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>the /r/eddit show
[[[[N]O]R]M]A]L]I]Z]I]N]G] [D[E[G[E[N[E[R[A[C[Y]]]]
That shouldn't be on a children's cartoon show
Yes it should, it redpills the kids. Kid's brain is highly malleable.
>nuclear family
>pro family
>criticizes women bullshit
>criticizes society showing favoritism to women
>criticizes how oppressed little boys are is school now.
>criticized tranny cross dressing.
>only lesbian relationship is put in as a butch joke.
Gumball is the only show that wants little boys to act like little boys. And isn't shoving faggot trans shit down their throat.
this is the point
I wouldn't go as far as calling it
I appreciate that they're trying to slip tiny red pills to kids but considering that they're kids it'll fly over their heads.Also it's painfully obvious so ((((they))) will probably take it down.
>INB4 "Cartoon gets cancelled for Alt-Right views and topics."
The episode is amazing. I watched it last night. It gets even better. He gets his Social Justice Warrior training from studying Tumblr, called Ramblr in the show.
There was also another episode where he got wrecked in an online argument, but his rebuttal was essentially pic related.
>Nic(uck)elodeon shills in full force
I can understand anime tiddies but why the fuck would any self-respecting adult watch cartoons literal cartoons
I'm not a fan of SJW cucks either but I just feel
like this whole episode doesn't belong on a show that is for kids under the age of 12.
Inb4 that screenshot about how Steven universe is redpilled
Yeah man, once something is animated it's no longer entertaining. If you'll excuse me, I have some adulting to do.
but an sjw can't argue. all they do is become offended at nonsense and play the victim.
>bumbling dad trope
>genius little sister
>dipshit older brothers
>moms the only competent, sane one (along with sister)
>next episode was literally "womyn in da workfors!"
more like your typical cn tumblrina show.
I still watch it though, its a cartoon so at the end of the day who really gives a shit
Well it's because you're a dumb faggot that can't articulate your thoughts so you just say it's bad for no reason.
Is Amazing World of Gumball, dare I say it, /our cartoon/?
You obviously never watched the show
3 dollars?
You apparently.
Justify anime titties you retard
Yeah, that's kind of the joke.
ooga booga me like tiddies. its not my fault I evolved to find cave paintings attractive, Urk.
Why don't you learn to
> check
> P R I V I L E D G E
Also, more redpills in this one
that was actually funny
>when you have nothing better to do than comment on children's shows on twitter
Daily reminder that Hitler was the original weeaboo and was so obsessed with kawaii anime that he declared the entire Japanese race white as an excuse for his degenerate anime interest.
Nobody here watches (((Steven universe))) or probably even could distinguish it from a lineup of other irrelevant cartoons.
Sage this slide thread.
FYI, Gumball is more or less the Rocko's Modern Life of the 2010s. It's aimed at kids, but has a ton of innuendo and relevant satire. They already did two episodes like this, one mocking overprotective parents (more specifically, the "videogames/TV shows make kids violent" group), and another mocking excessive censorship.
Gumball's already announced to be ending. I see no need to worry about (((them))) shutting it down.
>Justify anime titties you retard
Which part? The tits part or the anime part?
>lets just hug it out
>says the cactus
>Kids are fragile and should be dumb down with stale humor
Fuck off
Julian/WikiLeaks is a fucking joke now..
only three bucks? That's fucking awesome
you mean "is dead and replaced with a CIA fake now"?
he is hiding from the clintons in some cave in ecuador so yeah he really doesnt
Yeah, but absolute degeneracy does, right?
I just feel like they shouldn't mix political things with a children's show. I don't care if they put inappropriate things in kids show.
Please don't be rude.
nobody gives a shit about your fucking feelings leaf
Gumball is God tier cartoon.
Kids don't give a shit about political correctness but already know they hate it.
Meanwhile Steven Universe almost found itself cancelled because only tumblr watches it.
i know where your coming from, but they have been doing this for a long time you just didn't notice it as a kid.
Also parents pay for tv and with mass amounts of adults watch cartoons now they are covering all their bases.
those kids will grow up in this fucked generation and become SJW and antifa. This show is doing it right trying to subtly stop that.
if they shouldn't mix politics into kids shows let people make the characters they want and not pressure them into making a "diverse" cast
please check this, I know its Jack but someone needs to make a thread about this.
Make memes and make Trump know he needs to fuck McMasters and take Julian Assange's deal.
I would but I'm old and don't know how to do it right like you guys.
>interracial parents...
If shows like Steven Universe are gonna be a thing, then so what if Gumball takes a jab at SJWs. If anything it's only fair since there's been absolutely no cartoons since King of the Hill (which was an adult cartoon anyway) that preach conservative messages while every other show is a libshit mess or stays out of politics.
the next generation will be the freedom fighters
Why not? Its still a cartoon aimed at little kids. The shit is not even PG, its TVY7 I think. Saw it one time with my lil cousin, thought it was faggot baby crap, I guess you tards would like it because muh innuendos. You fucks are not white nationalists buy literal babies.
>Gumball's already announced to be ending. I see no need to worry about (((them))) shutting it down.
Nope. The creator is leaving, but the show is still on contract to be on for two more years.
The show has ghost, fruits, robots and a T-rex in it.
Pretty sure they are same race as the show gets.
>That are still together and there for their children, unlike Tyrone's
If anything it's a positive role model on blacks too
I can gather no reason to be upset about this. This is good. Here, have more.
Cabbit is BEST mixed race pet.
You realize Cartoon Network was doing this for a long time right?
lel dis nigga stoned. Just when I think I can't like CGI Assange any more than I already do.
There's an episode where he fights an authoritarian regime for anti-censorship.
>3 bucks
where she at tho
That's actually kinda funny
Fuck off nigga gumball is Sup Forums. Reddit is Steven Universe and Loud House.
I love how people are literally saying "lol who cares fag it's a cartoon" fucking Dailystormer Reddit MGTOW fucks not understanding the basics of escalation and how you can't just go "KIKEEEEEEEEEEEES" without everyone literally not believing you because of how brash and sudden it is. It's like ripping off a bandage slowly instead of quickly. You're playing yourself.
woah it is down. anyone know wtf is going on? happening
>hacking a website
I'm impressed
Ha, so was he watching snuff/gore? I'm thinking porn would be more like them just peeling a fruit or something instead of splitting it in half.
Gumbo whi aer yu oen Ramblr yu kuk.
Gumbo y r yu feminazi?
I've been watching a few episodes. One of the early ones is Gumball wearing a dress and getting special treatment because people confuse him for a beautiful woman so he takes advantage of it. It's pretty redpilled.
Preteens are smarter than you realize.