HAPPENING IMMINENT: Trump lifts ban of military equipment on police AND signs a bill that states the police no longer requires warrants to search your home.
What did (((he))) mean by this?
HAPPENING IMMINENT: Trump lifts ban of military equipment on police AND signs a bill that states the police no longer...
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>AND signs a bill that states the police no longer requires warrants to search your home
[citations needed]
I'm sure it's exactly the way OP described.
the militarization of police started under Obongo
due to pic related
Fuck off shareblue.
The CTR/Shareblue Shills and Payments:
fucking DRUMPH! This guy is literally a nazi and needs to be stopped!
Post proofs or gtfo.
good thing I dont have any guns cause im not a pussy alt right faggot who needs guns to protect himself
when was there ever a ban on military equipment for cops? police departments have been buying military surplus vehicles for over a decade.
Proofs plz, I agree he is a (((he))) but I would like proofs on This without a warrant thingy.
>states the police no longer requires warrants to search your home.
t. Occupy Democrats
Get ready faggot: ITS BEGUN, and all during Hurrican Harvey too. What a (((coincidence)))!
>regulatory searches of WMATA adjacent land for safety inspection purposes
The (((1%))) opposed it.
Also read the fucking bill you moron. JFC these people are all retarded.
thank you for being able to read so I don't have to waste my time doing it!
Actually, you do need them to defend yourself because when someone comes to take yu to gulag they aren't going to challenge you to fisticuffs, they are going to shoot you for resisting.
You are like the British circa 177Free "hurr, bunch of pussies hiding behind trees, killing a hundred of our dudes with only three rifles. Wussy faggots lel. Man up America"
This shits nothing special. If they didnt have to give notice then it would be unacceptable, but it's clearly stated that it must do so. Things like this occur everywhere when it comes to treetrimmers contracted by the city, powerline workers and other infrastructure related work.
But its been a long day and i might be fried and missing something in the lines of the bill.
Nice link. Not even a Twitter post. Keep up the good work.
get prepared for the fema camps we've been telling you about for years
intelligence organizations project US population of 54 million in 2025
>Sources: (((US Department of Defense, Department of State, CIA, (((World Bank))) and European Union.)))
>Obama started the fire!
>Disregard the fact Trump is dumping gasoline on it and not putting it out
hes going after antifa and other leftist terrorist organisations. remember, obama took the military equipment away from the police AFTER blm had started their war against the police
this is it for america
the last time anyone questioned intelligence services was the 1970s
is that real?
guns are for fun idiot, its a hobby
no one will ever sell you a gun if you tell them you need protection
police are there for that
Cops will get back their teargas launchers and the second part is made up.
yes goyim the police will protect you
[t]he duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists"
that's jewspeak for the police aren't obligated to protect you
Yeah it's not as damning as they make it out to be. However, that shit needs to be overturned in court, it's still unconstitutional.
Dont do anything illegal and you should be good. Privacy allows criminals to get away with too much.
>not just posting recent real life examples
police enFORCE the Law. The Law MAY be designed to protect you. That does not make police protectors.
you can't be serious
remember this when whites are a minority and not in control anymore
only stating what they'll tell you at the gun store
you just can't tell them "i need this shit for protection"
protection from what? they wont sell you anything that way
what does this jewish double speak even mean
fuck the police if they decide not to protect people
you retards think they should get military equipment too?
You must be ignorant of history to accept a situation like this
If the police search your home without a warrant, it will be take to court, and ruled in your favor. The fourth amendment wasn't abolished. Stop being so fucking afraid, and pathetic.
Wont even matter by that stage
why can't you use that reason, how far gone is this country
How is it unconstitutonal exactly?
I already stated why I think its fine here
phones, data, amazon echo, emails, mail, search history, all not protected under the 4th so what's next?
The police do warrant-less searches all the time that hold up in court. All they have to say is they had probable cause to enter the property like they heard a scream or smelled an illegal substance coming from the property.
changing the rules will only cause more whites to disagree with you
we built society on freedom and it will crash faster and harder without it
good point, and they can just parallel construct some reason or another to make what they did legal
and if what they did was illegal and a violation nothing will happen NOTHING, who want's to take the local police to court? you will be harassed and have to move to another town
It's about time Sup Forums woke up and realized the current left-right political spectrum is all controlled opposition with the goal of enforcing a police state that, you guessed it, will be controlled by the (((elites))).
Can you even put parenthesis inside parenthesis?
It's all deep state elites we lost the country
the last audit of intelligence services was done in the 1970s en.wikipedia.org
>sends warship to texas
literally weaponized dementia
This is 100% inaccurate.
The bill allows the transit authority to enter private property with the purpose of effecting repairs without it being considered trespassing.
Literally has nothing to do with warrants or searching houses.
that's literally in the constitution tho
>The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
This specific case
>Upon reasonable notice and a finding by the chief executive officer that a need exists, upon any lands, waters, and premises adjacent to the WMATA Rail System... and such entry shall not be deemed a trespass.
is used as an excuse for why the police searched your home without a warrant, they'll lose in court
Fucking zerohedge again, they blow everything out of proportion and clutch their pearls. I don't go to that site because everything is the end of the world to them.
In all but the most cucked states (like California or New York), you have to have absolutely no reason to buy a gun.
that's normal you chimpfucker. Obama sent SEVENTEEN warships to earthquake Haiti to help. What the fuck is wrong with you?
>antifa is a problem
>skrampf deals with it
>ree primpf is a legitimate threat
make up ur mind burger and save the rest of us
we're dying of hunger desu
>wide open desert
>lucky if a cop can reach you in 30 minutes
you have every reason to have a gun to be able to protect yourself. It's your LIFE.
I really shouldnt have ignored the author before i read that retarded article
Agreed. I dont get the issue at all. THIS IS COMMON IF YOU ARE A PROPERTY OWNER!
Ignore me I'm retarded and misread your post. I'm so used to liberals telling me that there's no reason to own a gun because you can just rely on police to protect your life, I jumped to conclusions.
these paranoid "headlines" look like shitty 2002 smears against bush. I wonder where they are coming from... btw what ever happened to CARNIVORE and nsa wiretaps on neckbeards? They keep promising me my police state but its been like 15 years and it never happens
What if you don't live in a sterile east coast wasteland and you have bears and lions as neighbors, is it ok then, user?
>Hillary deflection or an Obama deflection instead of dealing with reality
Former police supporter here, not going to lie it's been fun watching them crash and burn but seriously we can't let them get their hands on the military equipment.
Just to be clear it's specific to the RAIL system and locations next to it
>upon any lands, waters, and premises adjacent to the WMATA Rail System, including, without limitation, property owned or occupied by the federal government, for the purpose of making inspections, investigations, examinations, and testing as the Commission may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of this MSC Compact, and such entry shall not be deemed a trespass.
Of course not, OP is a faggot as usual
He said you
>you have TO HAVE absolutely no reason to buy a gun
>you have absolutely no reason to buy a gun
Yeah cause a few more teargas launchers are gonna spark a civil war.
>HAPPENING IMMINENT: Trump lifts ban of military equipment on police AND signs a bill that states the police no longer requires warrants to search your home.
>What did (((he))) mean by this?
You're full of shit, and Trump is a cocksucker.
Because they need to get rid of democrats by riding their houses and shooting them dead.
My mistake. I will suduko immediately so my prefecture will not be dishonored.
Hey Bill, you don't look so hot
He's going to hunt commies obviously