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Ordinarily I would be against this.
But Antifa needs to be put down. Hard. No quarter for terrorists.
More comfy riot footage for us
>you will get to see police bayoneting lefties in your lifetime
grenade launchers are for tear gas, faggot
everyone real American should own a bayonet.
Thinks ANTIFA are going to be the one's put down. Ironic coming from a board that calls them controlled opposition.
>gadsen flag like
I cant fucking stand psuedo libertarian who just want to LARP and then be police state worshiping cucks.
This is a nigger-prevention measure, not in response to Antifa.
>Sup Forums claims to be anti excess government/police power
>has no problem with this because much antifa
Calm down, how are we going to win the civil war if the rightwing safety squads aren't properly armed?
lol imagine a cop shooting a rocket at MS13 lmao
lol police bayonet charge the remaining antifa after they magdump the crowd.
>But Antifa needs to be put down. Hard. No quarter for terrorists.
Here in germany cuckservatives always cry for more police because in their retarded stunted understand the excess police will be used against muslims and leftist terrorists and then they act all surprised when the cops are busy kicking in their doors for saying mean things about antifa and merkel online while muslims and antifa get away free.
Whats the chance that american police will uses grenade launchers against antifa? Zero? Lower than zero?
It will be used against preppers, ruby ridge style. It will be used to siege some waco style ranch and not to wipe out commies at berkley.
Badgelickers are retarded cucks.
>Sup Forums is one person
kys, leaf
>grenade launchers
And they will be regulated to only shooting smokes and tear gas like they already can out of shot guns.
>armored vehicles
??? How is this a bad thing when they are the police, protecting you from people doing batshit crazy things like shooting at them?
You're worried about a bayonet when cops have had assualt rifles for ages now?
guess its time to grow up and sop breaking the law?
>claims to be
Oh boy here we go again. I bet you already have "you will be the first one in a FEMA camp" already typed into a comment box don't you?
and what happens in the next 8 years when a democrat antifa supporter takes office user?
>Hearing the police captain yell the order "Fix Bayonets!" against a crowd of rioting Antifa
Incoming fascism
History repeats
lets make sure it ends differently this time.
Sup Forums will support this because "muh antifa"
but in reality, the US government probably funds Antifa just for this reason
and the police are the ones who are cucking whites worse than anyone. whites actually used to fight back before hate crimes became a thing.
Fucking god speed trump thank god for militarized police!!!
The purge of leftists require much firepower.
As long as I get access too, what's the problem?
>Ordinarily I would be against this.
This. I remain opposed to this, no matter who the weapons are employed against.
The police state is only an issue when the person running it isn't /ourguy/
See Bongistan and Yermoney. Many Burgerland police are pretty based, like Portland's Police Dept, they always crack down on commie shit.
Compare that to lets say, Berkeley and Charlottesville and you have corrupt police.
>tfw police officer
Gearing up to take down those commies nice and quick in the civil war
The fire rises.
Honestly, I'm against it.
Only way those limp wristed commie faggots can possibly win the endgame is with a military police force on their side.
>Grand Theft Auto: Sup Forums edition
They've had access to most of that shit for a long time before. About 5 years ago I saw a bunch of cops riding in the back of an old military APC with the doors open. I don't think cops are very interested in rocket launchers and bayonets. I am fine with them having access to all of that, so long as I do too.
Shill or troll?
>1 post by this ID
Pretty much this
This. Trumpcucks are fucking retards, they shouldn't even be allowed to votel
>grenade launchers
They already have those
>armored vehicles
They already have those
Yeah, they might need those for all of those 18th century hussars they find themselves fighting
Bush and Obama are the ones who started selling this shit to police forces in the first place. I know you're probably 16 so you don't remember, but everybody already freaked out about this like 10 years ago when SWAT teams started buying those huge armored vehicles that EOD teams use in the military
Depends on the State, really.
I could see this being a think in Jew York and Commiefornia, but you won't see this shit in places like Texas and Arizona where cops are likely to turn a blind eye to people exercising their free speech rights.
You're not a police officer and it's painfully obvious
And once it is normalized, what outrage will there be at some point in the future when it is all used against right-wing types under a Democratic president?
Anything that increases the power of the states is a good thing.
someone should shop a gun in Trumps hand, as if he was coming over to execute the antifa guy.
9/23 riots
>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
funny how quick Americans can be made to love the old Feddurhl Gobbermint.
This can be used against YOU, did you know?
Police having APCs is by no means excess in any way. Would you rather have riot police roll out in unarmored vans and get massacred like fish in a barrel by a single guy with an smg ambushing them in transit? Grenade launchers mean nothing when they still have no access to high explosives. They're launching teargas, flashbangs at worst.
bingo, and what happened back then, not a lot
I'm convinced like 95% of this board is shills and the other 4% is literal retards and the remaining 1% are actually aware like you with your post
seriously, am I being memed here?
I'd post my badge but a lefty here would probably email my chief and we'd do an investigation because of that post.
well yeah, it just broke that ISIS and Antifa are working together.
Antifa is going to offically be named "Domestic Terrorist" and cops are going to need those weapons to fuck their shit up.
Dead commies are a comming
they've had MRAPs since Obama. Can't wait for bodycam footage of a nigger getting done with a bayonet though, that'll be some top kino.
>hurr durr lets fuck with the cops hard for a decade
>wtf why are the cops reacting
You mighty be...
I'm fine with police using retired military equipment as long as it is not a weapon. They can roll around in an apc for all I care about long as there is no turret.
I'm a libertarian capitalist, not a libertarian.
I believe in the use of police to keep civility in a country.
Sometimes you need to give commies the boot before they step on snek.
Image of libertarian snek being stepped on and then becoming fascist requested.
I unironically don't care. As long as it's only used to put down niggers and leftists. Conservatives are never the ones protesting, it's always a leftist, a nigger, or a "far right" faggot.
Protesting is supposed to be the LAST resort you use to achieve a political goal. People are protesting today at every little thing they don't like.
That is one way to put an end to speeding.
/k/ here
i don't care who gets the weapons as long as they aren't destroyed. it hurts me seeing guns get scrapped.
a fucking europoor realizes this over so called Libertarians. Pathetic
police sticking a bayonet in antifa and niggers,
holy shit i love this timeline
Literally Waco
hey dumbfuck, see:
Hoppe was right though
If you don't exercise power to stop commies from stepping on you, they WILL step on you.
>implying pepperballs wasn't shot in the jewels with a 40mm teargas canister fired from a 40mm grenade launcher.
>yes, it's much better to put armored vehicles the military is done with in the junk yard and make the taxpayer foot the bill for brand new armored vehicles for cops, because paying for things only once is just nonsense
They edited their original tweet.
>Trump did what obama did
>not realizing obama stopped this because 75 percent of police forces will defect if liberal martial law is declared.
>I could see this being a think in Jew York and Commiefornia
Ruby Ridge was in Idaho.
>but you won't see this shit in places like Texas and Arizona where hurr durr derp..
Waco was in.. guess what.. Texas.
say again?
Lefty is shitting his panties.
fuck antifa
Who gives a fuck? They already had this shit.....for years they had it....
This stuff is not broken out for your average domestic dispute.....this stuff is for hardened combatants: gangs, terrorists, militias....basically asymmetric war stuff.....and if y'all don't think war is here, then you a dumb ass....
I mean I still disagree with it, but the media is suddenly bringing it up again in yet another attempt to rile up Antifa and the libtards against Trump. They didn't say a single fucking word when Obama and the DEA accidentally gave the Cartels hundreds of millions of dollars worth of automatic guns, or when he paid literal terrorists hundreds of millions of dollars, or when he really got the ball rolling on selling military surplus to the police. But now all of a sudden every dollar Trump spends was wasted or spent wrong, and everything he does is """creating""" a police state when in reality we've been living in one since 2001.
They already have grenade launchers, Ahmed. They have had them for years. It's how they launch tear gas canisters.
We came so far from the California national guard bayoneting commies at Berkeley that we live to see it again.
Awesome, hopefully niggers will now be afraid of doing crime and getting blown up by grenades
welp...now we know where to get grenade launchers, armored vehicles and bayonets.
You statistfags might want to rethink this one.
Storing military grade arms off-post is a really bad idea.
Land of the fr-
I'm ok with this as long as I can have grenade launchers and APCs as well
those are Kurds, posing with a captured ISIS banner and saluting their antifa comrades.
get your shit sorted.
LMAO good
Also, Obama's regulation didn't prevent PDs from getting any of this equipment, it just prevented the taxpayer from being spared the privilege of paying for all of this shit twice.
Free from communists.
>access to bayonets
Do they not know what a bayonet is? Or are they counting on other people not knowing what it is and finding the word frightening? You can buy all the damn bayonets you want already.
I want these to be mandatory and subsidized. No price is too high for footage of bayonet charges against niggers and antifa.
You mean another jew? Or are you actually trying to insinuate that a junkie with a liberal arts degree is actually capable of accomplishing this feat?
>Sup Forums is one person
>being a statist cuck in 2017
Take a gander euro-fags. This is how a real police force looks.
Police ALREADY had access to these if they wanted them. This just lets them get the items for cheap prices since they're used. They could always buy the items from the retail market.