

Other urls found in this thread:

naesp.org/sites/default/files/Instructions to Submit Public Comments to the FCC_2.pdf

Literally what




You may have a bump.

Some lame net neutrality false flag probably. If this is in the fake news tomorrow. I guarantee they will push a govt takeover of the internet "neutrality" soon. Include me in the screenshot

Second one is nothing, but where did you find the first?


Explain please.

>not archiving them


Holy fuck this is real!

Include me in the screencap fampai



>it's real

Fucking kek, they are among us!

Hi pol

gonna need a rundown on ajit pai


Inb4 lulzsec, "anonymoose" haxored them

He's that filthy spineless cuck, remember?

If l33t haxor is reading this, please fuck up the page moar

lulzsec isnt even a thing anymore

the fuck is going on
is this some kind of honeypot?

Note to anyone who is backwards on net neutrality the only thing the bill does is say that the ISP cannot control what you do with your internet access. its the ultimate anti censorship law

This. Upload goatse

Really oregano post, retard.

Streetshitters will never recover.

lmao put me in the screencap famalam

Add some peperoni then, pastanigger

It's true.

Wait until the media picks up on the story then change it to pizzagate red pills so all the people running to see it will get their daily dose

This should be on the page too

Not even surprised by this sort of stuff anymore

>Sup Forums infiltrates the FBI
What the fuck is this timeline?

this... is the best timeline.

Put Me In The Screencap

The header

Just posted this on /r/conspriacy

>pelosi says antifa are thugs and defends nazi larpers right to larp
>moose haxors FCC
>trump is pres
>rise of nationalism in the west

what, are you going to tell me this isn't the best? if aliens exist, they should just visit us now to make this year the best one in a century.

>Title: Microsoft Word - Document1
>Creator: Word
>Producer: Mac OS X 10.11.6 Quartz PDFContext
>CreationDate: Wed Aug 30 23:06:25 2017
>ModDate: Wed Aug 30 23:06:25 2017
>Tagged: no
>UserProperties: no
>Suspects: no
>Form: none
>JavaScript: no
>Pages: 1
>Encrypted: no
>Page size: 612 x 792 pts (letter)
>Page rot: 0
>File size: 111585 bytes
>Optimized: no
>PDF version: 1.3

Potential legendary thread?

It's how they store public comments from their open submission thing

I just want to see net neutrality removed so you all larpers get that free market shit you always larp about and get guetoed by AT&T and the others

we literally are watching the rise of the Corporatocracy

... etc

Holy shit, exif is still on

Hmm, are you telling me we can upload anything we want to their servers?

I'm expecting Sup Forums autists to find the best ones. Bonus for Nazi comments

Oh, look, it's "Anonymous." And like true hackers they are unbothered by H1B code monkies, the pajeet at Google, or the pajeet at Microsoft. No, the only son of Ashoka who grabs their medicinal cow urine is a Trump appointee who hasn't done anything nearly as bad as those others.

Any from Jimmy Russle? Mike Hunt?

oh shit

if you see this remove the metadata

Well earned bump.


The first ISP that tries to pull one of the John Oliver neutrality conspiracies will be torn to shreds by the others. Once you provide a service you can't take it away.

depends on how they have their POST configured and if they properly sanitize input, but I'm pretty sure it's restricted to text documents

Don't, you'll ruin their delusions

Ascii porn?



naesp.org/sites/default/files/Instructions to Submit Public Comments to the FCC_2.pdf

you lack vision

they dont need to ban you, just make Sup Forums trafic ridicously limited

thus making the site unenjoyable

ah, now I get it .pc1 is used for generating pdf's from text input, possibly mail

>inb4 subdomain faggot


from Ajit Pai's about page on FCC.gov
literally SHUT IT DOWN


He makes a good argument


really makes ya think dont it

wtf I love FCC now

That piece of shit, Ajit Pai!
They fuckin deserve every ounce of that!

top lel

Keep em coming. Good bread

Sup Forums should just use ecfsapi.fcc.gov to host content

it's free realestate and is actually protected as free speech unlike any other web hosting options

The way the Obama administration handled net neutrality was actually a push to give cable co's more power and solidifying territorial monopolies.

Bumperino for maximum exposure. No seriously, tell us something. What does it mean ? I want a piece of American pie

Stop using "literally" in every fucking sentence, you inbred hick.

And why would they do that. It's just a bunch of tin foil nonsense. Like I said if one starts that shit they won't survive.

Post source

Hey guys. I did this

anyone can upload files here.

Bidens so on more than likely would have turned on his dad. I don't think he probably really liked his dad anyway, didn't appear to have the same ethos/brand of politics

Stop using "hick" in every fucking sentence, you inbred rat.

Whyd you do it sir and can you do something better for the same reason ?

Another idiot using "literally" in every fucking sentence.STFU.

>they wont survive
yes they will, they probably all are in the same team now

its like the retards here that they stand a chance fighting youtube

youtube will only prevail

and all companies are highjaking the "liberal" movement because its becoming a shield for them


I know right?

I wonder when some faggot posts captain picard there.

YouTube sucks they'll easily get replaced if they keep censoring popular shit that they don't like. People hate that.


Any faggot can upload files as comments and the comments are public. The person who uploaded that shit with the official FCC seal and shit is going to get anusgaped.

It's nothing.

ok then

it will happen the same that with gov surveillance
everybody was outrage 3 years ago
now its a given reality

My boss is a jew cuck, he fired me for sucking some boi pussy in his office and now im just fucking his entire life up familam

So what you're saying is, it's bootleg ?

Who is Sup Forums?


lol can you make one with the navy seal copypasta please

In the famous words of Nelly.. "e.i. " .... "Ondalay ondalay "

how did we never know about this until tonight? our shitposts will be cataloged for decades, and possibly prosecuted

What do they prosecute you for, abuse of their system? Don't you guys have free speech over there.

Falsifying documents, mail fraud or sth like that

honestly, im not sure. theres really no precedent for this situation. i feel like they wouldnt allow us to commandeer their comments website, but i also feel like that would bring about a shitstorm the fcc does not want to deal with


Hugh Jazzole, Sandeep Sheeite, Sum Yung Ghai, Lon Duk Dong, Shu Chu Lon Thai, etc...