What works of literature does Sup Forums recommend?
What works of literature does Sup Forums recommend?
Other urls found in this thread:
Harry Potter.
Just watch game of thrones.
All the usual suspects get recommended here in these threads, so before they get here this is one that is worth the read that doesn't get name dropped very often.
1984 is a good start. I'd recommend 'Animal Farm', 'Brave New World', anything by Philipp K Dick, Ayn Rand (if you can stomach it). Sun Tzu's 'The Art Of War'. The Rogue Warrior Series by Richard Marcinko (great for picking up ideas on unconventional tactics that can be applied in any field of operation, even meme warfare).
If we're going into non fiction, I'd also recommend the Book of Five Rings and the Hagakure alongside Sun Tzu.
Thank you! I knew there was something I missed!
Brave New World is much better, I'm not too much of a fan of dystopian novels though.
Just read Mein Kampf.
Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor
Free Download: archive.org
The Last Vampire on Earth , the novel
"The Passing of The Great Race" (1916) -Madison Grant | archive.org
"The Decline of The West vol. I" (1918) -Oswald Spengler | archive.org
"The Decline of The West Vol. II" (1923) -Oswald Spengler | archive.org
"The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy" (1920) -Dr. Lothrop Stoddard | archive.org
"Racial Realities in Europe" (1924) -Dr. Lothrop Stoddard | archive.org
"Mein Kampf" (1925) -Adolf Hitler | archive.org
"White Identity: Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century" (2011) -Jared Taylor
"The Jews And Their Lies" -Martin Luther | archive.org
"Meditations" -Marcus Aurelius | archive.org
"None Dare Call It Treason" (1964) -John A. Stormer
"World Thought Police 1986" -Yuri Bezmenov | archive.org
"The Gulag Archipelago" (1973) -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
"The Fairy Tales of The Brothers Grimm" (1916) | archive.org
absolutely nothing about Ayn Rand is based
>she likes capitalism
Zamyatin, Yevgeny - We. Being as you posted 1984.
Demian, By Herman Hess
"the little prince"
Comin through
Submission by Houellebecq
If you want a concise, well-documented, introduction to the 20th century, cultural marxism, and the degradation of the West from the Cold War until now... "None Dare Call It Treason" is particularly compelling and informative.
Understand that people predicted the situation we're in now.
America, awaken!
"What's Wrong With The World" -G.K. Chesterton | audio book: archive.org
by the time you finish reading these all your life will be over
whats the fucking point
theres no way you can truly read and digest all of those works in a meaningful way before retirement age
I got this ugly piece of shit cover from the one I ordered on a Fnac store in my city.
I'm not enjoying this as much as I was expecting. The way the world is divided seems too silly and there's no fucking way people would eat up the big brother the way they do in the book. That's not how humans work
Not being a low IQ peasant actually helps. With a little effort you can reach 2000 pages a month while working 40h a week and maintaining a gf, maybe do some other shit on the side like lifting weights.
Lmao @ you thinking that people actually remember big parts of books they read. Pieces of information will change your world view and you act accordingly. There is not test involved, you won't have to remember everything and you certainly won't have to read all of it. But taking the time and read through 30-40k pages over 5 years is worth it.
This is absolutely the ideal book for Sup Forums. No better or more suitable book will be posted itt.
Why does no one ever fucking post this in these threads:
The ultimate Sup Forums books archive that a bunch of people went through a lot of work to put together and no one ever takes advantage of it.
ffs forgot the pic
Pls only post things that is non-fiction please
I recommend the Disaster Artist, because it's hilarious.
>there's no fucking way people would eat up the big brother the way they do in the book. That's not how humans work
Do you not know about the clapping scene from the Gulag Archipelago?
The law by Frederic Bastiat
if you can understand asm code, you can hack elections.
All communist regimes work best when the intelligent and questioning ones are purged. The resultant member of the society is the perfect slave.
Admittedly, this outcome is so difficult to achieve (unless people are utterly distracted), that the Soviets created a program to experiment with human-chimpanzee cross breeds that would be strong, somewhat intelligent, but too stupid to question; with an undeveloped morality. archive.is
"I want a new invincible human being, insensitive to pain, resistant and indifferent about the quality of food they eat." -Stalin
Posted this in the other book thread, but it deserves all the visibility it can get.
idk if anyone else would recommend it, but I actually liked reading The Prince by Machiavelli.
I also liked The Stranger (Camus) and the Trial (Kaftka). Good stories imo.
I wish i could download this, but I need a zip code in Michigan.
the Talmud - beyond disgusting
(for oppo research)
Phenomenal books that talks about how, all across history, degeneracy and hedonism has been the root cause of the collapse of most civilizations.
For fiction:
Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment, and Notes from Underground
Tolstoy - The Death of Ivan
Chaucer - Canterbury tales
Dante - the Divine Comedy
Homer - The Odyssey
Shakespeare - First Folio
Voltaire - Candide
Cormac McCarthy - The Road
Prose Edda
Poetic Edda
For non fiction:
Spengler - Decline of the West and Prussianism and Socialism
Zappfe - Last Messiah
Unwin - Sex and Culture
Weber - Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Nietzsche - Genealogy of Morals, The Gay Science, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Death of Ivan Illyich*
Good one! Conservative revolution is palingenesis. en.wikipedia.org
(The empirically accurate premise of civilizations falling from degeneracy can also be found in the Bible)
more like pic related please
I've read all of those aside from City of God, Calvin, Montesquieu, the 2nd Hegel, and Adorno
Anything Tolkien
Game of Thrones is glorified smut
currently reading DMT the spirit molecule, the red pills are too insane - worried reading this book is gonna make me crazy
>Kurt Vonnegut
I'm surprised to see him in this collection, great writer but a hippy at heart.
Game of Thrones is really overrated. Even the so called plotting and politics is shit. It can't compare to Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler (1925). A great read! Highly interseting!
Look at those newfags whinning.
Are Cops Racist and The Burden of Bad Ideas by Heather MacDonald
These two short books are pretty much a hatefact altright starter kit. They're ten years old and screamingly relevant. Heather MacDonald is like Ann Coulter without the hype.
Kindly Inquisitors by Jonathan Rauch
This is the single best one-volume defense of the First Amendment. Sadly, it was written against first wave PC in the early nineties: it is still distressingly relevant and has proven prophetic. Wierdly, the author (a consistently interesting guy to remember, he's currently working on the idea of reforming labor laws) is a black-fancying gay Jew, like that other famous free speech advocate.
Drakon by SM Stirling
Hilarious satirical novel in which limousine leftists line up to Quisling to a world conquering genetically engineered super-redhead.
t. never read anything by or about Ayn Rand except infographics on Sup Forums
>t. stupid faggot
Thank God you live in Bongistan so that you can't vote in our elections.
Here's my small library. I recommend all.
The Art of War
Starship Troopers
The Republic
Fahrenheit 451
Brave New World
Animal Farm
Mein Kampf
Gone With the Wind
The Prince
48 Laws of Power
Any polacks enjoy any of these? I'm planning to get
On the Jews and their Lies
Libido Dominandi
Culture of Critique
For my Legionnaires
Patrician literature, coming through.
>Starship Troopers
i feel like this was ruined for normies because of that shittastic subversive (((movie))) but by god was that novel a red pill in and of itself
>48 Laws of Power
If you like this, I'd suggest reading the rest of his books, especially 33 strategies of war. If you think it's too similar to Art of War, then the Art of Seduction and even Mastery are worth reading.
Culture of critique
Democracy the god that failed
The bell curve
Thhhhhherno dick, traps aren't gay, that's the premise of his faggot book
Manufacturing Consent should be required reading.
If you are even 1% serious about meme magic you gotta read this
1984 was require reading in middle school for me about 10 years ago, thank God for it
1984 is very good and lately under-appreciated because of the misguided argument that it stopped being relevant in 1989. I adored Paul Midler's account of Chinese manufacturing mayhem, Poorly Made in China, which see, except when Midler tried to claim that Orwell was not relevant. He usually did so just pages away from an account of Chinese "capitalists" behaving like citizens of Airstrip One. What makes 1984 good in part is that is a quick accurate picture of how people behave in real commie societies, so supplement it with first hand accounts like Behind The Urals or Not By Bread Alone.
My state senator Jeff Merkley literally did this, referred to Trump as "The one who shall not be named". I hate my state government so much.
Generation of Vipers by Philip Wylie. The original redpill book.
I found one of the most important things that is overlooked in that novel is when he outlines the nature of revolution, and no matter who wins, the lows are always screwed over. But the term Orwellian is always taken to mean some vague notion of a surveillance state, but to me, Orwellian means the true nature and futility of revolution.
The Painted Bird
Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101
1984 and a brave new world where options of books I could have chosen to read in high school. 1984 was the first book I read cover to cover that truly changed my life. I was amazed by how many dumb asses in class couldn't make the connection between its alternative universe and today's society. Everyone including my teacher thought it was about Communism taking the world over, clearly now it is not. I reread it this year after Trumps election, everyone said it was about Trump, in reality it was about MSM, Hollywood, Hillary and the dems total control over American society and the world. They are even creating a new speak, google is banning wrong think, it goes on and on.
Is that fiction?
"Demons", or better translated as "Evil spirits" by Dostoyevsky. It's pretty much a caleidoscope of our guys and gals of the "progressive" left. From nihilism to literally Stalin. And it was written 40 years before the Octobre Revolution.
Reading Globalization in World History, ed. by A.G. Hopkins for a world history class (history major) and even though a lot of it goes over my head I find it really interesting
I don't think you understand what objectivism is faggot
Technically, but its based off of the Three Kingdoms era of ancient China.
Sit on it and spin, faggot....
Neat, as I mentioned , I'm a history major but honestly just starting to get into everything and Eastern history is pretty foreign to me. What's neat about the book I'm reading though is that it aims to describe globalization as a phenomenon apart from Western influences, so the Three Kingdoms may go hand in hand with some of that.
>read a book by a communist
Even if you don't agree with somebody, you deny yourself insight by refusing to read their works. You have to know your enemy, after all.
Culture of Critique is mandatory.
Well, reading Adorno did lead me to absolutely hate despise him. But it was a painful, unpleasent experience. And a teribble experience that a mind so sick and twisted could even exist. It was shocking.
There is a great description of this by the Orthodox priest and former history professor Fr Matthew Raphael Johnson. It really is this great "moment of clarity," this characterization of modernity and atheism and Jewish values and everything that we now take for granted and assume was always the case, from the vantage point of a then-uninterrupted traditional Western culture. One scene is about the costs of casual sex, with a young girl killing herself when she realizes that her lover was just harvesting a beltnotch: she does it in the room next to his, perhaps hoping he will hear and rescue her at the last minute.
Nah, theres too much shit out there, you need to protect your mind
Orwell wasnt a commie though, he got disillusionised by the spanish civil war
Not read him, may have to now.
I'm not saying read everything, but if something is revered and idolized by your enemy and they treat it as gospel, it's worth reading. Like Harry Potter and whatever fiction they are on about in the future, and books on communism and by modern activists like Alinsky.
As for Orwell, I'm aware he wasn't a commie, but I wasn't looking to be pedantic.
Friedrich Nietzsche and Arthur Schopenhauer.
No. That's true in principle but hardly necessary or possible for our purposes. Do you know the number of volumes in the official set of the collected works of Lenin? Do you know how many times Chomsky has rewritten the same damn book? Do you think that Stephen King has some big stylistic or thematic surprise in his next project?
I was just about to recommend
A necessary, short, readable, one-volume survey introducing every major left-wing thinker. Seriously, give this a shot, and then see if you still really want to hear every last thing that Lacan had to say.
One of the best things about this (beyond what been promised) is Scruton shows the little relations, the way the Parisian set all got into academic and non-revolutionary Marxism at around the same time, as a result of one lecturer, and then used their authority to spread it.
I presumed to correct you too soon and agree completely with this.
yeah its the shit moral-framework that ayn rand made up that a group of autistic lemmings follow today like sheep. objectivism and ayn rand is completely Jewish in that it COMPLETELY SHITS ON COLLECTIVISM. in fact Ayn (((Rand))) said herself that Racism was one of the most evil things in the world.
There is way too much content out there to bother with all of it, especially when so much of it is basically just regurgitation. I take an essentialist approach.
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Everybody on this board should read this at least once, it's a fucking prophecy.
>Mass immigration from the third world to the West
>Western peoples insistence on helping the "poor masses"
>Media covering up all of the times the "help" backfires
>Western-born shitskins enabling it
>Resurgence of Marxism
>Shitskins actively hunting down and displacing whites in France as a type of revenge for colonialism
>The handful of people who do fight back are crushed
It's amazing how close it is to the modern world.