should women get involved in more gender roles? Should they have a career in STEM and be part of the working class like men?
Should women get involved in more gender roles...
If a woman is smart enough she should pursue her career of choice. Most women aren't smart enough though and instead of doing liberal arts they should just be getting married instead of spending $50k to suck frat dick for 4 years.
Option A.
those storefront sluts coach
get em good
Im sorry but whose stating that women in power is historically in accurate? The queens europe had were numerous and they were on average more blood thirsty than the kings.
I have no problem with women in positions of power. I hate how it's treated as anything more then it is, a fucking job.
No, they're too dumb. It's a shame, I fantasize about a pretty girl outsmarting me and trapping me and making me a sex slave, but they're too stupid. Every time I go to a dominatrix it feels so fake because I know I can get away easily and that she's retarded as fuck (and probably a single mom)
What a monstrosity
The opportunities are opened and encouraged
They just don't get into them because they don't want to
Women should just do traditional things women did.
I do all of that shit except for the alcohol and drugs, but I'm far from depressed. I quite enjoy being a NEET.
She looks like teenage Mycroft
You have despair in you im sure user
Yes, unless they're white. Then they should be at home, pregnant, raising white children.
Are you a virgin? Sexless?
is it legal to shoot something like this on sight?
duh. why else would he be here?