>Poland: 99% white, 3rd world shithole
>Germany: 90% white, biggest economy in Europe
>USA: 54% white, world's biggest economy, world's most powerful military
I'm starting to see a pattern here, Sup Forums
>Poland: 99% white, 3rd world shithole
>Germany: 90% white, biggest economy in Europe
>USA: 54% white, world's biggest economy, world's most powerful military
I'm starting to see a pattern here, Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
Somalia must be an intergalactic hyperpower by now.
>Iron Curtain'd
>Half Iron Curtain'd
>Free since 1783
The bigger the economy, the bigger magnet it is for third world parasites to move there.
That is the correlation.
We are slowly becoming third world, If the RAISE act isn't passed then we are fucked.
We're actually 96% European. Most Hispanics are 60% European, and Most blacks are 10% European. We're all Europeans except for the few Native Americans left, and the few Asians.
That niggers and spics love going to places with amazing economies?
Yeah, niggers and spics swarm to the wealthy countries for the gibs. It's what we have been saying all along.
We are 72% European if you count Spics.
>American mathematics
> Successful economies draw in poor people who want to leach off the prosperity
You don't say...
You can even look at individual US states and see this happening.
The US actually has the most whites in the world at 230 million. And that isn't even counting the Hispanic Whites.
whats up with europoors and their obsession to keep lowering the non-hispanic white numbers of the US.
Its literally 61.7% as of 2016 not MUH 54%
keep taking dem refugees kraut. you will benefit
There is zero shot in hell of the RAISE ACT passing. When all dems and some republicans in the senate are opposed to passing it, you lose your majority, and it doesn't even get on Trump's desk.
That counts so called "White" Hispanics, Our actual Non-Hispanic White population is about 200 Million. It will probably grow larger if European immigration becomes the majority with the RAISE act and Tax cuts that will make it easier for whites and people with student loans to have kids.
>ignores Brazil and the rest of south america as examples
Brazil has 92 million whites
Which are more than any European country. Brazil is actually whiter that Sweden and Germany comnined
correlates with amount of debt to jewish bankers
seeing a pattern
If you had to move to Tokyo, Seoul, Switzerland, or some shithole in Somalia, which would you pick?
Mexico has 52 million whites, which is the same as
Norway,Denmark,Switzerland,Sweden,Austria,The Netherlands, Belgium, and Iceland combined
Stop this word
Some are white
Some are clearly not
It's not a race
they also are not majority white
sensing a pattern here
>Poland: cucked by communism for half a century
>Germany: partially cucked by communism for half a century
>USA: never cucked by communism
The only relevant pattern to see here
hispanics arent white shut the fuck up
no theyre all non white if they come from mexico or south america
98% of them are non white
spaniards and portugese arent white
> Poland
> 3rd world
That means we can finally demand reparations from UK, Spain, Portugal, USA, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany!
All at the same time!
Thank you hans for this brilliant idea
Tell me italians aren't white next. New yorkers look white to me.
My parents moved here from Spain and I have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. But yeah, I'm not white.
>zero whites
really makes me think
>1 post by this ID
is there a board that falls for shitty bait more easily than Sup Forums?
italians arent white
this looks more mexican
well do you know the percentage of people in latin america with blonde hair and blue eyes?
its 2%
this is what Sup Forums means when it says save the white race
it isnt talking about latin americans or mestizo or whatever the fuck bullshit you think is white
>% of Chinese in Poland - 0
>% of Chinese in Germany - 0.2
>% of Chinese in USA - 1.2
>% of Chinese in China - 91.51
In about 10 years this is expected to be one heck of a checkmate.
Fuck off Kraut, we beat you once we can do it ag....oh wait.
>>Germany: 90% white
delusional kraut lmao
>tons of blacks
>magnitudes worse than poland