Be in philosophy class

>Be in philosophy class
>inb4 meme degree
>professor unironically asks how a white supremacist is supposed to argue in favor of their side
>On the inside I'm screaming IQ, crime stats, the entire continent of Africa, history, welfare stats, education stats, Haiti, single parent stats, etc...
>someone mentions all of these "ironically" and implies they're taken to absurdity or for some reason unreliable.
>"Like that bell curve book"
>reeeeeeing internally but know if I reveal my power level in such an environment I'll at the least be expelled if not thrown from the roof outright.
>The rhetorical question smugness eventually dies down and the conclusion is reached that since white supremacists have reached their conclusions not based on evidence or fact there is no use in arguing with them.
>"not based on evidence"
>At this point I no longer have a tongue, chewed it all to pieces
>Then the discussion turns to "is it even possible to change someone's mind through argument," and, "what's the point?"
>"Are there some arguments that aren't even worth having because they're so morally abhorrent?"
>Class full of trump hating feminists has the audacity to use the murder of an innocent person as an example of an unarguable point
>I crack my teeth intwine clenching so hard to prevent screaming out "abortion"
>My brain is banging itself against the inside of my skull in hopes of losing consciousness

Jordan Peterson was more right than I thought possible about the state of humanities education.
What do? How do I make it through a semester of this without being labeled a nazi?

Other urls found in this thread:

I am with you white brother

Bloody smug anti-intellectuals have completely taken over academia and closed it to all new ideas.

Drop out

You are in an marxist indoctrination camp, you fuckin retard. Only the dumbest goys will pay for mindrot in the current year.

>Jordan Peterson was more right than I thought possible about the state of humanities education.
>What do? How do I make it through a semester of this without being labeled a nazi?

I have no Idea. In Poland we are very pro free spech compared to western Europe and USA. On you place I would stay silent. Maybe act as you did. The marxist would eradicate us if we were to speech openly is such situations.

>watching jordan peterson
first of all, stop listening to that fruity faggots voice, just read transcripts of what he has said

Just larp as a fucking retard. I did it, it was the only way I could make friends with this power level.

just drop out
higher education is a fucking meme, it's self-perpetuating at this point
the only new jobs that open up are jobs to teach the shit you learned

Grow some fucking balls and speak up you pathetic faggot.

If they're so wrong your should be easily able to prove it.

>i was a coward irl and now i'm venting in my safe space to Sup Forums

>doing anything but STEM

I feel bad for you

this bong is the only one with balls in this thread
half the fun is watching their wheels turn as they try to find a loophole in your argument

Stop being such a spineless faggot. Go to a doctor and get your test levels checked

University gen ed requires classes outside your area of focus.

In my STEM studies I was required to take a philosophy course for a written English requirement. I just slept in the back of the class and passed with a C with absolutely no effort.

> not able to argue in a philosophy class due to social pressure
> philos: love. sophy: knowledge
> american """"""""philosophy""
theres no philosophy in a class that doesnt care for the truth

Just slog through it and get a good grade. You might suffer, but in the end, psychological pain is not real pain.

what's gen ed?

when they mention the evidence I'd cite ironically it ceases to be a functional argument. It'd just be a shouting match over the reliability of "sources." We'd be sparing over axioms and getting nowhere.
Like the abortion debate between a christian and someone who thinks it's just a mass of cells.
Not to mention how completely suicidal it is to an educational career, as well as a continuing professional career, to entertain these arguments, especially in the current US climate.

Thank god I graduated college around 2012 before all this SJW identity politics shit really ramped up to crazy level. I would not have survived even 3 months of the rhetoric you just described.

As part of this course we had 4 assignments and 1 final exam. The assignments were for us to cut out an article from the local newspaper and highlight the arguments and conclusion and comment about it on a separate piece of paper. These assignments were each worth 10 percent. The final exam was 100 multiple choice questions that any competent person with common sense could pass with no prior knowledge of the course material. That class was such a joke. And that was just 1 class.. I can't imagine the others

General education.
Basically common core at a uni level.
So some math, some humanities, some art, some science, and depending on your major you have to take some classes that fall outside of it.
This is why we have music majors taking calculus and Engineers taking early modern philosophy.
Back when a "liberal education" was not a dirty word I think it did help to raise the intellectual capacity of our society, but at this point in time it's nothing but a hinderance.

>>someone mentions all of these "ironically" and implies they're taken to absurdity or for some reason unreliable.

Uh, if they can recite all of these arguments off the top of their head there's a pretty fucking good chance they're on your side, dimwit. The implied irony is to cover their ass while floating trial balloons.

Don't bring up IQ tests.
Bonus points if you don't use the word "race", but culture.

Approach your arguments from a sociological standpoint, and don't defer to emotion. Do not use the word "stupid", and do not use the word "superior" in reference to a particular culture.

If your professor insists on dragging you into a "purely philosophical" context, retort with the issue being of a contemporary nature, and if the very concrete and contemporary "white nationalism" we know of today is the subject, rather than some abstract " nationalism", present-day facts are required to provide an adequate basis for your argument.

In short, he's basically giving you a sociology assignment.

Philosophical discussion should be as detached as possible from contemporary issues, especially political ones, except when used as examples for the purpose of deconstruction.

They already have, you mute rag. Fight back.

So is gen ed the system that's in place for everybody, or is it a choice?

Mate why are you such a cuck? Why the fuck didn't you speak up? You don't have to go full 14/88, instead just discuss the facts. Jesus Christ you are a pathetic fucking faggot.

To elaborate: Try wording your exposition in such a way that the reader will reach the conclusion you are after, without explicitly stating it anywhere.

>tfw my philosophy professor used naturalism to explain why homosexuals, trannies and even furries are immoral

americans low test cucks

lol fag I would have rekt that entire room
don't be a pussy next time. i've been attacked by people and it doesn't hurt faggot

Face them. Show them wrong. If they say you're racist, sexist or whatever, just say that's not an argument. Or, even better, show them they're the racists, sexists and so on

you deserve it

sounds like you're talking to a bunch of retards

>muh iq crime stats Africa history welfare education haiti single parent
>literally all irrelevant in the grand scheme of things
When does Sup Forums finally take the redpill and realize muh culture is irrelevant to genetic superiority and all that matters is survival of the fittest which blacks and minorities are currently winning at?

You sound like a pussy, bitch.

You could've just written "I'm a pussy" instead of all that.

survival of the fittest =/= genetic superiority you mong


>it kills the Sup Forumsack

That's the point baka, the general ed courses are required so that people don't just take classes devoted to their major. It's supposed to make you well-rounded, not just a worker drone, but since classes are so shit these days it just makes university more miserable.

Grow a pair. I'm about to present a defense of fascist ideals on my next mandatory sociology class, because no one is keeping me from doing it. Jesus, it is not like you live on western Europe or something...

>Jordan Peterson
No. He is a little boomer bitch trying to "negotiate" with the inevitable collapse of society so that he will get to continue spending shekels and living a comfy life. Don't fall for his faggotry, cleaning your room won't do shit to stop the train and neither will "BTFOing postmodernism".

Just raise your hand after such a discussion and ask the following.

Do you hate your own ethnicity?

No follow up questions, no discussions, just that question.

>going to school for humanities
What can they teach you that you can't learn yourself from the millions of books and videos available to you right now? You're not a chemist in need of lab instruction right? Do you intend to teach then?

Just be calm and raise you hand and either say "well I think that what they think is" or "to play devil's advocate" and state the evidence.

If you actually know the evidence that is. If you can't support your claims with specific evidence then don't bother.

You have to finish it as a pre-requisite to earning your degree.

For everyone in the university. It varies between university's slightly, but they all have to be accredited and have curriculum that meets the requirements.
You have your gen ed requirements, then your major/area of focus requirements.

School is your job. It's not your community, your family, or your friends. You're there to put in your time and get out with something useful. What other people at school believe, what they talk about, these things don't matter. You shouldn't care about their opinions. They don't care about yours. Do the work, and when the day's work is done, associate with people of your choosing.

Ignore all the vendettas from fags that failed to "speak up" in their own classes. More than likely you can skip most of the days and just show up for exams. Not worth wasting energy "fighting the legbeards" when you can just cruise through. No one cares about your opinions in there and it's not like you're gonna rewrite dykal takeover in 3 months via some gened class. Suck it up.

>survival of the fittest =/= survival of the fittest you mong
Continue sperging on the internet while based blacks breed you out of existence. Hell even science proves whites are genetically unfit and deserve to be bred out of existence


Wow that sucks, it's a shit system imo

You're supposed to get all that general knowledge in high-school, and then in University you should be able to really focus on your specilasation and not being forced into taking bullshit unrelated classes.

I went through the same experience, was a philosophy major, and did reveal my power level: I'd given up on getting laid and new the degree was worthless but was just following through on inertia. Made me villainous, but I enjoyed it: 1) for reasons previously stated; 2) it felt good holding off a crowd; 3) I was convinced I was speaking the truest things I knew, and that if life had any meaning, that meant something. Do not regret.

Must've been nice to have a teacher that didn't fail you for being so brace. What a hero.

>Leaving Social Sciences to the Marxists
Max Weber would be disappointed of you.

High school, at least public schools, over here are basically day care centers designed to keep the unemployable youth out of mischief.
If you show up more than half the time you will pass. You have to put serious effort into fucking up to not get a diploma.
Not counting my out of school individual learning, education stopped for me at jr high. The started again in college.

>mind state of a faggot
And nothing happened but you being a coward bitch. Maybe you have no power level at all?

it's already too late

You have to learn to disprove the arguments of the other side.

I'm not put together enough to do this. /autism/ I can write well but I'm a shit speaker. So I'd inevitably end up fucking it up and just making my life difficult and harming the cause.

Around election time, I argued the necessity of "building a wall" in a project, I asked if I needed to document and he said "nah, it's just a thought experiment", when I got my result, he said "well you didn't document" seeming to take very personally what I had written.

>be me
>in utah
>have to take a philosophy class
>teacher ridicules socialism and communism
Its simple dude, go to a state like utah or some shit, bang some jack mormon chick, and make fun of nonwhite scum.

Studium Universale/Generale

>My brain is banging itself against the inside of my skull in hopes of losing consciousness

>Not to mention how completely suicidal it is to an educational career
It really isn't. You just have no balls.
Maybe you would face social vilification for your opinions, but if you are able to argue your points logically and fairly, there isn't a whole lot they can do to you.

They will attack you for being a Social Darwinist.

It's just fucking uni. Your opinion is not important. Theirs isn't either. Listen to them and if you don't like it, fuckem. If you ever feel like giving your opinion, do it. If they don't like it, fuckem. I simply doesn't matter. Just move on.

I agree entirely. Some high schools do offer "honors" classes or "higher education" classes that, if you complete while on high school, will earn you credits to use in college that means you do not have to take the college version of the classes, but sadly, those special classes are only offered at certain times at certain schools, and you usually have to either pay for them out of pocket, like you do college, (even if it is taken at a public high school), or certified by another teacher to even get into the class, sometimes both. Also, these classes are usually English / math / science based, meaning that if you need a specific credit, like a socio econmoic / humanities credit, you will have to just go to a university to earn it. This would not be so bad if it was not for the fact that Gen Ed usually involves credits outside of your field, like if you are business major or chemist major, your university will probably still make you take random ass "Feminist Literature 101" course, just to finish up your gen-ed so you can take your higher level core classes to get your actual specific degree you are wanting.

If American universities offered more alternatives to these random Gen Ed classes, it would be fine, but as you can already tell, in the US political climate, more and more universities are conforming to seem "progressive", hence far more mandatory left-leaning oriented learning classes to teach us "diversity", and "the power of women on modern literature".

Oh, and God forbid you go to Art School. They crank the SJW shit up to eleven there. I had a fat trans YouTuber for an art teacher in three of my classes I need to earn my degree. Every day I had to learn about "Women's suffrage / oppression", even when it was unrelated to the animation lesson. It was the worst.

Well, all I can say is that if it's your major, FUCKING CHANGE IT. I don't care how passionate you are. Read Plato on your own time. I have a 3.82 GPA Phil. degree that I'd gladly trade for a handjob and a bacon, ham, pineapple pizza.

Kid got kicked out of uni last year (or maybe 2 years ago) for posting """"racist""" comments on yikyak

They will say: No, that's an absurd conclusion.

I had a similar situation today. My mistake for trying to get a bunch of screeching leftie classmates to pull their heads out of their asses, instead of manipulating them individually. Is there a word for when the people try to de-legitimize facts during an argument or mock them even when they're true? My commie scumbag prof sides with then every time.

Surely the answer is to roll over and take it like a bitch right? Isn't that what you want us to do? Justify your behavior?

Stop complaining to your blog, work hard to outperform your peers, speak what you believe to be the truth.

You deserve this for going to college you nerd fuck.

You a a beta male
Enjoy your conditioning

My college GPA was a 3.4 when I finished. I straight A or B+ my engineering, math, and physics classes but straight C'd all my gen eds.

Why didn't you speak up in your class? You didn't have to go full 14/88. Don't say you're a white supremacist. Instead just say that there are, in fact, some differences between the races. Also point out that every race practices racism. Not just whites. Talk about black supremacists or separatists, like the Nation of Islam and Malcolm X.

Here are some socially acceptable differences between races you can mention:

1) The prevalence of blood groups differs between races.
2) Asian Flush (where Asians go red after drinking alcohol) is a genetic condition which originated in China. This is why nearly 50% of Chinese and Japanese people have it, but in most parts of the world, 0% of people have it. See pic related, a map which shows the prevalence of two genes which cause Asian Flush (light green causes moderate Asian Flush, dark green causes more severe Asian Flush).
3) Sickle Cell Anaemia is vastly more common among Africans. It's thought this is to do with the fact that Sickle Cell provides protection against malaria, or something like that, so Africans have developed Sickle Cell as a protection mechanism. But of course Sickle Cell reduces the lifespan, because it causes blood blockages (the average life expectancy for people with Sickle Cell, in the developed world, is 40-60 years old - much lower than normal). Which is probably why those of us in countries with a much smaller risk of malaria don't have this genetic condition.

Then go in with other redpills, like the fact that cranial capacity differs between races (largest in Asians, who also have highest IQs). Also point out that the NBA and NFL are mostly black, and nobody seems to be rushing to create diversity programmes for those leagues. Point out that Asian-Americans have the highest salaries, and they are also the demographic that spends the most on education, and Asian countries like Singapore, South Korea, Japan do the best in child education ratings.

Hope this helps. Use tact.

>going to university in the Zionist millennium.

Ooooooo boyo get ready to be hosed

I would take the right one, left one looks dry.

Your uni? Are you fucking serious? In the US?
Fucking transfer. My uni stands for free speech and open transfer of ideas.

No, then the University isn't better than just a plain apprenticeship.

to this I can only imagine they would accept that there are racial differences but that despite these no race is superior to another. None of those examples hit the "superior" chord.

That really sucks, cause now leftism is going to be equated with "being educated"

isn't yikyak anonymous? did they actually go through the effort to dox them?

I believe their reasons were rooted in the "student conduct" rules and regulations.
As you may or may not know, these rules, the same which include things like plagiarism and cheating, now have sections relating to "hate speech"
So they have the legal legs to back up expulsion over shit lording.

hate speech is not free speech

stop being a cucked faggot and speak oyour truth - it's the only way you get better at articulating your ideas

It's never too late.

This. Also women do appreciate strong men.

It's linked to your phone number, so no.
I imagine they contacted the app devs and they surrendered the relevant information.

literal thought police. Sorry you have to be stuck in that marxism infested shithole

Yes that's true. Like I say, you shouldn't defend the position of white supremacy (because yes, you'll probably get in shit). But if they're attacking things like The Bell Curve (which is obviously NOT a white supremacist book, and is indeed scientifically credible), then defend them.

Basically if they're saying there are no facts to support the races being different then say "no, there actually are".

Well I mean, do what you want. I did some philosophy classes at university by the way, and you really should speak up when you have a thought on your mind, it's the best way to learn how to argue. If people are idiots then tell them they're idiots. I'm really not a massively confident person and I wasn't at the time, but when it came to arguments, I knew I was smarter than other people, so I just told them why they're wrong, and it was always awesome (I mean, it didn't make me many friends, but who cares - I'd rather be smart and correct. And I did make *some* friends.)

>how a white supremacist...
utilizing data and analogy, like any other argument; possibly subject to flaws, distortion and bias, like any other view
I'd say the fundamental problem, however, is ethical, the question to be answered is "are all human beings equal?", I like to think that we, at least in some fundamental measure, and I know that liberal societies think we are, but from a purely philosophical standpoint, I don't think there we can possibly reach a definite answer, so in the end it's a matter of culture really

>"bell curve...
well, from my reading of the book, and from my limited statistical knowledge, I don't really think it should be so controversial, further studies have failed to disprove the statistics which is the meat of the book, and I feel like it points to a good liberal direction: we should investigate how intelligence is formed, and what conditions are leading to the differences in different populations, so we can correct for it and reduce inequality

>"change someone's mind...
people get literally psychologically hurt and dig their heels on the ground when you prove them wrong, so arguing can backfire on an individual basis, but still, it's these individual arguments that produce the greater culture shifts that make people change their minds, not shutting down people, so it's important to keep having them no matter what

>"arguments that aren't even...
no, free speech is the most valuable concept to come out of western liberal democracies, it is the basis of our free societies: of the free press, of expression and identity, of a fair judicial system. free speech should be protected at all costs. even hate speech should be allowed. when ideas are discussed in the open, the bad ones can be fiercely refuted; when they are kept in the dark, they fester; refusing to have this arguments comes from a place of intellectual laziness or fear, it's inexcusable

If he said "Gas the Kikes" in a country run by them he doesn't have to be surprised.

Redpilling commies is near impossible once they reach a certain stage of indoctrination i.e. the point of no return.

You can show them mountains of proof that certain demographics are destroying the west and guess what? They don't fucking care. They're HAPPY about it. They have no interest in having children or creating a better safer West. They don't give a shit about anything outside their selfish little bubble. They hate the west and want to see the democratic system dismantled. This is where they see eye to eye with Muslims.

People do change though. I've had friends who dabbled in socialist theory and now they're redpilled. It can happen but the person has to be willing to open themselves up to it. Some never learn, some will through some personal experience which triggers a strong emotional reaction and changes their outlook. Remember with lefties it's an appeal to emotion.

Fake and gay. Feminists don't take philosophy classes because philosophy is antithetical to the way women think.

t. philosophy major

Are you white, male, and with Blonde/blue eyes? If 2 of them, then you are fucked for life afterwards anyways and that degree path you chose is pointless before you even started. So say what you want, when you want. You are already the villain in their book, just fit the part.

revenge comes later

suck it up sunshine

>choosing philosophy in today's faggot order

just pass it and move on, it'll be much funnier

BS you coward. It's all in your head. Just remain collected and argument-based. You just think those grills will let you fuck them if you remain in their good book. The opposite is true.

stop being a nazi might help

The author of Bell Curve is still a white supremacist though.