>First he defies the transgender ban
>Now pic related
Military coup if Trump orders NK strike??
Other urls found in this thread:
>The 15-member U.N. Security Council on Tuesday condemned the firing of the missile over Japan as “outrageous,” and demanded that North Korea halt its weapons program but the U.S.-drafted statement did not threaten new sanctions.
Source: reuters.com
Time to kick Mattis.
it's called good-cop/bad-cop and is an elementary negotiating tactic
>fake news
He didn't defy the transgender ban. The debate is about whether or not existing trans should be forced out. Both Trump and Mattis have said that they think the ban shouldn't be retroactive.
Mattis isn't defying the transgender ban. He's proceeding exactly as directed by Trump. Stop reading fake news.
Mattis probably doesn't want hundreds of thousands of civilians in Asia and thousands of US troops to die.
Rock and a hard place.
NK is clearly not responsible enough to have nukes and missiles to launch them, but to stop them is to have massive loss of life.
Rock and a hard place. Instead of Iraq 2003, it should have been NK 2003.
Literal nothing. When do we sneak into north korea and CQC kim?
>kim jong un is real big boss
Military is already running the government.
Trump is just a loud mouth fool and they let him do his number to distract you from the fact that the coup has already happened.
good cop bad cop
Wow so mattis is a faggot too?
Are there seriously any real men left ib the world?
A man who ain't afraid to put the fearful world and trans pussy beta fags in their place?
Mattis is supposed to be this legendary marine, but he's a fuckin fag lover.
Problem is NK isn't going to stop building nukes and missiles no matter what.
Sanctions aren't working. And Kim will continue to throw missiles into the water over countries.
So whats next? We /war/ now? Trump clearly doesnt want to talk anymore - as he stated earlier and from looking at his twitter.
POTUS tweeted this 16h ago
>The U.S. has been talking to North Korea, and paying them extortion money, for 25 years. Talking is not the answer!
War or get SK to build its own nukes and Japan to make an offensive force.
>First he defies the transgender ban
This didn't happen.
remember to stick a 4 of clubs in your helmets boys
>Trump says talking not the answer
>Mattis says there are still diplomatic answers
>Trump is talking about sanctions, etc
>Mattis is talking about sanctions, etc
>News fabricates division between Trump and Mattis
Literally working for our enemies
> get SK to build its own nukes and Japan to make an offensive force.
This will just cause a greater war in the future.
Tfw once the civil war starts, those cards will serve as poignant reminders that civil wars really are brother against brother
Trump and Mattis are playing good cop, bad cop with the gook.
Dumbass that's been too well known for years. Now carrying one is a marker for extra brutal purging and reprisals.
Just use the actual secret method of identification and you'll be fine.
Relax OP, it's all Kabuki theater.
Nk launches a rocket.
Trump doesn't want a war, he wants China to deal with them.
Trump plays the pissed off and offended leader. Tillerson and Mattis play the cool headed diplomat and general restraining him from war.
It's presented to China and NK as, better chill out.
Perception around the world will be that Trump wants action but his advisers seek peace.
We just fucked China and Russia by sanctioning Venezuala on the ability for US banks to purchase shares of their nationalized oil company, which would be purchased through Venezuelan bonds.
China and Russia own 49% of that shit and will be forced to invest further in failing Venezuala.
Russia doesn't have a play bc were out of the Syria danger zone, but China can use their proxy to saber rattle.
This is all due to economic warfare.
We're going from wall street (global investors) influencing America to main street (domestic production).
When I was like 5 my Mom would give me a plastic steering wheel and I'd pretend I was driving from the backseat of the car. It made me feel special.
This is literally what people like Mattis are doing with Trump
Good points, whens my WW3 ?
Nobody will win if we start a war with China, thats the problem.
mattis will be fired and trump will replace him with a goldman sachs banker
So whats the solution? Trump doesnt want talks and/or sanctions anymore.
>TFW Mattis is the next Napoleon
what is:
>read a headline and suddenly believe that there will be a military coup in the usa
god needs to burn thousands more of you faggot australian animals before you learn your lesson
Best bet now would be to buddy up with China by letting them keep NK as a puppet government if there is a combined effort to eliminate the reigme. They would have to stablize the new government so there isnt a huge refugee crisis.
US Gov and military/IC seem divided on what to do with NK so if Trump orders a strike not welcomed by military then uh
>if Trump orders a strike not welcomed by military then uh
That's not how it works, dumbass. If a strike is ordered, it's carried out.
>Mattis gains trust of MSM and liberal media because he opposes Trump
mfw Trump says he doesn't want to arrest HRC but Mattis disagrees, opts for Military Tribunal
4 juche
Fuck no
I smell a military coup coming on.
>specifically states he doesn't want generals talking to media and to just do their job during the ENTIRE campaign
Time for Mattis to go.
I mean, both the left and right back Mattis. The military is starting to look centrist and with the gap growing wider, I could see the military attempting to gain control.
America needs a new vision and I could see the majority backing this.
there's nothing to negotiate with the trannies
you just kick them out because they're immoral degenerates
>it's called good-cop/bad-cop
For over 2 years (((NWO)))-funded (((DNC/communist))) tactics have been to falsely portray every little Trump movement as a major happenin-fuckup. The loss set them into full ideological war now to get it into the minds of normies he's perpetually causing chaos to get the public conditioned to accept impeachment. In reality, Trump is the one with actual information on his side and is taking the tough road of being a punching bag. Only a Teflon Don can handle it.
It's the only possible way to move the Overton Window back in the other direction.
be honest pol you would be ok with trump being replaced by a bunch of strong men generals running the country.
Mattis is a trans female to male. Trumps ban was a threat to put xir in check. Xe steps out of line, the ban goes retro active and Mattis will be out by circumstance, not directly by Trump.
Fucking 12D QUANTUM multi inverse chess, my nigger.
Democrats and Republicans would support it IMO. Trump has no allies really like if They claimed trump wanted to start a nuclear war I could see there being no resistance.
They're attempting to give Kim Jong-Un an 'out', without him or Trump losing face.
That's how it's always been with NK. You can't push them into a corner with no way out, because they can't back down of fear of appearing weak.
Stop using those faggot X words. Even using them ironically you're spreading the shit. Knock it the fuck off.
Trump has a fuck load of civilian and current/former military and the police on his side. The police fucking love Trump. The higher ups in military aspiring to become politicians, congressmen, and FBI, along with the trannies, faggots, and vegan cucks would be the shittiest fighting force the world has ever seen.
Note: cops are getting military gear now, teeheee...
Good luck trying. Best case scenario, the resistance all dies. Worst case scenario, the US gets overrun by the UN/EU and America will be dead.
That's what one would expect since Trump is the commander in chief but not always the case.
Only leftist faggot fuckers with AIDS tell people what words that can/can't use. Fuck off, commie faggot.
Hoooollllleeee shit!
They have plan!
This IS the plan!
Like a goddamn fiddle.
10/10 would relive this timeline.
It's going to be so awesome when everyone starts using those fake fag pronouns so much that they become everyday language. Going to be even better when you get sent to the gulag for not using them. Keep speeding up the demise of Western culture you slave to the feminists.
fake news
The sacking will continue until morale improves
- unironically Trumps "plan"
shut the heck up you niggerfaggot
They can't easily boot out all the trannies currently in the service, and they need to come up with a decent set of rules to make it fully legal. The best way they can do it, honestly, is by finding that inadequately controlled gender dysphoria is incompatible with military service, and requiring a level of "control" so onerously high that no tranny who hasn't successfully undergone SRS could meet it. Kind of like how they treat people with epilepsy who want driver's licenses in some states; even if you've not had a seizure in 15 years, and you take your meds every day, you will have a restriction on your license or something.
>Katherine Timpf
A spork?
More like I'm turning them into a faggot slur and discrediting the legitimacy of the made up word all together by using it comically. That's how you destroy it, dumb fuck. You don't give it power, you abuse and distort it to the point that it becomes the joke.
Fuck, you're really dumb, man. I'm not trying to insult you either. I truly think you're not a very bright person. You fear words, giving them power, you try and demand people stop using them like a fucking Muslim demanding no drawings of Muhammad, and your concept of social engineering is on par with a trailer park drunkard.
Be honest, man. You unironically think there is legitimacy to the flat earth argument, don't you?