Do you think society is doing too much, too little or just enough for people with disabilities?
Do you think society is doing too much, too little or just enough for people with disabilities?
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Too much of course
Ideally we can prevent births of people with disabilities. The people we give birth to should add to society, not just take.
Too much. They think the world revolves around them now.
Too much, save us all the sob stories, and the financial burden of these people. Put a needle in their neck and end it.
Anyone who isn't retarded would kill themselves instead of being a useless cripple
Define disability.
cures now exist they will be main stream within 10 years
I have a disability :(
Then please kill yourself.
You know what to do.
of course a fascist would say that
For the greater good of our people sacrifices are from time to time necessary.
People will disabilities are useless and should be killed.
They'll never have a full life, and will ultimately cost more than they are worth,
so incredibly edgy
I think tax money should be used to help those who cant help themselves. However I think they should only receive the bare minimum that is necessary to live on.
Exactly, show so respect for life, and do not unnaturally prolong it anymore than you must.
Then you understand nothing about taxation or govt programs. The state does nothing but steal and waste.
Definitely not enough. But that's for people with disabilities that are really disabled. Unfortunately there's a huge mass of people that don't want to work and try to scam the system.
Disclaimer: Been of the edge of disability the last decade with a muscle wasting disease. Hanging on to my career by the fingernails. Each and every day is best described as 'nightmare'. But still doable so far.
What if they are smart though like Stephen Hawking?
*bjork intensifies*
Should we kill old people after they get to a certain age?
Fake and gay
If society was run properly with efficiency, productivity and progress as the main goal then I agree useless people would have no place in it and obviously using resources/money to take care of the permanently sick/disabled makes no logical sense.
However society is not run like that and you could never get away with such an action in current western democracy. The best you can do is minimize the waste.
Disabled people should be killed at birth as a mercy for their parents.
Not even kill necessary, just don't give them so much end of life care. When some 300 lb. fat fuck has a stroke at 65, let them waste away and die of their own accord. It'll happen fast. Let the spry 90 year olds who still are pretty sharp go until their natural end too.
Not every disabled person is going be a Stephen Hawking, in fact 99.9% aren't going to be.
Am I the only one who would spread her withered legs and make her a woman?
Erectile dysfunction doesn't count.
Nothing wrong with disabled if they have working brain, value life you Godless morons
There's nothing wrong with having a disability as long as you make yourself useful in some way and don't pass down faulty genes to the next generation.
Killing them at birth is the natural way of dealing with a disability, animals do it all the time.
wow those legs could snap during a soccer game
>Hawking genocide why?
The VA is i have the protruding they can't seem to find while all the other non VA docs can.
A bullet to the head is a good solution to the disability problem. In a white nationalist society the disabled will be taken care of in this way. The white man is practical and efficient.
If she wanted to snuggle with me, I'd let her.
is she doing sign language?
i prefer south african sign language
God doesn't exist you filthy Christcuck. The disabled are a burden to themselves and to society, killing them is better off for everybody. There's nothing morally bad about putting some poor sot out of his misery.
Yeah certain disabilities (like missing an eye, mute, things where they can still function normally for the most) are fine, but others like autism, progeria, ones where they are going to need assistance or help their whole life shouldn't be killed at birth or sooner.
My country sent one group to the Eurovision.
Was that enough?
Too little, but it's all we can do because we have to stretch the funds to help the useless niggers and illegals.
Every cripple could have a live in maid and chef if we didn't have to spend money on parasites.
Too much, most should be killed at birth
too little, there are more aids for niggers and muslims than for them
SJW took the attention and gibs and science that those unfortunate people really deserves. They are the real minority.
No one wants to be a soldier if there isn't some kind of "No one gets left behind" rule. Similarly, who wants to live in a society that would be hostile or indifferent to them if they or someone they love gets fucked up.
Depends on disability, some brittle bone disease or down syndrome should be prevented but if they have grown old enough to understand their life they should have right to decide their own faith
Unbelievers are the burden to society.
our society is doing more for people with disabilities than any other society has ever done in the history of our species, and it's all thanks to industrialism and capitalism that people with disabilities today are able to do nearly just as much as everyone else
What about shit like burst appendices? Let them die?
euthanize and sterilze these mutants so they cant breed. screen parents before they have a fucking mutant. #eugenics
A dude in a wheelchair can still code. A retard can still push a broom. As long as they can contribute to society I don't mind. But that's where the gray area is. Will this retard be able to take care of himself. It'd impossible to know from birth.
Maybe there should be no government programs or handouts for the handicapped to persuade couples to abort it beforehand.
My wife's parents have two mentally retarded kids they adopt 3 years ago. And I'm almost sure when the parents die my wife and I will inherent the burden.
How can Sup Forums defend eugenics?
Disabled people are also God's children and are as valuable as you and me. We need to stop abortions and eugenics before we remove certain groups of disabled people from the gene pool for good.
I just fucking threw up, sick fuck.
As Christians it is our duty to stop this genocide of disabled people going on in European countries like Iceland.
retards and disabled people are already working jobs, some even join the army.
its the people that have too many kids, do too many drugs, and eat too much that mooch off the system
>God doesn't exist you filthy Christcuck
Yes he does you degenerate athiest fuck. Disabled people deserve rights, they are gods children.
Kill them all.
No questions. No bullshit waffling.
They are one of the main drives for degeneracy.
I feel like half the people in this thread are talking about lifelong disorders like down syndrome and others are talking about people in wheelchairs.
Kids who are gonna be born with something that will burden society for their entire lives like down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, etc... should be aborted.
People who are born with spine problems but can still move and talk, disabled veterans, accident survivors, etc... should be helped as much as possible.
Lets start with the autists... DEweaponize the little bastards.. who will catch antifa then?
you need to stop wearing that flag you shilling out of place pos before someone chokes you to death with it
Teach a man to fish. God gave us eugenics to perfect the human form.
im pretty sure i would fuck her
Not enough is being done for the chronically/terminally ill, waaaay too much is being done for Shitavius and his bacne and ingrown toenail.
I stumbled across an opinion letter from the SSA Advisory Board one time suggesting/instructing SSA Administrative Law Judges to be especially lenient with Negroids because they all have bad feet, smell bad and aren't smart enough to read a clock or calendar; I shit you not. The opinion letter came out I believe in 2013-2014, the period when like 80%+ of all white disability cases were categorically denied.
Lets say you're hit by a car while crossing the street. Wheelechair the rest of your life. You gonna an hero?
i'm pretty sure i wouldn't
eugenics can improve genes can't stop mutations.
also, here is a relatively new redpill. the rates of mortality in modern society are going up because of racemixing, when you take a certain body with a certain immune system and adapt it to a completely never seen before environment, it will die much quicker.
this is the reason why those Chinese farmers live to their 100's, its because their genetic diversity is fairly small and their genes adjusted to the environment over thousands of years
I was born without sight in my right eye and my right hand doesn't work, and I've got mild tourettes, yet I bet I've done more for society than any of the eugenicists in this thread.
>be me
>walking to class
>it's busy,lots of people traffic on the stair
>some people spill over and use wheelchair ramp
>i look be hind me
>cyclist coming down ramp
>"Move!! you are not supposed to be here!! without wheels"
>I look around at ramp sign
if getting rid of the handicap means depriving smug bikefags of wheelechair ramps
then ill fire up the ovens now
But user... You're posting in pol
and why has no one told this faggot to kill himself yet you tell me? fuck you losers
>can still see
>can still give a high five
>can freely yell "gas the kikes" in public
nigga, you aint disabled
Is this supposed to be impressive?
> swede
still checked
But they are parasites also, user. Society will never be reimbursed for its contribution to the vast majority of fucked up people. I'm not meaning people who lose an arm or leg or those who would be well able to produce and raise healthy children but those that need someone to take care of them or whose injuries result in constant medical need or who are retarded beyond being able to take care of themselves, there is no coming back from these conditions and they will be a net drain for all the rest of their days.
Also retarded or high needs children exhaust their families, putting stress on older siblings and making any further children highly unlikely.
Has killing yourself ever cross your mind?
if animals do it so should we
You are the problem. Help us all by removing your horrible genes from our species
Valid point, from your perspective.
Key in the equation is that I've got 3 white kids that are currently being taught right from wrong, values of a family, and being shown examples of how dumb the left is on a daily basis. Maybe when you grow up you'll start to realize that it's not all about you. You lack wisdom, and obviously feel you have nothing to contribute to others. You seem to also think it's a great idea for parents not enjoying life to take a shortsighted view by offing themselves, leaving their offspring as wards of the state that will 'REEEEE' another day. Fucking genius!
I would, however, totally agree with you if I were a lonely, lazy, self-absorbed, non-contributing NEET. Sound logic if that's the sum total of life experences and plans for the future. From my perspective, you're a better fit on /leftypol/. Go off yourself. I'm progressing the cause.. you?
not an argument, 99.9% of all humans aren't like Hawking
as an ardent nazi i think they should be killed at birth or at time of disablement. the weak should die for the strong.
Great LARP buddy. I like how you gave a tone of disapproval and contempt. This made it sound real.
this movie was great desu, the ending was just MASSIVE RORU
I work for a company that provides transportation for people with handicaps. They're taken care of.