tick tock
Tick tock
how does anyone get by without recreational drug use these days?
Damn thats gonna be rough for them lol
It doesn't do anything really but I still like it.
>how does anyone get by without recreational drug use these days?
You were 100% born 95' or after, 100%.
by not being a pansy ass faggot, faggot
>by not being a pansy ass faggot, faggot
Why the homophobia?
Close enough, you're not even classed as human, under 25s these days are as dumb as niggers.
what's it like to be so strong?
australia shoves most illegals on an island away from the mainland
is that what we call not using drugs these days
Literal proof of no jobs.
neck yourself
93 as well
92 here, I hate druggies with a passion.
I also don't drink (alcohol) or smoke.
They tried about a year ago and the lefty refugee fellators kicked up a stink about it
Addiction can be a sign of your mind trying to compensate for some sort of void in your life
They did this in Texas a few years ago.
>Some Texas applicants for welfare would be subjected to drug testing and would be permanently cut off if they fail three times
>The bill covers Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program applicants. The program, which provides poor people with money for food, clothing, housing and other basic needs, distributes about $90 million to more than 100,000 Texans annually.
>"Taxpayer money should not be used to subsidize someone's drug habit," bill sponsor Sen. Jane Nelson, R-Flower Mound, said before the bill sailed through on a 31-0 vote that sent it to the House.
>"We're not only going to help them get off drugs," Nelson said. "We're going to help them get a job."
>"Welfare should never subsidize the irresponsible choices of otherwise capable people who instead elect to stay at home, play video games, and get high with their friends," Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said.
Actually, they still do it. Difference is that they dont do it on the street. They'll set up road checks and stop obvious suspects like taxi and truck drivers. Kind of like a booze bus.
If you're in Austrailia buy stock in the companies running the drug tests. They are about to make bank.
>t. A money-grabbing Jew
Well your grandparent s did smoke and drink. How about you take big shit on their grave coz you are so "woke"
Junkies are trash, you don't need a drug test to identify junkie lol just look at their face.
78 reporting.
Youd be surprised how many 'functional' junkies are out there. Very hard to spot but they are there.
Btw, the welfare problem could be solved better if they curbed cash in hand jobs or outlawed cash in hand transactions.
>>"Welfare should never subsidize the irresponsible choices of otherwise capable people who instead elect to stay at home, play video games, and get high with their friends," Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst said.
the government fears the NEET
My mum and dad smoke, dad drunk, granddads obviously drunk, I don't think my grandparents smoked or if they did they quit before I was born.
Was just saying his 100% '95+ is wrong.
Ah, ok I get your point.
>the welfare problem could be solved if we let every single monetary transaction go through government scrutiny and oversight
Functional junkies are employed though, so these measures would not impact them.
I'd be inclined to say find them work if they functional yet on welfare, at any case.
Cut welfare to the disabled instead.
Why invest in Straya stocks when I can invest in crypto? Almost made a 400% return from my last investment in May.