You won Sup Forums I'm one of you now. It was your fucking autist book club

Former lefty brainlet, was never a cuck.
I shilled/agitated on your board for four months, but I can't deny at this point that /pol was right. I read the books from the autist book club, in hopes to debunk your bullshit. By the time I finished five books into the list, my transition was complete. I've been in denial for two weeks, but I know it has more to do with egotism and I don't want to admit I was wrong. It seems like I was only this way because no one ever told me different and that there is definitely pressure on people to maintain this outlook. I've been very consistent on my views for years, but the last six months have been a shot across the bow on everything.
My transition:
>lefty commie sympathies
>left-center 'okay guns are good' 'free-market works' 'gulag archipelago' 'fuck communism'
>okay the alt-right has some credible positions
>fml I think they are right about most of this stuff (race realism)
>14'ner no 88
>JQ'd 'culture of critique' - 'protocols' - Israel lobby - the fed
>How much have (((they))) poisoned the Hitler-well?
>Watch Hitler speeches, 'this guy is talking about things like he's living with us today'

I disagree with the NSDAP's barbarism, but it looks like you were right about Hitler not being the cartoonishly evil villain that they said he was.

Anyone here have a similar story? Former agitators?

Other urls found in this thread:

Good job sucking up to the Nazis!

you're still a noob

most autist are former trolls or shills who got redpilled here , i just came here to troll shia leboof and lo and behold

good, now what?

Hi, this is CNN. Would you like to be on TV?

Good, but we haven't won yet.

Keep reading forbidden books, keep being aware of the (((media narrative))), and watch out for Antifa animals. Stock up on food, water, and ammo.

Same. Though I'm not there completely I'm flirting with the idea

You should read their stuff so you can refute them properly then. You'll either accept they have a point, or live in denial.

Posting 'the Nazis!' over and over again is not only not working, but fully retarded.

It's a painful process bro. Sometimes I feel weak and I want the bluepill back. I'm not sure there's a happy ending for taking the redpill.

You are now the Communist's worst nightmare; someone that is familiar enough with them to be part of their group, but is now giving that info to the other side.
This is why leftists threaten to dox, harrass, and even kill deserters.
Between leftists losing support, the liberal media having learned absolutely nothing, Trump allowing police more freedom in dealing with violent portests, and Trump making good on his promises 2020 is going to be an amazing year.

They we do already have next year to look forward too. We're going for Congress next.

Frankly Im just impressed that the level of delusion necessary for the bluepill is even possible

i used to be a neo-nazi until i fell in love with a black women

I used to be a communist

What booklist?

Pretty much the same time for me. I was here with the expressed purpose of fucking with what I falsely assumed were idiots. Turns out I was the brainlet.

Do a search for a Sup Forumsack book thread.

The blue pill builds like limescale in a kettle. Doesn't take much to dissolve the lot.

Sadly my whole red pilled transformatipn came at the hands of sjws and the lame gamergate scandal. Became sort of addicted to reading opinions to the contrary that i've been force fed forever. I'm now at the point where it feels like knowing the truth is a burden

what made you want to come here to get your ass beaten? must be that pathetic librul mindset.

please don't post anymore for a while. observe and learn to spot all the jewish shills.

spend time reading every classic book imaginable.

otherwise you are still a waste

but welcome to the club, back of the bus for ya

jews go day 1

Welcome to the cult...

>The NSDAPs Barbarism
Watch more videos

Does she love it when you call her a nigger in bed?

which particular books did you read?

Welcome brother, you're here for life.

Welcome aboard. I too came here to try to substantiate my arguments against "the racists." In order to do that I'd have to know what the racists thought.

Oops now I'm a national socialist.

You're just a retarded shill trading in his idiot leftwing hat for a idiot right wing hat.
Sup Forums is not a place where actual ideas get seriously discussed, at least not anymore.
People who were red pilled on Sup Forums past 2012 are idiots who easily fall into group think.

>I disagree with the NSDAP's barbarism
about that. How do you suppose we change things? Voting? Protests? ROFLMAO?

autist bookclub reading list where? I need some shit to read on the bus and I've been hearing interesting things

>Former lefty brainlet, was never a cuck.
>I shilled/agitated on your board for four months, but I can't deny at this point that /pol was right. I read the books from the autist book club, in hopes to debunk your bullshit. By the time I finished five books into the list, my transition was complete. I've been in denial for two weeks, but I know it has more to do with egotism and I don't want to admit I was wrong. It seems like I was only this way because no one ever told me different and that there is definitely pressure on people to maintain this outlook. I've been very consistent on my views for years, but the last six months have been a shot across the bow on everything.
>My transition:
>>lefty commie sympathies
>>left-center 'okay guns are good' 'free-market works' 'gulag archipelago' 'fuck communism'
>>okay the alt-right has some credible positions
>>fml I think they are right about most of this stuff (race realism)
'ner no 88
>>JQ'd 'culture of critique' - 'protocols' - Israel lobby - the fed
>>How much have (((they))) poisoned the Hitler-well?
>>Watch Hitler speeches, 'this guy is talking about things like he's living with us today'
>I disagree with the NSDAP's barbarism, but it looks like you were right about Hitler not being the cartoonishly evil villain that they said he was.
>Anyone here have a similar story? Former agitators?
former radleft, lived in all the westcoast gutterscum hotspots ((( portland oakland eugene berkeley))) came to Sup Forums through OWS and had my worldview shattered. You may become ill thinking back at how much you had to lie to yourself to keep the dream of liberalism alive.

Welcome home brother. You're here forever.

I know that feel bro.

Is this what you're referring to? It's all I found when searching book club on the archive.

It seems like just yesterday I was arguing with my friends about how Marxian Socialism was the answer to the calamities of today's class warfare and how liquidating the Bourgeoisie class was cool. Now I read books like, "The Myth of The Twentieth Century: An Evaluation of The Spiritual-Intellectual Confrontations of Our Age.", by good old Alfy religiously. Did a complete 180 degree turn around because some autist on this board outsmarted me a year ago.

>study Communist dogma
>Drunken Pissants fanboy
>Sargon dicksucker before Kekistanifag era

Thank you pol for saving me from myself

Nah, we commonly have "redpilled" books thread.

I was a fairly blue-pilled Leftist (grew up in a moderately left-wing family) until I went to university where I saw the insanity among many corners of the left first hand.

Lived overseas for a bit which red-pilled me more.

I knew of Sup Forums and browsed it from time to time, but started coming regularly again during the U.S. election.

It's a special place.

leviathan is based, hobbes was one of the original fascists

Tragedy and Hope made me go full 88.

I was expecting that youve read Hoppe, Aquinas, Chesterton, etc. but OP is just some LARPing retard again


here's a good start if you want to be a good old fashioned reactionary and help smash the worldwide marxist revolution


Dear Sup Forumslacks,

We reviewed your application for retirement benefits on the behalf of government of Canada. Congrats! Our TrueTho Foundation is extremely pleased to announce that you are a winner of 2017 exclusive award, $7 million!!!!!
There is only one thing that you need to do to claim the PRIZE!!
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7 million!!! Hooray!!!

*offer ends @ 7pm, September 23rd 2017.

>Warning: Reading these books WILL cause you to become an autist.

Sup Forums unrelated:
>Thomas Sowell - Basic Economics
>Thomas Sowell - Marxism
>Gulag Archipelago
>Videos on Moa's Cultural Revolution
That turned me against communism completely
Then Sup Forumsack books
>Bell Curve
>Race & IQ: Richard Lynn
>The 10,000 Year Explosion
>Bowling Alone: Robert Putnam
>Culture of Critique
>Israel Lobby
>Looking into the NKVD
>Protocals of the learned elders of zion - find out the story behind how the document was discovered - after reading, definitely not propaganda

You say it like its a bad thing. God bless Hitler. Sieg heil. Fuck of commie faggot


I'll get reading, thanks user. fuck commies




I'm already 90% sure I'm autistic to begin with. may as well weaponize it


To everyone asking here is one version. I know there are a bunch of different lists out there too.

If only you knew how bad things really are

Its not a dream, its just a fantasy. A poorly thought out fantasy.


> B e z m e n o v


>I shilled/agitated on your board for four months

Why? Was their a coordinated effort? Paid? Who organized it? Did it come from an education establishment?

Take the iron pill, weaponize your mind while you strengthen your body. Both must be kept in harmony if you are to survive the path ahead. It's the Will of Wötanāz

Why does Sup Forums LARP as Christians? Is it just for the 'in your face' value against Jews and leftists?

its all fantasy, friend-o

Welcome to the fold.

Just kidding, nice blog faggot.


I'm unnaturally tall anyway, no harm in putting that gift to good use I suppose. Thanks user; this place gets a pretty fucking bad rap in all honesty

I was blue pilled until i started to do my gay "live around the world and meet people and become a world citizen" hippy shit.

I was 1488 after living in germany, spain, korea and equador

how abnormal are you, friend ?

This isn't even your final form, friend.

I must have been one of the originals then. I was here before Sup Forums even existed but my redpill journey went something like...

Started with comedians like George Carlin...

Then got deeper with the brainwash documentary series...

Then full blown "it's all a lie!" with The Greatest Story Never Told

Finally, yep holocaust never happened

You should check out "Coming Apart" by one of the authors of the "Bell Curve", if you were concerned by the stuff described in "Bowling Alone".

6'6" so nothing freakish but enough to be definitively noticeable. it's the first thing everyone comments on

Former ancom here. I can relate to this. I'll spill a little anecdote here to detail a step on the path of my transition. I posted to the anarchism sub(reddit) in a thread about Islam calling it out in a fedora atheist sort of way. I was banned almost immediately.

oh ok
give more transition ore

Welcome my dude, you're among friends. These threads are a daily now once /leftypol/ tried to subvert us, LEL.

>t. former two time Obama voter who's fucking had it with niggers and socialists.

Came for the lulz, saw the racism, immediately because of my programming I objected.
>I'm gonna troll the Nazis!
As a result, I finally got around to investigating the literature and legit argumentation. Got BTFO

Just your typical lemming desu.

I got banned from that sub for asking why they have mods :(

Very tendie board

You got this brah. We're all gonna make it

That's good, at least you didn't have the shit drilled into you and surrounded by 'enforcers'.

>I posted to the anarchism sub(reddit) in a thread about Islam calling it out in a fedora atheist sort of way. I was banned almost immediately.

I can only actually post here about politics, everywhere else is downvotesville, cencorship with zealous mods. Here it's just the wild west. You're basically looking into the realm of chaos where truth and demons lurk.

Would never go back. Not my nature to reject the truth once i have it, only deal with it.

Funny thing is I was never even slightly interested in leftypol because not only are they not funny, they're not actually engaging in anything but a circle jerk. They resort to banning people like a bunch of triggered fucktards. It makes them look weak.

Not to mention they steal all your stuff and repackage it, which is lame as fuck.

My dude, the red pills are going to fuck with your brain for awhile.

The absolute best thing you can do now is read everything you can, get /fit/ and start focusing on making money and being a strong good person. That's the only way to win this bullshit game called Life.

I was sent over to pol by a leftypol group 3 weeks ago to post tranny threads to agitate. I started reading the redpill threads and I was surprised what I learn. I finally learned I was a goy and that jew temple won't allow goy to attend. I'm close to being redpilled but I'll have to be undercover because the leftpol types march in groupthink and I would be injured by the mob.

For sure posting from tel aviv...

>Thanks user; this place gets a pretty fucking bad rap in all honesty
its an amazing place, but powerful things should be treated with respect. You never know who is watching here.

Dude right? Even when I was a hardcore leftist, I was always an aggro free-thinking INTJ. But ironically it was humor that destroyed them for me. Those pigs on the left are such delusional unfunny pieces of garbage. Not only that but they go out of their way to destroy any humor or free thought through guilt, threats and intimidation. I thought I was the only one like me in the world. In 2014, I actually snapped, quit my career and bought a farm in the woods. I had intense hatred of leftism and SJWism and all the shit we obsess on here. I understood them for the most part because I watched them happen on the street in front of me but I thought I was alone.

Then I found r/coontown which was fucking hysterical and that was my first redpills.

Then I came to Sup Forums and I've been here ever since.

Then the Brexit happened...

Then Trump won...

Now I know I'm not alone, everyone else who isn't brainwashed sees it too. They're just too scared to speak up.

>fake and gay


no, but really Forums-users-called-it-fake-gay-1514330

>reading makes you smart
wew who knew right?



While I was still deep in my delusion, I imagined myself as a devotee of Lenin, who would remain culturally pure, as I thought Leninists should, and that the majority of leftists were degenerates that strayed from the path. Somehow, I didn't make the connection that it was no mere accident that most of the left are like that. It didn't take me long after the ban to realise that I shouldn't associate with those who would so easily forsake their culture.

Try a few of these

Democracy in America by Alexis De Tocqueville - 1814-1830
>it cannot often be repeated that there is nothing more fertile in prodigies than the art of being free; but there is nothing more arduous than the apprenticeship of liberty.

many such stories.

There are many non-cultist lefties. Tim Black, H.A. Goodman, Kaitlin Johnstone, etc.
You should also note that a cultist couldn't have posted what you just did.
The mental jailbreak is already complete.
Welcome to freedom.

kek that gif goes perfectly with

take the royal pill

I used to believe in leftist shit but am now full on 1488 thanks to pol.

The more reddit and other hug boxes censor shit the more people will flock to here seeking the truth.

>leftists can't meme
>leftists literally just appropriate and directly copy our culture
Don't worry, we know

Congratulations you've joined the impressionable brony autist club. Meet your new peers

>not sure there's a happy ending to the redpill

Take the iron pill and ride the tiger, or do what I did years ago and take the green pill and attempt to ascend. There's no reason you shouldn't know what you're capable of the way (they) do.

Once you're outside of the matrix and can see and understand the world that's been pulled over your eyes, you become the most powerful human in the room anytime you choose to return.
Like a 3-dimensional creature observing the beings of Flatland, you have a unique perspective of others' reality that even they do not understand.
You can become a literal wizard, shaping localized perceptions of reality at will.

they look like nice kids tbqh

>some wealthy family slaughters your people and claims it for their own private use
>extorts your people for centuries to obtain personal wealth
>forces your people to die over pitiful shit like who fucked someone elses wife
>second world war
>"haha k lol, we just go on vacay to england, bye plebs"
>somehow these niggers are worthy of my praise
Yeah, nah.