B-but antifa are muh real fascists

>b-but antifa are muh real fascists

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Were not boomers faggot nobody here calls ANTIFA fascists we call them commie subhumans

I have seen many imbeciles on this board making this very false equivalence. Mainly from self-proclaimed "centrists" or "classical liberals"

>Try to suggest who to vote for
>People refuse to listen
>Try to threaten people who are voting differently
>People refuse to conform
>Election happens and Antifa labels everybody an enemy and enacts violence as retaliation for voting against them
>People get fed up and fight back
Everything Antifa has done so far has been fascist in every sense of the definition. They did this to themselves.


If you think Fascism simply means beating up people we disagree with - CONGRATULATIONS! You have bought into the left's caricature of the thing.

WE ARE THE FASCIST YOU FUCKING NEW FAG DON'T YOU GET IT? For fuck sake why do you think we hate Antifa so much? They're jew loving commies you fucking newfag. Seriously all you faggots whining about being fascist need to lurk moar or BTFO back to Sup Forums or t_d for fuck sake

Did I ever say Fascism was a bad thing?

This legitimately saddens me.
I've been incredibly vocal against Brother Wars for the last few years.
It genuinely saddens me that the only path to peace is another Brother War.

They will never learn. They will never see the Truth. And they will be crushed.... I weep for their families. There will be no way to legitimize this to them.

The same problem we saw in the middle east. People immigrated specifically to become Jihadis.
We absolutely must fight this war on an intellectual and cultural front first and foremost, else we risk becoming the monsters we seek to destroy.

He was mocking the Alt-Lite like Rebel and Lauren. Muh democratz r dah reel wacist meme.

If you grow a rasta its enough for me to hate you get over it

I never said you did, its just you are implying Antifa would have the knowledge to even comprehend fascism. Also Communism parties get government power the same way, threaten, kill, and destroy anyone in your path. The difference is Fascist do it better and with reason, commies do it for the gibs and greed.

Good thought good thought
Never cull your own even if they're acting retarded

only baby boomers say that kind of bullshit!

>you are implying Antifa would have the knowledge to even comprehend fascism
Did I? As far as I can see, everything to the right of Social Democracy is Fascism to Antifa.


Problem is, I've seen idiots on this very board making this comparison. Therefore I though it worthwhile to make the distinction.

Such as?

Lack of freedom of speech
Political violence
Is anarchic but tends toward hierarchy (I've seen them somewhere pathetically try to organise their hierarchy while remaining anarchic which is retarded but they try)
Want a coup
Uses unspecified justifications for violence
Is extremist obv.
Uses cheesy propaganda

is sumone gutting trigglied?

That's a boomer and brainlet meme. They're commie fuckheads that need to be erased

youre right, they are communist.


Antifa checking in.

We're not the terrorists, nor are we fascists. Anti-Fascist Action is literally in our name. We put our bodies on the line so civilians aren't targeted by alt-right nazi scum. We consider ourselves bait. I'll take a jail sentence if it means braining a nazi with a crowbar and preventing him from unleashing his hatred on an innocent interracial couple, for example.


And alt-liberal


Fuck off shill, antifa has commie roots in the weimar republic

Bullshit. I've seen plenty of you faggots make that retarded claim. I got into an argument with someone here the other day here over it.

What do the alt-right and the alt-left have in common? They both hate Israel.

You're absolutely right, I am forced to recognize your flawless rhetoric and your arguments are on point, this is truly a shame, the comparison of Anti-fa with the blackshirts is unsubstanciated. The parallel draws shame on the name of Fascism, let's call the Anti Fascitische for what they are, Marxist-lenininst and Maoist subhuman scum.

Don't soil the name of Fascism, thank you.

>two factions bent on installing legislated morality, retarded economic policies and whichever view of hierarchy they think will give them more power
>lol totally different horseshoe theory btfo