Why do the other boards hate us?

Are they just buttmad leftists?
Why is Sup Forums the only redpilled board?

>other board(s)
>shows three posts from the same board
don't send pol out to other boards that don't do shit. i'm tired of getting my mutant or fag time interrupted by politics when there's a board just for politics.

>random shitposters = a whole board
unironically kys self

That's just /qa/ everyone there hates fun
They're like /jp/ with a stick shoved even further up their ass

What's their problem


Sup Forums is a containment board, it can't be contained if there's no board.

just imagine the website being dossed or raided by a million script kiddies at the same time if Sup Forums disappeared.

Why do people still treat /qa/ like a Sup Forums support board it stopped being that a long time ago and is just anime autists.

Sup Forums is a board of peace and would never do that!

Just because the weeb mafia took it over doesn't mean it's not the meta board anymore

Nah, no matter how much linking from /qa/ to Sup Forums you do it's not the complain about Sup Forums board. Try to shift the narative as much as you want, idc.


You think I linked here? This is hilarious.

idc either way. Go be outraged over what I type in another thread. I'm sure you tards get enough of that over here.

Bull...80-90% of Sup Forums loves Sup Forums and is proud of Sup Forums since 80-90% of Sup Forums are angry White males and a few WHITE SHARIA-ed females.

Who said anything about being outraged? I think it's all in good fun.


??? Go watch some anime. Your sense of entertainment is pretty low caliber.

>meta board, nobody knows it exists

>doesn't know shit about Sup Forums's diversity

>Are they just buttmad leftists?

no one likes hearing uncomfortable truths

>Your sense of entertainment is pretty low caliber
>Go watch some anime

holy FUCK i've been destroyed by an user!!!11!!!


Third thread has a point. Stop violating board rules and keep on topic rather than continually steer the conversation to NIGGERS AND JEWS. I come right here for that, not the other boards.

Yeah, that happened when /new/ was deleted, many times over.

Because you're all raging identitarian autists

>Can't SHUT IT DOWN even after shitting up board with degenerate shit, playing both sides by roll-playing as both ebil nazi and communist then arguing with your proxied self and swarming here with your reddit shillbot army since you found board few years ago
>Sup Forums just becomes more and more popular as days go by
>Cry elsewhere on smaller sub-boards trying to drum-up support
Their strategic logic processors must have burned out, poor things.

But that's you?

cunning frog instead to stifle the snakses call for help, crocks harder on top of it, to drown its desperate cry


oh look another stealth personal army call to arms from the butthurt /qa/ troll... did your Discord bros finally leave you without Backup ever since school started back up? Not that the truth matters; most newfags being useful idiots for any cause.

Ally/Successful Colonies
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums

Sup Forums

/sci/ obviously hates Sup Forums the most, every time there's a race and IQ thread it's a guaranteed 300 reply thread

Sup Forums isn't a containment board like some retards think, it's a place where people can say things that arn't generally accepted. Funnily enough that's why those faggots want to shut it down, because their bullshit can be challenged here rather than subjected to 'social norms' (or what they define as such).

It's very effeminate behaviour of them, to basically whinge and cry that Sup Forums exists, and cry to teacher to have it closed. I mean just look at this shit...

>Sup Forums incites riots, violence and doxing

What this creature means by this is that telling the uncomfortable truth causes snowflakes to burn things and riot, this is somehow our fault, heres another..

>Sup Forums engages in illegal activity

Nonsense again, who was it that uncovered Mr Bikelock guy? The left/Antifa talking about illegal activity is a bit fucking rich.

>Sup Forums is a racist shithole

Theres that racist word again, do people still think that word works anymore?

>that ruins this sites reputation

As opposed to the beacon of light reputation Sup Forums had before? Fuck right off. The faggots can't handle open brutal discussion, then have to censor and control, it's in their nature, they can't do that with Sup Forums so they bitch and cry like the girls they are hoping someone important loses their nerve.

Nu-males, the lot of them.

I think it's funny that Sup Forums happens to be one of the most diverse places on the internet

Because Sup Forums has become a massive cancer that's leaking to other boards.
Like holy fuck you're literally the rapefugees shitting up everything.

Stop trying so hard. You've dicked around so long that the threat of crossboarders is gone.

closing this thread. Enjoy advertising /qa/

The main reason Sup Forums has such a lowly reputation on other boards is because some of you guys (mainly newfags i hope ffs) go around those hobby boards and treat it just like Sup Forums+anime or Sup Forums+cars or Sup Forums bros fix up a house or whatever, and usually don't fucking lurk and shit all over their board culture. They view us all as the niggers of Sup Forums.

bump to spite the jihadi who has shit for brains and more comments than anyone in thread yet never said anything that made any sense

>leftist cumrags beg authority to silence their political opponents
>user is shocked, shocked
It's like you've never even been here

this. you fags are cancerous to other boards.

I see a lot of hate on Sup Forums about Sup Forums too

/bant/ is embarrassing and always complains about Sup Forums

Idk but just posting with anime can ban you these days.

Newfag mods...

Sup Forums brings unwanted attention to the entire site. Also, a bunch of you morons love spreading this shit to other boards. Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums, and as such is hated by everyone.

QA is filled with the type of people who go to local council meetings and write long angry letters about their neighbor's tree being 43cm taller than regulation. Busybodies.

This is a shill post

Also this

Sup Forums is not competition. They are just filled with lonely NEETs fapping to messed up porn. Sup Forums won't do shit unless their videogames are affected and /bant/ is a shithole. Sup Forums is the only productive board. We are the glory and light of Sup Forums.

Cry more faggot

>and shit all over their board culture.
>board culture
Fuck off faggot.

>Why do the other boards hate us?
Probably because Sup Forums is just one big white nigger circle jerk board

Just stating facts.

kys phoneposter

>Sup Forums is a liability.
>Sup Forums violates board rules regularly.
>Sup Forums drives advertisers away.

>Proceeds to post fucking lolis.

/qa/ used to be a comfy board, but a bunch of newfags from spinoffs are raiding it since february and mods conveniently ignore it.

even though the other boards hate Sup Forums, there's a particular style of underlying humor that exists across Sup Forums.

it's because people think that politics seeping into every facet of entertainment like sports with colin kaepernick and vidya with SJW tranny nonsense is the result of a board on Sup Forums and not the jewish media and overly vocal paid protesters

People with Sup Forums mentality come over to other board with board meme and especially making template threads are never welcome. Stating your opinion is fine, but as soon as you start to sound like you are obviously projecting Sup Forums image, other Sup Forums fags join in and it dilute the whole thread. Sup Forums being the most xenophobic board is the reason for this.

Here's your fucking answer faggot

/QA/ hates everyone. They've destroyed this site. Fucking up board elections, re-enabling the robot on /r9k/--they're dicks.

Maybe if you had a shred of originality the robot wouldn't be a problem.

Hi /qa/

Nope. I'd cut /qa/ because such site meta boards give a mega phone for the vocal few in making non-issues seem like much bigger problems.

>pretending that r9k doesn't exist

Sup Forums leaks into other boards and acts like stormweenies then screeches that they're too blue pilled after posting "hitler did nothing wrong" on /diy/

Sup Forums is leaning towards ally, literally every poster who cries over drumpf/whatever Sup Forums subject has shit taste and the majority of Sup Forums hates them. They're usually in seasonal meme threads, most likely reddit retards.

You're all a bunch of people who couldn't critically think yourself out of being indoctrinated into racist/sexist/homophobic/right wing propaganda. Why would anyone like that?

How the fuck is Sup Forums contested? Sup Forums-related threads are basically the only threads that hit post limit every single time

This is why we hate you, that isn't video games, it is shitty politics. Glad Sup Forums is too casual for the other video game boards.

because you ruin every fucking thread you autists

OP: haha game!
Sup Forums: THE JEWS


/jp/ shits on other boards as much as Sup Forums
There should be a global rule banning touhou shit on the same manner as ponies

they hate us cuz' they ain't us. we've the best memes that propagate throughout the internet, it all starts here. basically it's like the human centipede chain, and they're eating our shit. wouldn't you be mad if you were eating somebody's shit?

Since they only get our trash threads, they have a bit of a little brother complex.

>Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums
Where do you think we all came from, faggot?

reddit generally

Hobby boards want to discuss their hobbies, not the political tendencies behind them or their posters.