
>richer than any radio personality ever
>has been accused of destroying careers of former employees who crossed him
>anytime someone says Jew on the show he points it out and makes a big thing of it in some way

Is he a Zionist or just an extremely rich jew?

Other urls found in this thread:


all jews hate being outed, it's the same as vampires


i like this

Hey now

>had trump on his show frequently for many years
>seemed like genuine friends and hung out off air
>stern was quick to throw trump under the bus during the election and didnt show any remorse for it at all

Watch his 9/11 episode the first thing he does is say we should attack Iran. Kek. Fuck kikes.

This is very telling imo

he was acting very weird on that episode in my opinion

Everyone in the media/entertainment business did this. It was quite insane to watch.


He's amazing. BABA BOOEY!!!!

Both. He is a zionist

Stern's only actually half Jewish. He always rubbed me the wrong way, the way he paraded literal retards on his show is pretty repugnant in hindsight and of course only something a Jew would do.

There were clearly some people who knew he was a danger to them very early on and that should be interesting to Sup Forums

hey now

he's just a jew. blacks run fast, play basketball and make fun music, white people make societies, Jews tear them down from the inside and muslims tear them down from the outside and latinos don't really do anything, that's life

but seriously
hey now

The Jewish Role in the Refugee Crisis

The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry

Jewish Influence in Canada: The Civil Rights Movement

America's Multicultural Nightmare

Who Owns The Media?

Brother Nathael's First Video - Who Controls America?

Does This Sound Familiar ???

Why Do People Dislike lsrael?

CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix

The Zionist Matrix of Power in America

Adolf Hitler's Warning

The Jewish Question [Crucifixion, Holocaust, Israel]

you seriously misunderstand the concept of international jewry if you think radio dj is part of it.

T. Knower

To be fair, he said he supported Clinton but didn't throw him under the bus, he actually refused to release tapes of his interviews with Trump that people could have against him.

taytay got it right

Someone should stab this kike in the neck.

I meant more on the level of some of the Zionists high up in the media kys

>Is he a Zionist or just an extremely rich jew?

Anybody remember when he was funny? I used to listen to hm on WNBC in New York City.

AIDS jokes used to be so funny.

>he was acting very weird on that episode in my opinion

It was modern day War of the Worlds. He was blaming Bin Laden before anyone knew what was happening.

You can be friends with someone and disagree with their politics. However, if they decide to run for office and start shouting their beliefs in public then it's okay to distance yourself from them and criticize them.

Bump the fuckers should have stick to there moto : don't be evil.. too bad

You are very correct about that. He also labeled it a terrorist attack frighteningly quick. I know there was a terrorist attack before but if you watch the clip it's weird how he inserts the narrative in there you can tell it's not natural

GG brofag

I remember on Sup Forums years ago somebody linked a video of him bringing on a deaf girl and then some guy fucked her and they all made fun of it.


No .. she broken

He has actively tried to get pornstars to fuck homeless and retarded people

He's absolutely a Zionist shill watch the 9/11 show. Luckily we have Beetlejuice on deck to keep things balanced.

wtf is "zionist high up in the media" you idiot?
he wants to reestablish israel?
you should learn your phrases when on Sup Forums not everyone here are nazi/communist jew bots.


I really just want to know if he is part of (((them))). Gtfo with you goddamn terminology nazi everyone knows what I meant.

I just enjoy how in depth he gets into the guests lives. No other interviewer makes the guests go as far in detail as he does.
The one with Kurt Angle was Gold, Iron Sheik too

This. I stopped listening after that.

Dad please get off Sup Forums

Archetypal Jew degeneracy peddler.

As much as I enjoy his interviews does anyone remember the one from 05-06 woth President Trump?
>Ivanka you're single right?
>ever been with a black guy before?
How fucking typical, then they act surprised when People point out all the shit they've done.

Didnt he have daniel carver on for a few shows?

He's a Jew.

Jews don't have any kind of objective morality.

Their morality is like blacks.

>is it good for me?
>will it let my people get extra power?

Hypocrisy, love, higher power, none of these things enter a Jews mind. They can't even comprehend them.

That's why they will say they want to kill all whites and riot over a nazi joke.

Same with blacks.

Some black gets shot for robbing and they will riot because blacks have literally no abstract concept of right and wrong. The rule of law has no meaning to them. To them rules and laws are racist.

Many shows. Not sure if YouTube has it since they're banning anything racist, but look up 'old Howard stern show upn Daniel carver.' Prepare to watch shit that modern day tv would never create


>tfw not Jewish
>tfw will never be granted a privileged life because i'm not Jewish

I found that odd too. He seems to take marching orders from some higher ups.
like when he said trannies shouldn't use the bathroom but then next day said they should use whatever they want.
He clearly had someone tell him what to say.

I remember that.
Now Michael Savage calls him out...
"an elderly man in a fright wig."

>Hoo hoo, I invented the radio Robin! TELL 'EM FRED!


His best years are from the late 80's to mid 90's. He just didn't give a fuck and his shows (tv and radio) were unbelievably funny.

Now he's older and actually cares what his celebrity friends think about him. Most of the time I immediately tune out when he gets political or has scum like Alec Baldwin on, because you can tell he's only pandering to their views. I feel like he doesn't want to lose his celebrity support but doesn't want to go too far against someone we can verify he had affection for, and mostly agreed with, for years before this.

Stern is a fucking kike. I'm glad his show is dying, also Robin is a useless nigger obviously.

He cant make much more money, he can only lose a lot of what he has. Soon he will announce his retirement and cash in for the last year. The guy's been famous on the radio from the 1980s