Well, a new order just came in to ramp up German APC production. What could this mean?
A new order
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Well i think this has something to do with ZAPAD 2017 excersice...
Why does it need so many large heat sinked 3-bin doohickeys?
AND Ukrainian Tank Targeting Systems?
Busy month at the ol' Kekistanian Military Electronic Hardware Factory.
Or you're just bored.
Well how much does your Jewish, Reptilian masters pay you? You cum sack?
>APC prosduction
>shows a motherboard
Arent you sure this is not a targeting system for an IFV, user?
many drivers not much directions...
Just got orders to mobilize. Is it happening?
Thouse transistors are backwards, the plate part should touch the board or a heat dissipator.
t. Electronic Engineer
Sorry mate, we cant give you the picture of another side because of the logos of our customer and other markings. But they are legit IPC 3 class military boards
Look at the total surface area of those honkers. They're obviously going to so screw it on to a heat sink that sits on top of the board that could dissipate way more heat than the board itself could ever hope to. Otherwise they wouldn't be using six of those big meaty guys.
But it does make a person wonder where that much power to dissipate is coming from. Don't really see big traces or connectors, although that could be on the back.
They're basic power switching Mosfets. Maybe 5 amps per channel at most based on density. A 200 amp generator isn't big compared to the mechanical force generator and you can just slap on an alternator and transformer to make it even smaller. A traces are likely one power plane, one ground and a thiner signal layer. Looks like a bog standard motor controller board.
Stop Jewing. We understand that you have jewish issues with your circumsised penis
Yeah I mean I've used cheap old IRF510s and stuff for that level of thing, but 5A x 6 is 30A, and that starts to need somewhere to plug in wire of nontrivial diameter unless those planes are being served by some decent switch mode converter or you're playing with transient current only or HF tricks.
Considering this does look like about the the same oldness of where something like in IRF510 would be in order, I'm guessing there's a sufficient connector on the other side of those five holes at the top.
>electrical engineers
i hate you people so much
fuck off and take your amps and ohms and transistors and transformers and alternators and traces and planes and boards and connectors with you
leave me alone i have enough nightmares from the C++ standard as it is i don't need you people taking away my abstractions of reality too
Try reading the debates among the drafters of the C++ standard for long enough that you start agreeing with them and thinking, you know that was the right decision. Then you really want to kill yourself.
I- I'm sorry sempai
c++ is a bloated turd.
pure c masterrace.
Assembly is masterrace, faggot.
Fine then.
c with occasional inline assembly masterrace.
python is great. but sadly it will never allow you to import a cure for autism.
C is only good for making operating systems.
Power > Electonic
>C is only good for making operating systems
You sound like a java cuck :^)
Probably did my best work using C++ with inline C with inline assembly in rare cases. It was getting hard to outdo platform-specific compilers by that time.
python for prototyping and for making stuff that doesn't need to be high performance, C++ for high performance stuff. C is just C++ with extra autism.
Only 12% of German population is willing to fight for their country. And their median age approaches to 50. Even if they produce a bazzillion IFVs and tanks, that wouldn't save them from total collapse in an actual war.
>Back to your 286
>10 years to write "Hello World"
All it takes is a rep movsw to video RAM after loading a few registers.
>Implying the ramp-up in military isn't for putting down internal resistance to the collapse
Well that military hardware could be used to put down riots in Germany itself
Austria and Poland beware. Lebensraum returns.
But this time it's because "refugees" need living space.
Weird, we are getting a massive amount of new orders too
Yeah we are kinda getting orders for military hardware all over the Europe. Looks like Nato countries are getting ready for ZAPAD. Top brass is also considering about sending some shit to China. It may be serious
Machine code is masterrace you stupid fuck.
Don't you mean C is C++ without all the bloated autism.
Have to crack down on the coming civil unrest. That or the Russians.
Will they be able to give all of their soldiers guns instead of broomsticks this time?
break out the broomsticks!!!!!!
It means that the German military wants to replace old Marder IFV's with the new Puma platform. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Well, last time Germans had arms they conquered half of Europe so this leaves a lot of consideration to be done. Its time for Poland to lube up?
Punched card, true masterrace. faggot
These broomsticks?
Here is latest news about Russian military movements. Trump is sucking Putins cock, looks like Nato are not going to make it in time in case of open aggresion.
Punch cards are machine code, it's the same thing.
>he never took a FORTRAN class
I-I.... morse code masterrace! ha, you didn't see that comming
fucking hieroglyphs you autist
smoke sings!
I liked Fortran, where the columns of text mattered. I had a teacher explain that the reason why loop variables start at i, then j is because Fortran's automatic variable typing for integers starts at i, goes to j, k, etc...
Morse code would just transmit binary or hex as machine code. Ha! There's no smaller increment that you can imagine than machine code. It's literal bytes.
Fuck offf learn our language before you come here i fucking hate you monkeys
But I luv u
>no smaller increment
I'm not an information theorist, but I'm pretty sure they would disagree on the smallest quantum of information, even if at the end of it you resolve it into byte and reduce the efficiency the information transfer down to having basically having to decrypt it into something as rigid as machine code.
What if I could use a single bit of tell you that I loved you?
First board looks like a 3-phase inverter or driver of some sort. 2nd looks like a generic processor/io/driver board.
Often bigger transistors handle transients better even with low total power dissipation. The heatsink for this could just be a plate the size of the board with some fins. It's the transients that make transistor size (one parameter is SOA or Safe Operating Area)
>information theorists
literally worse than electrical engineers, you should kill yourself immediately for even imitating those hacks
>What if I could use a single bit of tell you that I loved you?
This is irrelevant.
The problem statement is: what is the most rudimentary method to write any software program?
The progression was: C++ (as a high-level language) -> C -> Assembly (instructions), and then I suggested machine code, which is bytes. You can't dissect a byte into a smaller increment to rationally describe a program in a smaller space.
Hey now information theorists cracked the dead sea scrolls and threw them into the public when the Jews were covetously trying to hide them. Can't be all bad.
Top kek
Do nibbles count? :3 rawr
Just give the processor a specialized instruction set and a native byte language for which there is no possible invalid sequence of bytes. There. I made your program smaller.
>Do nibbles count? :3 rawr
lol that was so gay. Literally the gayest thing I've ever seen posted.