>Be in philosophy class
>inb4 meme degree
>professor unironically asks how a white supremacist is supposed to argue in favor of their side
>On the inside I'm screaming IQ, crime stats, the entire continent of Africa, history, welfare stats, education stats, Haiti, single parent stats, etc...
>someone mentions all of these "ironically" and implies they're taken to absurdity or for some reason unreliable.
>"Like that bell curve book"
>reeeeeeing internally but know if I reveal my power level in such an environment I'll at the least be expelled if not thrown from the roof outright.
>The rhetorical question smugness eventually dies down and the conclusion is reached that since white supremacists have reached their conclusions not based on evidence or fact there is no use in arguing with them.
>"not based on evidence"
>At this point I no longer have a tongue, chewed it all to pieces
>Then the discussion turns to "is it even possible to change someone's mind through argument," and, "what's the point?"
>"Are there some arguments that aren't even worth having because they're so morally abhorrent?"
>Class full of trump hating feminists has the audacity to use the murder of an innocent person as an example of an unarguable point
>I crack my teeth intwine clenching so hard to prevent screaming out "abortion"
>My brain is banging itself against the inside of my skull in hopes of losing consciousness
Jordan Peterson was more right than I thought possible about the state of humanities education.
What do? How do I make it through a semester of this without being labeled a nazi?