>Europe for Europeans!
>Asia for Asians!
>Africa for Africans!
>America for... Europeans?
Europe for Europeans!
Other urls found in this thread:
They already failed to do that.
>America for the European
Yes now take this blanket and fuck off
>>America for Africans
YES! Amerindians and Mestizos will be BLACKED.
Come at me,
I really dont get why White European Americans keep talking about America this, America that, Proud to be an American, MAGA....I'm just here like, nigga you European....you just happen to be born in America....STFU
My Haitians Brothers and my Afro-Colombians are coming for you with our BBC and collecting our rightful gibsmedats.
I always laugh at this and the spain pic because its like they're proud to create irrelevant backwards countries full of monkey soup eating mixed breed savages
Opinion discarded
The untied States is for European People yes.
>Falling for the Aboriginal Jew
Theres only roughly 3 million or so of us in north america qualified for tribal status. The rest are mixed, hell I'm mixed to the point if I don't have a child with another tribal member they're not qualified for membership status.
We should be an example of how diluted an identity can become from this no borders nonsense.
Stick it up my warm and tight ass, user.
America for Americans. If you identify with a Tribe or Ethnicity over your country, you are not American.
One of the things about racial arguments, it's that globalism doesn't works in a racially aware world.
The Americas are for those who've conquered it
America for Americans!
If you don't like it you can just fetch your shinebox.
But what defines American? If you say "America for Americans" without defining "American" you're advocating for a mixed-race society, and as a result multiculturalism.
Technically speaking, Amerindians are Asians.
whites, like the founding fathers intended
Only because Europe is for Africans these days
The mixed people with majority european ancestry will save America.
Feels a bit arbitrary to assign identity to massive geographic areas like that. As a very real example Israeli jews should by all means pass for regular white people in western nations, and yet when IQ tests are taken ashkenazi jews suddenly become a very much a distinct portion.
They are the ones that destroyed it in the first place.
That's right. Got a problem faggot?
The savages can have america if whites get europe.
The mass of land isn't what made America the foremost superpower. White people will just rule from a different part of the world without shitskins to ruin everything.
Terra for the Victor. The winner takes it all.
I can't believe we're having this moronic conversation. Mark Twain was American, and not European.
I'll go to England if all the non-Europeans in Europe leave too
You'd severely regret that if ever it were true. At Britain's imperial peak the poorest here were living like utter shit, the monarchy and aristocratic class here feed off of misery like vampires.
>American Education
>euros build europe
europe for europeans
>euros build america
america for europeans
niggers wants gibs
>euros build something in africa
gibs pls
wez broke it, china fix it pls
whitez come back pls china kill us like bugs shieet
so you do want an america for europans?
not in chile
>Europe for Europeans!
>Asia for Europeans!
>Africa for Europeans!
>America for Europeans!
>Oceania for shit eating subs!
Ideal world.
Europeans made America into what it is today so.... yes.
Earth for....INDIANS!
The world is your toilet, Pajeet.