Holy shit once your eye really opens to this shit you see it everywhere. Just saw this ridiculous garbage on twitter

Holy shit once your eye really opens to this shit you see it everywhere. Just saw this ridiculous garbage on twitter

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias=fashion-mens&field-keywords=christopher columbus

Stop posting Twitter screenshots on Sup Forums. If we wanted to read trash on Twitter we would be reading trash on Twitter right now instead of browsing Sup Forums. Saged and hidden.


A city can't replace a federal holiday. I'm so sorry.

Not having "Hail Columbia" as our national anthem was, in retrospect, a mistake.

It's an empty gesture.
I mean, does anyone really celebrate Columbus day?

Federal employees

We should just to piss off leftists

yes fuck Columbus

delet this

My. Sides.

We should.

Everyone wear Columbus-themed clothing on October 9.

Here's some: amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias=fashion-mens&field-keywords=christopher columbus

>liberals celebrating a patriarchical society (the native american cultures) that murdered and raped their competitors endlessly and shamelessly

>just because they are brown and were too underdeveloped to exploit nature, but pretend they care about nature instead.

>uhuhuh-we didnt invent shit because we respect nature hurr

>yeah ok.


Cigars, pasta & wine?

Good. It's so hamhanded that it pisses off old normies. Just over 1 more year of polarizing madness until the democrats are gone forever.

>Shit liberals conveniently forget

I'm shocked


Columbus was a monster, don't defend him. It's like defending Mao and polpot at the same time.

Let's rename it human sacrifice and cannibalism day

They even forget MANY tribes fought with the confederacy and after the civil war still had slaves since they were seperate nations still.

Watch Don Cheedle get redpilled, even though his liberal programming makes him still feel bad for the indians despite their enslaving his forefathers.


That's taken; Hillary Clinton's birth day

Everything you said is true except that we are Red skinned. Not that it matters or the fact that our people lived on this area before our last ice age and even then, after that our legends talk about coming out from the ground after a great flood and had to continue as is. Sure we didn't progress as the white, yellow and brown man. Just like the black man, red man progressed at a stunted rate. I'm also not okay with them changing a day to "Indigenous" people.It just creates victim hood and that we are not.

t. American Indian

A bunch of dirty shills talking to each other.

Yeah I've got no hate for native people's; just don't like these political games that are played by their leaders.

that's a south american society you dingus

Those are aztecs you nincompoop

From Mexico which is north america

Genetically they may as well be South American.

Genetically you may well be retarded if you think that

Brah Aztecs are South American stop trying to be white and find yourself like holy fuck sad!

Don't worry about it too much user. They can take down statues, rename buildings and holidays.

They can't take your genes.

[Insert that "The best thing you can do for the white race is to be successful.. etc" pasta here]

I wonder if they regret complying with the deep state and doing all the bad shit they've done. George W became an artist and seemed to have melod out.

>Indigenous Peoples day
>The day we remember as the beginning of the end for the natives
Top laugh thanks for the laughs Cali

Big win for us.

Virtue signaling they wont do shit to improve the lives of American Indians

Italians do, who check the box "white" on an application, so....

Yes. Italian Chads would chimp the fuck out go full 1488 if it was ever gotten rid of in New York

Sounds good to me

And in future generations, they will be forced to teach about columbus as part of the history of this holiday, and explain how and why it was changed. Libtards do way more to redpill people through their idiocy than any other group could do with perfect planning and coordination. This change could be far-reaching. We should help advocate for it to spread outside of LA to redpill future generations.

don't the libs win in that scenario too?


well, they certainly aren't losing NOW if they passed a law changing a nationally-recognized holiday.

I'm talking about making lemonaide out of lemons, good sir. All great things take patience.

The harder you cram the stupid down the normie gullet, the sicker they become of it.

This is exactly what is wrong with our movement. We spend too much time being blatant about hatred, because it garners attention. This movement is good at getting attention, but it flounders as soon as it gets the spotlite because it's too harsh a medicine to swallow.

I propose using their stupidity against them until they become the harsh pill.

EXACTLY. But fighting against it makes you look intolerant. Pick your fights wisely. If they want to tare down a statue here or there, let them. Don't show up.. Antifa has proved that they will break shit even if they don't have a ligitimate reason, so why give it to them? Let them attack their own side for lack of any other target..

Using force, showing up in numbers, thumping your chest and showing what an alpha you are.. these things feel good, but they achieve nothing. Alt-right demonstrations, are by deffenition, masturbatory. Let the libtards protest, let them burn things, let them smash windows and create havoc. It only makes them look bad, and gives us more redpills to feed to the masses.

meanwhile, in LA...

I'm part Cherokee and even I find this retarded as shit. No one's heritage is entirely innocent.

You have been taught by the White Man to hate yourself, and your dark skin. You have dark skin. That is why you hate yourself. Because your skin is dark.

Your people knew the Great Spirit and called him Grandfather, and they saw all people as Human Beings, with dark skin. Their dark skin was beautiful. And they lived in harmony with nature and spoke to the animals and listened to the wind, and they did not look down on each other for having dark skin.

Embrace your dark skin. Stop hating your dark skin. Disavow the white man. Return to the Great Spirit of your People.


got any more?


Indigenous people deserve respect. I say fuck Columbus. Im glad he existed and all but still, fuck him I couldnt care less about him or his day.

Try living in Canada. You'll hate them within a year.
They are the Canadian Nigger. Even our niggers are better behaved than the canoe babies.

That's what we were taught in school to a laughably biased degree. So much so that I'm inclined to not believe it to be true.