How do we redpill him?

How do we redpill him?

He will get there himself eventually.


hide it in his banana

He is in higher mental level, beavis.

Rather not, he is extremely cringy. People who are redpilled usually get there by them selves, seeking out answers, having open mind and intrest in truth. People you try to redpill generally reject it out of arrogance, its easier tho if you live in a right wing society.

Pull the banana out of his ass

Why would you bother ? We're talking about a guy who shoves bananas in his rectum to make him cum.

wrap the redpill in a banana peel. then we'll redpill himself

He voted for Trump.

Everyone who doesn't live in a city voted for Trump.


amazing thread

We cant, he has a micropenis

the only way this faggot is getting redpilled is if aids nigger refugees rape and kill his whole family and leave him with aids

As weird as he is, he's fairly redpilled anyways. He is already getting shat on by the liberal community for taking very moderate, sense-speaking stances that have significantly reduced his YouTube ad revenue. Such is the fate of anyone that doesn't align themselves with the far left on social media.

>implying we shouldn't chuck this retarded faggot into the pyre along with all the other liberals.

literally who?

>prolific atheist demeans himself for the whole world
>atheism now memeist religion

He's served his purpose.

>pretty red pilled

Maturing from a raving lunatic leftist to a centrist as you age and acquire resources is not being red pilled.


With a banana up his rectum