Would you be willing to give up a US state to allow American blacks their own ethnostate?
If so, which state would you recommend sacrificing?
Would you be willing to give up a US state to allow American blacks their own ethnostate?
If so, which state would you recommend sacrificing?
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Liberia. Why would America give up land?
This, Liberia was created for that specific purpose
This desu
Annex somebody else and that's technically a state
Hawaii, we will throw them into the volcano.
There's a black ethnostate right off the coast of Florida, it's called Haiti. Why not go there? Oh wait, you want all that pre-existing infrastructure and capital to come with it
They can have Washington DC
Give them New Mexico.
Fuck Off, Faggot.
The whole Midwestern. Bunch of useless faggots.
Why would you think Louisiana would be viable?
The state is steeped in WHITE history and culture
give them Cali or Alabama.
Annex Puerto Rico and give that to them
Yeah, black people had nothing to do with building this country.
You guys are fucking retarded.
They are surrounded. Kill the lights and water. Shut the ports. Build the walls. M40s and minefiields. 24 months - all gone.
Go ahed cuck, we dare ya to try it. We'll send them back to whatever southern swamp they crawl from.
Alaska, of course.
> Give the mouth of the Mississippi to niggers
No thanks I like functional shipping lanes
yeah I am all for sending blacks back to Africa, they wuz kingz n shit after all :P
Child killin Frankenfoood.
>antique farm equipment building anything
Why don't we just send them all to Mexico? We're already sending the spics back. Add every non white while we're at it.
No. America has been great in part because it borders just two other nations. If USA starts giving away territory it will end up encountering problems that Europe has. Founding fathers spoke about just this and it was one of the reasons the confederacy was not allowed to succeed
We already built Liberia for them. We're finished giving them free shit.
Ether Louisiana or Mississippi, move Whites over to USA Proper.
Black Majority Metro Areas could be a good idea for this.
California can become the nation state of Afromerica.
Are you daft, man? Can't give them a border state, you want them well contained in a state like Nebraska.
Kangz need to go back to Africa . You can't give them an inch it will never be enough for them and they will have all the same problems and liberals will insist that we have to help them
Says a fag from the unrisen south.
Why the fuck you gringos have to be so godamn stupid and give them whole states. Just let them have cities or at most a county. I though it was segregation what you wanted, not fucking secession.
Puerto Rico, Hawaii, or Guam.
Keep them off the mainland.
We're not giving Yosemite and the High Sierra to niggers you fucking faggot.
Roll for this. Put them all on the island.
The black belt, mississippi delta, and sea access somewhere in the carolinas and in louisiana
Fuck no.
Louisiana has too much important shit in it to give it away to blacks. Give them Mississippi or Arkansas instead.
relax, it will be an improvement. Anything to lower the percentage of puerto ricans would be doing you a favor and you know it.
I deal with people from LA at work all day, their whites are the dumbest, and their niggers are the loudest and dumbest niggers.
This state is a cesspool. I hate dealing with them. They are all helpless, and it's hard to even understand their English, their phone lines are shit, and they are inept and don't know how to do anything with technology.
bikini atoll
Only if we resume nuclear testing there shortly afterwards.
but they already have an entire continent...
Hawaii ofc. Niggers can't swim
Fuck no. It would have to be closed off or bombed.
none of what you said is false
however, do not subjugate this great state to the nigras
Maryland or Rhode Island
#cajunnavy bruh...
They can have california.
Give them some desolate land in the very north of Alaska.
I was in the US Navy, there was a cool guy from LA but on average, I would only trust someone from there to unclog a toilet or trap vermin.
Give them Atlantis.
>Would you be willing to give up a US state to allow American blacks their own ethnostate?
As long as Whites had our own (pic and pastebin related) sure.
>If so, which state would you recommend sacrificing?
I honestly don't care as long as it's not and nowhere near pic related.
Liberia. Give them all 1 years worth of food and tents, and that will be our divorce settlement.
Yes I would. As long as they stay there and never come out.
Rhode Island
gonna try to create a nigger singularity
The Midwest is strategically a better homeland for Whites, compared to Cascadia
It's not about inventions, you middle class white kids are so lost down this stupid rabbit hole you can't even see how much black people have worked and struggled in this country.
"HURR you're worthless we're making an ethnostate!"
I hope your mother gets run over with a car, honestly.
why do wn have such a hard on for cascadia? >leave my asian and hipster qts alone
>giving up one of the largest port in United States
are you retarded?
texas. blacks can't swim
sheeiit we wuz cotton shirt producers n shit
I'd be willing to surrender the entire southeast on the condition that every nigger in the United States had to move there. I'd even be willing to pay for them to move
That state would fall apart into anarchy and debt and you know it will. Why does it matter what state it is? It's the state of decay.
Because Stormfags think Covington is a genius and not just some fat moron who lies about being some badass in Rhodesia.
I'm sorry but your state is the worst. You are a shittier version of Bama
No. Let's just revive the Liberia project, which was created specifically for moving all the niggers to
Blacks and have California, and New York City. Hardcore white libs would had to be shipped to the south though
The borders were literally drawn up to sequester the French into one area
We did moron...Monrovia...its in Afrika. We also gave them 40 acres and a mule, and they lost it all. I won't give them a penny.
alaska was purchased for that reason
we were going to herd em up there on pack mule
hence 40 acres and a mule
>The Midwest is strategically a better homeland for Whites, compared to Cascadia
Nope. It's landlocked. You'd be surrounded on all sides by a hostile, anti-White country/countries.
>why do wn have such a hard on for cascadia?
Why not both?
They do have an ethnostate, Its called state prison.
Kamala Harris is going to rename California to Camalornia once she ascends to the highest throne, thus taking the title from her predecessor, Queen Khalifa.
Alabama really doesn't have any infrastructure
Please don't. I'm not willing to give my state over to the black horde. Give them a state that's way more brown already.
Our state motto is "At least we're not Mississippi"
I thought about that when I was at the cotton station filling up the cotton tank in my cotton car so that I could driver over the cotton roads to get to my job at the cotton factory.
Why do that when we can give them boats?
They won't fucking go. Niggers can't survive without leaching off Whites with the Jew narrative backing them up. They would simply devolve to the mud huts you see in Africa.
They really didn't though, Chinese(mostly) built the railways and the US government did all the rest. Niggers probably worked on some southern cities and roads back in the day, true...but that was probably their punishment for doing crimes. aka CHAIN GANGS. You'll never do something productive unless forced to.
black people work (on their own), stopped reading right there.
Hell no. The vog is bad enough, I can't even imagine nog.
It would be eaiser just to steamroll them into the earth than waste land.
There is no legal mechanism by which the feds can "give up" a state.
what did they invent?
Except peanut better
Super soakers. But not peanut butter. That one was a lie.
They can have the entire south, except for Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee. Every other southern state is a built over suburban shithole. Rednecks don't give a shit about architecture and white heritage so they can KTS for all I care.
The Feds can literally do whatever the fuck they want
>see last one hundred years of US history
Liberia or Haiti
Puerto Rico works too
I'd bet, if all of them were willing to move to a single state and stay there, they could get there pick. No state gives America more then the black population takes away from it. So loss of land, no matter where it is, would be a net game