Daily reminder that IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU

Daily reminder that IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU

Why is Sup Forums up in arms against the gay community and trans folks? It LITERALLY does not affect you in any way. MIND YOUR OWN BIZ

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7% of millennials are gay:


Millennials draw no distinctions between discrimination protections that should be afforded gay and lesbian people, on the one hand, and transgender people on the other. More than seven in ten (73%) millennials support legal protections against discrimination in jobs, public accommoda- tions, and housing for gay and lesbian people. A nearly identical number (72%) of millennials say they favor these same protections for transgender people.

While no significant racial or gender differences exist on either question, there are large religious divides in support for expanding nondiscrimination legislation. Roughly eight in ten black Protestant (80%), white Catholic (82%), Hispanic Catholic (81%), religiously unaffiliated (83%), and white mainline Protestant millennials (78%) favor laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. About two-thirds (66%) of Hispanic Protestant millennials also favor such laws. White evangelical Protestants are closely divided on this issue, with a slim majority (51%) favoring laws that would protect gay and lesbian people against discrimination, and 47% opposing them. Among religious groups, the pattern of opinion about non-discrimination legislation protecting transgender individuals is nearly identical.

It affects me when they start shoving pronouns and acceptance down my throat and try to get me to accept their delusions. Gay people are alright though, gay culture is degenerate.


>I don't like fetishists so that means all gay art is terrible.

You should probably never look at art again if you want to avoid gay culture.

While this is pretty obvious bait Sup Forums does seem more upon arms about homos than any other group. Milo being a prime example


>Clear strawman

Slit your wrist or shut the fuck up. You are not even SAGE worthy you piece of....What is your pronoun again?

I don't think the government should kill you. It also doesn't effect you if we dislike you. Faggot.

Why do you care if people do heroin or are all fat or all get divorced and engage in polygamy? If something doesn't directly affect you it could have no affect on society!

It affects society, so it affects me.


Why doesn't it affect you when i refuse to bake you a cake?

Makes one ponder...

pls sh you're embarrassing
coming from one of you

Stop telling me to shill your threads Gayjew

You know, I'm going to be blunt here. I don't care if you're gay. What I care about is that promoting degeneracy is something that the communists do to try and degrade western society. It is literally one of their stated goals. That means that to me, if you come out and promote it. You're a just as bad as a fucking communist who needs to be shot to protect the country.

>it does not affect you
Influence state into enact laws to punish people for not accepting their delusions.


>members of society are partaking in unhealthy activities
Yes it does effect me.

I dont care about gays, its faggots that get on my nerves.

r/The_donald needs to go back

sickos like that actually need to die though I've met a few

When they're indoctrinating children into believing transgender is normal and showing off a "trans" kid's wee wee in the classroom, and do not tell the parents about it, yes, it starts to effect us.

Because gays have a habit of trying to force others to accept them and do what they want.

The whole Christian baker thing is just one example. Gays have been pressuring the Catholic church to recognize their marriages for years. They are very much for against many of the freedoms we hold dear

Gays can basically be replaced with Jews now a days they both shill there anti-white progressive bullshit down everyone's throat. Every rainbow flag poster on twitter is always posting some annoying shit.

>you've met a few

why are gays so open about their sex lives, especially about stuff like that?



my point is a lot of people are like this and it would surprise you

also not gay bruh
thought this board was against peados lmao

Fag detected

It has become trendy to be gay and trans, it affects me and the people i associate with. A clear mental illness turned societal trend should not be tolerated.

They dont deserve anything except persecution.


Sex is their "culture," they're obsessed with it.

>REEE listen to me complain 24/7 about my gender issues
>REEE I will get you FIRED if you use the wrong pronoun
>REEE look at me look at me look at me
>REEE mind your own business why are you paying so much attention to me


>wins ww2
>be christian
>be conservative society
*changes the national culture behinds u*
Whats the matter goy, IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU.
>Be fag
>Be druggie
>Be whore
>Be atheist
>Be fat glorifier
>Be subversive
>Be communist

It DOES affect me. It affect the whole community, so it also affects me. This went from not criminalizing to push brainwashing and hormones on 5 year old kids.

So FUCK OFF, pedo scum.

Summers in KY i miss that stank


bitch, i was. i'm not the one posting hundreds of trap threads every day.

And Christians don't have a habit of trying to force others to accept them and do what they want?

Married couples here get priority to housing amongst other incentives to try and raise the native birthrate. Fags don't deserve these benefits, but they're still fighting for it. Shows how selfish they are.

>Why is Sup Forums up in arms against the gay community
Because LITERALLY every fucking time someone brings it up its a faggot just like you. People are sick of hearing about it.

>meth makes you gay


it is not just christiany. judaism and islam have the same habit.

i'm against gay and trans propaganda trying to turn normal people into their sick degenerate ways, trans is all degenerate and a mental illness but gays are born that way but being a raging faggot in the pride parade is fucking degenerate

And that's why we have separation of religion and politics in the law.


>members of society are forcing the government to force me to bend to their will; ie: "say my pronouns or I have the legal ability to get you arrested / fined / dragged into the PHRC kangaroo courts".

Damn rights it affects me.

Kys faget

Day Of The Rope....soon.

if this isn't one of the most funny things you've ever read then something is wrong with you.

I don't give two shits what anybody does in the privacy of their own home. Thats their business. But, it is annoying when you have gays basing their entire identity and lives on loving cocks. It's no different from a dudebro going on and on about pussy. Do what you want, but don't base your entire fucking life around it or you look like a vapid mook.
But Trans "people" can fuck off. That's just catering to mental illness.

you're right. it doesn't affect me.

I'm going to get a qt 3.14 wife from some eastern Slavic country, make....at least 6 kids or so, hopefully more, homeschool them, no television, read the Old and New Testament to them every night before bed, make sure my sons are strong and productive, my daughters beautiful and pleasant, and help them get married at young age to produce more healthy, happy families.

and you'll just die childless and miserable if you don't change your ways. please do.

fucking sick fucks if this is real all should just die

Homosexuals do not deserve the same rights as straight couples when it comes to children.

this honestly

Your the same shill faggot on all these trends fuck off cia reddit using fag

I would have guessed more like 40%, they mostly seem like faggots

Help yourself to a hotdog, friend

Why? Do you think you are better than me, aryanboy? Fuck off BIGOTS. We are here to take you DOWN.


Yes it does. It hurts my eyes with I see faggots fagging.

Actually we're pretty cool with gays now goy, especially after Milo helped get the Donald into the white house.

It does affect me, because it is directly proportional to a drop in the white population, considering that it is mainly whites being queers. This causes there to be less people like me in society, and I'd like to reproduce with a woman who is the same race as me, so it does affect me.

Just everyone watch this it funny and informative




Definitions lead to bad habits.


>It doesn't affect you-



>doesn't affect you
>give your trans-daughter hormone blockers right now or we will have to take her from you and put her in foster care

Problem with gays is that they recruit young boys. We all know this but no one wants to talk about it.

> Why the hell do these people keep talking about gays?

So how do lesbians work?

You'd have to be retarded to believe that, friend.

You're obviously a millennial, help yourself to some tasty wings.


Which developed in mainly Christian countries

They get rejected by boys too often early in life.

I'm not against LGBT. I'm against LGBT pride walks and retarded propaganda


I remember convincing 12 year old girls to fuck me. I even saved my stank finger for the boys.

The gay community is a bunch of fags

Easy. One real lesbian to 10 girls who think they maybe might be, but eventually leave real lesbians to go have babies with men.

Care for some watermelon, friend?

i've already seen it kek sam is such a mad man

So gay people shouldn't be allowed to gather in public?

every lesbian i've met was raped

Pedo's, but we not gonna call anyone names tonight.

>Why is Sup Forums up in arms against the gay community and trans folks? It LITERALLY does not affect you in any way.
My insurance premiums subsidize your Truvada and AIDS drugs. And God knows how much of my taxes go to public health programs for all the diseases your kind squirt into each other's assholes. The typical homosexual narcissist sees nothing wrong with this.

Thanks for opening up about your sexual crime spree, user.

no. Public displays of sexuality should be illegal gay or straight.

She was willing until it hurt.

>being this dishonest

Ok what about public displays of racial identity?

all pretty women say they've been raped, too
it seems that only the women in the middle of the beauty spectrum haven't been raped, according to word of mouth reports

>Why is Sup Forums up in arms against the gay community and trans folks? It LITERALLY does not affect you in any way. MIND YOUR OWN BIZ

It undermines the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is one of the things that promotes the forming of strong familial bonds which lead to better outcomes. It is far better for society when the joining of two people in matrimony is seen as a sacred and important thing.

You faggots piss all over the ideal that marriage is a sacred and worthy thing. Gay marriage is nothing but a mocking parody of a real institution that is important to maintaining a strong healthy civilisation.

Daily reminder that our intolerance of you doesn't affect you if you keep to yourselves and leave us normal folk alone.

That's fine. As long as they aren't being indecent.