
Why is Antifa suddenly circling the drain so rapidly? Every Democrat, along with The Washington Post and MSNBC, is suddenly denouncing Antifa. I can only surmise the DNC got some bad internal polling about them.

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Becuase the news is about to break that Anfifa has joined up with ISIS. No politition and news org can continue to support them and survive.


Even the media can't pretend these faggots are peaceful with the videos going around. They make the right look sympathetic.

They pissed off BLM.

Jews realized it was too early or too risky to play the antifa card. Now you get to see their useful idiots get thrown under bus, instead of after a communist revolution as per Marxist Leninist doctrine.

they realized how much of a liability they were, so they are throwing them under the bus, hoping everyone just forgets that they shill for them and compared them to the veterans who stormed Normandy.

They are probably going to lay low for a while, then start shilling a similar group, like BAMN


>All Antifa are white
>All whites are Nazis
>All Antifa are Nazis
That's exactly how they think

no see this, its not a fake pic, its actually real.

Polls are out and Antifa is destroying the left's narrative, making leftists the badguys in most right and center leaning people. If they don't throw antifa to the wolves now, they won't win an election for 20 years.

They gambled with those faggot skinny pale retards in antifa, and it didnt pay out. Usefull idiots always get the bullet

Trump probably had the alt-left called the fuck out during a closed session of Congress, red pilled everyone on how retarded they are, and turned the establishment against them

Why was there a popcorn vendor at a riot?
This world is so weird.

Well see what happens is, if you prohibit a "movement" such as Antifa from a format, they're pushed underground where they become more violent. The Leftist media is DEFINITELY trying to get them to do something awful.

It's pretty simple. They may start bashing Antifa left and right just to get them to react. The "alt-right" or whatever the fuck you want to call it, are actually devoted to not enacting actual violence. And the media knows that.

Yes I'm keeping the Charlottesville incident in mind. I happen to put some of the blame on the media too for making it seem like all white males are evil bigots. You call somebody the same thing over and over again and make them feel like they should die, then you get some really screwed up behavior.

They're trying to play this from the middle because they're the media. Fear and sex sells. Their humor is too biased to get any ratings. So they depend on what amounts to basically gore. They create news.

Because dems are thinking that antifa are the chink in their otherwise impervious moral armor.

They think that without their violent antics they'll be able to clench the moral high ground permanently.

Of course, like usual, they're wrong.
They're just infighting like usual and cutting off the one aspect of their shitty ideology that was actually motivated to do more than post on facebook.

10/10 decision in my opinion.

They can't survive any more violent friends.

Cont. from.
Secondly, it's really fuckin' easy to meddle with them BECAUSE they where masks and you can plant people in their ranks very easily.

The Antifa are sitting ducks and I almost feel bad for them because I know that most of them are just moronic fucking teenagers who have been choking on leftist ideologies their entire lives.

>Popcorn is White
>Rayyciss Popcorn
>= Punch a Rayyciss Popcorn vendor

pirate flag is actually right

this goes back to the eternal conflict between the jew and black. the jew uses the blacks as a puppet to forward their overall political agenda, but as the black starts to gain their own plitical momentum they see that the jews who "aide" them do not actually care earnestly about black people, ad so begins the break

for further research see what harold cruse and marcus garvey said about w.e.b. dubois and the (((NAACP)))

does anyone have a fake twitter account that can troll Romney for attacking trump but then being BTFO when Trump was proved right with his "both sides are violent" comment?!?

if they get rico'd then they go down with them.

yeah selling salty snacks in the hot day is a dumb idea. he should have sold water and gatorades instead. ive been to a trump rally and people sell water at $2 a bottle. which is crazy profit since you can buy a 24 pack of water bottles for $1.99

captcha: goodwater thes

He's a youtube guy that went around to a couple riots and fucked with people.

And by the way, OP. Some of us actually do know what's going on around here.

Are there actual polls?

200,000 people signed a petition to get them designated as a terrorist organization. Nobody likes them, only people who are okay with political violence on the left. That's a small number of people, remember most democrats in government are nothing more the neo-libs.

Simple: Because Trump committed to reigniting the war in Afghanistan and letting the Deep State roam free. Now Antifa has no use.

No way the pepsi guy dressed up as a popcorn vendor. Can't stop laughing.

Real answer?

The think tanks that work for the powers that be saw that it was having the opposite effect than they intended. They lost control over their golem and they have inadvertently set the course for a repeat of 1933

They took our bait just like we knew they would. The Charlottesville incident was just a catalyst to set them off towards their own self-destruction. They will wilt and die, the Charlottesville driver will be found either not guilty or guilty of a lesser sentence, and again we win.


>Soros pays university lecturers to indoctrinate
>army of degenerates emerges
>gets destructive
>media promotes anyways
>continues being destructive
>normies catching on
>Soros gives the order to tone it down
>lecturers can't reach the students they indoctrinated
>Antifa is now a movement of its own
>Soros uses media to turn on Antifa
>>damage control
Playing with fire, Jew.

Do you not understand what "antifa" is in the USA? It is a way to neutralize whites' desire for change, get them to join antifa and fight for the big banks rather than fight against the banks. Get them to fight for trannies rather than the working poor. But it only works when "antifa" looks like an edgy rebellion rather than an army to push the MSM narrative. No white kid would join a "movement" that every boomer media outlet declares as kosher. They are doing everything they can to make "antifa" look cool is all.

This is relevant to my interests.

>I can only surmise the DNC got some bad internal polling about them.
Yes, this is what happened. Media tried so hard to pretend like AntiFa is good guys, but Media keeps forgetting that most all Americans can use the internet now. And despite Googe's best efforts to censor videos of antifa violence, people weren't fooled.

They always do this: try and push on opinion on people using their "moral authority" and false consensus acting like everyone better believe this or you're a nazi too. Then if it doesn't catch on with the public they roll back and act like they were against it the whole time.

of course there are polls. Right now demoshits are sitting with their consultants and are being told to throw anifa fags under the buss or go down with them.

Next antifa riot will result in dead commies, screen cap this

Because the MSM, the DNC and TPTB are largely neoliberal authoritarians. Antifa are literal anarchists. Also, far too radically left. They only promoted antifa when the "alt-right" was at its most prominent because they needed to spin the narrative against le ebil nazis and prop up the "counter-protesters" by doing so, totally ignoring all their violence. Now that the alt-right has largely been defanged after C-ville, the MSM etc want to denounce and cut ties with Antifa because anarchy and socialism/communism are still deemed undesirable at best and a threat at worst the neoliberal elites.

>empower those who claim to be 'da rijinal bona fite 100% real Hebro's
>instead of flagging their vids, give them fuckloads of views. you don't have to buy into the notion; just press the narrative hard, give them a larger platform to take on the Jeauxz for "appropriating" the history of da true reel Hebro's
>Jeauxz BTFO by the those who were previously being hand fed hatred, lies & manipulation to become weaponized
>turn all Black energy(ies) towards the parasite who knows no other vocation beyond his natural proclivity to exploit

That's the same guy that brought Pepsi to another protest, and the antifa used the Pepsi cans as projectiles. The guy sure knows how to bring humor to such a hostile environment

I guess they remembered the look the the election map and who has all the fucking gun and thought that a civil war wasn't that of a great idea.

They pissed Soros off so he cut their funding

>So intimidated by the American Flag that just seeing one causes you to get so triggered you have to burn it

The polling data is out and +85% of americans hate their shit and it is driving support to trump. Now they will be thrown under the bus. Which is sad because the young motivated individuals did the hardest most dangerous work for the DNC/Deep state now they will be thrown off. The establisment is eating itself now. Its going to be over for them soom McConnell has a 15% approval rating in his home state and he pretended to help Trump. Everyone knows what time it is. All the left has left is illegals, niggers and the mentally ill. Shit 20% of niggers are over their shit.

One can only hope Antifa faggots realize they're being used as useful idiots and that they're on the wrong side of history. Unfortunately, you can also never expect a leftist to have any semblance of self-awareness or intellect.

the dnc already threw commies under the bus, see bernie

George L. Rockwell (American Nazi Party Leader) tried to make allies with Malcom X, and they both got assassinated later.

Really makes you think.


They went full retard. Never go full retard

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because they attacked some jounalists. pissed the media off

Antifa ( and BLM) ) is the excuse for the roll out of the super-militarized police we will soon see in all our cities. These morons that are fighting ideological fascists are encouraging actual jackbooted authoritarians to rise.

Holy shit every fucking thread what is your problem

>They lost control over their golem
10/10 Statment lad

That's been the whole purpose of those groups from the start. When 9/11 happened we got our privacy and rights taken away in the name of "safety and security". Now we get martial law for the same reason because of these violent retards. People have been predicting this shit for decades now.

It's a play on an American cliche of the ballgame food vendor.

He's trying to portray the left/right fights as a sporting event.


>bad internal polling
They poll college towns, women, and fags at a higher than normal rate.

Democrat polls are absolute shit, and even democrats should be able to see that

Opposing Antifa makes you a racist. Apparently.




Taking and burning "colonial" flags, ranting about capitalism, air horns in your face... I don't see how anyone puts up with their crap.

Wtf, i hate law and order now!

I'm a fifty three year old accountant that has never held a rifle and this picture makes my dick hard

they realized they are getting fucked, hard, and are changing the narrative

They will try to pull off a false flag and name national socialists and white nationalists terrorists. The cia will lose the war though. We're not sand niggers.

>institute martial law
>niggers btfo

The petition gathered more votes than the MSM's regular programing ever gets anymore, sooooo... Idk maybe a wake up call that they need to change their programming.

But everybody knows it's fake.

Antifa chanting for the downfall of the US

You can have law and order without decking police out in military gear you stupid ass

Too soon.
If they thought that leftism would be accepted by the people, they would still be behind them, and screaming how the right are intolerant fascists. People are being red pilled about who is actually the danger, and it is not the KKK, or the White Power bozos, but the left bozos.
Well that is not hard to do. All it takes is being white, and they are pissed at you. Not that they are racist gibmes.

Oh easy, antifa are such violent, volatile faggots who act like retards, literally everybody hates antifa now, antifa has backfired to the left and it's making rhe left less appealing, they're gonna disavow it so they can attract centrists to the left, simple as that.

fuck off antifa

fucking coward, you're going to have to fight against people that can fight back now you stupid fucking nigger

>leftists drop Antifa
>""""conservatives"""" that backed them because they hate trump haven't walked back anything they said

hahahahaha. My guess is the Puppet Master that runs Antifa told the Dems "hey lets not do this anymore" but never told the idiotic republicans that said "REEEEE TRUMP IS BAD!!!!!! ANTIFA IS GREAT"

>mfw this guy hurt antifa more than all the alt right bullshit

the way he mocks them in a secular way just completely fucks up their heads over time

can't wait for right-wing nutjobs like you to get turned into a vegetable by the same police you're sucking off right now lmao

once trump said they were "alt left" it immediately forced liberals to own and either accept or disavow antifa, as the right does when pretty much anything happens. the left, not at all used to this, first tried to deny there's an alt left (they are correct in that the left never disavows their own, every insane professor or media personality that literally wants to kill white people is never disavowed by jane or john shitlib), then saying how antifa were freedom fighters, and then, when none of that worked, realized theyd have to distance themselves and began a systematic disavowal

>safety and security
the devil works under the guise of 'love'

Because the state department planned poorly. If you want to take away free speech you don't dress people up like ISIS. Don't worry they're already planning something else far worse....

Here's to hoping they can't easily be reigned in and become a thorn in his side.

Which video is that? They have hundreds and I need to see it.

Soros almost deserves a thank you for culling the trash from the white herd. unintentionally ourguy

They started protesting Israel events.

That doesnt fly here,they can beat white Americans all they want but they leave greatest ally the fuck alone

Youre all wrong. The petition to make antifa a terrorist organization passed in 3 days, which means trump will make an official announcement on it. They know that trump will declare it a terrorist organization and which means all its members lose their constitutional rights and can be patriot act spied upon. Any public figure that doesnt denounce them will be fair game for trump to fuck with americas throbbing cock of justice.

>yeah selling salty snacks in the hot day is a dumb idea.

Not if you know the guy selling bottles of water fifty feet further down the line, goy.

>antifa stops being popular

its only a matter of time until Sup Forums says it was always anti-fascist

Antifa was always a part of ISIS, media is just too bluepilled to catch on, remember, anyone who supported Antifa supported ISIS.

iirc Trump has yet to respond to the dozens of petitions that have gotten the required amount of signatures. also the fact that he hasn't declared Antifa a terrorist group yet is really suspicious

It's worse - @ThomasWictor on twitter over the last few days has been pointing out that a few of the protestors in C'ville and Berkeley were feds. Convincingly - earpieces, and big bulges in their jackets.

He's pretty sure that they're investigating antifa as a terrorist organization, and, that when McMaster was talking about terrorists at C'ville, he meant antifa. It just takes a while. I hope spilling the beans like this doesn't hurt the investigation - the Feds may need a few more riots, and antifa may start laying low now.

what will become of antifa if they are kicked to the curb? the fuckers are pretty dedicated

Wasn't there a petition to label them as a terrorist organization that got over 200k signatures?

not right wing but what ever you smelly nigger

for those interested, here is Antifa protesting SOROS for payment for their "service"

Because most people, even the worst of people, don't want to see americans killing each other in the streets.

Not necessary when combatting Nazis

Unironically this.
Sometimes I wonder if jews want to purposefully get shoa'd or they're too stupid to realize.
Seriously they're creating almost the same conditions that there were in the Weimar Republic

That's the reason why NS got popular during that time was simply as a reaction to communists in the Weimar Republic.

There was:

>jewish controlled media who shills for certain narratives
>jewish controlled banks
>still recovering from a recent recession
>campuses become leftist/commie indoctrination camps
>massive propaganda pushing for the abandonment of anything "german" (in america's case white)
>antifa/commie groups rioting and fucking shit up on the streets
>right wing groups, no matter how peaceful they're, get demonized
>right wing groups start growing fast because of antifa/commies being retards who react so violently
>these two groups start fighting with each other very often, jew media sides with the commies obviously

People were fed up of this.

It's literally a repetition of what happened then, so we can get an idea of what's coming next.

I doubt Trump will bring us Nat Soc, but his successor...

>Why is Antifa suddenly circling the drain so rapidly?

It's quite simple: The Democratic Platform is built upon the self-stated premise that they have the moral high ground. They're the party of progress, and equality, and civil rights. They're the party whose mission is to act as a foil to the racist, bigoted, white supremecists on the right - who are on the wrong side of history.

It's very hard to seriously claim this moral high ground when your foot soldiers are in the streets acting teenagers, old people, and popcorn vendors. They had to choice but to disavow.

>Already seeing pro-antifa threads daily on Sup Forums
Really makes the old noodle work

>he thinks Sup Forums is just contrarian

hah fucking retard.

he (or just the white house actually) is required to give an official response within 90 days of it reaching the required signatures

Nice digits and yes there was.

>Antifa unironicly spends two to five dollars buying small to medium sized american flags from convience stores just so they can burn them umongst themselves or infront of a camera.

that shit is fucking retarded how stupid can they be

>ADL disavowed
>Nancy Pelosi disavowed
>Evan McMullin disavowed
>Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, and Marco Rubio still have not disavowed
I fucking hate the GOPe so much

>dress up as ISIS ninja
>throw rocks at police
>get batonned in head, become potato

>dress up as KKK
>throw burning crosses at police
>get rubber bullet in head, become veggie

Antifa is the latest incarnation of the bomb-throwing Leftists of the 1970s. No one in their right mind wants to go back to that. Saul Alinsky and his friends killed something 6500 Americans in that decade, plus leftist attacks in West Germany and other places.

George soros is a Nazi so...