post how your political compass has changed
Political compass history thread
Do you have benjamin button disease?
Did you grow up in the workforce then go to public school later in life?
I've slowly been moving up and to the right.
No. I gave up on libertarianism after becoming an enviormentalist and realizing firms weren't going to voluntarily stop polluting. So I was a liberal until I got involved in antifa and became an anarchist. Then I read marx and became a marxist. Then Stalin and lenin and became a marxist leninist.
care to plot that out? where did you start and where are you now?
your shitposting needs work
I went from mid green to upper blue over 6 years
Basically apathetic of politics but sympathizing with liberal views, generic neocon patriatard, then civnat, then a fascist
I'm serious.
I started at (-7,-4) now I'm (-5,-5). Probably won't change too much anymore.
>giving up your libertarian/free market values and becoming a communist just because you think pollution is a serious problem.
No. I went from libertarian to liberal because of the enviorment. Going to communism comes later.
pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff kill yourself, my man
and what are you doing personally to combat pollution besides declaring yourself as a "liberal?" Are you vegan? Do you cut back on your AC? Do you cut back on shower time? Do you shop thrift stores for clothes?
None of these things require regulation from other sources besides your own, yet you think government intervention on a large scale makes the bigger difference.
You were always a commie, you don't go backwards like you claim to have done.
I started in the mid left, mostly anti corporate stuff pushed me left.
Then I got more left wing after becoming even more against corporations
Then I started to become more right wing in economics and I moved up from the recent up tick in terrorist attacks
Then I slowly moved up and right over the last year as economics stopped mattering as much to me and I began to accept that small corporations are fine
Modern-day communists are deep in the green square, and communism by definition is in the green square, it's an inherently anarchistic ideology.
i think you are wrong
>communism by definition is in the green square
and communism in reality requires an enforcer to redistribute wealth and remove private property, aka upper red square.
Communism is a classless stateless society without hierarchy where the workers control the means of production
If it isn't anarchistic, then it isn't communism. Communism will never be accomplished because it's a retarded idea.
just what the fuck
>becoming this retarded
It would help if someone would post a blank chart of decent size.
Businesses will stop "polluting" when you stopped giving them money.
Marx is a cuck and a thieve who believes people should maintain others for free because
"muh modern day efficiency" "not all need to work" he really just projected his leech life into an ideology, and now you believe in it.
I am now post political I don't see anything that remotely interests me in the various political spheres I have become convinced we are all controlled by snow globe physics on a 2D plane
>Communism is a classless stateless society without hierarchy where the workers control the means of production
Yeah that's the meme definition created by the bearded idiot called Marx, it doesn't mean communism is like that, you can't just add words to it.
Look at my new ideology called shittymemeism, a shittymemeist society is a purple, oxygenless, free, authoritarian, unicorn society.
>Believing in the free market.
What else do you believe? Tooth fairy? Santa Claus?
ps waiting to come full circle
>muh stateless society
>but we need a government to enforce gommunism
every time
Same here bud
This but without the middle step.
fpbp again
It goes something like this
>Authoritarian Left
i am open to the possibility of genociding nonwhites.
>i unlearned economics
at least you're honest
>not believing in a free market
>not believing people should be free to trade, work and do business with each other
Not surprising coming from a nazi LARPer
A truer chart has never been created
Political compass is dogshit. This "triangle" is better, but even that does a bad job of distinguishing things like materialism vs idealism. For example, capitalism and communism might seem like total 100% opposite ends of the spectrum to bluepilled normalfags, but they actually share a fundamental presupposition of materialism.
>Communism will never be accomplished because it's a retarded idea.
I think it's achievable, but only if you have some borg-like hivemind entity
How did your political journey correlate with becoming a faggot and then a faggot tranny?
over 9000 hours in ms paint
>not believing in state-controlled capitalism
>not believing that the the "invisible hand" has no knowledge of what is truly good for society, and will continue to go in the direction that is most pleasurable, cheap, and unhealthy; perpetuating degeneracy within the society for generations to come.
That's me too.
Feudalism is fake darwinism, you cannot handpick or appoint a hierarchy, hierarchy is natural, that's why many kings and lords in history have been brainded pieces of shit good for nothing in life.
Sieg Heil!
>his arrow is making a roman salute
>another retard
>not believing that the the "invisible hand" blah blah...
> muh child consentism!
the "invisible hand" is culture, so unless you live in a majority muslim place there won't be any problem with pedophiles.
How to become a cuck in graphical format.
>Calling others retard with the snake meme flag
Communism is the future classcuck
You're just failing to look at it on a larger scale. The families that end up as nobility typically end up there because they are more successful. Now, is every single noble-born person guaranteed to be better than a peasant? No, not necessarily, but when you zoom out, that is what you see. People don't arbitrarily end up as nobility, most behavioral traits and intelligence are largely heritable, etc. Your argument of braindead habsburgs is only due to decline over time due to instances of inbreeding. Key word being "decline"
>muh free market will solve everything!
>the state should never do anything to protect the interests of the nation, its people, or its culture!
Typical materialist lolberg, only caring about shekels.
the absolute state of /leftypol/
Those first few years of college almost got me.
I have been here since this test has come out
I was in antifa and a commie group once upon a time. When i was lefty i was weak and had no drive, was a virgin and was skinny as hell. I read a bunch of post modern and anarchist stufd and moved further left. The i read the history of spanish anarchists and some criticisms of communism and post modernism. I read nietzche and free market economic lit and woke up to the conditioning of the left and their slave morality. I became a driven alpha capitalist. Lefties are weak and they should fear the strong.
Communism only works in a vacuum. The fact that you unironically support it in the real world despite current day socio-economic factors is laughable.
Fucking weird.
Pot heads are total degenerates but casually smoking weed once in a while, is not bad.
all that in less than 8 years
Go to bed, Dave
Good to see comrade
>The only solution is Not. To. Play.
I call mine: "Off-Center"
Call yours whatever you want.
kek, basically the same
Wherever Hitler was is where I am
maybe get your testosterone checked bro
What happened to all the pass users? I don't see them anymore
Slight changes. Still Libertarian but I now know that authority is sometimes necessary.
You get too much hate when you use the tag
troll or retard
authoritarian left is the only unreasonable quadrant
yeah, that's a great point. People really don't even understand politics before the 1910's because of modernism and the rise of materialist thinking.
Oh you can choose not to show it?
Yeah it's just since4pass in the name. I forgot but somehow it's just default for me now.
>be me
>I like person responsibilities and meritocracy, I'm libertarian
>I think we need some authoritarian regime, now I'm fascist
>capitalism sucks, I'm a tankie communist
I don't think I'm going liberal, so I will stop here
Heirarchy is only natural in wild animals. Imposing a leader is one of the first adaptations human society came up with. It works because a hereditary leader is raised with leadership in mind, and bears responsibility for the success of his people, rather than simply his own personal well being like in meritocratic societies.
how did i know someonw would do this kekels4all