HUGE Pizzagate Arrest today

There was a huge pizzagate arrest today and I don't see anyone talking about it:

A Haitian born army colonel, Joseph Baptiste, who was on the board of advisors for VCS mining along with Hillary Clintons brother, Anthony Rodham, was arrested today for "Conspiring to Bribe Senior Officials of the Republic of Haiti".

He is the founder of NOAH, the National Organization for the Advancement of Haitians, which is a partner of the Clinton Global Initiatives "Operation HOPE Haiti":

NOAH has partnered with the fourth largest bank in Haiti, Promobank, forming PROMOCAPITAL.

He gave $2,300 in 2008 to Hillary Clinton for President and in 2010 he wrote a letter to Bill Clinton:

Joseph Baptiste is also one of the foremost dental surgeons in the nation and owns a private practice in Silver Springs, MD. He is currently Chief of Dental Services of the 2290th USAR at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

He holds a Mastership at the Academy of General Dentistry, a distinction attained by only 10 percent of his peers. He is a Diplomat of the International Congress of Implantology, and a Fellow and Diplomat of the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and the American College of Forensic Examiners. The Washingtonian Magazine named him one of the Top 100 Best Doctors in the Washington, DC, Maryland, Virginia area.

Other urls found in this thread:

bribery? meh. How about human trafficking? Otherwise, big nothing burger.

You promised me pedos scalps.

Numerous people have stated that the big fish are likely to go down on stuff like RICO charges and not human trafficking itself.

So long as they break up the network and put a stop to the slavery I'll be happy.

>There was a huge pizzagate arrest today and I don't see anyone talking about it
thats because only retards use voat

Shills so soon? This must be big.


Get off your fucking ass, do some real world investigating, and quit waiting for Prince Charming to ride in and to stop the pedophiles.


this. I'm being serious. I've followed pizzagate from the start. Nothing has happened. Every week David Seaman posts a video saying "BIG PIZZAGATE NEWS THIS FRIDAY"

It is literally one big nothing burger after one big nothing burger. I believe that "pizzagate" is real. I think satanic ritual abuse is real.

I get sick of threads made that say "OMG ABSOLUTE HAPPENING"

They do more harm than good. If you agree press C for /comfy/

Pizzagate has been debunked already:
>Pizzagate is a debunked[2][3][4] conspiracy theory that emerged and went viral during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle.

Zero proof for this conspiracy theory.

This is the same kind of people that say the moon landing was hoaxed or that the Earth is flat...



the shills really like this bread.





There is a bigger ratio of shills to real posters. This must be relevant news.

I'm just gonna post some scans from my book collection regarding criminal cases between 1510 - 1894 regarding people who were kidnapping children and then as the court minutes tell, sacrificed them to Moloch
>pic related: #1




>only retards use voat
Whilst the high IQ geniuses like yourself all hang around here on Sup Forums. Go suck Michael Obama's penis you faggot.

Verry innterresting ...

i volunteer on there regarding historical articles, not even anything politically related and you have no idea how much on there is politically motivated, especially anything history related and even more so if it's a current topic
Luckily more and more of us start to build a good reputation on there and manage to add and delete things and balance it out more
>mfw too many people believe wikipedia is a reliable encyclopedia

see this:
this is not political

I can't read these crazy flügenwords

This is an unrelated redpill, but it's as good as the Silsby one you just posted so you can spam this on twatter while hopefully someone makes a meme for you about Joseph Baptiste because I lack the skills.



I know its just a job, but you're protecting pedos who fuck and kill children for sport... How can you live with yourself knowing that?

Also, se pic related here

i wish this pizzagate shit were real, but the logic behind it is so fucking insanely dumb

help you with your delusions?
you need professional help from a psychiatrist if you think "pizzagate" is real...

There are no kids... show me a victim. You can't.
"PIzzagate" = ARG

you said this was pizza related i. e. something to do with human trafficking you goddamned, faggatron. nobody cares about fucking bribery that's small time

Here one more from 1791 in which the ones kidnapping kids and sacrificing them to Moloch believed their rituals have an effect on their youth and were also found to smear their body with their blood
thos one adds that the women and men found doing this were "zauberer" which back then was used for very esoteric and secretive groups. today it would mean "sorcerers"

t. James Alefantis Rothschild
You pedo shill, I hope you die in a fire you motherfucker.

how about i press c for "cum fur table "

My God the shilling in this thread is like the first few days after pizzagate was discovered.

"Hotard" haha.
It was a joke...


i would love nothing more than to believe it, but there is no firm evidence. what's the ultimate bombshell that should convince me?

t. pedophile shill

How can you live with yourselves you fucking disgusting pieces of shit. Everyone who has looked into it knows PizzaGate is real.

god damn do i want this happening to go nuclear


>posts a story that has absolutely nothing to do with child sex trafficking or using pizza restaurants as fronts for such things
>gets called out on it
> "hurrr muh shills "

Deploying BMP

I hope you die in a overdose James.

>There are no kids... show me a victim. You can't.
You mean, you never heard of cases where murder victims bodies were disposed off? Do you really think ppl here are that stupid. I can't wait for SHTF so ppl like you get the rope they deserve.

Amen, it's a start

well it's in german anyway, and on top of that ind oldish german what i underlined there is:
>"...and have sacrificed children to moloch"
i was researching in my inherited antique book collection reasons why people in germany were executed in general between 15th-19th century
and i was surprised to find a lot of kidnapping of children, sacrificing these children, using their organs for some esoteric shit and sometimes also weird sexual rituals. same in other german language countries and france as well, probably also other countries but the book collection i inherited has only german and french court documents, books and other stuff


t. confirmed James Alefantis Rothschild (aka pedophile murderer of children)

>i would love nothing more than to believe it, but there is no firm evidence. what's the ultimate bombshell that should convince me?
Pizzagate is not fake and I can prove it right now: James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong and his former boyfriend David Brock, the head of Media Matter for America, are connected to the convicted child trafficker Laura Silsby, who was jailed for abducting 33 children from a Haitian orphanage, through the lawyer Max Maccoby who handled Alefantis' and Brocks' $850,000 blackmail case (gee, I wonder what that was about?). Max Maccoby sits on the board of directors of an orphanage called "Friends of the Orphans".
According to an interview with Laura Silsbys own Lawyer, Jorge Puello, who was himself wanted by Interpol for sex trafficking crimes and was later caught and convicted, the orphanage that Silsby was caught stealing children from was called "Friends of the Orphans of Haiti".
Hillary Clinton has inserted herself into the Silsby/Alefantis/Maccoby triangle in at least two separate ways. First, Wikileaks shows her campaign has done fundraisers at Comet Ping Pong; second, while Secretary of State, Clinton personally intervened to get Laura Silsby out of Haitian prison after she was convicted.
This constitutes proof beyond a reasonable doubt that elite human trafficking rings exist which serve (and likely blackmail) politicians, wealthy businessmen and other influential people.

See the following two infographics for detailed information on the Alefantis/Silsby/Maccoby triangle:

This is literal proof. Not "mere" evidence, but actual proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

The shilling in this thread should be enough to give away that this is all too real, though.


> being this much of a newfag

It has been known in serious medical circles that human tissue can have uses besides simple transplanting for a while now, and there is a lot of chatter about the medical benefits of blood pretty much bearing out the Bathory legend. It works but there's bizarre side effects, diseases you can only get from ingesting human tissue.

I'm a chicken lover. :) catch me if you can

except none of this is firm evidence. you are promoting guilt by association, not actual evidence.

gimme a solid direct link to child trafficking, not these tangential walls of text

no, no it's not. unless they actually uncover the network and how it operates its not going to make a damn bit of difference.

Well done.

Were getting attacked by shills at all fronts get on that foxhole soldier were under attack ignore all the attacks and watch the front page for enemy flanking were in for a long battle

Lets roll shoot the shills to kill

I get the impression all pizzagate shills are pedophiles themselves. I can't imagine the pedo rings would trust a random shilling company to talk about this stuff.

We all have our preferences.

Marilyn Manson knew.

If you weren't such an obvious shill I'd call you an idiot. They arrested a Haitian elite with ties to the Clinton Global Initiative. Anybody who knows anything about pizzagate knows this is big news.

We will struggle and fight, and never slacken, never tire, never lose courage, and never lose faith.

It is the based German bro with the rare Illuminati books. I don't know how many will believe you in this thread, most don't know that the organization was real and existed around the 1700's. Keep up the good work and hopefully you get some of those digitized soon

t. subtle shill

Newfags, watch this:

Read this:

Also take this into account:

Antifa is the paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party. Democrats have nothing to lose. They had been protected always until recently. Because the pedos are cornered. They are fighting for their own lives right now, because they know their biggest wrench in the cog, Trump, knows all the dirt they've been up to, from the corruption to the human trafficking rings.

And they know Trump knows because he taunted them in what regards the human trafficking they take part in (aka: PizzaGate), and they know that he knows of the relation between Clinton Foundation and the human trafficking of children from Haiti. Don't believe me? Fair enough, I can prove it, watch this video, starting at the 14:39 mark to 14:51:

“Hillary famously said it takes a village. Which is interesting, because in Haiti she’s taken a number of them”
Trump had suddenly excluded Epstein from his social circle over a decade ago without explanation and then in his famous Al Smith roast speech following the third presidential debate he’d made that odd quip about Hillary.
If you have done any kind of research on the PizzaGate case you know that confirms that Trump knows for a fact what we also ended up finding out about.
Trump. Knows. Therefore, he must fall for the Democrats to be safe. Democrats need Trump to fall, or they all get exposed not only for the massive cases of corruption, but most importantly, for the high profile rings of human trafficking and pedophilia amongst the highest of highest world elites. Ex-president Obama, Hillary and Bill, both Podesta brothers, Epstein, James Alefantis (which, via a investigative work of an user on infinite chan, we came to know is a Rothschild, which suddenly explained all the jewish paid shills trying to take down PizzaGate).


Can you decode it's meaning


I love it


Bonus points: Jews or Gentiles?
Since we know all the Jews prosecuted for this will be viewed as railroaded innocents by normies, establishing a near-normality of Gentile blood-obsessing is crucial. Plus everyone already knows that this happened at least once (Bathory), but establishing that it was a sort of constantly simmering background wierdness, with numerous non-famous examples, and not just an inexplicable freak one-off, is also important.

media will surely cover this, theyre just waiting till morning

What about the recent bill allowing for unwarranted searches in Virginia, Maryland, and D.C.? I saw a vid by "we are change" about it--he was criticizing the bill, but to me it seems this outflanks the D.C. Pedo rings; hopefully Trump's Pedo-Slayers use these searches to full effect.

wish i could read this alien tongue

Wrong. By arresting the smaller networks you cut the funding from the deep state dons. The deep state runs on black market money. You have to reduce their income streams by as much as possible to fight them head on.

I would so gladly kill you you pedo scumbag.

If you're waiting for video of Hillary Clinton eating out a terrified 6-year-old before she kills and devours her, your standard of proof is impossibly high.

RICO laws were developed exactly because the high-level criminals are careful to protect themselves from direct evidence.

At some point one either believes the scores of people (incl. LEOs) who have talked in depth about it, or one chooses to live in denial.

Thanks user. I've been looking for that picture ever since I forgot to save it the first time.

Is it real? It looks fucking real...


What’s that have to do with pizzagate?

Squeal all you want. I'm coming for you, and I'm not stopping till I get results.

the pizzagate theory was based on the idea Hilldog was using the Haiti charity to traffic children. There was like mission donations or something, I'm not 100% sure. You should lurk more though!

Is this the thread theme? Garbage.

>t. subtle shill
He's making a mistake asking that question because I literally gave him a bombshell within 2 minutes. Any normie who reads these posts will be convinced immediately.

>And they know Trump knows because he taunted them in what regards the human trafficking they take part in (aka: PizzaGate), and they know that he knows of the relation between Clinton Foundation and the human trafficking of children from Haiti. Don't believe me? Fair enough, I can prove it, watch this video, starting at the 14:39 mark to 14:51:
This was so incredibly convincing for me. The look on the Catholic priests face is priceless.

Your day will come, believe me, you pedophile piece of shit.


Explain to us who Laura Silsby is, non-shill user.

Hey.. I collected tons of infographs and info while creeping in pizzagate threads.

I'm interested in getting yours? I don'T really repost, it's just for me.

It included all property near the subway, is that correct?

I guess you're right. Even fucking James Alefantis Rothschild comes here to shill, he got exposed once. See


This McCann shit is obvious well poisoning.

watch at the same time.

No. Its made out of bread, look closely and you can see the crusty texture. Still a bit offputting that we have elected officials nonchalantly having shit like this at their dinner parties though..


keep posting

YES. Which makes sense. Tunnels.

you mean where i responded to you?

Mcanns parents pimped her out.m

Good propaganda here, if you want. Easy to redpill normies.

many of them were esoteric jews yes, also those who try to avoid non jews and lived in rural communities, usually poor, so far at least
i digitized a lot already and even translated big parts but one day i started threads on it on /x/ and people didn't respond probably have to post them when it's evening in merica

OMG the FBI will get me for posting memeS!

I have everything. Just looking for information now. Big infographs are always juicy when they are coming from someone else

Exactly what I though. DC will use it to turn the screws on those pedo motherfuckers in pic related that are to fucking rich and powerful to be brought down otherwise.

how many bitcoin do I need to buy one like that ? :))