Dr. Robert Sapolsky's BTFO's Sup Forums on Transgenders. Transgender people are born that way END OF STORY
Dr. Robert Sapolsky's BTFO's Sup Forums on Transgenders. Transgender people are born that way END OF STORY
tell him to cut his dirty beard off
>Sapolsky was born in Brooklyn, New York, to immigrants from the Soviet Union. He was raised as an Orthodox Jew and spent his time reading about and imagining living with silverback gorillas.
-sky is Russian Jews
-ski is Eastern Europe goyim (usually)
>transgenders are born that way
They aren't. But Jews are. Also ceck out dude's fingernail/s.
so retards are born retards? who woulda thought.
>A trans person's brain is similar to that of the gender they identify
This is really an admission of sexual dimorphism as it relates to brain structure. Good argument against there being 52+ genders and all that.
>born that way
>needs surgery and hormones
This. He didn't cite any sources.
The problem is that IIRC to date there hasn't been a single longitudinal study of transgender brains before and after transitioning - these brain studies are only done after the transition has started.
This isn't getting into the fact that apparently the scientific community seems to believe it's easier to just pump trannies full of hormones and chop their dicks off than, y'know, try to make their brain activity match their biological sex
He looks like the Geico caveman.
The Left wants to have it both ways:
>There's no such thing as biological gender, and as such there's no biological preference for certain activities among males or females
>MtF transsexuals have biologically feminine brains, FtM transsexuals have biologically masculine brains
>born this way
>cut off dick or attach artificial dick
Yes, born and natural.
They don't NEED them, that's what they're given to accomodate their mental illness.
Are you retarded?
>gender is a social construct
>i was born this way
really strudels the old noodle
>Yes, good goys, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on surgery that will leave you with mutilated genitals that are unable to orgasm
>Refuses to name neurotransmitter
>Handful of studies
>Says can tell gender/sex from brain
>100%/0% (Wtf is your sample size?)
>Trannies never regret removing penis
>Transgender people are born that way END OF STORY
Then why do they require surgery?
>end of story
> Sapolsky
I never doubted that.
Fags and trannies want stuff that no hetrosexual could like, I have no doubt that they are wired differently by processes beyond their control, they might even serve some natural function and not just be a chance aberration.
But a dude is a dude, and they have to warn people about that shit, otherwise they're a trauma landmine. I'm cool with calling people by whatever name they want, I have no issues being respectful to people.
But trannies should never trick people, that is fucked up and no argument could change my mind on this.
That's my only problem with them; that courtesy appears to be a one way street now.
You are thinking of Transsexual people.
Haha science denial. This reminds me of having to argue with young earth creationists
>b-buh, dogs arent born from cats so evolutionist btfo!
hope some of you guys are here getting a taste of that medicine
This. It's very difficult for a man to obtain the appeal of a woman, because there are all kinds of factors as to why we are attracted to the opposite sex. I personally have no problem with trannies existing, so long as they could be adult enough to admit that they can never really be the thing they want to be. A trans woman is still a man and always will be, unless you could swap out your very DNA.
Sure, and they should be treated in a mental facility just like any other person suffering from serious delusions.
This Jew asshole studied baboons. His pop science book made me laugh. He might be an expert on niggers, but who gives a shit what he says about trannies?
The ones I remember seeing were from people who had already taken hormones, so they were irrelevant.
>Trans people don't have psychiatric problems
>Literally 45% of trans people commit suicide
>"trannies aren't psychosomatic they're biologically defunct!"
How is this supposed to change my opinion on them?
Just once can one of these guys not be jewish?
Ermm, is that why the leafs shut down the only gender dysphoria clinic?
Watch Transgender Kids: Who decides.
He is a Jew right?
You don't accomodate someones self-mutilating self-delusion WITHOUT getting them therapy first.
Canada shutdown a working gender dysphoria clinic for children.
>THE ABSOLUTE STATE of evidence based research being shut down
Yes and his parents were communist jews from the USSR.
>implying Sup Forums has any problem hating people for the way they were born
I would like to know the name of the neurotransmitter Doctor, it sounds relevant
Sapolsky knows that science is uncertain and prone to missteps here and there and I think he uses that knowledge to justify slightly dubious perspectives that happen to be aligned with his worldview and have less potential for harm if misinterpreted or misapplied. That's the mark of prudent scientist in my opinion, but I do understand how and why others might disagree.
See for example his discussion of sex differences in cognition related to math ability. The research has moved a bit from where it was when he did the Stanford lecture series OP posted, so maybe he's updated his stance since then but I suspect he may still be convinced that such differences are entirely on the nurture side of the equation.
I identify as a genius, why can't I get prescribed high quality nootropics?
cac nail, kek
Degenerate Jew is a scientist , he claims trans faggots brain are born that way ? Yet every single child has to be taught to dress , shit , talk , read . Born that way yet need drugs , surgery , psychiatrist , and life long medical treatments ?
> Dr Robert Sapolsky conclusion is base on scant evidence of a single point based on his personal agenda ? Mental illness can not be normalized with researched based on a bias agenda .
Go to /lgbt/ there are plenty of studies done before the transition on hormone naive people. The issue is more ascribing variability in brain size region to gender.
You need some anti-psychotics, faggot.
Oh please.
It's a sexual fetish and nothing else.
How is this a problem? Keeps the trans population in check keeping the mentally sound ones around, I know that sounds silly but there are trans people who don't want attention for being trans, get gainful employment and live a simple life.
Looks more manly than that drag queen jordana petersonia or the pastor of garbage andersonia