ISIS and alt right joining forces?

Both hate Jews and both hate degeneracy. Both even use the same terrorist tactics less than a week apart, coincidence?

I think there's definitely a correlation. Spread the word. Alt Right = ISIS

Other urls found in this thread:

Both like guns too hmm

Both consist of people too hmm

1 attack = 31,662 attacks since 9/11/2001

You're right.
They're also both creations of US intelligence agencies. They're destined to work together!

the alt right doesn't exist, define the alt right.

The driver of the Challenger was defending himself. Unlike this ugly fuck and your pet BLM niggers that shot up cops and white people in Dallas, Baton Rouge and Fresno


I'd rather kill every muslim on this planet than give up pork and beer.

>The driver of the Challenger was defending himself.

Yeah I suppose if someone were to throw something at a van drove by a Jihadi into a crowd of people, he would be able to make the same argument?

LOL that's basically how your argument sounds, you know that right? He was already speeding towards them when his car was hit.

centrists are willfully ignorant. they are just like sjw leftists.
the alt right guy in the challenger is stull not proven to be a pre-meditated attack against who?
OP, you are full of logical fallacies. but what should we expect from a "skeptic"?

>play in the street
>get hit by car

The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:

Was thinking the same thing the other day how similar ISIS an the Alt-Right ideology are

ISIS hates and wants to kill anyone not like them, even other Muslims and the Alt-Right essentially preaches the same thing- marginalize/deport and possibly kill non whites. Only difference is the Alt-right isnt as capable of carrying out attacks like ISIS.

And yet the left has waged war on statues, just like ISIS. Spread the word, Left = ISIS.

>People still pretending like the guy in the challenger was trying to kill people in a snackbar-style attack when he had sidewalks on either side of him full of antifa goons he never even attempted to drive on

>the alt right guy in the challenger is stull not proven to be a pre-meditated attack against who?

He sped into a crowd of people who were opposed to his ideology. You're dreaming if you think they will be able to talk their way out of this, especially when the guy can't afford his own lawyer.

>dresses up in black
>faces covered
>destroying monuments

Am I talking about ISIS or Antifa?

The shills out in force today.

Left does it because they believe the statues represent oppression, ISIS does it because they want to destroy anything that Muslims did build

False equivalency

Antifa are Bolsheviks.


I'm legally allowed to run over people blocking public passage ways in my state.

who da fuk are you? judge/jury/executioner.
The scum like you are whats wrong with this world.
If it turns out he planned it and sheit, then prosecute him, fine. If it turns out that he was trying flee a mob, then rather prosecute you for imagining that you have judicial powers.

>meme flag
>meme post
Yeah nah.

>dresses up in black
>faces covered

Thats like saying they both have hair and two eyes

Meanwhile ISIS and the Alt-right both have similar ideology.One wants a Islamic state the other a white ethnostate

And the statues ISIS destroys represent heresy, infidelity and an affront to Allah, what's your point?

no antifa beat them to it


wtf I love Islam now

...Not even joking. I'm starting to warm up to it. It's those neocon faggots like Bush, whose strategic plans were drafted and written up by elitist zionist jews, that put us against each other in the first place.

Killing people with vehicles was done long before ISIS did it. False equivalency.

>Both hate Jews
ISIS never as much as looks at Israel, and mostly attacks bad goyim. It's a kike project to the core.

alt right = isis = communists = jew tools

>both hate degeneracy

You say as tho it is a bad thing, so you're saying you're pro-degeneracy, right? Please bring the women of your family over here then so I can rape them to death, that should please your pro-degeneracy agenda.

Yea they're called the Irish

But ISIS is the father of antifa. This thread is such misinfo that cnn will cover it.

>an isolated car accident
>hurr they ISIS durr

>one targets people
>other targets communist

Ye smart lad

>destroying monuments
>isis distoryes shit
>antifa is full of inraged tumblr fags dressed on black and face masks thinking communism is possible in America
>isis is a group of extremist that want every one to worship there god or they go kaboom
I guess you are right. one is autistic and has no brains with no possible gole. and the other is a idea slowly dying out to idiotic people.
>idiotic people
>antifa acts idiotic thinking communism is possible in THE USA?!?
wait a minute... oh no.....

Maybe the left will be to pussy to address us and give in consistently to the smallist of our demands like they do to moooslims

don't forget pedorape, childslavery, childmarriage, slavery in general, treason, lying, cheating, stealing, sucking as human beings, etc

>But ISIS is the father of antifa.
pls explain

This shtick isn't go to stick you kike. Fuck off our board faggot.

>our board