How can you honestly be so cucked as to think that 1% of the world's population owning 50% of the world's wealth is okay?
How can you honestly be so cucked as to think that 1% of the world's population owning 50% of the world's wealth is...
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insignificant distraction from white genocide
Yes, Jews are a problem.
>How can you honestly be so cucked as to think that 1% of the world's population owning 50% of the world's wealth is okay?
What can I do about it user? Overthrow the tecnoindustrial society as a whole? okay
It's not ok. The wealth of Jews will be nationalized, and those that made their money off of usury. Beyond that, eliminating business practices harmful to the reich will be enough to achieve a more stable distribution.
100% of the population own 100% of the world's wealth. You're misrepresenting the numbers.
because the 1% that own the wealth allow you to be in the top 50% of income earners
And what are you going to do to change it? Worry about and cultivate yourself, stop caring about what somebody you'll never interact with does.
Yeah becouse the bottom half is nothing but niggers
Wealth is not income.
80% of people live paycheck to paycheck. Wake me up when you can show me income distribution.
Does 1% get 50% of income?
Yeah, didnt think so nigger
>mmmmmmhh yes mr wealth creator please fuck me harder and cum down my throat
That's what you sound like
There's really only two paths to take on this life. You either make your own way through it, or take it from others.
Guess we know which your path is
These kids better be praying that central bank systems stay in place or they're fucked. History indicates they're fucked.
Also r32 gtr > all ferrari/lambo models, Italian cars with automatic transmissions aren't cool in knowledge mechanical circles.
>80% of people live paycheck to paycheck
So 80% of people are literal wageslaves and you're acting like this system isn't broken?
ooooh a class warfare slide thread. you guys are getting creative!!
>some retard wasting daddys money
Why should I care?
kys cuck
go to venezuela with corbyn so you can suck maduros cock while your rp its really chavez
faggot communists
>some guy fucking my wife
>why should i care?
That's what you sound like.
Just get back to work while your masters relax.
ha! a communist calling somebody a cuck, that's rich. get it? rich hahahah
If you're okay with 1% of the population owning 50% of the wealth you are a cuck. End of story.
Except him wasting his fathers money on retarded shit has no bearing on my life at all. So why dont you fuck off to NK or Venezuela.
it's just banter dude
in reality, if most of these kids' parents saw what they put on social media they'd btfo them
Gomrade, your rhetoric doesn't work here because we're not retarded. Try plebbit if you want an uninformed crowd to circle jerk with you about marx.
He's considered a failure and a moocher here.
Ok, start a NatSoc party and claim that wealth for the country, fag.
We need to replace the corporate income tax with an excess profits tax as to not hinder business/job development but cap corporatist influence from corrupting the government in their favor. Riders, earmarks/pork barreling, etc. should be banned and we should amend the Constitution as such. And not the way it always has been amended, we'll do it the other way where only states do it.
>50% of the world's wealth is okay?
because it's not even the world's wealth. it's THEIR wealth. why do you think other peoples property belongs to you? what the hell did YOU do to earn it faggot?
And what can you do if they earned it honestly?
>i'm okay with being a slave
You don't think that working like a dog for pennies your entire life has a negative impact on your quality of life?
how are your teeth? i bet i can guess
>reminder that $770k put you in the 1% of the world in terms of wealth
>reminder that 32k a year puts you in the 1% in income in the world
all you have to do is get a job other than starbucks britbong. How does it feel to be a failure?
>implying they actually enjoy doing that
It's druglord-tier. Many millinaries fund science or sea exploration proyects(fuck NASA-eath is flat)
You're uppity because want to be a douchebag too, not because you want to give 10,000 pounds to fight cancer.
So if you see anything wrong with 1% of the world's population owning 50% of the wealth you're a marxist now? Fucking kill yourself you pathetic cuckold wageslave.
where do you think their money goes?
>I should share my profits from managing a business with the mudslimes down the street that have done nothing but shit out babies and beg for benefits
Get fucked parasite.
Its not ok, if there was publicity about which companies were riping off employees the market would correct, but obviously the media are cut from the same orwellian fabric.
KEK, a good dish of sushi costs 500 pesos which is like 25 dollars.
How am I a slave?
because they're middle class shitstains who have never faced real poverty
How cucked do you have to be to have this mentality? You know that you're nothing but a dumb wageslave consumer to the wealthy elites right? You're the exact same as the niggers or muslims down the street.
Fucking delusional middle class faggots are going to have a very abrasive brush with reality in the next few decades.
The economic system we have now allows for certain stabilties and national powers. If it as up to you, we'd be back to the Neolithic era style of things.
This is why communism will WIN in the end.
No such thing exists, if you pay your fair share of taxes, like everybody else does.
Communism WILL come back and the subhuman masses of "rich" faggots will understand whatever they own is because we tolerate it, not because they earned it.
Nobody that is rich did it by obeying the law and paying their fair share of taxes.
The majority that do that are middle class or lower class, working so that the 1% own >50% of the wealth in a country.
The upper class must be genocided and banned.
>Communism WILL come back
I'm probably in the top 1% so yeah, i'm ok with it.
>real poverty
you only are poor because of your or you're parents fucked up and inmoral decisions or a true tragedy like several eartquakes hitting your house.
thousands of mexicans are better off in USA jails than being middle class in Mexico . don't pontificate to the brothas on da hood, you cave albino!
>if you dont give your shit to Mohammad your a cuck
Is this a troll?
>How cucked do you have to be to have this mentality?
That I should keep what I make and not share it with benefits sponges?
>Bottom Left
>No Water in the toiled
He totally did it guys.l
>I don't want to work all day to have my wages stolen by my boss
>Instead, I want to work all day to have my wages stolen by the welfare leeches down the street
At least the normal worker has an opportunity to advance, and thus at least some reason to wagecuck. But you do not have this opportunity. You do not have this reason. You cuck yourself because you actually want to be cucked.
Literally a phrase only used by /r9k/ tier leeches.
What's your net worth?
You already pay for Mohammed you stupid cuck. Middle class and working class white people are the dumbest goyim on the planet. You work 40 hours a week to fund Mohammed and his 4 wives and 17 children.
Make a fucking argument. I am ok with it. I have a longer life expectancy, better healthcare, cheaper food, better tech, etc than any previous generation. My offspring are granted more freedom at birth than most of the planet got for all human history. And sure it sounds like a lot but it's credit, they're not standing on 50% of the world they just get a piece
>bored bourgeouise upper class liberal suburbanites
Only in the abject nonwhite homosexual jewish shithole of Amerikkka.
True communism is killing all the rich and taking back what they stole from the state and the people
They don't pay taxes, they don't work, they don't create
They infect the state, they lobby, they break the law, they own the system
Only money and wealth earned without breaking any law and paying your taxes is fair money, regardless of the amount.
shut the fuck up you child you don't know shit
>Tfw no rich girl domme to hire you for minimum wage as foot massage-doer and socks licker
omg.. cant believe a human being can be this cucked
Do something about it pussy.
>people dont starve in his country
>real poverty
So your answer to solve this problem is that I should pay more tax?
How much do you earn?
The 1% should DEFINITELY pay more tax.
IMO if you earn less than 100k/year you should pay taxes.
>Trickle down reaconomics
>This guy still believes that in 2017
I guess its you and Trump being the only retards thinking that
Only Drumpf is a rich fuck with rich friends so ofc he would spout dumb fuck propaganda, ameriniggers eat it up.
Where is it, you dumb fat fools?
It's not actually 1% controlling that much wealth. Look up Thomas Sowell's comments on this shit. The 1% changes every year.
>How can you honestly be so cucked as to think that 1% of the world's population owning 50% of the world's wealth is okay?
Because I'm part of that 1%
accurate description of communists, thanks
Neck yourself commie. You're second one line when the day comes.
thank you for helping fund marine research sir.
Wealth is not the problem, inherited wealth is the problem.
Degenerates like these kids who have never learned or worked a day in their life cannot be allowed to exist.
We need some kind of solution to them, and don't say communism.
>a commie calls others jewish
>Rich people should give away all their cash but I should get to keep all of mine!
That's the kind of gibsmedat attitude that guarantees you'll stay at the bottom of the totempole for the rest of your life. Hope you like making my coffee, m8.
The 1% already payl most of the taxes you fucking faggot. Also I currently earn $50k a year.
Sounds like you want an overbearing socialist Big Brother government telling people how to live their lives.
Hope you vote accordingly in the next election!
Fucking hell English people are dumb, research the subject. We're already living in gommunist ideology, your actual contention is with Fiat/central banking.
How have u not figured this out? I'm genuinely curious, do u just parrot opinions that others push or are you larping?
What is your major malfunction?
ghetto gangsters also dont work(food stamps, gibsmedat) they also live lavishly,they just die younger.
the problem is secularism and social media.
did victorian britons did shit like this? Probably, they're sick inbred peoples.
>be rich
>brag about using electronics as a level for your chair
>it's a $100 ikea chair
>rich people should pay no taxes but the slaves should continue to live paycheck to paycheck for 60 years of their miserable lives until they can claim a meager state pension for a few years before they die
>What's your net worth?
Not that much really, I mean I've almost paid off my mortgage on a 180K home and I'm 28. I earn just under 35K a year. Within the UK I'm nothing special sure, but in comparison to the rest of the worlds population I'm quite high up the ladder.
He said don't say communism.
Because I don't care about owning 5 laptops and a yacht.
So much truth
>when a peasant touches your shoes
>black hand
top kek
Its not, but I've been extremely poor so I don't really have any sympathy for poor people either. Rich people are ideally supposed to run society and keep their infighting amongst themselves. Lately they've been doing a piss poor job at maintaining economic and social order, so one of these rich kids might be hanging from a tree soon. Right now its too difficult for any sort of upward economic movement in the USA. Its so bad that people are delaying their whole lives because they know they're going to be broke forever. Shit like that only breeds resentment, but maybe they'll roll out UBI before the masses come for their throats.
>It is an argie shittalking about UK
Quit whining, you fucking queer
>the middle class shouldn't have to work their lives away to fund Mohammed and Jamal
>instead, the upper class should work to fund Mohammed and Jamal
Enjoy getting raped
>I don't wanna have to work for a living
Jesus Christ you're a faggot
imma guess JLR
Are you fucking retarded. Even my net worth is higher than yours and I'm nowhere near the 1%. You're not even worth half a million and you think you're in the 1%? Get the fuck out nigger.
I think this really highlights the problem: most people VASTLY over estimate how wealthy they are.
>rich people should pay no taxes
Show me where I said rich people should pay no taxes or quit making strawmen.
It's no wonder you're a gibsmedat commie, an attitude like that you probably don't get many tips at costa~
I am a nationalist, but i cannot understand why Sup Forums sucks billionaires cocks so hard, even when it's proven without a doubt that they actively work against our interests.
I sincerely cannot understand how poor people are ok with billionaires stealing our tax money to import shitskins for their cheap labor, all so they can get larger profits (which they hide in offshore accounts.
Capitalism is inherently anti-nationalist.
>My offspring are granted more freedom at birth than most of the planet got for all human history
>be the country with the largest prison population
>call themselves the "freest country in the world"
The American dream is to become part of the 1%
A dream is a fantasy you have while you sleep.
Wake up.
Mate economic mobility is what it was in the 50s for white people in the US. Its only niggers and spics dragging it down.
>no expecting hostility towards foes
what a pacifist cuck.
go eat a dove.
lol you're full of shit
>be the country with the largest prison population
>call themselves the "freest country in the world"
where exactly did he say that?
>Capitalism is inherently anti-nationalist.
Of course it is but Sup Forums is too stupid to realise that.
Who do you think advocates for open borders and mass immigration? The 1% obvioiusly since they will profit the most from it and won't have to deal with the more "unpleasant" side effects like rapes and murders etc...
Do you not realise how many people live in complete utter poverty? I know full well I'm not in the 1% of the UK or US or whatever. But there are fucking billions of people in the world with almost nothing.
Agreed, the jews own everything