas.



I like Harrison Ford as an actor.
I like Jennifer Connelly as a hot babe.
I like Adam Sandler for his stupid comedy movies.


That's probably wrong. They pull strings for eachother behind the scenes. Im sure Seinfeld has written recommendation letters for his fellow tribesman, and regularly attends Bar Mitzvahs and the like.

I believe him to be sincere and well intentioned, even though I don't agree with a lot of what he says.

I like his autistic dedication to what he believes to be true. He will whine about Trump for ages but will also go full race realism and arm himself to the teeth while shittalking muzzies.




please user i just woke up, its too early for bait

Basically every normal middle class jew that isn't a liberal

James Goldsmith. Billionaire from a banking Jewish family but he spent millions campaigning against the EU and globalism before he died.

so this is what I don't get
where does Sam Harris fit into the whole SJW/anti-SJW palaver?
one side hates him for being a racist islamophobe
the other side hates him for suffering from trump derangement syndrome and also being a liberal atheist jew
well he can't be both an SJW cuck and an anti-SJW shitlord so what the fuck is going on?
can't poor Sam find a home on either side?

How the fuck did he get his voice so high?


Melvin Kaminsky

Someone has been watching norms show

Norman Finkelstein

>no good jews

>tfw no jewish Stacy gf

shut up kike. every "normal middle class jew who isn't a liberal" is almost 100% of the time a zionist subverter. loyal to boomer neocons and their tribe. ALOMST as bad as globalists, equally as worthy of being gassed.


>100% of the time a zionist subverter.
.t neckbeard who never leaves his house and doesn't know any jews in real life
Most jews secretly hate nignogs and jewish parents will freak if their kids marries one. Give me ONE example of how the average middle class jew is a "zionist subverter". You have to be paranoid as fuck the believe this.


Roy Cohn

So like Christians with other Christians?

That's what happens when you tip toe through the tulips.

You'll notice his voice is much lower when he get herpes

This guy must've been on more levels of irony than Sam Hyde. If I remember correctly he would just start twitching for no reason during his performances.



Coalburner, married to mulatto Jordan Peele.


>Jews have gotten so evil that you have to go as far back as the Bible to find good ones


Jesus is also pretty decent. He tried to get jews to be less jewey.

Most people don't know hitler was Jewish. One of the best IMO.

Muhammed was my favourite though. That motherfucker was shalom.

“2010 Dems lost the House, 2012 Dems lost the Senate, 2016 Dems lost the White House, 2017 Dems lost ability to reason, It’s not Russia, it’s YOU!"- Rob Schneider

does anyone have that picture of the jews in the wtc in boxes full of explosive materials?

Stanley Kubrick gets a pass

god damn it


*also he's dead

If we are to judge Jews as we judge "good Muslims" and "good nignogs" then you can follow it to a logical conclusion. They know the plan, yet keep it to themselves. Jesus gave up the secrets of the Jew. He's the only "good Jew"

Only living one

Bobby Fischer was /ourguy/ too

Murdered for exposing the satanic jews

He's dead though, sorry.

>Refuses to shake the hand of goyim
Is Seinfeld /ourguy/?

Stephen Miller is alive

This guy shilled heavily against Ron Paul (and Im pretty sure he came close to being a never Trumper, not supporting him at all during the primaries). Levin is not on our side.

Benjamin Friedman

IIRC Levin definitely did go Never-Trumper

I used to know the magician/comedian Jerry Sadwitz before he got famous, and I used to get LSD for him. He is great at the magic, he used to train himself by making 50p coins "materialise" in your hand. As you stood there flabbergasted (he was that good), he'd just walk away, leaving you with the coin. He is foul-mouthed on stage whe doing his comedy, but was always polite and humble in real life.
He also hates PC shit and muslims, is not afraid to call them out.
tl;dr = based Jew magician GIVES MONEY AWAY!!!

Anti trans
Pro 2A
Pro life
Against identity politics

ben is based


>Best jew

thats just called being a decent person. you might not understand this, but most people try to improve their community, instead of getting rich from sports or diamonds and getting the fuck out

gibs israel MOAR SHEKELS
not based



Also pro-white genocide

Exactly why you push them on us, because you know it destroys culture.

This is an Israel firster-fuck him.

Stephen Miller

where is your proof of this?

Charlotte Gerson and her father Max Gerson.
The Gersons discovered how to heal cancer through juice fasting and coffee enemas.

Neocons are Jewish hucksters

geddy lee of rush. works with 2 goys, lets neal peart write lyrics, rips the bass, works hard.

Cannot stand his voice. Really good bassist, but fuck his voice is nails on a chalkboard.

F L Y by night

Edward Siskel- corporation counsel for city of chicago. Is hired for the most unpleasant of situations and is by all accounts a principled man. i couldn't dig any dirt on him. I used logical inference as his cousin is gene siskel who is a russian jew.

i concede that the voice is hit or miss. I've been a fan forever without knowing he was a jew and have accepted the higher pitch of his voice.


You could always hear Miller's voice coming through Trump's best speeches. He did more to get Trump elected than anyone else.


I came here to post this. I have such dislike for the Jews on a whole, but I really think Larry David is funny, and he's never said anything that pissed me off.

Technically a shiksa since it's her father's side.

Did he say that?

he's a legit autist.

yeah but as making fun of the retards who yell that out loud all the time
Neocons were started by fucking Trotskyites

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Just a reminder jews play both sides of the coin
They never play dice tho (6. Sides)
Bernie and trump xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ford is a jew?

In all my life I have only seen two jews I could actually call "Men" every other male jew is just a boy in appearance & behaviour.
Those two were Bill Goldberg & Andrew Dice Clay.