What do you think the minimum wage should be?
What do you think the minimum wage should be?
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>minimum wage
None. Not even an ancap, this one is common sense
This. Competitive wage.
Need to keep the kid white and make the woman a wetback. I'd say black but everyone knows niggers don't work.
10 dollars an hour minimum
It should be zero because hard working Americans like me should be plebs while billionaires get all the money.
I'm a Trump voter btw. And lifetime Republican.
Depends on the country and the culture.
In most of central and northern europe its definitely and statistically good to have a high minimum wage and possibly even basic income, while in the US I dont think its feasible, with blacks exploiting it, while not giving back to the economy by buying good things and instead alcohol and cigarettes, and mexicans exploiting it by working for less unofficially.
Come on people, be reasonable. How are they going to pay taxes if they don't make any money. Think, anons. How else is the gov't going to repay the banksters?
Further proof that we need to exterminate minimum wage vermin. If you can't find a job paying more than $7.25, you should be gassed.
It should be whatever your market value is...or less if your a tard or a women...
maybe we shouldn't have women in the workforce
$10/hr only if all welfare is repealed personal and corporate along with SS + Medicare.
then id be forced to marry one of these fat sluts
no fucking thank you
Tie it to inflation index.
But if you are 36 and the best you can do is minimum wage you need to question your life choices. Question 1 should be how to kill myself.
Raising the minimum wage typically cause part time positions to become more competitive, as most business owners will just cut the hours on one, or outright let them go, to subsidize the raise for the others. This is what happens when the minimum wage surpassed what those rungs would realistically pay anyway in Seattle. The effect was something small but significant, something like 1 fewer person on any given shift at McDonalds.
It's not the 16 year-old bagger or the 36 year-old who's actually on full time (meaning they actually get medical and dental for flipping burgers) that is these jobs are most important for, it's young 20+ men who NEED a way to support themselves independent of their parents. Both Obamacare and prohibitive minimum wages are smacking down people who actually have the capacity to PULL THEMSELVES UP BY THEM DAGGUM BOOTSTRAPS because regardless of wages, they can't pull the fucking hours without holding down two, or even three, part-time jobs.
Maybe at a state or city level ot would work but it would be retarded to do a federal minimum wage. Living costs are different in different areas causing hyper inflation or unemployment in some areas but not others.
Let's make it $100,000 per hour. I cant wait to smoke a million dollar cigar.
remove minimum wage or have these people never heard of inflation?
I really don't know. Someone set me straight plz.
>high minimum wage hurts small businesses as many are running on a razor-thin budget
>"businesses will raise prices to cover the extra cost of employees, removing the benefit of getting paid more" is a garbage meme. it's only true for small businesses, large ones could easily pay it (if they would want to is another thing. 'course they'd still raise prices)
>i believe people shouldn't have to work 3 jobs and 900 hour weeks just to live
>i also think someone working at a minimum wage job should have enough to live, but it shouldn't be anywhere near a posh, lavish life
>we definitely need some amount of minimum wage, as companies would inevitably pay employees as little as possible, and the employees would certainly work for it
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So in other words, niggers benefit from higher minimum wage.
>remove minimum wage
>suddenly its no longer profitable to support illegal immigration
really makes you activate those almonds.
So let me get this straight.
>Entry level position starts at $11.50
>work hard
>keep working
>raise to $13.50
>raise to $15
>meaningful and impactful worker on team
>been working a long time
>$15 minimum wage
>everyone else gets raise
>boss can't afford to raise your salary to compensate because he has to pay everyone else more
>everything becomes more expensive
>back to square 1
This does nothing but punish people who work hard. If you work a job for 3 months and you are decent at it or at least try hard you will get a raise and your economic standing will improve.
Raising minimum wage only serves to make the people up top more powerful while destroying the middle class and homogenizing it with lazy niggers.
Right wing retards are such fucking cucks for the billionaires and globalist elites that u would rather slave away for years at $11/hour hoping that your owners will give u a raise, rather than start at $15. Conservashits truly are the biggest cucks on the planet.
Im making double minimum wage and im 18. Its called not being a useless nigger with no applicable skills. People say they csnt find a job. I could have 10 jobs by the end of the week if i wanted to.
If the minimum wage isn't raised and fairer wages aren't paid to common people, there will be dire consequences.
I started at $11.50 an hour and after 6 months I was getting 16 an hour plus a performance stipend. Your logic is flawed and you've never accomplished anything professionally. You're telling me that all the work I've put in should go to waste and I should have to start all over so the shitty part-timers can get as much money as I do just for showing up? Really I want to know how you think this.
Or end the fed and get back on the gold standard so the kikes stop pssing away our pirchasing power.
Anyone working full time should be able to support the living needs of themselves and 2 children, period.
I understand that as a billionaire globalist supercuck, you fight hard for the right of your overlords to pay shit wages while reaping billions in profits.
Seattle has a $15/hour min wage, unemployment is 2.6% and employment is booming. That's over $20 CAD btw.
Seattle is booming, the workers love it. In fact, the only people complaining about it are the billionaire globalist elites and their right wing retard useful idiot army.
When workers have more money, THEY SPEND IT IN THE LOCAL ECONOMY and the economy does better. When the billionaires you serve have more money, they just put more in an offshore bank account.
minimum wage is a solution to a problem that exists only because of our archaic fucked up system of production and distribution, you hear anybody tell you that "capitalism is the only way and it's the best" you are being fed a line of complete and utter horseshit, a nation of depressed, obese, self absorbed wage slaves spending most of their lives driving and working so they can come home to an empty home is the great GDP of our system we create all these problems so we can "solve" them with more problems at least a dog chasing its tail is getting exercise
It was one particular plutocrat that pushed for this in Seattle. The same one that I linked in the video above.
He is right.
I don't like that enforcing a minimum wage is what did it, but if companies refuse to pay out livable wages to workers, then there is no other choice.
I don't give a fuck about these billionaires you seem to be obsessed with. I like being middle class and I would rather such a class exist than to have to interact with people who lack work ethic and are generally lazy when I'm taking my girlfriend out to a restaurant or staying at a decent hotel on vacation. These structures exist because some people truly do not deserve to enjoy any luxury in their life, period. You'll figure it out when you graduate college and have to get a real job kiddo.
>still working in a minimum wage job
How much of a brainlet must you be for this to happen?
$0 for obvious reasons
>Minimum wage shouldn't exist.
>Signed, Every Ancap ever
$16/hour is not middle class kiddo. Not in Canada. You sound like a cuck.
The problem is people who study this and decry the necessity of minimum wage have never experienced or realized how easy it is to make more money simply by not being lazy and retarded.
>I don't like that enforcing a minimum wage is what did it, but if companies refuse to pay out livable wages to workers, then there is no other choice.
You have to force them. Companies aren't going to pay it out of the kindness of their hearts. This is where most conservashits are completely deluded about the real world.
They act like corporations somehow don't have the money. Corporations made over $7 TRILLION in profits in the last year.
well when you move the wage from 11 to 15, 14, which was above min wage was pretty good, but now everyone is the same... moving the floor up doesnt get you closer to the ceiling, it just makes everyone else on the same level, ala communism
I think its alright for a 19 year old living by themselves. I enjoy my life quite a bit actually.
If companies do not pay the lazy workers a livable wage, then they either can only become thieves, drug dealers, whores and so forth to compensate (and stop them and their families from starving).
Either do that, or we must pay them off with government taxes in order to prevent that from happening. It is not sensible to try and enslave them all in the prison system, as that is also just used by companies (and government money) to make profits.
Livable minimum wages are the only reasonable answer.
$0 for niggers.
>2.6% unemployment
I don't know how unemployment is defined in Canada, but in the US, the official unemployment rate has absolutely nothing to do with how many people don't have jobs.
To demonstrate how bad it actually is, the official unemployment rate in the US is ~4.3% as of May. In reality, 25% of people aged 16-65 (the working age) are unemployed, and that is with considering part-time as employment.
you faggots can't see the big picture
The problem isn't minimum wage its the banking and credit system. Someone makes more money and places that money into an account. Then the bank takes a percentage of that money and puts it into their vault and the rest is loaned out. so lets say you deposit 180$ the bank deposits 10% of that money 18$ and loans out the 162$. Now that 180$ has turned into 242$ because on paper you have 180$ in the bank. Now then the person they loan the money to takes it and buys something else who then deposits it into the bank and then the bank loans it again and again until your 180$ is now about 1000$. Now what happens when the original guy come back for his 180$ to pay a bill or something and the bank has to pay him back? Well the bank has to call the fed and take out a loan for more money who then has to pay interest on it. Who is the fed? It is a Private bank owned by the rich elite created by democrats that makes all of the money for the United States and created the system of perpetual debt for the country. So you tell me the minimum wage is the problem? I say you are a near sighted faggot who doesn't know what he's talking about.
People who believe in the minimum wage also believe their boss chooses how much to pay them. They have no clue as to why jobs exist in the first place. For a job to exist it needs to make more money for the employer than it costs in salary. Once you put an artificial constraint on salary you put a constraint on how many jobs exist.
The debate is pretty stupid anyways because almost no one works 40 hours per week at minimum wage, its literally like almost no one once you recognize that most statistics on minimum wage include people whose hourly rate is augmented by tips.
This is an actual argument. Thank you.
What is your take on UBI? I would rather UBI than minimum wage because then people who work and work hard have an advantage over the mongrels.
Actually Seattle is booming so hard that wages are pushing up well above $15. That's what happens in a tight labor market.
We should get rid of wage labor altogether so 0. But in this shitty capitalist system it should be bumped up to something you can actually fucking live off. It's easy to say "remove the minimum wage" or "stop being poor" however only once you've lived with minimum wage will you ever mature on the subject
For men or women?
The reality is shitty.
Massive employers pay out shit wages for jobs because they can and already take advantage of the system. Hell, employers already do this, Walmart and McDonalds tell their employees how to get state gibs
>where it is now
A shitty middle ground where people at least have to work somewhat to supplement their state assistance
>north of where it is now
Technology becomes even more easily put in to replace humans. Casual dining restaurants and fast food are replacing humans with order kiosks/tablets, bridges are finding it cheaper to go cashless and install gantry + cameras / RFID reader to charge toll tags or license plates by mail, driverless cars are having fuckloads of money dumped into them.
Either genocide is going to happen or universal basic income within the next few years.
>inb4 leaf/hippy/socialist
I would rather have someone do a job even if they don't enjoy it for additional benefit, there should be a point at which you garner benefit from doing a task beneficial to society. Even if that benefit to society does not 100% cover the cost of providing that task, it would prevent the main problem of socialism (not enough incentive for people to work beyond what the government gives).
> The Reality
> Doesn't mention race at all
lol nice try Hymie
>describes civilian workers 16+ that would be affected by an increase in the federal minimum wage to $12
>basically a dataset of anyone earning under $12 but misleading you into thinking they're all earning $7.50
$0. Some people are worthless.
>To demonstrate how bad it actually is, the official unemployment rate in the US is ~4.3% as of May. In reality, 25% of people aged 16-65 (the working age) are unemployed, and that is with considering part-time as employment.
It's almost like there are kids in high school and university. It's almost like there are millions of stay at home moms like Melania. It's almost like there are disabled people. It's almost like there are early retirees.
Are you retarded?
Not even Trupm calls the unemployment rate fake anymore.
Minimum wage should vary from place to place depending on cost of living and apartment/house prices. NYC should be higher min wage because jews make you pay 3000 a month to live in a tiny box.
With a healthy economic cycle of wages, purchasing, taxation, profits, reinvestment, and so forth, basically all the UBI money would end up back in the economy, so no harm done.
How is this even relevant? 56% are women, so 44% are men. A 6% discrepancy, wow! Hold the phones!
Even if the discrepancy were significant, who cares? Are they somehow implying that it would be okay if men were earning minimum wage, but because women are, it has to be increased?
Fuck these libcunts.
That being said, the minimum wage for illegal immigrants should be $50,000/hour.
>12% discrepancy
I am a bit drunk
Why not just go full socialist? The minimum wage should be $25 and the maximum should be $100.
Just kidding. The real minimum wage is $0, that's why we have internships that people have to work for FREE in order to get the experience that they NEED, but they aren't yet worth the minimum wage. That's why millions of wetbacks work ILLEGALLY below minimum wage and with NO overtime pay.
A better question is to ask the minimum wage earners if they want to learn more skills to increase their value, and increase their hourly wage. If the majority say yes, look into a system to help them gain those skills. If they majority say no, start ignoring them since there's no reason to raise it.
They want to live on their own, own a smart phone, tablet, xbox one, games, car, and so on. It's minimum wage, not luxury living. Social media has made them think the above is the normal life for everyone.
Yup. Paid to the US by their country of origin.
It's almost as if they're still working-aged people who are unemployed. That's a problem regardless of the reason(s).
If minimum wage hikes are a good thing why not just force employers to pay their employees $1,000 an hour so unskilled workers can be as rich as the boss?
>obvious shill or semi-obvious reverse psychology
I know a guy who's disabled. Dude is in his 40's but has the mind of the 7 year old. For many years he worked two jobs, actually made more than minimum wage at both for most of it.
People who don't work but can and who live off the state should starve.
I'm good with $15 an hour as long as all welfare benefits are cut minus those given to people incapable of work. By that I mean seriously ill, not a retard Shaniqua too stupid to stop shitting out niglets. That should cut the welfare rolls by 80-85%. In the shithole where I reside, welfare is a career option for Abos and white trash. I'm really fucking tired of that.
Also this
Whatchya drinking? I was about to start myself. Captain and Dr. Pepper
Dismantle the Federal Reserve, and then we'll talk about it.
Minimum wage should be a product of living costs in an area rather than a state or federal enforced number. Overall we're too comfortable, the system can't work if people stay in one place and expect gibs. Costs too high in one area? Move away to an area where you can find a decent job and a place to live. A labor shortage would then force the ballooned area to adjust while the influx of people in the other area would boost the local economy. America was founded on mobility, we need to return to mobility.
Free internships are basically illegal in the US, the criteria are so strict that it's basically impossible to fulfill. The employer can't derive economic benefit.
That being said free internships exist from firms too small to absorb the cost of offering a real one.
If you're over 40 and still being paid minimum wage the problem is you, not the system
>Paid to the US by their country of origin.
Not sure how that would work out. Forcing companies to pay illegals $50k/hour is totally doable inside the United States, however. End result? No company would hire illegals, ever.
Those saying zero, why you are saying zero instead of a low value like 0.05 or 0.20$
A trillion dollars!
>he thinks basic income is a good thing
>give blacks universal basic income
>Spend it all on drugs and booze
>need more gibs.
>fuck whitey
>(((the banking and credit system)))
Who gives a fuck we're literally in the middle of an existential racial holy war that will determine whether or not we have already passed the absolute peak of human civilisation. The very concept of a minimum wage won't even exist if the right side doesn't win.
Look at those fucking digits. Quints, niggas. Quints.
I don't think you know what unemployment is. A 16 year old in high school isn't unemployed, he's busy learning so he doesn't end up a right wing retard. A stay at home mom like Melania isn't unemployed, she's raising her autistic son. I thought conservashits were all about family values? A soldier who got his arms and legs blown off in the Bush GOP Iraq War isn't unemployed, he's a disabled vet. A 63 year old who retired early isn't unemployed, he's retired.
You do know the US has record job openings right?
Why not regulate the housing market?
>We should get rid of wage labor altogether so 0.
So you are an anarcho individualist
10$ ties with inflation user. Anything beyond 10$ right now will break the economy.
Part of the problem is the massive discrepancy in basic salary compared to top exec salary. Sure the CEO deserves to be paid more but not 300+ times more.
Absolutely this.
I can't drink spirits anymore because I messed my liver up a bit in my 20s, had a bit of an alcohol problem. Technically I'm not meant to be drinking at all but I still go through 7 or 8 beers every now and then because life is just too boring and depressing without it. I really really miss vodka.
$5, at most.
I'm not going to be forced to pay more for products just to support old, used-up sluts or single-mothers.
Signed anyone who has a sliver of knowledge about how the economy works
Seattle has 2.6% because of all the software companies that are out there. I doubt raising the minimum wage affects already rich areas like that as much as anywhere else
nobody benefits from a higher min wage because cost of living goes up and people get laid off. This literally happens in real life every time. Any gains from a higher min wage are cancelled out by the losses. If your labor aint worth 15 bucks an hour, Im sorry but a government bureaucrat passing some new regulation to make ppl pay you more wont solve your problems.
Nah, just a regular old marxist-leninist
So you want widespread homelessness and death?
>"shitty capitalist system"
>unsupported assumption that communism could ever do better (spoiler: it never has)
kys commie.