5 years ago

>5 years ago
>let New Jersey fend for themselves we are not a social country. Sandy is tragic but we can't just give them this money

>oi vey please help send us aid and relief funding. Remember we must all help each other in our time of need

How does this weasel live with himself

Other urls found in this thread:


Butthurt liberal

Chris Christie demolished him on CNN

>implying sandy hook was a legitimate event
kek into the wastebin it falls

Checked. Archive or screenshot please.



Hello ratto

Hurricane sandy you tard

fake news

It's a video on the web page, which I don't think works with archive services anyway.

I don't like CNN any more than you but I doubt they're making bucks off some random dweebs on Sup Forums who probably have ad blockers anyway.

>by using my cruz missiles in the coast guard i will save all of the texan delegates, dahnald
>you can't stop me now, dahnald

A Republican only looking out for himself?
Wow never happened before

Hurricane Sandy was pussy shit

t.jew york/jew jersey native


50 billiin$ gibs
2/3 pork
Cruz did nothing wrong
Move along

Cruz supports aid. Not big bullshit bills that don't actually go towards the cause.


You're probably from Mercer or something. I'm a Jersey boy from the shore and we were fucked we are still cleaning up from sandy and there still entire sections of towns on the shore that are completely uninhabitable. I was without power for over 2 weeks after

Did Obama tell you that?

I cant believe whats happened to Sup Forums, its been invaded by christian red state faggots whos dad told them to be republican over the years. you guys must have really failed at getting your american dream.

>implying Sandy was anywhere near as bad as Harvey

Now that alt right is becoming the norm amongst Sup Forums and other internet communities I'm sure Sup Forums will shift back to the left as is it's contrarion nature

>Trump should talk to the victims, it'll make things better somehow
>Ted Cruz didn't go out during Sandy
>Ted Cruz asks people to donate to Harvey victims
>Trump doesn't need to go out in a disaster zone, its not gonna help anything

I'm hearing all kinds of mixed things.

Let's be based: goin gout there and huggin someone doesn't help anyone. Obama did it, Bush did it, it just doesn't mean much. Ted Cruz could sit on the toilet and donate a lot of money if he wanted, it'd be more helpful. What is this thread? How do we carry on this conversation?

>receiving any kind of handouts
Really makes one think about the degeneracy

Cruz voted against the Sandy relief bill because DemoRATS loaded it up with ALL kinds of extra spending that had nothing to do with hurricane relief. There was funding for NASA, Alaskan fisheries, museums, etc. in that garbage legislation because selfish GIBSMEDAT dems wanted to exploit the tragedy for their own pet projects.


Now fuck off back to leftypol you kike shill