Why are there so many dislikes on this video?
Come on aussies...
Vote no
there are chinks in it roleplaying as aussies.
who /dislike squad/ here?
>literally the SECOND person is a chink.
Kek. The memes about Straya were true.
Yeah it's pretty fucked mate.
the problem is people don't believe it. a 3 second quip of a woman saying "kids are asked to roleplay being in a same sex relationship" doesn't sound real to someone who is dumb enough to want gay marriage. this video should have taken real footage instead of just """moms""" talking.
people who will vote no are waiting for when it actually matters instead of trying to signal on a trendy YouTube video
pretty piss weak video though, they don't even have to campaign against this, the degeneracy that has been flowing online and on TV for the last several years is enough
I seriously think all the chink gold farmers from MMO's transitioned into upvoters/downvoters for money.
>for 40 dorra we give you 3,000 upvote/downvote of your choice.
Anything wrong with the kinky chink?
They're intentionally trying to head off the "white people are bigots" angle.
Do you really think the no vote will win though?
>mfw chinks are going to be the reason the vote fails
Hows that multiculturalism meme working out greens?
based chinks will be a big portion of no vote
She's my fetish.
Nothing wrong with chinks desu
They autosegregate thesmelves just like every other race but unlike niggers, muds and spics they aren't a financial drain, don't demand special treatment or commit large amounts of violent crime. Im not going to spout the "honourary aryan meme", but I can toleratevthem. Whites and asains can coexist by simply minding their own business, its a mutual understanding that functions just fine. If you're gonna have non-whites in your country, east asians are by far the best.
>chink with aussie accent
Fucking weird, man.
>all sorts of fictional things we made up to scare people will happen if we let gays marry each other
typical aussieposting
Can't wait for bigots to get BTFO by Based Faggots
Given it's being done via postal vote, which the elderly are anal about and just so happen to be one of the largest demographics in Aus: I'd say it has a fair chance.
Can't wait until we go full degeneracy in 20 years once Gen Y are in charge.