About fucking time.
Paul Ryan FINALLY condemns ANTFA
Something is happening behind the scenes.
At first they were all siding with antifa. Now you see uniform, synchronized condemnation of Antifa - and not in reaction to a particular event. This means machinations are going on behind the scenes.
A: Trump has them by the balls and he's forced them to condemn
B: Trump cucked hard and is being a good goy and this is them calling of their attack dogs.
Remember this is the Shadow Gov/Deep State crowd, they always do this synchronized narrative shit. It's not organic the way they constantly criticized him over every little thing and suddenly started praising him because he lobbed a few missiles at Syria. That's a sign that jewy walnut sauce crowd are getting orders from above.
All the establishment ZOGites coming out of the woodwork to finally denounce antifa after weeks of denying their existence or wrongdoing can only mean one thing:
Antifa about to officially be declared a terrorist organization, and all the politicians are tryingto stay ahead of the wave and denounce before that happens as a form of damage control, now that the previous narrative has collapsed.
It could be that they saw the petition to declare them a terrorist org coupled with the Berkeley nonsense, but I'm more inclined to think this is them throwing a bone because of Trump's Afghan surge.
My thoughts exactly, user. Pelosi, Ryan, Feinstein...all at the same time. WTF is going on behind the scenes? Really activates my almonds.
you know how people cry about "controlled opposition" and "democrat plants" or "subversives" or "people secret jewish allegiances" a little too often?
paul ryan is definitely one of the cases where those people are really right. he is controlled opposition and he is a democrat. it's impossible not to believe this is so if you actually watch him and what he does. he is working against the republican and conservative (IE AMERICAN) agenda at any opportunity he has.
>It could be that they saw the petition to declare them a terrorist org coupled with the Berkeley nonsense
Hence what I said about narrative collapse. They see the narrative collapsing and an imminent declaration of being terrorists, so they're all quick doing a 180 (everyone from Pelosi to Ryan to WaPo) ASAP before it becomes official.
> but I'm more inclined to think this is them throwing a bone because of Trump's Afghan surge.
Very good point that I should've mentioned too. Every time so far that the media/establishment/ZOG have been favorable toward Trump, it's been after he's done something for them. For example, they were all sucking his dick after the syria strike. So that's a very real possibility too
Fucking cuckservatives man
When will Mitt Romney disavow?
i mean richard spencer, alex jones, lauren southern, sinead mccarthy, andrew anglin, milo yiannopoulos and every other right-wing personality gets labelled as "controlled opposition" by so many on the right and it sounds a little silly after a while
in the case of paul ryan, it is 100% true. he is a fucking paper target. his whole purpose is to crash the republican party from the inside out, and he is far from the only person in congress who has this agenda.
This is definitely bizarre, and not an organic response to something that just happened. Antifa did much worse stuff than this recent Berkeley event, and NOW all of a sudden all these politicians are coming out against them, instead of before. Something else must be going on.
Why are you so obsessed with Antifa getting what they deserve when the alt-right literally killed someone?
The alt-left assassinated 6 cops, and a Congressman. The alt-right hasn't come close to that level of carnage.
It's damage control because they know painting antifa as heroes is doing more to help the right than anything else. They're trying to stop the train before it comes off the tracks
It means we're winning
>when the alt-right literally killed someone
Yeah, in self defense
Trump cucked...that simple
Don't forget the three white people is Fresno
Definitely b.
>Why are you so obsessed with Antifa getting what they deserve when the alt-right literally killed someone?
That was one rogue guy that nobody knows where he came from, who acted contrary to the common behaviour of the Alt-Right, which has been entirely peaceful.
Antifa attacking people and acting like thugs is their method of operation and violence is what they do every time they show up.
This. I still can't believe there are people on Sup Forums still defending him. I say this as someone who enthusiastically endorsed him during the election season (yeah, I know my flag, we watch TV too). He's completely turned his back on his base and only about 25% of the people who voted for him in 2016 are going to vote for him again. What broke it for me was when Steve Bannon left but in retrospect he sold out way earlier.
>when the alt-right literally killed someone?
That was a commie that was killed, commies are not human.
I'm hoping its because Trump has them by the balls. But I think its more likely they saw they couldn't be controlled and how unpopular Anti Fa is despite being media darlings for 6mos. But the same could be said about CAIR, Sarsour and other islamists. So honeslty I'm at a loss for the sudden change
>Antifa about to officially be declared a terrorist organization, and all the politicians are tryingto stay ahead of the wave and denounce before that happens as a form of damage control, now that the previous narrative has collapsed.
This seems likely
Now we need destroy every Soros connected org, as well as any SJW apeasing org, and destroy all cultural marxism, forever.
When obese antifa are in attendance, this car grill does fat acceptance.
Turned a closed rally into an open circuit.
Elon Musk is asking how we sent that hamplanet into orbit.
>only about 25% of the people who voted for him in 2016 are going to vote for him again
Where did you get that from?
>not in reaction to a particular even
Didn't they chimpout at the Frisco/Berkerly demonstration last week?
>only about 25% of the people who voted for him in 2016 are going to vote for him again
Delusional, who else are they going to vote for? You don't understand, they will vote for Trump again easily as long as there is no better alternative.
paul ryan is a typical politician, just parrots whatever the papers print the previous day
fuck him
I agree. This is definitely fishy to have the establishment come out of nowhere and put focus on Antifa. I wonder what (((they))) have planned.
>About fucking time.
but he didn't condemn the antifa at charlottesville. somebody needs to get him on the record on that. does he condemn the antifa at charlottesville?
Nah faggots like Ryan just parrot whatever the papers are saying
Everyone is starting to see antifa is only helping Trump, so they've turned on them
TFW neither of those people are dead.
Also it's hilarious how all these dumb cuck politicians are now having to go back on what they said about Charlottesville
I wonder if Joe Biden will bend the knee too, or else he is literally supporting Antifa
>condemns Antifa
One down. 3 to go. They could save themselves the time and condemn Communism altogether.
>an anarcho-communist group is pack of attack dogs of globalist corporate shills in the government.
Literally what? The only thing they have in common is that they're both globalists.
Do we even know what she died of exactly?
He will never do that because 1) His hypocrisy would be exposed in plain daylight and 2) Leftists would be furious that anyone even dared to question the Charlottesville narrative
C. They're going against antifa to """prove""" that they're on the people's side.
Both are funded by Soros.
Antifa is funded by billionaire globalists who use them to destabilize countries and attack political parties that are inconvenient to their agenda.
antifa are the most blatant example of modern useful idiot for the establishment I can imagine.
antifa 'medics' giving her unneeded CPR probably
Jesus christ, it looks like a giant insect grub. I can't even differentiate any body parts or top from bottom except because of where the woman is doing compressions
And yes, it's unbelievably retarded to do compressions on a fucking trauma victim.
Imagine if this is actually true and the antifa medics go to jail for killing her
She killed herself with a shit diet leading to cardiac arrest.
Wrong. Antifa are clearly there to threaten countries to create a reaction on the right.
Otherwise, they'd have armed militias like ISIS.
what is escalation? the alt-right had a permit to protest. they were just there to give speeches. the antifags showed up (unlawfully) and started attacking people. tell your comrades to dial it back if you're so afraid of violence all of a sudden.
Notice how shields are the first (((weapon))) every outlet mentions. The most common thing there was a tool to protect yourself, and people still can't make the connection
The ADL did too, what a cohencidence. Bad PR for the jews.
Could it be anymore obvious that paul rino gets his talking points straight from the DNC? In the last week all the leftist mouthpieces have been coming out against antifa, even palosi. Has there even been a situation since Trump where paul went against the DNC narrative?
You know what's funny? Hours before any violence started I was reading post after post after post on other websites where some leftist faggots were saying "kill all nazis, only good nazi is a dead nazi, nazis should die in mass shootings, punch nazis" etc
Then shamoo croaked and the same people started screeching 'terrorism!'
I can't wait till the kid gets let off. He deserve it.
Paul Ryan is a shill, a traitor who has sold out our country and also a cunt.
Good Samaritan laws would most likely protect the person.
What the fuck do you think I've been doing? Do you really think the more rational left-wingers want the people with guns and knives and military experience to escalate their violence against us ten-fold? Of course some of us realize how bad an idea escalation is but nobody fucking listens to us, we don't have the money, the power, or the platform to "tell our comrades to dial it back"
we're helpless and people keep doing stupid shit and making it worse
don't blame us by association, some of us would just like peaceful non-violent solutions
>some of us would just like peaceful non-violent solutions
solutions to what? Free speech?
Then your side needs to stop proping up violent groups and holds signs and virtue signaling for these fucks. This includes BLM, welcoming Muslims with open arms, and open borders.
I feel for you, but this is literally what your party has become.
If your party is filled with crazy people, it's time to start rethinking who you want to be associated with.
>more rational left-wingers
what, all five of them?
>some of us would just like peaceful non-violent solutions
we're past that point, so I'd advise you to pick a side.
It's not a grand conspiracy, it's that they saw the writing on the wall and realized "Oh shit nobody in our constituency is for them". Not even leftist constituents - short of legit antifa themselves I've never heard leftists and anti-trumeprs I know speaking well of the Antifa.
When fucking Pelosi beats you to the bunch you have to start denouncing them as Breitbart type sites have even run with "Pelosi denounces Antifa before Paul Ryan does"
He's a corporatist. He doesn't give two shits about conservatism outside of fiscal (IE screw the poor, soak the rich) conservatism. He's not a religious conservative, he's not a nationalist conservative, he's just the worst stereotypical wall-street shark who wants to screw everyone over who isn't part of the crony establishment.
I mean think about what his autistic fixation is. Taxes, welfare cuts, taxes, Taxes, budget (aka taxes) TAXES TAXES TAXES. He's the right wing version of Berny sanders and his obsession about corporations.
Time to leave your party then. They've "progressed" to a place you're unwilling to go. Get a MAGA hat and stop being outraged about literally fucking everything.
That's not actually true. Samaritan laws don't protect you from incompetence. Many people are still criminally or civilly liable for damages caused when they do something so absolutely fucktard stupid that "i was trying to help..." no longer protects them. Things like moving a car crash victim and shaking their spine around a lot, for example.
Paradoxically, having actual CPR or medical certification makes you MORE likely to be sued and lose. Ignorance of medical procedure becomes a very weak defense when you're supposed to "know better." My own father saved some spoiled rich cunt from drowning when he flipped his speedboat. Dove in, recovered the stupid fuck from underneath the boat, and managed to resuscitate. Motherfucker sued over broken ribs (and won the first judgement, since juries are fuckwit morons) with his pet kike arguing that since he was Coast Guard trained he clearly must have done something wrong to cause further injury. Thankfully even though he was no longer in active service he "knew people" and the Guard hooked him up with better legal council which got the judgement reversed before it ruined him financially.
My own lawyers told us that it is a good idea to go to CPR training, but unless it's part of your job to NEVER sign off and accept your certification at the end of the course, because that certification may very well fuck you if you ever have to use it.
Trumped cucked. So the establishment went with his both sides narrative. He definitely lost the exchange imo. I think getting rid of bannon says good bye to nationalism
If Paul RINO Ryan promised the sun was coming up tomorrow, I'd buy a Mag-Lite and a case of batteries anyway.
It's not about "my side", I genuinely just don't have any control over other people's stupidity, I don't prop up violent groups, hold up signs, etc, that's committed by largely paid protestors (mentally ill and homeless on the bankroll) and you're holding us accountable for crimes we didn't commit
You need to dial down the us vs them mentality because it's hurting innocent people
I don't want to join a similarly violent extreme, I don't believe in violence as a solution
I don't believe in sides either and you need to realize you're all being pushed into a fight with us by the real puppetmasters, we want similar things, for the people who are exploiting us to answer for their crimes, but as long as we're fighting they'll never have to
paul ryan is a dirty jew and needs to be voted out.
Like right-wing, the establishment sees left-wing radicals as a threat too. This is because they want to DESTROY the current banking order.
This is nothing new. They were against Sanders. They were against Melenchon.
Can't be too hard to grasp.
its like trying to revive a waterbed.
What is the point of being a lefty these days? It's a party for the crazies and allows excuses to act like a degenerate and get gibmes for it.
>I don't want to join a similarly violent extreme
lol okay faggot
I think it is just that the Dems have had some polls done, of entirely Democrats, as usual, and discovered that 90% of Dems despise the antifa. They know that the further left and insane they get, the more voters they lose. They already have the insane far left vote guaranteed, and are making a rational decision to attempt to attract more moderate, rational voters.
Takut vittuun
Because I'm not willing to abandon my ideals to "join the winning team" because I'm not a turncoat
Yeah because I obviously shot Steve Scalise myself and it totally wasn't a paid hitman made to do it to further inflame tensions between me and you
Way too late. He clearly is an antifa sympathiser as well as a nazi apologist. We must remove this evil man
They are positioning themselves to be re-elected.
They are being put in an extremely awkward position now. They went all-in on the Trump resistance. Now the inmates are running the asylum.
you have no idea what you are. I have friends like you. What do you think the left is about guy? What do you think it's all really about for the left? What the fuck do you think you really are? Most people have good intentions, that doesn't make you special.
Paul Ryan is a worm
Don't insult worms. They aerate the soil.
>that one girl!
meanwhile, BLM has about 8+ cops and civilians shot and/or killed
muslim apologists are massively inviting islamic subversive terrorists
there was that anti-trump protestor who walked in his neighbor's house and killed him in front of his wife
antifa regularly violates the constitution through massive violent physical repression of free speech and the freedom to assembly, stabs cats, and crushes the skulls in of the disabled, women and attacks reporters and journalists with biological agents, using piss and feces and burning fluids into the eyes of literately anyone they single out
mainstream media is hyping on a cultural revolution using traitorous and subversive rhetoric to attempt a civil war and coup
federal agents are protecting higher level politicians from any push back
but let's worry about that one guy who attacked a girl even though violence and corruption is rampant
kill yourself
Why are you holding me accountable for the crimes of some random Muslim fucker? Is individualism truly dead?
It's not about "joining the winning team," it's about realizing that the DNC has lost their mind and it's imperative that they hold as little positions of power until the party gets cleaned out, or destroyed to allow a new party to rise. The Repubs are a bunch of spineless cucks, but it has to be this way for a bit if you care at all about the future of this country and any beliefs to the right of an SJW. Identity politics must die for everyone to move forward user.
They have been chimping out everywhere they show up since the inauguration.
antifa gets bigger as the years go on (they know this) when the tipping point occurs those who didnt denounce will be seen as complacent in growing violence. there's no deeper agenda it's just politics ie making it known via article or sound bite to tell constituents "back in x month i condemned antifa and now that they did y I stand by it"
Leftist did arm ISIS. They just don't like you knowing that.
I think its this. Now we need to find a way to roll in other leftist org to antifa. (Bamn, blm, berkley mayor, soros open society, femen, the resistance, anarchist groups, humanity programs in university)
Fucking a leaf imagine that, fucking fool!
Shut your mouth you aren't American so you have no say. Look who runs your country that faggot Trudeau.
I'm not holding you accountable, I'm just letting you know you might want to realize the endgame here, think about what you are a part of.
What happened to your Dad is disgusting.
Didn't you read the latest? If today were 2020, Trump would win again. Even your boy Michael Moore (who predicted his first win) says so.
Hope you don't mind me not archiving, it's Bannon's outfit:
> breitbart.com
>"Eight million Obama voters voted for Trump. We just need to convince a few of them–hold out our hand and bring them back. Can we do that? I think we can do that,” Moore says. “You know, there were seven-and-a-half million that voted Green or Libertarian. I think we can convince a few of them to come back. We don’t need to convince a whole lot here.”
>"But we do have to do some work to bring in people who would be sympathetic,” he explained, “and maybe they were justifiably upset, angry, and hurt and whatever, and we get that. But now they’ve seen how dangerous it is to have him as president of the United States. So I think we can bring enough people back.”
>"Nearly 70% of the country is either female, people of color, or young adults between 18 and 35, or a combination of the three,” he told the outlet. “The angry white guy is dying out, and the Census Bureau has already told us that by 2050, white people are going to be the minority, and I’m not sad to say I can’t wait for that day to happen. I hope I live long enough to see it because it will be a better country.”
Says he wants voters to come back and hopes he lives long enough to see the genocide of a race in the same interview. Topkek. They really do think everyone is an idiot.
If this happens they will most likely declare the same thing in Aus.
Can not fucking wait, love you US bros.
(((((((THEY)))))) realized that the goyim were noticing the fact that ANTIFA was getting too much praise from their bosses, destroying their anti-establishment facade.
Who gives a fuck? Since when does the right care about this fucking "disavow" meme? These groups don't disappear just because politicians wag a finger at them.
trump played those traitors so fucking hard
>attack dogs
Antifa are no political threat
I didn't know marshmallow man sided with antifags
reminder that leftist media portrayed Romney as a nigger killing child molester during the 2012 election
but they've only been on MSM 2 weeks
>Progressivism is a revolution in slow motion, and revolutions need revolutionaries. Disruption is more than just grievance, it's violence. Those who are willing to ruthlessly attack the status quo clearing the ground for revolution are the ones who go to the head of the line and the dais of honor on top. A little murder and mayhem, and progressives will trot out "moderate" versions of the murderers and mayhemists, usually linked to them, and offer to represent them and tamp down the violence in exchange for meeting their demands.
>A little murder and mayhem, and progressives will trot out "moderate" versions of the murderers and mayhemists
This is what they're doing. They're going to bring out the "moderate" Antifa, a new group that wants everything that Antifa wants, but claims they're able to stop the violence their comrades are responsible for. "All you have to do is listen".