Daily reminder that Hitler was 100 percent right about everything and that Nazism is the most objective and effective ideology to ever exist
Daily reminder that Hitler was 100 percent right about everything and that Nazism is the most objective and effective...
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Daily reminder that this faggot only ever had premarital sex all his life.
he was rothchilds tool ,both sides where controlled at top level,war was totally fabricated.
>not National Socialism
get out
Time for the zionist shithole to be erased once and for all.
>that flag
Literal retard
sorry boss
Australia will dominate the world this century. Once America balkanizes and Europe is in flames from Jamal and Mohammad, Australia will be the only White Nation left with any real power. We will annex New Zealand and South-East Asia, reinstate the White Australia Policy, deporting all gooks, chinks and shitskins, green the desert and start breeding programs to fill the new fertile lands of the desert and colonize these newly conquered lands. White refugees of Europe and America will be accepted, our white population will boom. Chinese and Indian economies will crash due to no demand for cheap labor, European and American GDP will crash, the world will be relying on us, our economy will explode. Due to a revival of Nationalist Socialism after the disasters of Europe and America, Australia will give birth to a scientific, mathematic, philosophical, historical and artistic renaissance the likes of which has never been seen before. Eugenics programs will be put in place, evolving our race, ensuring the dominance of Australia. Due to such huge technological leaps, The Solar System will easily be under our rule by 2100. A new spiritual consciousness will also be reached, based on the teachings of the Prophet Adolf Hitler who put in words the will of eternal providence, we will ascend to a higher spiritual state, coming closer to the creator. Most importantly the Jew will be uprooted like the leach he is and promptly sent to the Tasmanian containment zone.
Mark my words and here my Prophecy; Australia is the future of the Aryan Race.
read some books done by real researchers and academics before speaking to me mudblood.pic related
read pic related,sources are from intelligence reports,congresional inquires ,etc.Roosevelt was part of freemasonry,illuminaty puppet ,ignored many peace treaties from japan and germany(wanted to nuke japs in massive sacrifice),intentionally ordered troops to stop and let soviets role over east europe, it all was manufactured,at the end even ss wanted to get rid of hitler(assasination plan valkyrie) because they realised he intentionaly led germany to destruction,including all white european deaths .
>you need to read some books done by real researchers like David Icke and other conspiratorial nuts
The only evidence that exist is donations from Americans (like Prescott Bush) to Germany, all gentile donators, and all for the reason to fund a war, do you expect Hitler to reject them knowing he needs everything for the coming war?
>calling me mudblood
>Starting Hitler thread
>OP pic is not handsome Hitler
Im really disappointed
I'll meet you at 80 percent
OP is not a faggot.
Almost every poster is though.
Read some shit kikelovers. Like pre-Hitler shit. And piece it together.
>comparing sutton to icke
Sutton studied at the universities of London, Göttingen, and California and received his D.Sc. from the University of Southampton. He was an economics professor at California State University, Los Angeles and a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973. During his time at the Hoover Institution, he wrote the major study Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development (in three volumes), arguing that the West played a major role in developing the Soviet Union from its very beginnings up until the present time (1970). Sutton argued that the Soviet Union's technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the Viet Cong, was built by United States corporations and largely funded by US taxpayers. Steel and iron plants, the GAZ automobile factory, a Ford subsidiary in eastern Russia, and many other Soviet industrial enterprises were built with the help or technical assistance of the United States or US corporations. He argued further that the Soviet Union's acquisition of MIRV technology was made possible by receiving (from US sources) machining equipment for the manufacture of precision ball bearings, necessary to mass-produce MIRV-enabled missiles.
Yan dun goofing kid
t. schlomo goldberg
sorry friend
why stop there?
Thank you, these reddit fags really need to be purged or redpilled.
Yeah sorry mate I don't care about he's qualifications, people like David Duke and David Irving also have degrees does that make me right now? Counter some of the other points or accept you were wrong
>being pro Hitler makes you a a kike shill
This is nupol
He lost the war
What lessons from his economic policies can be implemented today.
It's better to pay people to build roads and infrastructure than it is to pay them to wake up midday and lounge around home
In the long term (>25 years): Genes determine success, therefore implement eugenics.
Unlikely. America, as a (((controlled nation))) won't balkanize in the way you might think, as our disputes are over ideology, not over territory or state based heritage. Americans view America as America, not as Alabama or Wisconsin, although we do have the subdivide from the North/South and California and Texas independence movements. All the same, the general population wouldn't stand for an independent state or Confederacy anymore; we're beyond that point unfortunately, and it is much harder to revive the past than to forge ahead in new directions. It would be interesting to see America actually break up in such a way, considering the huge impact of the whole Manifest Destiny and strong American identity, but it seems very far fetched. Maybe if something major happens in the next few decades to radically change people, which could feasibly end up in a civil war if certain powers showed enough interest.
Figure it out (((ancap))) scum
>National Socialism
>Not a hot autistic mess of German subhuman garbage
bump for justice.
fuck you kike shills, the jewish problem will be addressed and dealt with in our lifetime.
> If we kick in the Front door Russia will collapse!
Adolf Hitler> I will die fighting in the defense of Berlin not trapped to die like a rat
Pretty wrong on those
There were some scientific studies out a few years ago that did prove that National Socialism is the most objectively rational political and economic system, but they were suppressed by the cosmopolitan lobby.
>the virgin Fuhrer vs the CHAD duce.jpg
> I am builidng a Reich that will last 1000 Years!
Adolf Hitler
Pretty wrong there
Then why has every single National Socialist government collapsed after 20 years or so?
My point still stands
All of it
What is white flight? Once white realize there are no more places to run they will fight and only very small pockets will of whites wil be left independent and if they don't balkanzie then the white race in America will die out. This century is still Australias future.
remind me how many times the Italians had to get their asses saved by the Germans?
Good man
The Soviet Union never recovered from thrashing Nazi Germany gave it
>27 million dead Soviets
>5 million dead Germans
Well he did die fighting in the defense of Berlin, instead of be captured like a rat and put to death.
Sounds interesting got a source on them? Ill try and find them otherwise.
The only way for a socialist economy to work is to both reject Marxism and maintain a homogeneous society. Fascism empowers the individual to improve themselves and dedicate themselves to an idea that is higher than the individual. The community and well-being of the collective is more important than the selfish individual. If you fail to plan for people acting as collectives as an individualist society, your country to eventually face subjugation by (((elite groups))). Countries that are patriotic are the ones who are ultimately successful. And of course the JQ.
Name one national socialist government that wasn't removed through war and violence?
I dunno, Nazi Germany certainly never recovered from the Ass kicking the RUssians gave them. To top it off after the men were all dead the Russians bred their women.
Chile and Francos Spain. Argentina
>The British and French wont uphold their treaties!
>Invading an Island with a large airforce and a friend willing to loan them lots of supplies will be easy!
>Using vehicles and gear made for western Europe in the Russian steppes is a good idea!
>Outpacing supply lines is a good idea!
>Autistically throwing everything into some city named after Stalin is a good idea!
>Thinking a country as massive as the USSR or USA isn't going to outpace my tiny European nation with few natural war resources is a good idea!
>Making an alliance with an Asian nation hellbent on war with the USA is a good idea!
>Wtf why are we losing fucking Jews
>Mussolini: Ay pham I need like 3 more years before I'm ready for war
>Hitler: Too bad I need Poland NOW
>Suicide is heroic
>USSR never recovered yet managed to rival a power which didn't even get directly attacked
Germanboos are this moronic
if UK didn't trick Poland into refusing Hitler's offers, maybe ww2 wouldn't have happened, and Germany would be allied with Poland, pic related.
>1000 year Reich
Yeah, he was referring to the fact that normally, people degenerate over time and civilizations collapse.
If his eugenics policy would have been continued and we wouldn't import niggers, the German civilization could last for another 1,000 years.
It's not even to late yet. It's just time for anadashoa.
Yeah he should of said in his speeches to the public that we are going to lose the war and be crushed in a few years. Great idea.
>every single National Socialist government collapsed after 20 years or so?
There was more then one lol?
I define National Socialism has Marxian Socialism the only thing they have in-common is some basic welfare/healthcare (Most Marxist countries didn't have a proper welfare or healthcare system) and the name.
Nazi Germany never recovered from the world beating them! The Soviet Union had one enemy and had had huge levels of resources and factories given to them by the West and yet still lost 23 million more men then the losing side, were beaten beyond recovery and almost had there capital taken! All this and Germany had the rest of the world to worry about.
>Mussolini: Ay pham I need like 3 more years before I'm ready for war
>20 years later, yo can i have some more tanks bro?
Do you not understand that the Soviet Union was planning to invade Europe and that Germans plan all a long had been to stop this? Thus why they invaded Poland, because the Polish refused an anti-soviet pact and started cuddling up to the Soviets as well, Britain, France, Poland, USA should of sided with Germany, instead they sided with the Jews and Communism.
>Hitler was 100 percent right about everything
He was wrong about USSR
>that Nazism is the most objective and effective ideology to ever exist
>disappeared in less then 15 years
>Soviet Union was planning to invade Europe
At some point sure. Soviet military records show that the forces were in defensive positions and logistically weren't ready for any military offenses anytime soon on such a large scale as a full invasion. In comparison Germany had been preparing for almost a decade.
>Thus why they invaded Poland, because the Polish refused an anti-soviet pact and started cuddling up to the Soviets
They refused pacts with both the Germans and the Soviets, what the hell are you talking about by "cuddling up"? Do you not know about the war Poland fought soon after its creation against invading soviet forces?
>Britain, France, Poland, USA should of sided with Germany, instead they sided with the Jews and Communism
They would have sided with Germany had Hitler not sets events into motion that would cause WW2 in the form it happened. Hitler did nothing but antagonize his potential allies from the onset. He thought that Britain and France wouldn't care about Poland, or that military actions against a nation which held itself proudly like Great Britain wouldn't cause the British to become even more stubborn. Friendly ties with Japan was also a bad idea. Once again blame the Jews for errors that were completely on the fault of the regime instead of realizing that mistakes were made.
Unless I am mistaken, Argentina collapsed due to internal struggles between political movements and overspending, whereas Chile faced a population that rejected the ideology of Penochet. As for Francoist Spain, Franco did a pretty good job and his government died with him, with a (((group))) of influential politicians resolving to implement Democratic changes after his death. Not really the best comparisons. The German people embraced National Socialism, as they were the founders, so that's a strike against the Chilean comparison, where Argentina eventually banned Peronists. None of these necessarily collapsed due to a failed ideology, but rather through division and poor planning. NatSoc turned the German economy around, lowering the debt and growing the economy at a faster rate than any nation in the world.
When you have a leader telling a people who never have done anything of much relevancy that they are the master race and that he'll bring them into relevancy of course those people will love that leader. The German people were angry and confused, often being misinformed or lied to in the Imperial days. A leader which appeared honest and still had the older Imperialist values gained him favors amongst the common man and elite Prussian groups dominating the military.
Invading the USSR was his only choice see my other replies. It failed before it come to full fruition because the world attacked it. It was so effective it managed to withstand and almost win this for years.
>At some point sure. Soviet military records show that the forces were in defensive positions and logistically weren't ready for any military offenses anytime soon on such a large scale as a full invasion. In comparison Germany had been preparing for almost a decade.
So Hitler waits until the Soviet is in full power and can carve through Europe or does he take the advantage of Britain be weakened when he can.
>They refused pacts with both the Germans and the Soviets, what the hell are you talking about by "cuddling up"? Do you not know about the war Poland fought soon after its creation against invading soviet forces?
There was more then 1 man in the Polish Government as time weny on they become more and more anti-German, not to mention Germany wanted it's land back.
>They would have sided with Germany had Hitler not sets events into motion that would cause WW2 in the form it happened.......
No they wouldn't have, even after France had been beaten and Britain had essentially lost the war, refused a peace treaty. Poland refused to join with Germany, thus why they were invaded. The British and French didn't care that the Soviets invaded instead they allied with them. And America all throughout the war and before it was funding the Soviet Union. The Fist of Communism was rising over Europe and Germany was the only one who saw it coming, they damaged it to such a point that it only managed to conquer half of Europe, had the Germans not taken a preemptive strike they would likely of taken all of Europe in another 5-10 years or so.
Real economic gains is a pretty good reason to like a leader. He was indeed charismatic, and exalted the German race. He sought to inspire the population to improve themselves and their communities, to believe in God, and have social order. Say what you will, Hitler believed in his people and in turn they believed in him. The dude volunteered for front-line duty in WW2 and received the Knight's Cross for his service. All of these are admirable traits of a leader, one who would be revered by us today if he had lived a few centuries earlier.
I would unironically fight and die for this guy... From a soldier himself to leading the most powerful country in the world...
Yes... Yes he was.
national socialism is the ideology of the future
it sickens me that people will live their entire lives being exploited by capitalist pigs and marxist jews
>When you have a leader telling a people who never have done anything of much relevancy
>Ludwig van Beethoven
>Otto von Bismarck
>Friedrich Nietzsche
>Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
>Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
>Richard Wagner
>Arthur Schopenhauer
>Frederick II
>Charles Martel
>Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
>Friedrich Schiller
>Wilhelm II
>Wernher von Braun
>Werner Heisenberg
>Frederick the Great
Germany has produced more Cultural, Scientific, Artistic and philosophical heros then any other nation in the world,.
I am not denying the abilities of Hitler as a political figure being one of the best of the 20th century, but I criticize him nonetheless for his failures outside of domestic affairs. He was never meant for the world stage.
Poland didn't want to lose land given to them and saw that Germany had snatched up multiple nations beforehand after only taking pieces at first. They had a reason to be skeptical. The Germans making a pact with the Soviets shows that Poland liked neither parties to the point that both decided to split the country. Hitler being the man that he was could have through peaceful means (remember up until the war and his belligerent behaviors like Mussolini he was seen as a good leader able to lead a country) convinced enough nations that the country that everyone already feared was the enemy. Hitler's promises in the end lead to his demise as his ideas of a Greater Germany diplomatically crippled him. The USA as we've found out was powerful enough domestically to go toe to toe with the USSR at the height of its power. No one could have seen that coming, but Hitler's inability to seek out allies who weren't fascist was a deciding factor. Working with Britain and France could have allowed him to recover some territory he wanted. Instead, he decided to take it by force and completely ignore similar forces at play which lead to WW1.
your elementary knowledge of ww2 is frightening, is that what you were taught in school?
Let me, guess, you're going to "educate" me on how Germany defensively invaded almost every country on Europe due to Jews.
Again all that mattered was the destruction of the Soviet Union, the non aggression pact was a short term strategy that proved it was exactly that in 1941. Nobody cares if you're too stupid to understand the current situation and are "sceptical" of it, Hitler wasn't going to let a second rate country like Poland be the reason Communism takes over Europe. The USA was then and still is the most powerful nation in the world. The Soviet Union was an utter wreck of a nation after the war and the only thing that deterred any war between them was Nuclear weapons. Force was the only action that would work in that situation, all your stupid ideas about peace is what got us into this situation.
>France and Britain declared war on Germany
>U.S funneled billions of dollars worth of food and equipment to Russia and U.K
>U.K refused all peace treaties with Germany, resolving for their unconditional surrender (before the Holocaust is even (((discovered))))
>Soviets planning on invading Western Europe, begin militarizing and invade Finland
Hitler didn't want to fight the U.K. If you will recall, Britain was invaded and settled by many peoples, including a few Germanics you might know, the Anglos and the Saxons (among others). Hitler, as a German nationalist, saw the British as ethnic cousins and wanted to be Aryan Bros.
Well considering how long it took you to type that, it feels like you were reading it off Wikipedia.
i dont have to justify their invasions, atleast not to an american who was probably taught that they won ww2 by themselves, just pointing out that you dont seem very educated in the subject
That's exactly right you bluepilled swine. Where do you think the (((Weimar))) Regrouoped
Hilter was a Commie just like Stalin, they were both national communists. If he got to stay in power for as long as the USSR Germany would've gone the same was as they did.
Holy shit I hope this is just bait. Why did Hitler vehemently and violently oppose communism then, brainlet? Marxist Socialism is destructive, National Socialism is constructive. They are not the same.
>nufag redditor atheist lolbertarians actually believe this
comparing marxist socialism to national socialism is one of the oldest baits on the hook
Except Stalin unapologetically resumed command of the Jewish golem, while the former (((commanders))) made off with the seized assets of 20 million dead Soviet Christians.
Nazi Socialism(and eventual Communism) was ((((Marxism)))) with a Christianity DLC. Stalin's Communism was just rooted in stubborness, stoicism and whatever (((deepstate))) remained.
My bad, should have read off of that one blog which holds no historical context but agrees with your opinions, also is a glass house and you're awfully brave throwing stones at me for it.
So are you just to smart to make a point? At least post some debunked rhetoric by the regime lad.
>If I avoid Hitler's patterns of aggression then it looks like he was just protecting himself by invading Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands before even touching a country that declared war on him!
Hitler didn't want to fight but he sure did a lot to make that happen.
What I meant by that is you're just skimming and scamming information because of this argument and haven't ever read in depth or a book or looked at the actual sources of any of it. Also you didn't even bother counting my points, just some vague insult.
Threadly reminder that the Grand Rabbi of Jerusalem Chaim Sonnenfeld declared the Germans "Amalek" after Emperor Wilhelm dared fund a Church in Palestine. Threadly reminder that Jews have no less than three out of their 613 commandments dedicated to unceasing vengeance against Amalek and their eradication because they were "supposed" to already wipe out the Jews 3000 years ago. Threadly reminder that Coudenhove-Kallergi dreamt up the EU as a way to turn all of Europe into a world of mongrel slaves for Jews to rule over as the "spiritual nobility" during the twenties. Threadly reminder that Generalplan Ost is a lie to scapegoat Hitler for planning the same thing in reverse. Threadly reminder that the removal of Jews was categorically self-defense on the side of the German nation against a Western Europe almost wholly subverted through the deluded belief in freedom of the press being possible. Threadly reminder that Victorian culture's obsession with propriety had made it viable for Rothschild to control not just the money, but also the royals and their staff through the blackmail material his position availed him. Threadly reminder that the Sabbatean heresy used Poland as a jumping-stone into the West for ages due to their misguided tolerance with Jews. Threadly reminder that Luther warned everyone in the day. Threadly reminder that Kaiser Wilhelm called it. Threadly reminder that it is not too late. Threadly reminder to not be divided. Threadly reminder that fighting back starts at home. Americans, time to dust the revolution off. Brits, time to start exposing the communists in control of your press. Germans, time to start networking with the Anglophones - our experiences with Antifa's goons and subverted government since the war might prove Europa's salvation yet. Poles, stay the course, the EU is largely powerless since Trump.
Czechoslovakia and Austria were Historic German lands that were lost only a few decades ago, very much a relevant issue of the time. He didn't plan on invading Poland, see . He also wasn't going to back down from reclamation of the Polish corridor, especially in retaliation to mass murders of the German populations residing there by literal Communist Jews. Belgium and Netherlands are inconsequential and only a result to further the larger war that was declared by France/U.K. Like Nixon going through Cambodia, as he should have. Fair enough in regard to Denmark/Norway, but it was still ultimately in retaliation and preparing against the British/French war, and to prevent them from accommodating the allies later in the war and providing a route for direct invasion. Considering that he met little resistance in both and little resistance in Belgium/Netherlands, it was a pretty good plan. The only problem was that the Soviet front collapsed and it got dragged out into a two front war. If they reached Moscow a few weeks sooner, Russia would have collapsed and more emphasis could be brought to defending the Western front. Hitler took a gamble that could have worked out very well, but his luck ran out. Just because it failed due to external factors doesn't mean the plan was necessarily bad.
Hitler was not a Christian retard. Quotes like that are just him being a politician. The ultimate goal was to remove all Judeo-Christain influence from German society.
Forgot to mention that in exchange for the Danzig corridor, Hitler promised Poland much of Ukraine and a defensive pact.
Shut the fuck up satan.
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>Adolf Hitler had declared his intention to invade the Soviet Union on 11 August 1939 to Carl Jacob Burckhardt, League of Nations Commissioner:
>Everything I undertake is directed against the Russians. If the West is too stupid and blind to grasp this, then I shall be compelled to come to an agreement with the Russians, beat the West and then after their defeat turn against the Soviet Union with all my forces.
Britain and France got the war they so much wanted now we all suffer the consequences
national zionism =/= natsoc
Always has to be some fag that says this. Looks like its his word vs yours. And I dont care about you.
>Says socialists are idiots because wealth distribution always fails
>Advocates for a socialist state but it's okay because nationalism somehow fixes it
It was impressive how Hitler was able to mobilize Germany so quickly but just as any nationalized economy how does it prevent eventual stagnation?
I want to know because at the moment its my only gripe with natsoc's
The nationalism. Honestly. The great civilizations of the Earth have always viewed their culture as superior. It's basically like being a chad nation or a manlet nation, the chad nation doesn't give a fuck and goes on to achieve success because its a Chad. To exalt your culture and your people and believe in their success and destiny is to give your people a shared purpose and identity. The problems of our society today are that we are self-hating and lost our purpose as a civilization. National Socialism is not the same as Marxist Socialism. One involves the creation of an identity of unity and altruism between its people, whereas the other creates multiple identities based on wealth with the goal of seizing the wealth from the wealthy. The absence of Marxism and the staunch work ethic are what make NatSoc a better system. Also the homogeneity of the population being discussed.