Christ cucks, will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
Communism is literally a heresy of Christianity
>Loving your neighbor means accepting and tolerating their sin. Especially men sticking their dicks up other men's asses.
OP and Ted Lieu are idiot faggots.
Neighbor, as in member of your tribe from your geographical location.
christianity is theist marxism
>Communism is literally a heresy of Christianity
Communism is Jewish. So yes, it is a heresy.
>Jesus says he supports the law of Moses, which orders sodomites be killed.
>Jesus claims to be God, the same God who wrote aforementioned law and nuked two cities for fagging it up
>Every New Testament writer orders homosexuals to repent and stop fagging it up
Someone post the fucking "Nice" screencap.
>christianity is theist marxism
Marx was a Jew. Communism is anti-Christian. Communism is Jewish.
If this is the case why did no Christian nation implement anything remotely resembling Marxism for eighteen centuries? The closest concept was the Apostles and early followers 'having all things in common' which by the book of Acts itself was just them selling off excess property and land to fund the early church. A fact evidenced by the fact that this model was in no way exported by the Apostles later on.
switch Marx with Jesus and you have Christianity
Marx: "No hierarchies! No state! Distribution of property, no private ownership!"
Jesus: "Hierarchies, states, private charity"
So similar, much the same. Wow.
>switch Marx with Jesus and you have Christianity
No. Communism is oppressive, materialist and mandatory.
Christianity is not.
>Twitter getting things wrong on purpose
This is how the world ends
>Jesus: "Hierarchies, states, private charity"
Soviet Russia. The most Christian Kingdom to ever exist.
>Soviet Russia. The most Christian Kingdom to ever exist.
>In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty.
Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues
>Soviet Russia. The most Christian Kingdom to ever exist.
>killing christians in the millions
huh i finally see
Hahahaha wew
Communism is actually a Christian idealogy. It comes up in the new testament in acts, for the apostles and early church to love by. But immediately you get people holding back and selling stuff on the side and getting struck down and killed by God. Acquilla and Priscilla. The problem with communism is it's forced. If all members are willing participants then so be it. But when people are forced to participate it's ugly. And there's never going to exist a body of people outside of say maybe a family or small group of apostles dedicated to the Lord that want to share everything.
Well said. There's a reason Jesus tries to talk people OUT of following him in the Gospels. Not only does participation need to be voluntary for communism to work, it needs to be enthusiastic.
>Christianity is not materialist
Can you substantiate this?
Did any of the critics of this actually read the statement or is it more outrage on cue?
it is difficult for the rich to pass through the eye of a needle. We exist on earth, suffering for a good cause is the way of life. Old testament scripture said that if you are doing well in life, then God is rewarding you. Jesus says that you will be rewarded in heaven if people curse you for standing up for your beliefs.
Plus, there is plenty of material that teaches us to not be jealous of others, and to not covet what they have, but to work on ourselves and respect others' ownership.
I think the parable of the talents is a good example.
Show me a Christian nation were anti-semitism is legal. Christianity is jewish by definition. Greatest ally....
>Soviets Razed Churches, Spared Synagogues
>killing christians in the millions
Sure. As I said Marxism is non-theist Christianity. There's no need for meaningless fairytale and Jesus is the State.
Of course they spared synagogues, the leadership was entirely Jewish, no need to apply the same rules to the chosen, they were just a minority anyways
I don't know that I'd say he tried to talk people out of following him, I would say quite the contrary. He did encourage them to count the costs, and emphasized total surrender to the father.
So did Jesus mean we should first bum God and then bum our neighbour? Not following.
Christianity is not a form of government. Communism shouldn't be either but it is.
What do you mean bum ?
The is the link to sign the Nashville statement, in case you feel so inclined.
uh, they did. its called an opiate for the masses not, 'poor and dumb peasants / barbarians overthrew the church after its inception forever'
This. Go and sin no more doesn't mean go put your dick in some guy's ass.
Who is your neighbor, Ted?
Or better yet: Who is your rey'akha?
You act like religion was just thought up and organized in a meeting and then this opiate for the masses was just massively instituted amongst humanity by a small group if illuminati to have power over humanity over night. Why don't you look at the organic origin of Christianity based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ and carried on throughout his witnesses apostles disciples and followers. It's the greatest story ever told.
Love doesn't mean you give someone everything they want. If you love your child, you teach them the importance of 'no'. You love your neighbor by doing what is best for them when they are in need. That doesn't equal taking from someone to give to someone else.
Love in the old testament way was a lot more like loving some fucking respect into your child with a belt and less about being a pathetic cuck.
>well okay so i am wrong but heres a list of my mental gymnastics to get to a point where i give you homework
wow you sure act like autism is a burden; and not the gift that it should be user
>its called an opiate for the masses
Where is "opiate for the masses" registered as a governmental system? I'll wait.
>how does one translate simple idioms / turns of phrase / verbal or written maymays; into a relatable logical concept or discourse??
looks like you might be waiting until you discover simple logic user
>how to argue without answers
still waiting
>the nashville statement says the truth about fags
>some commie larping as a man of God tells me and my betters what our religion "really is about"
>ignores what the bible actually says in the process
Why the fuck are cucks allowed to live
This is the most retarded meme I see here. Completely unfounded. Religion in general and marxism are incompatible, Christianity encourages charity, marxism commands to redistribute wealth. If you weren't such a fucking brainlet you'd understand the violent history between marxists and the church.
Straights have anal too. There's no point. Women have zero erogenous zones they only pee on you. King David was a bisexual. Born eunuchs. The centurion. The ethiopian. The 144,000 undefiled by only women. The only link you need on this topic. Leviticus was for priests and that order of those, dont even exist anymore. Fuck your memes
>biblical sexuality
>kikes who ask females as to whether or not they are kikes even though same leviticus says not to do this; they have women light menorah
>create fertility cults
>blood libel
>muh gays and "Biblical" sexuality
>these words were all invented by Freud
Grab them. My flag is the sign of the covenant. Gnite
Sand people rules from 2000 years ago can be interpreted in a lot of ways.
All bullshit. You and "him". A place that posted a medieval emblem for Lucifer (the frog) doesn't get to talk about any of this!
>Christianity is not
It is (except the materialism) when it's done right.
You die without Christ. Nobody forces you to be Christian. When what is done right? Your big daddy fetishes?
Cucks are you vile, disgusting, and blasphemous untermench kikes who do the devil's bidding generation after generation, you disgusting vile wretched fools don't even believe in God and have abandoned his Word!!!
The fires of Hell are not enough for you savages, we must purge your lot's line all the way back to the abomination fallen one snake demon Satan who sired you!
>>pic related the genes of of the subhuman at work in their visible animosity and hate that is present with them all day every single day of their lives
>sell your things and buy a sword and that's it because I'm about to be crucified and a prophecy said two swords are needed; two swords can conquer Rome; and I won't mention anything else
Since that was so wrong, what else was? I come to bring sword is the infighting of families as members of them fight amongst themselves about Christ. And returns with one. Flaming from His lips. Meaning triumphant words? Defenders of the faithful? He hurt or killed nobody and just because He said don't sin doesn't mean anything less would have been an endorsement. Or that He was a Jewish Xena warrior princess like you imagine. Needing to smote everybody. He encouraged the acceptance of all the kinds of "freaks" the Jews thought were "freaks". The meek shall inherit. Not you. And not only all this. But He blessed what they knew or called as gays
>Ted Leiu, man who disavowed the constitution he swore to protect, lecturing Christians on the rules of their faith that he believes they need to follow
Rules for radicals, hold your enemy to a set of rules you don't follow
Faggot Atheists will bait faggot Christians with the "Christianity is Socialist" tripe until the end of time.
sage it until the end of time
Stfu faggit and kill yourself
>allow police bayonets, grenade launchers and armorer tanks now
>not a standing army
Oh well. Banning BDS. Searches and seizures without warrants. Roadside seizures. Eminent domain. Certain areas allow police to enter homes now without a warrant under the guise of I literallt cant even remember it was such a shitty excuse. It's not that he doesn't follow it. It's that hypocrites and pagans and assholes are the problem but you don't know shit and ignore it on purpose so you blame him
Pay your fucking taxes you social security stealing lying loner Ayn rand
Stfu riddled with toxoplasmosis. Original sinning stinky useless bitch
I hate Christians and Christianity but lemme tell you what Jesus said.
>Communism is actually a Christian idealogy
People who believe this have either a fedora tier understanding of Christianity or a fedora tier understanding of communism.
a crazy faggot, what a coincidence.
Maybe you're all fuck ups and he directly quotes Him and blows you out. Nobody said the message would be loved in these times. Is it easy? It's wrong. Bible condemns the inhospitable. They are sodomites. You call em something else and commit all form of sodomy. Christ was quite the radical of His time so He was killed for it. It's easier for you to just smell your own farts and shitpost anonymously. It's harder but correct to take a step back and stop slapping fellow believers in the face because they believe in the human rights of other people and their neighbours and fellow believers. Golden. Rule. Follow it!
Can someone redpill me on this? Where did it come from?
A species mixing lying clam cuck jewess what a surprise
>defends the frog; willingly supports isis
It's even painted on the sistine chapel. This isn't a game of numbers. God asked Adam why he listened to his help meet. Not his wife. His help meet. She became his wife after she laid the serpent and he decided to die and to take on her sin. With his dick. Zero apples were involved. Oh well. Keep jewishly straw manning and lashing out. Bible says WAY MORE about laying women than it does men. But you dont give a fuck
Can you read the thread? It came from where all threads from here come from. The Protocols
I don't listen to fag flags go succ dicc somewhere else.
Still waiting for you to quit being a raging faggot. I'm probably wasting my time.
woah man your either drunk or babbling like an idiot.
It's all related. I dont care. Discussing the real realities of Bible is not easy. It says parts are veiled
You dont wanna debate. Google "trichomoniasis" or candida fungus. Guess i dont need to debate or listen to you since all youre doing is drinking and snorting those things. Zika. Super gonorrhea (harder to see). Periods. Youre not biblical. I dont like nor discuss with you. Youre also queers or females. Pick one
Oops. Smegma. Cant forget the three times more smegma. Start circumcising males please and never their hearts. Im gone
>huge number
>does what it says about them, not to do, and makes excuses while he does this
Good job