How would cucks react?
Trump wins 2020 because of lack of worthy opponent
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he's gonna win because half the Dem voter base is getting deported currently
They would probably riot, tweet and be sad for another 4 years. Nothing would change
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>implying city people are the real people of the US.
Bernie will run as an independent and completely splinter the Democratic vote
this tbqfh
The Democommies are predictable now.
Their next campaign will be an "ANYONE BUT HIM" campaign and they will go all out smear.
The facts of Trumps success will be a big slap to their face though. He is spurring the economy, job creation and confidence in the Dollar around the globe.
The democrat party doesn't have a position to take. They have no stance against him doing good thing for the nation.
>implying rural and suburban retards qualify as human
Oooh, good for you! You shove your hand up a cow's ass! MURICA
Cities are cesspools of defective retards and crime.
Hillary would have his last remaining nut in a jar on her coffee table if he tried.
Oooh, you live in a place where you cut goat balls off! MURICA
This, and who the hell does the dems have to rally behind? Creepy Genocide white people Biden?
Yes uneducated ghetto niggers and beaners went for Hillary. What's your point
In 2020, I'm voting Dem. If he wins, I'll convert to Christianity and pray that someone blows his fuckin' head off.
Hillary's campaign was exactly that.
Trump beat THE Hillary Clintoris. There's no one living who can defeat him.
They'll continue to protest and throw rallies with Antifa and reply negatively to every twitter post trump makes.
>probably has a cracked out homeless dude fucking a cat outside your window
Yeah, I'll stick here with my 2 acres and my own house.
Maxine Waters 2020. DAS RITE!
yep she was standard and predictable.
We were not.
The Right has so many tricks up their sleeves.
The dems better fucking just give up.
Our next meme is that its ok for normies to kick the shit out of dems because thats what the dems did to the normies.
doesn't matter if it didn't really happen...We have video. The memory hole is gone.
>Connecticut going red
God I wish, fuck this state and our retard governor
I will make sure he wins again.
NY will go red next election...expect it.
by celebrating that their candidate won
Oooh, you own land! Like I really give a fuck? Anyways, I hope everyday that Liberals will either A; Perform a coup against Trump, and Pence should be outed in the process, or B: the Liberals attack Alt-Right rallies with such force, that it results in a Second Civil War.
You and me both, malloy is a piece of shit
Start collecting footage now. They are purging youtube for a reason. They know that we will be using video of the riots and the Antifa
download your librarys now.
We are too wussy though. Someone, please just rally the left together. Blood of the left and right should pour down the gutter of every street corner.
Mass suicide on a scale never before seen.
Warren will probably be the nominee, if Clinton doesnt try to slither her way in again. That would be fucking hilarious though.
The left would lose any conflict. Just accept your defeat.
Dead bodies should become a common sight in the streets. Hopefully, those of the Conferates, and Alt-Righters.
I don't think Soros will let hillary run again
Except for checks and balances, FBI investigations into collusion, voter fraud, perjury, and emolluments. You know, those tiny tiny things which all of you toothless retards here think aren't a big deal.
>Hillary robs the primary from Warren just like she did Bernie
>then proceeds to tank it in the general election.
If Hillary wasn't so dangerous and insane, it would almost be funny enough to be worth it.
Which hasn't happened.
keep dreamin
If this map actually happens, I will post a timestamped picture of my cock to Sup Forums. Screencap this post.
Never! We must gather men and women of all ages, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Muslims, whites. Rich to the poor.
>There's no one living who can defeat him.
Almost forgot, death of old age, assassins, and his autistic son during some of his night terrors.
I got a bad feeling Trump is going full neo-con. I hope I'm wrong. Things are too cheery right now, ANTIFA collapsing, less leaks, impeachment talk lessening, getting praise from D's and R's..My neckbeard moob basement dweller senses are tingling.
We will divide those groups. its quite easy. How we did it was almost like a formula.
I think they would be defeated at that point.
glad you are content with you're delapitated crack house. Fucking niggers I swear.
Well with actual war looming. That would serve him for a time. would it not?
Lord God I hope so.
> Cheery
Fun fact : trump lost the popular vote
Oh yeah, all of the things happening to Clinton's little circle of vampires
What does that have to do with Trump, though?
NK is an unwinnable war that might bring in other nations, Trump seems like he's taking the bait.
Not a delapitated crack house, but not 'high class' shit. Still, my point stands that we should rally the American people and start the second Civil War.
>death of old age
With That kind of money? he has top notch healthcare.
antifa will cause his secrurity to update by infinity
> his autistic son during some of his night terrors.
barons 11. he's a kid.
Those are just small details though user, he actually won because most voter districts were divided up in such a way that the districts turned out in favor of him instead of the percentage of actual votes. In our country this is called gerrymandering and this is the only way he won. Not because he was better than anyone, he won because the system was rigged for him.
I won my school election (mechanic school) with 0 contestant because my ideas were the right ones needed.
Abolish the 22nd
NK is winnable so long as we stay out of the reunification process afterward.
And she still lost lol
Jesus Christ! What setting are those? Ultra-Low?
he's human. you think killing lots of Asian's WONT have a effect on his conscience and decision making?
Actually, I didn't mention the Clintons at all but all of you losers always go back and beat that dead horse. What kind of excuses are you going to fall back on when most of Trumps fiefdom are thrown in jail because they're traitors to our country?
Leaf detected: all of your arguments are instantaneously false
Yes, and?
City "people" are terrible.
Lol voter districts don't decide who wins states you moron.
>muh 'mullments
Kurt "Hentai" Eichenwalde reported on a "sealed indictment" several months ago. Where did that go? What about the piss memo? You retards are throwing out your old conspiracies as soon as you come up with new ones.
>City "people" are terrible.
Said the guy that most likely fucks his horse in his barn
Mass suicides would happen, and it would be lovely.
Kamala Harris would prevent Trump from consolidating the white vote, the Rethuglicans have no chance
I really feel that you should read a book on how districts are divided up to complete votes sweetheart. Did you go to a charter school user? It's ok, I'm understanding and I get that you're a complete idiot and all
Candidate Trump said it best, pushing China and Russia together would be a disaster for us, a NK war would do just that. I'm not going to argue for or against an attack, I'm just saying that it looks like its going to happen, and the consequences could blow up in Trump's face. Neo-cons, MIC, Deepstate win either way.
No response user? Here's some fast facts for you since you clearly don't have the mental capacity to understand the subject
Unless you're talking about Maine or Nebraska, there aren't any other states that award electoral votes based on districts. It's by popular vote you fucking dumbass.
I'm sorry user, again, you're completely incorrect. It's ok to not know things, you are a trump supporter after all.
God is protecting him
>Not an argument
Post link that says in exact words that states electoral votes are won by districts.
Won't be any city people left in USA after NK nukes them
There is no way you are on Sup Forums, and actually feel this way.
You are a retard.
Oh, and a faggot, too.
I'm still right though sweetheart
> Oregon
> Colorado
> red
Dream on zio-cucks.
You're completely wrong, and that link even proves it, you retard
Fucking horses > Fucking non-Whites
Fag is still a fag.
Popular vote determines state electoral votes.
I imagine Satan would know
You wouldn't even know how or why, you're to far removed from being a human to even understand life.
>no picture
Fucking amateur
You're fucking retarded. Districts play no role in national elections. It's all based on the popular vote of the state. Except for Nebraska and Maine (like user said)
>muh internet fight war
>why didn't we win
>what do you mean an online presence isn't the same as a real life one
Pic related, this is what my adopted family was posting.
I'd vote for Dwayne Johnson.
I wanted to believe you were a bot but then I realized you're actually a really triggered sjw on discord.
I noticed cause a robots today can't feel this level of butt frustration.
eh, maybe this is the opportunity for someone to stake a claim in youtube's market share, like raiding a beach the first wave of content creators to come over will suffer badly, but in a short time it'll take off.
>eats bread
It'll be a repeat of this...
Why is the allowed? Literally rigging votes.
By city people you mean niggers. Most whites who live in cities voted for Trump because we are tired of seeing tax dollars go to those degenerates.