Are we living in the worst decline in western civilization since the great depression era?
Are we living in the worst decline in western civilization since the great depression era?
It will probably get worse.
Was she having sex with him?
to be fair, lots of brown kids are killed or horribly abused by mommy's boyfriend. foster parents get paid by the state and have some incentive to be okay parents. so he's probably more likely to live to adulthood in this scenario. but still so depressing.
Not sure whether to laugh or cry here
c-could it be? Is that a BASED BLACK MAN?!?!?
Breeding rats.
We're an army of ghosts fighting for the futures of the people we could have been.
What a stupid spigger.
Why doesn't she just abort him already?
>raising my child s less important than getting laid
Why did we win ww2 again?
At least families stuck together in the GD. Today people are selfish and narcissitic. If it gets in the way of their pleasure or their having a good time, then it HAS to go. People are selfish, self absorbed idiots that would rather masturbate all day or be a cunt like OP's pic instead of becoming responsible adults. You made the choice, you deal with the consequences, cunt.
spotted the newfag
you haven't been here very long, have you?
i recommend going to Sup Forums
didn't you read the disclaimer?
this is a nsfw board (though porn is not allowed)
shes ditching the kid because she cant snag a man (a 10/10 chad)
not safe for work? that's an understatement
omg is she ok?
Oh look! The deep state just showed up!
you think it's a joke but it's really not okay.
this is on of the situations where a state funded sterilization scheme would improve everyones lifes in her immediate surrounding
Nice bait, kill yourself.
Can I get a quick rundown
y r they mad @ him
could you make a bingo paper out of this?
Fuckoff newfag nigger
The fact that normies come uninvited is not a joke and really not ok. Now go tell CNN about le hacker named Sup Forums ok
>not okay
>your rights end where my feefees begin
Gas yourself kike.
Because he's white.
you are a sad, sad little person.
Please tell me this is faked. Truly made me want to cry. :-(
whitey being racis by existing in south africa
>wahhhhh wahhhhh
Kek. Hi /reddit
Something is fucking up the reply system, changing post numbers in replies
I love how the legs go limp.
Niggers hate whites.
why am I not surprised the far-right is a bunch of insecure adolescents?
So you really think this kid is better off with this whore mom?
>ad hominem because Ms. Feelings can't come up with an argument
Why do you think this is the far right? Half of the people here are subverters like yourself.
lol wtf, sauce?
It makes me sad that this world puts kids in this situation. The kid didn't do anything to deserve being treated like this. He's just a kid.
Just type "Trump robot" on Youtube. The internet is almost idiot proof.
The niggers are just doing what they do in their natural habitat.
>implying a DEBATE forum with multiple ideologies is one person
>being this fucking new
is he ok?
im new i will always be new because im not a literal white supremacist because I wasn't raised by loser redneck christian parents
ayy lmao
>industrial levels of autism
Unironically profound. And according to Jewgle when I checked to see if it was from something, seems novel!
Yeah, he's alright.
Explain what you mean in colloquial terms what "industrial levels of autism" means.
Don't bother. Just watched it and it's Mexican propaganda.
It means that you're gay.
it's called being drunk
all of your pictures are as fake as your alex jones content
that you're a huge fucking faggot, and a retard at that too.
You laugh because they're niggers. You cry that they more of them keeps spawning.
bait faggot western civilization already died out
it means assorting his wife's sons by size and color and putting them to work.
That's a real picture though, retard. It's the result of a motorcycle accident in the Philippines. Holy shit, you're new. Here's a leg infected with Necrotizing Fasciitis.
holy shit did he died?
keep your propaganda flowing because someone is calling you out on your bullshit.
I still don't understand what that means "wife's son" "wife's daughter" that I see all the time on here. is it some toxic patriarchy thing whose position is that children should be raised in a household ruled by a man?
Nah, he's fully recovered.
please everyone report this board member.
it is referring to cuckold "relationships"
>Ctrl + F:wei
>0 results
Google Wiemar Republic degeneracy, it took Hitler to get them out of that, or rather, the situation gave rise to the man
can you give the full version?
wat they doing?
And you go back to r_donald. Trump isn't doing anything he promised, so all these edgy memes of him being a "real American" is for boneheads at reddit.
fuck this is me except for no social interaction and the meds :/
Help mommy the mean man triggered me :(
Be careful what you meme into reality, user.
Brazilian prison riot. Brazil is Africa tier. Brazilians should be banned from entering the US.
Right in the fucking feels
>Deports spics and pardons The Spichunter2000
Look man I am a legal spic and I've watched many spics get ICED here in LA
Only the strong will survive. Hold on to your values until your very last breath. We will rebuild civilization from the ashes of this decadent collapse.
Nah how about you get your ass back to plebbit you faggot
The Nanny State is coming real.
man, this is awful - poor kid (if real)
This dude is going to need an aspirin.
>Aragorn moments before being raped by an elf