Springfield, MO Presidential Visit Today - Car Attempts to Ram Motorcade?
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nothing to see here. its pretty late user just go to bed already lol.
>Fat slob
>Driving a car made in the 90'same
Checks out.
Guy is so fucked
It was a lesbian lol
So now there will be 24/7 coverage about liberal violence, right?
Libshits never learned how to jump ditches.
They never watched the Dukes of Hazard
>Fat white middle class feminist lesbian angry at Donald Trump
Why doesn't the hodgkinson media get blamed then shut down.
The guy who shot up the ball field loved Maddow and got his opsec open field security in an SUV intel from NYT, but no one gets in trouble.
She cant be too bad if she went to a Pride fight
It seems odd the NO ONE is covering this
Makes me think that maybe they told the media to keep it under wraps to try and keep copycats from emerging. I could see most of the MSM passing on the story but you'd think Fox would be all over this
Come on, you an I both know lesibians aren't real desu
That's called a "Dry Run"
So now (((THEY))) know how easy it is to drive a mobile bomb next to POTUS
quite honestly the left bombing Trump would pretty much be the greatest thing conservatives could ever ask for
Just look what happened after JFK got shot
>88 miles per hour! Huh, I guess the parking lot hasn't been built yet in 2017
"Brakes went out". Sounds suspicious, but on further inspection... is completely bogus.
Pic related is where "she" ran onto the road. So her brakes went out on, what, Turmer street? A 30mph road mind you. So she turns into the grass and doesn't manage to slow down over 1/4 mile rolling through grass and manages to pop out just as Trump's car goes by?
She should be getting a lawyer not posting on Facebook.
wait is this real? some retard with that name is commenting on the yt video. troll or just fucking retarded?
I wonder who's behind this post?
there are a lot of parallels to Trump and JFK though
JFK had a lot of ideas but couldn't get shit done. It took LBJ basically guilting congress into implementing all of JFK's plans after his death for anything to happen
I could see a parallel between Trump and Pence
no wonder the SS is out of money.. fuckin 100 car motorcade?
>fat dyke's breaks go out so she swerves off the road and just so happens to nearly hit the president's limousine
How much of this shit happens that we don't catch on home movies?
def assassination attempt by a crazed leftist lgbbqt
This cunt is fucked.
Any kind of simple Googling can get this shown, so SS must be readying the warrant as we shitpost right now.
There's no way this was accidental.
Of course
Fuck this degenerate bitch, I hope they lock her up for a long time
For all that security how many SUVs went hand did fuck all. Shouldn't that be an instant swarm by a few of them?
That seems fishy as much as the brakes excuse
Local news outlets are calling it brake failure already. Browsing this one makes me think that thy just parrot CNN stories.
http:// www.ky3.com/content/news/video-youtube-brakes.html
Some other one got posted on voat
First priority is to cover the president and get him out of there
Second priority is to get the bitch, I think they did alright, she wasn't even moving cuz she fucked up so bad
My fault. Not a /o/fag
Exhibit A, car as it enters frame clearly heading towards trump, these isnt even a road there for brakes to fail on, as you will see in exhibit B
lets wait till the facts are out
How the fuck would she have gotten released after pulling an obvious stunt like that? Why is she not being held and interviewed?
>Hear about the Trumpmeister being in my state, and only about 3 hours from my city.
>Event is/was closed to the public.
Yes let's wait until CNN tell us what to think about this video, also I'm getting sleepy, let's all go to sleep and forget this ever happened
The sat photo shows parking lot off to the side so she'd have to have turned and been going at significant enough momentum to clear that ditch even with the downhill from the lake embankment.
How the fuck can you have the momentum to go from that parking lot which is far enough away you'd have to be accelerating?
The possibility for a freak accident is there but doesn't seem plausible.
>Just look what happened after JFK got shot
We lost moralism on the left (and in politics) and lost his brother who would have been better than him in every way? God we need men like them again. Biden might be the only one close and than who? JPK III?
as i said in the last thread
literal gutter trash
hitter for the gay mafia/deeps state/jews
It definitely looks like the car comes from the side of that big tree closest to the camera.
Springfield Mo user here.
Can confirm it was a big load of nothing for us.
Minimal news coverage. Pretty sure the feds took them.
Can confirm the road and could take pictures tomorrow. But let's be honest, who know it was intentional, and we know it was a load of nothing.
I REALLY want to hear her cuck war cry just before she barreled into that ditch like the potato she is.
It looks like the person is wearing all white with white gloves and a dust mask pulled to the side.
All this information can sometimes be overwhelming. Remember to take naps when you feel sleepy.
>Exhibit B
clearly shows the attacker used a tunnel system for water drainage as the avenue for attack
>my breaks went out so i drove into a drainage pipe
yea right, this was 100% an attempt.
Give this to the FBI and twitter.
Why didn't you protect? I want you out.
Do you believe there are all kinds of people who don't like Trump, or only one kind? What is that one kind? How do you feel about them?
why is this being covered up? how is this allowed?
kek what a retard
If you didn't think Trump was playing 4D chess, and this doesn't convince you, I'm sorry.
map coords, zero chance she didnt attempt to ram him etc.
>>my breaks went out
couldn't you check that anyway?
Lol. What a fucking loser at life.
There's a bump/embankment on that parking lot perimiter if you zoom
Looks like rough terrain with obstacles and some downhill in places including the bank but not enough that a car could just roll enough to make it as far as this car did
It had to have been accelerated hard to get that far
If your brakes go out the first thing you do is ride the accelerator
Also if you're pulling out of a parking lot you always make sure to romp on the accelerator when pulling forward or out of the lot?
Yes it does look like this all happened around lunch time but this just smells like fish, not just because lesbians
>middle class
>ramming into a bulletproof presidential car surrounded by police cars
What was the next step in her master plan?
you're retarded
Becoming a victim and celebrated on the internet.
she had all her queefs saved up from her and her xirfriend, timed to a det cord
He didn't get past the gutter. And you thought this person had a plan?
Liberals can't even kill themselves properly, just /ourfuckingluck/
To crash into the gutter...with everyone surviving
I was disappointed to not see an Apache roll in. Driver should've at least got a Rodney King style beatdown. Shouldn't the secret service be more based than this?
Cops had all those roads blocked too so how would they have been "going to work?"
I don't want to attack innocents but this kind of coincidence too strong
There's two concrete drainage things. One directly from the lake and one further down that comes from the tunnel thing.
She came out near the further underground one, under the shadow of the big tree.
The one from the lake is still draining. The further one looks like it just recently stopped draining and her crash knocked up some damp mud/water onto the dry side of the drainage ditch.
They saw that fat slug get out of her car and they were like oh it's just another crazy lesbian who wants to kill Trump by sitting on him
>thinking LBJ was good
>thinking LBJ implemented anything JFK really wanted
>thinking LBJ didn't have a hand in Kennedy's death
reddit is down the hall and to the left
Come on, she almost had the mass to pull it off.
>SS didn't have a wedge formation
>SS didn't empty their P90's into the bitch
What are my tax dollars doing?
Did she chicken out or did the car break going over that ditch?
This is the first assassination attempt on our president. Certainly not the last either. The left has gone completely insane.
still not on drudge or normiville (rebbit). is drudge (((with her))) now?
looks like she fucked the car up bottoming out in the ditch, god bless that ditch.
How we know?
She a moron if she actually intended to ram the limo. They're built like tanks. The car would have done jack shit.
I wish she would have gotten through though. The fallout would have been delicous.
wrong she came out from the spillway closer to fastenal, from your pics perspective she came out way more to the left.
what about that autistic british kid in vegas?
(((they))) arent telling us what was in the car, what if it was filled with high explosive. armored car or not trump would be fucked up in an car based ied attack, dangerous times.
>assassination attempt
>against the presidential vehicle
>in THAT car
she'd be lucky if she puts a dent, even then she'd probably spin out and simultaneously get fucking merked by SS
there was also a guy who tried to run up on trump in ohio
I doubt it gave up. Whats the coincidence coming when Trump comes out the same time
Hello CIA
>coming in thicc here
this is a correct map of the cars trajectory, def an attack