What is your honest opinion about Britain and her offspring?
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who cares we're the best everyone else can suck this big anglo cock
great people who sold their countries to the jews
Far Superior to the shitty Aryan.
Damn right I did
USA is the best also I love this hat
Did someone say 1776?
America > too loud
Canada > get rid of that man child
Australia > bro tier
New Zealand > the quiet ones
Ireland > what the fuck even goes on there?
Preach, most redpilled son.
Honestly ?
Utter garbage.
Trannies and lgbt.
Multiculturalism .
Fat acceptance.
No human group is bellow the anglos.
And the worst ?
You had the best potential.
But you became (((their))) best slaves and fuck the world up.
Rebel or kys.
In all seriousness 'The Mad King' George was an autist and the war wasn't very popular here I believe.
Remember you weren't the first to BTFO a monarch - look up Based Oliver Cromwell
t. the first country to have a leftist revolution and spread 'equality and fraternity' across the world
Hate to say it, but after visiting Europe, my life changed forever. Continental Europe is the only place on the planet that deserves saving from the progressives anymore. It is literally the lifeblood of the white race. Western europe has already fallen, but eastern europe is so different it's like a breath of fresh air.
Went to Poland/Romania/Hungary/Slovenia/Austria/Germany/netherlands/france on a 2 month bus-tour.
I remember sitting outside in a restaurant in Transylvania, Romania, at the foothill of the hill on which the Bran castle is stood. I fulfilled a childhood dream by visiting Dracula's castle, and I was sitting there drinking a cappuccino thinking about it. Then I started looking around, and realized that I was surrounded by white people, and that there were probably only 10 blacks in the whole country. Such a surreal feeling and experience, I immediately felt at home,as if my blood was linked to this place - I hate to be memey, but perhaps...euphoric.
Came back to the US, and fell into a deep depression. 2 years later, I'm almost done making savings/completing my visa process to move to Austria with my wife and children.
Sorry for the post, but it's the truth. The anglo world has become too sado-masochistic in its politics.
To much spying.
You speak about cromwell ?
And sorry.
In france, no fat acceptance. Lgbt are legally accepted but despised by the population. Muh pronuns is unheard. No muslim mayor for our capital. Even our minorities say " i am more french than you".
You ?
You let thousands of little girls being raped by pakis. You piss on your country. Your capital is majority foreigner. And hostile foreigner. List goes on.
I do not know when you fucked up, but sorry, nobody serious think uk exists anymore. You are sweden turned up to eleven.
France is absolutely incredible in its culture, architecture and history. Muslim group of boys in Paris told me in broken english "Bush bomb bomb iraq fuck america" because I had an american flag patch on my backpack - what the fuck happened to your country?
t. hans
We think you're based
France has a higher Islamic population than Britain, France doesn't have any borders because it's in Schengen and it doesn't even have its currency because it's in the Eurozone. Your forefathers died by the millions to keep the Krauts in line and now you're their colony again. Sad.
P.s. Cromwell wasn't leftwing. Far from it.
Fuck Israel
It happened that the muslims nations we build are as sane as muslims can be.
Fuck (((america))).
Fuck your wars
Fuck your degeneracy and your idiotic ideas.
You are the shame of the western world.
Make no mistake. European nationalists and muslims would gladly ally to end your degeneracy to spread.
You want to understand us ?
Look mtv.
Be a man of honor and duty.
What do you think ?
Any decent man thinks :
Nuke america and take no prisoners
So your country going to shit is 100% America's fault. Alrighty then.
Fuck you France, take your damn statue turn it sideways, and stick it up your Frog ass, whilst getting faced fucked by an Algerian, we tried to clean up your mess in Nam, the shit list you fags have pulled over the centuries is unending, a traitor ever since the time of the Franks. The last good thing you did was chase kebab out of Spain.
Your country is lost.
It is on the brink of collapse.
Scots want out
Irish hate you (with good reason, you deserve to be exterminated for what you did).
Welsh are cucks, on an german scale.
Whats left ? A few english pedos ?
In a sea of pakis ?
Our minorities want to be recognized as french. They are proud of it. Yours despise you. You have thousands of pedo rapes, both pakis and anglis, on your hands.
You are 40 billion in debt to ue, and, like cucks, you will pay. You are in a crumbling place.
> European nationalists and muslims would gladly ally
>in any war even against burgers
You have to go back
Anglos are great. They just fell in with the wrong crowd. I hope you manage to hit your stride again, you could have much to
*offer the world.
We are not 53% future minority and our minorities are proud to be french.
Enjoy your nambla, your submission to israel, muh pronuns, shitty gmo food, etc.
We have none of this here.
And we will remove burgers, coz they are lower that kebabs.
We don't have any antifa in Ireland do we?
It appears this young sir has a penchant for being sodomised without the forgiving actions of a quality lubricant. To the Lidl young debutante post haste, some petroleum jelly shall relieve your weary colon from the exhaustive penetration of endless negro appendages
They voted to remain in the U.K.
Literally who? They're German bitch bois like you - you both answer to Merkel so you're not real countries
Celtic nation that voted for Brexit. Based.
France is 12% Muslim. UK is 5% Muslim. Kek.
Thanks Mountain Kraut.
Going skiing in your country and trying to talk German when drunk makes me feel peak white. Spatze(?) is God-tier food as well.
No, but you have Catholics which is the same thing.
Balkan posters have good bants tbqh
the falklands are british. end of the story
>the absolute delusion of this one.
We cucked you so hard after kicking your arse WW2 that to this day ours not allowed an army lmao OR YOUR OWN CURRENCY LMAO OR ANY BORDERS HAHAHAHAHA
It's shit.
Really, I'd been to Britain this summer and it's much worse than Germany. You guys should just kill yourself. No future in this land.
The offspring's worse. Maybe there is some future for Australia, US seems like shit, I don't even want to talk about Canada but I've generally lost hope.
Anglo Pride World Wide
>muh ww2
only argument you bongs have..always find this inferiority complex of yours amusing
If you're a legit German, and not a descendant of communist rapists or a turk, I think both the US and UK owe you an apology for fighting on the wrong side.
All good, minus bankers in Britain and Canadians that live in the big cities in general.
Love the Irish, good people, treated my family well when they went there.
My wife is English, so I guess Im a queen fag now
Cheese eating surrender monkey. Ill call you if I need a white flag raised.
>Oliver Cromwell
Lel no
You went to London, not England.
Imagine being an Anglo and being turned into a second class citizen in every country they live in.
It must be sad being an Anglo.
>inferiority complex
>never lost a war against Germany
You literally started two world wars because you wanted what we had but you never got it :^)
We do. I saw them at the water protests a few years ago. There weren't many though.
>Cathol*c King bullying based Proddy Anglos
>Cromwell puts him in his place
The state of you lad
Your elites are literally called WASPs.
No. They're called Jews and Irish Catholics.
England is a joke, I've never liked you cucks as a 'country' the people are either giant fucktards or pretty cool.
Probably the worst managed country in history, the sooner we get you mongs off our flag and out of our country the better. Ugly people, bad food, appalling state of affairs in general.
Americans are cool, Canadians are tolerable if they're rural, kiwi's are basically Canadians, and the Irish kick ass.
And after he was finished fucking England up they had to get a king out of exile and resurrect the crown
Fucking hilarious 10/10
>England is a joke, I've never liked you cucks as a 'country' the people are either giant fucktards or pretty cool.
That's not a nice way to speak to your father
Ireland isn't Britain's offspring, except for that bit at the top.
>We will remove burgers
No sweetie, stop before you hurt yourself.
Cromwell was a fucking faggot, just because he killed a Catholic doesn't make him based. The only thing he did good was fuck up so badly that they let James II come back.
He also funded Britain's economy by borrowing money and indebted the kingdom, incidentally he lifted the ban on Jews in England for the first time since the 1200s. Pure coincidence I'm sure
Tasmania is more important and relevant to all of the southern hemisphere than England.
It's just how it is, actually it's probably a tie between NZ and Tasmania
this always makes me kek
What are you going so do? Surrender us to death?
Aussies are cool.
(((Eternal Anglo))) destroyer of the white race, of western culture, of western homelands, of eternal atrocity propaganda.
Hey man, nobody watches MTV anymore.
I can smell your blood from here
>Americans are cool, Canadians are tolerable if they're rural, kiwi's are basically Canadians, and the Irish kick ass.
Exactly this.
Literally Argentina is more Celtic than that part of Britain and it retains its heritage better.
Cheers mate, yeah it's basically Australia and the USA who carry the flag for the Anglosphere now.
t. Anglo rape babies with Abo/Nigger blood butthurt that Anglos created the modern world
>50% white
>maybe 20% are anglos
t. Chang Aboobooaboboo.
The only reason the desert shithole you're living on resembles anything close to a developed nation is because you're English.
Offspring are fine, its Britain that I hate. Almost as bad as Jews
The Irish are superior to the English/prods.
All those years of torture and they can't even keep pace with the Irish.
>Beating Rome
Rome absolutely raped the Britons, especially the ones in what's now England.
Germany has literally never won a war in all of it's history.
>inb4 Franco-Prussian War
Germany was established after the war. Try again honey ;)
>t. has no idea what he's talking about
See the true face of the Anglo, proud that he did the Jews bidding and doomed us all because he was jealous of Germany
Like the best of all men can grow old and loose itself by being a terrible parent, the UK is the best ennemy we could have asked for, sadly it is gone for good, replaced in a way by the US but with a terrible cultural void.
Good luck during the Brexit negotiations.
I think we should kill them all for the sake of the world. sorry an*lo I don't see any other way
I really wish it was just one big Anglo nation. Can never hangout with US bros daily :'(
>just move there
Too fucking difficult, just make it one country please.
This right here.
Cromwell was trash. If you want to see what's wrong with England today, look no further than him.
Our empire was magnitudes bigger and we had to fight off 3 powerful advanced countries doing it. They just walked into barbarian lands and put a flag up with no resistance.
>huh that proves you're cucks
The original Brits were Celts. I'm Anglo.
We had a good run, didn't we?
You H A V E to uncuck yourselves. France is lost Italy are a quagmire of failure Spain wereally never good and Slavs are Slavs. Nordic countries are basically happy stagnation all the way through. Even the ones who aren't replacing themselves are basically just theme parks.
You owe it to everyone not least of all yourselves to please please please just FIX. YOUR. SHIT.
You've been given all the chances. For the sake of everything holy and just... USE THEM.
Otherwise we'll have to bet on fucking NL or the Japs to get this shitshow back on track and both of these are hilariously unlikely.
Please don't let it come to that. A second Germanic awakening won't happen before we balkanize the place and let the pieces sort it out amongst themselves again and that's just going to take far too long.
That's A Penis.jog
Also try Fritattensuppe. Also Krautfleckerl. Wiener Schnitzel is good but so overrated I consider the amount of wank around it somewhat vicariously embarrassing.
PS: Look after NZ. I'm not sure what they're up to but abandoning them to become a billionaire resort isn't the answer.
This so much. Everybody in the World hate American degeneracy. The Right, Left and Muslims hate the United States. And thats only in Europe. Outside of it even more people hate the Stronghold of Degeneracy, aka USA.
We don't need luck. We can't lose.
If we pay a bill we're still free of your autism.
If we don't we're still free of your autism.
Germany and Germans won't exist in a few decades and that's exactly how the allies planned it. RIP
You worship a paedophile and Muslims are 70% inbred. You think we fear Turks? Lmao.
it's shit but better than pakistan so I guess I'll stay here
In just saying, the image is misleading or seems false about about the Roman Empire. Ancient Britons themselves were conquered by the Romans. Also it's kind of hard to quantify that the British empire was superior to the Roman Empire considering there's a 1,000+ year difference between them. Yeah Britain controlled more territory but they had technology that allowed them to travel faster. If anything I'd say they were equal.
American Empire>Roman Empire>British Empire