Why is everything so fucking political these days?

Why is everything so fucking political these days?

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We live in a narcissistic society where everyone pretends they are self-rightous and caring but they only do it for social accpetance hence why it's always on social media.

Wow, one black person doing his job. Well done.

My kids won't be allowed on social media. If people are smart they'll do the same.

Couple feet more and the kids would save that nigger from drowning

Because the country has divided into factions which no longer have share any common ties. Civil War has become inescapable, and so the posturing and shield-banging has begun.

Maxx jejj



Loool savage

People have nothing else to really believe in, or live for. I mean, in this non-religious age, what can people do? They need to believe in something, they need to put their identity into something, so they put it into politics: they make their life's meaning the goal of egalitarianism. This is why they are so weirdly passionate about this stuff, it is literally their religion. And they're bored.

That's it...They're bored, they have nothing better to do, they feel meaningless, they want something to believe in.

I remember that Ash Wednesday is the most popular church day in the Catholic Church despite it not being mandatory to attend. The reason? People want to show up and show off their ashes on their head and show others that they are righteous Catholics despite never attending Sunday mass. These people would rather show up to a mass they don't have to attend at all than attend masses they really need to attend to just because on that one day they get to show off their ashes and post it to facebook. These people probably support gay marriage and abortion as well. It's all so selfish.


I have a better one.

I'm new so I thought that Sup Forums was always mostly full of politics

Yet the soldier who carried a wounded comrade out of battle was beaten by BLM members

i have a better one

Why did this get so many likes/attention but the picture of the white guy with the Asian woman and kid hasn't been circulated beyond right-wing circles?

>but white people are evil

because nigger

It's his wife and her son.

Looter dude


good old lootie.

Heineken looter is the best looter.

>niggers are literally stealing white kids from homes now


Liberals. Only government can provide or show the correct way to live.

Put yo self in his shoes, how he goin watch tha game without some henken?

I want this one to be a statue.

As a property insurance adjuster, this makes me cringe.

These claims are a fucking nightmare.

DUDE fuck trump!!!!!

im ashamed to be friends with this person

dont worry they dont have flood insurance

Your kids will be social wierdos

Doesn't even have the balls to make a cuss word.

Because the Jews are trying to commit genocide against the white race in order to rule over a planet of subservient 85 IQ mulattoes, and we are fighting a propaganda war with them over it

Isn't this evidence that, regardless of the statue, people just are not all that racist anymore?


that's just a rescue worker doing his job

>divided into factions
This is our doom.
The non-whites, the academics, the proles, the hippies, the single moms, the sluts, the government employees...the majority, will vote for more "free stuff" and less freedom.
No nationality, just gibs me.

Is the holocaust just a giant LARP?


fuck wh*tes

That house looks nice, anyone with a grandfather clock has flood insurance.

Which means months of tearout/emergency/engineering reports/contractors estimating/contents listings/living expenses/fighting over pricing/etc.

I wish we would just declare the entire home a total loss and write them a check for $300,000.

There isn't that many old school racist anymore, you're not going to see the shit like lynchings or crossburnings anymore. This all whites are racist is really is a (((marxist))) meme to keep people from noticing what is really happening.

Just think about it, it would explain all the clothes and props laying around after the WW2. It would explain everything,

Does Sup Forums approve of the Holocaust-LARP Theory?

The one with the asian chick was used in some tweet saying how women want men like that despite what liberal professors say, then it got mocked into oblivion and became a joke by association

Your kids will be social outcasts/autists.

just order doubles of the right sock :)

>slenderman likes black people
Proof we need to exterminate them.

Politics is the only thing that matters.


What a nigger stealing a jet ski and an old lady?

This is what has been our doom, in this country since FDR or the 19th Ammendment, if not longer.

However, that alienated enough people to get Trump elected, and a Washington Post poll last week found that just under 10% of Americans support Neo-Nazi Huwhite Supremacy, meaning that there are more Fascists in the U.S. than their are Australians.

A conflict is, if not inevitable, certainly possible.

Just raise your kids not to be asses and they'll be fine on social media.

Got a link? I find pleasure in mulling over people's stupidity and our civilisation's slow death.

The Jewish Role in the Refugee Crisis

The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry

Jewish Influence in Canada: The Civil Rights Movement

America's Multicultural Nightmare

Who Owns The Media?

Brother Nathael's First Video - Who Controls America?

Does This Sound Familiar ???

Why Do People Dislike lsrael?

CNN Goldman Sachs & the Zio Matrix

The Zionist Matrix of Power in America

Adolf Hitler's Warning

The Jewish Question [Crucifixion, Holocaust, Israel]

he's just trying to steal them

lol that guy's WN and that's his wife

That woman is wearing gum boots

Why is every viral image from the hurricane a black or brown guy "saving" whitey? Really makes you think

BLM is taking their looting a little too far

That's what they do.

Dindus can't pass up free lolis


society is having a downturn and people feel that a change is needed

Mate, no one is actually racist anymore, but we have to pretend that we are or else we might discover that there are actual differences between the races. I am known by just about everyone as a terrible racist, but yet every saturday I am working with a bunch of poor black kids from up north.

I (and everyone I know) will help someone in need regardless of skin color. "racisim" of today is nothing more than acknowledging differences. I have met a whole lot of black people that I like a lot. Hell, I was driving through fucking Gary Indiana once and my truck broke down. I had 3 black kids pull over and help me push it into a parking lot, then helped me fix it. But on a broader scale there is an aspect of the african American community that is undesirable and I am a racist for thinking that.


This. Also JEWS


fucking WHITE

Black guy #1: I got some Jordans!
Black guy #2: I got a big screen!
This black guy: I got me a white woman!

>Why is every viral image from the hurricane a black or brown guy "saving" whitey? Really makes you think

Was that written yesterday?

This is so computers

I don't think thats right, there is another less cropped photo of a fat asian dude carrying her purse slightly in front of them.

Because we are gearing up for the final battle between good and evil.

They delete the pictures that show whitey saving Tyrone.

I've noticed that people's political opinions tend to be much less vehement in conversation compared to the things they post on social media. Either I'm very persuasive, or people only form political opinions by how many likes they get from them.


>liberals are surprised that there are good people in the world.

Everything always is.

Because of Trump.

The whole events leading up to the 2016 election woke a ton of people up that otherwise never gave a shit about politics. Now they feel smart and moral talking about political shit nonstop.

Is it, dare I say, /ourvirus/?

>why do i have to admit black people aren't monsters

Either a poltard will make it, or China will release it first.

Because it's a picture of a black person doing his job, which is supposed lift up the black community and to make you disregard the videos of other blacks looting.

Besides, pictures of white men doing something good while blacks do poorly is racist.


Ah, those were the days

ahh lootie, I haven't seen this proto-meme in awhile.

After rethinking this post, I have changed my mind.
Smart people shod never be placed in bondage.
Stupid people deserve what they make for themselves.

Fuckin'-A. Nice.

If you need funding for that statue, let me know.

t. some cuck
How about that photo of the white guy holding an asian woman and her child while her bald and fat husband / brother holds a bag and shoes?

post the full image

you gotta love old people on facebook

Imagine looking at a red flag, everybody around you are constantly throwing minus signs at it.
You have a small bag of blue plusses. Then the group around you forces you to throw all your blue pluses into the red hole at gunpoint.
Now everybody have nothing.
- Communism.

what is aids

Why the fuck did he capitalize beans?

Will we ever know?

Has anyone seen my sides?

on 0.33 sec

mein neger

fuck shitty fuck fuck how i can embed ?

>White men have saved 10,000 people
>Nog saved 50