poor Carl
Sargon realizes the gravy train is coming to an end
Other urls found in this thread:
That feeling when you realize you don't have free speech
Things are just going to get more polarized.
this guy rode the late atheism trend in youtube and is a literal
>not all black people
Who fucking cares. I would get a big dick from watching this guy gargle, alive on a stake.
3. get a real job.
fuckin sargoy
He looks kinda cute
No homo
Where the heck am I going to get my dose of persecution complex, and how am I to be offended at the world now?
He can always go back to raising someone elses Kid.
Sargoy of Mossad is a pussy.
>Sargoy of Mossad
Sarcuck of Jihad
Top kek
>consistently annihilates WNs in debate when they outnumber him 5 to 1
>hated by Naz/pol/ for being vaguely acquainted with formal reasoning
was he raising someone elses brat?
he hasn't said. he mentioned he has a kid tho
Slide Thread
The Jewish Role in the Refugee Crisis
The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry
Jewish Influence in Canada: The Civil Rights Movement
America's Multicultural Nightmare
Who Owns The Media?
Brother Nathael's First Video - Who Controls America?
Does This Sound Familiar ???
Why Do People Dislike lsrael?
CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix
The Zionist Matrix of Power in America
Adolf Hitler's Warning
The Jewish Question [Crucifixion, Holocaust, Israel]
more like sargon of cuckad, seriously stop watching/posting this guys vids
maybe if he shits some more on white nationalists he can keep his videos.
>poor Carl
literally, soon enough
>"if someone can make money without living my own miserable shit existence then it's not a real job"
Your shit job doesn't matter
I heard BLACKED.COM is moving into gay territory...
fuck off leaf
you know we don't have to plan the second holocaust in every fucking thread
Can i get a tldr on this?
>sued for hundreds of thousands
what's next? banned from patreon?
this is hilarious poor carl
can't wait to see him begging on the streets of london and he lets me cum on his face for 5 pounds
It's not a job. A job implies contributing to society is some fashion. Posting videos of yourself in your bedroom talking about your stupid opinions about the world contributes nothing to society.
long story short, Sagon of a-cuck needs your money, and he needs it fast, youtube is about to fuck him in the ass
There you go
Maybe he should have finished his fucking video game and made an attempt to expand his company through his audience of his successful channel.
This dumb nigger was given everything on a silver platter and he continues to piss it away. The best idea he can come up with is a book club? How intellectual of him.
What a fucking dumbass
>I cuck you if I raise your child lol
It would be less pathetic if he was a full-on cuck fetishist because that way he'd at least be self-conscious. Btw u got a source of the video this is from, I'd like the full context
thanks for the links fellow leaf
>Btw u got a source of the video this is from, I'd like the full context
Nope. But its pretty much known anyway that he raises someone elses kid. Maybe its on Encyclopedia Dramatica
I recently got an inheritance of a little under 800k(US). If he goes to court and gets fucked, I'm going to drop at least 50k on him. 1/3 of the potential. I'll let him know that *IF* he wants to pay me back he can. I like his content that much.
So everyone in hollywood or any form of TV/movies should 'get a real job'? Do you really think entertainment doesn't have value to a society?
He got sued for uploading someone else's video without adding much commentary or at all.
He then reuploads it in defiance on another platform.
I don't understand this guy.
Pretty much what my adviser said too. Think broader. Think DMCA and Fair Use.
>anyone that doesnt agree with my retarded cospiracy theories is a pussy!
>*hides behind the mask of an anonymous image board and is too scared to even voice his political views on facebooko
gibs more shekels goyim
We tried to warn Fagon of Cuckad that "You can never cuck enough". the Jews will kike you no matter what. Now look at him trapped between the Jew sword and the Alt-Right wall that he built himself.
Look at Lauren Southern or Faith Goldy for example how smart they were. We warned them that cuckholdery would not save them from Wrath of Jew and they took the warning seriously. Now they are welcomed in the openly Nationalist-Racialist circles (and they will come sooner or later).
It's almost like his fanbase suddenly realised he was a shill retard. The comments section is surprisingly full of true red-pilled commenters calling him it out for it
this is profound user
Factually wrong.
It's not a free speech issue really. The video is got sued for really doesn't fall under fair use, he literally reuploaded someone else's content without doing any addition of his own or even commentary. Just edited the clip.
I kinda half feel bad for the guy, but I saw it coming months ago as he progressively got lazier with the formatting of his content. So eventually it was bound to catch up with him considering he's constantly antagonizing faggots who play fast and loose with the report button.
Maybe he'll become Super-Radical Centrist this time.
>one of the biggest allies to Sup Forums
>Sup Forums hates him
If the ctrl left start winning cases in fair use we are fucked. There will be no criticism, there will be no thought, only jail for wrong think or right think obedient slaves..
This is why we have no respect internationally. Celebrities used to be viewed as no higher in the pecking order than a common whore. Yes, everyone in hollywood needs a reality check.
truly our biggest ally
Because you saved that you, if in america, better have signed this. petitions.whitehouse.gov
Also, show your flag faggot.
Does THIS answer your question?
He is a cuck fetishist. He's tweeted before about spamming Sup Forums with cuck porn. He's banned from twitter for requesting cp so I can't find the tweet.
> Literally e begging to support your SAH wife and her son
A real man in 2017
Youre welcome Thats just the tip of the Ice(((berg)))
kek, finally an actual DEUS VULT poster using the flag
>What is controlled opposition?
>So everyone in hollywood or any form of TV/movies should 'get a real job'?
Ohhh, now I get IT
This is the dumbest shit I've ever read. For the love of fuck, keep your goddamn money
Can I get 50k too? I will suck your dick bro #NOHOMO, u will like my content
He's being sued for $150k for using a clip of some leftist female w\o her permission or some such shit.
He's not the Hitler-lover I want him to be
But he's still better than 98% of people desu famalam.
How terrible. He only makes $80k+ a year.
However shall he cope!
yeah, i dont really get the sargon hate here.
They totally should. Brad Pitt et al 'gunna kill me sum Nat zeees' types should go and fight mano a mano in Afghanistan if they like glorifying war.
There's literally no good pop culture from the last 30+ years, it's all social engineering bs. Same with music, look into how many of them are ftm and mtf trannys.
This is why no one is really attracted to celebrities, they're the wrong gender.
Maybe he should just get a real job and do these lazy videos on the side?
everyone in hollywood should be set on fire
Lots of affluent people still live paycheck to paycheck. A collar exchange from blue to white doesn't necessarily change spending habits.
Minus SUPER-BASED Mel Gibson.
(((Sargon of Akkad)))
I'm just kidding.
This board has gone full retard since the beggining of the "right civil war" in january.
you fuck off this info should be posted everywhere on every thread stupid faggot
If you're not 100% a white supremacist you're hated by a good portion of the user base that makes Sup Forums great/interesting/different from reddit or any other popular platform.
That said, I think that there is a lot of nuanced opinions here and not everyone hates Sargon, but people that like him just nod to his videos and judge each one on their own merit. People that hate him have to vocalize it to everyone that he once said something they disagree with. Turns out you can like someone and not agree 100%.
weird how it is
Shills attack bigger and more effective voices like Sargon and Styxhexenhammer. These guys are responsible for delivering at least some sanity into more normie types, they are valuable as fuck if you are really against the whole leftard marxist agenda.
I aint clicking that shit
There's no way in hell any judge is going to award 150,000 bucks in the case even if they rule against Sargon- case might get thrown out as nonsense before it even progresses very far.
Molyneux too to an extent- he's not exactly out in tinfoil land.
Even PJW is a normie gatekeeper of sorts.
Anyone have the video? For research and comparison?
Boring, how does anyone listen to this fat cunt?
> "I'm willing to do live events, that's something I'm interested in"
> sucky sucky five dorra, me ruv u rong time
"Youtubers" having to find real jobs? Oh no, that sucks.
>be a faggot youtuber
>get good goys to pay your bills
fuck this nigger
The guy is making:
8,682 USD ~ 8,000 USD take home a month from patreon
2.5USD CPM * ~8 million views per month * 50% adblock rate = 10,000 USD per month from Youtube (low ball figure)
Merchandise ~ ? maybe 1000 USD per month
Big Boy is probably pulling in over 18k USD a month and says he needs help LOL
I dont think so Tim
To be fair
>live in great cuckton
>over half taken away from the state
He's not really in the right on the clip. As much as I don't like cunt who's suing him, he literally just edited her original video with no commentary unless you count the title of the video. Not a great case.
Sargon is a cuck regardless, though.
108k USD per year after taxes is still a lot.
fuckin italians
Good luck, Carl. You'll always be welcome here.
can you get this shit out of here?
She probably deserves monet but not 100k+
I think anything you post on YouTube becomes googles property anyway, and to be honest this event is giving her more traffic and money than she would've gotten to begin with. He's obviously in the wrong here but if she got awarded anything above 10k I'd be surprised.
He uses false rhetoric and says that all identity politics are the same, when in fact identity politics are just a tool. Some people use it to push marxism, some people use it to push nationalism.
I got banned for my Sargon thread last week.
Not gunna lie, pretty fucking salty.
The law doesn't care about whatever traffic she'd get from this, so it wouldn't change much (if anything at all). You still own the legal copyright if you upload something to youtube, and even if it WAS completely google's property, she'd still have the same case against him. I wouldn't doubt if she got the whole >100k. Doesn't deserve it in the slightest, but that's not how lawsuits work, unfortunately.
good anti-white cunts like him should just fuck off and die desu
He got btfo'd by a feminist cunt and Anita made him wah wah when she was throwing shade. He's a bitch and has no new ideas to bring to the "skeptic" community.
wtf i hate sargon now
fuck sargon. he did a t-shirt contest and never announced the first a second place because he can't afford to pay the winnings.
oh no how horrible, this is all alt rights fault, theyre basically right wing sjws