Dear, my fellow leaf niggers.
We must vote for Andrew Scheer in 2019
Dear, my fellow leaf niggers.
We must vote for Andrew Scheer in 2019
He will make the worst PM in history. This guy actually watches his wife get fucked.
literally who?
I vote liberal just for the lulz
mega cuck, gay action
We're so fucked.
This. I'm fucking leaving this shit country when I'm done college.
Yeah, we're pretty much doomed. I don't know where to go though, Old Stock Canadian and the U.S. is closest but has a much bigger nigger problem.
I am voting NDP losers. You right wing losers are lucky the vote is split between two center left parties.
Maxime Bernier come back...
Revolt when?
No, vote Trudeau. We need legalized weed more than anything.
So what you will about Scheer, but I don't think its even possible to be worse than Trudeau.
Vote Trudeau. The legal weed will help remove the pain of our inevitable demise.
Trudeau is working with the Muslim brotherhood.
He'll probably get removed from office before 2019.
But scheer is not man enough to run a country.
Did you get that info from the NSA colony on mars?
He might actually keep marijuana legal.
When asked about his stance on Canada's potential legalization of marijuana, he said though he is not in favour of the motion, "I am very realistic, and once it's legal in a short period of time there's going to be a lot of people that work for companies that distribute it... so we have to be very realistic as a party."
We are finished Conservatives already lost DUDE WEED LMAO will win since we cucked ourselves.
are you serious? Do you think DUDE WEED LMAO can win again?
thta dude in op pic related looks like an alien.
>Social conservative who wants to bomb Iraq
This guy stands no chance at all. How are you going to convince the country that this guy is the right guy when half of all conservatives dislike him and his policies?
How could an alpha male like Bernier lol to that fucking cuck LUL
He will win again he's the best.
No one triggers americans better and that's the sould and goal of canadian people.
I'm voting for the Natsoc revival party. Conservatives in Canada are all (((bought))) out.
I don't mind Scheer. I mean, I'll never donate to him, but I'll vote for him.
how does one go about doing that?
the guy is a radical centrist.
He's an ethnic Jew.
But the conservatives need someone that's cute af to compete with Trudeau senpai. :3
Don't forget sweetie, politics is all about looks and marketing now!
Go back to Croatia faggot
How about we all just move to America and help make it great again? Let these faggot liberals live in their diversity fantasy until it kills them or rapes them.
>leafs who visit a political forum don't realize Scheer is based
go jerk off to Donald Trump tweets you faggots
whichever party makes funding and defending Israel a core point has my vote.
What if the next Hitler is an ethnic Jew?
What are you gonna do? Not vote for him?
>Moving to america in order to escape liberalism.
We couldn't have picked a more cucked faggot. It's really unbelievable. Totally stupid. He will win but so what? He will not do anything conservative at all.
>what if up was down
>Scheer is based
How so?
He's a feminist so he must be good.
Fuck Scheer.
Only cucked will vote for him.
Im going BLOC.
How the fuck did he even win? I heard literally nothing about him during the race. Mad Max should have won.
because jews.
You probably wouldn't know about it.
I think I'll just not vote and let the fall of Canada be blamed solely on Trudeau versus Conservatives
>wants to get rid of health care
No thanks id rather not be left to die because im not rich
>NSA colony on mars
It was actually a Child Sex Slave Camp on the Moon.
for the same reason i don't know about the flat earth and alien colonies on mars
really has to change his makeup, guy looks like he's trying to be 12
probably pull a harper and need to lose some weight to get elected
he said post secondary places that don't allow free speech shouldn't get public funding
he's considered anti abortion, but will probably change that
wants the middle east refugees to be from threatened religious groups
>Moving to america in order to escape
Also the guns.
So this is what we're talking about now? All the shit that you know nothing bout?
>handles media like a champ. doesn't play their games
>excellent bants
>5 kids (pro family)
Thats what happens when you spend so much time in a circle jerk you don't even know who the #2 guy was.
You guys are retarded
We're one and the same, brother.
leafs, lets meme in the most offensive candidate ironically as Canadians
I refuse to give up my country. I will fight to the death to bring honour back to her name.
Anyways, I think I'll be troll voting for Bloc in Ontario, or National Socialist Revival - everyone must troll vote
im lost kevin was running last I checked and maxime was like next best for running
then bam this guy gets in and you expect him to beat cuckdeaus weed and selfie campaign?
this must be a setup by the jews and kevin/maxime were paid/in on it. this country is so fucking done for just kick me out already chang/rajesh
I'll come back then, let me know when we finally can start.
rip it's time to move to the USA
He know how to push JTs button in question period.
What did you expect? You had to purchase the vote to elect a conservative leader. Who has the most money and resources to get whoever they want voted in? The people? Guess again.
the electoral process was fucked, ridings were given equal weight and you had to get a majority
we were a better country until mulroney opened immigration up
Just wait to be invaded by the US. Then we can properly worship TrumpGod
And I fucking already had legal weed.
I did it for them, and this is how they betray me? Let them live on the streets with their legal weed after the Chinese buy every single house and refuse to employ them. Conservative Canadians need to move to the US and help me build the north wall.
i might vote for him, but he might just be another cuckservative
are you retarded? The vote to elect the conservative leader is a ranked ballot. There are no riding you moron
This guy is the new Finance Critic.
Delivers the bants in Question Period for sure.
Here's Pierre speak about socialism:
I've gotta see who my local Con nominee is going to be. I don't like Schmeerberg at all and he's a Harper-lite zio-cuck, but I'll vote Con if the local guy is alright. If Trudy wins the next one, I'm going back to MENA and working in O&G. Fuck it.
Scheer is a fucking cuck dude, we need someone else.
ridings were given equal weighting
that's why it was points and not votes
(((Progressive Conservative)))
>jewish tricks, you can't be both
(((Andrew Scheer)))
>literal jew
Is a national socialist party even allowed to run in Canada?
Nationalist party is where? I'd like to sign up please.
>tfw your country has no hope
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we could have had bernier, but they destroyed the ballots and had no recount
tfw you're an Andrew Scheer lookalike
I don't like Scheer and I feel betrayed by the PC's internal election to choose him as party leader. However, my dislike of Scheer pales in comparison to my hatred of the Liberal party, the NDP, and the Greens. So. If he is still PC leader in 2019, my vote goes to him.
No thanks, rather spoil my ballot.
Scheer will not be a change from Trudeau desu. The only thing you'll get less of is Trudeau's incessant virtue signalling.
We need a new party.
Make a new party worth voting for and I will vote for it.
There something creepy about these white jews like Scheer and Ezra
threadly reminder that ranked ballots are a completely bullshit wait to elect officials.
>tfw you literally win because even though more people preferred another guy as their first choice, more people ranked you as their least preferable choice than the other guy
Yep it's garbage.
We need Pierre Poilievre to run!
This guy is truly /ourguy/
Until the conservacucks start talking about reducing immigration they can go fuck themselves, they're no different from liberals because at this point immigration is the only thing that matters.
Who gives a fuck about any other policy when you look at the sheer amount of chinks, poos, niggers and mudslimes pouring into the country.
last year:
>320,000 immigrants (record number)
>46,700 refugees (highest number is 40 years)
>400,000 10 year visas issued to just chinese nationals alone (up from 25,000 in 2010)
on top of already here:
>500,000 foreign students
>500,000 foreign workers
We are letting in roughly 1.2 million non-whites per year now
Why the fuck did the retard Conservatives pick Scheer over Bernier? There's no way he'll beat Justin
That's the point. (((They))) paid them off to get this literal nobody as the face of our party, so Trudeau has an easy win. Everyone knew he'd lose to Maxime
How does this work?
Bernier had 49.2%, just a few too many Social Conservatives holding the line against the up and coming Libertarians.