Is it acceptable to get into a romantic relationship with a woman whom is a non-white (including Jews) and engage in sexual intercourse so long as you don't marry her or have any children with her? Discuss.
Dating, not marriage
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Society as we know it is going to die soon regardless, so do whatever the fuck.
No because they shouldn't be in our country and you're only creating a dependency.
it doesn't matter as long as you both have high iqs, advocate small government, attend church, and contribute to the free market
Fucking perfect. You have 3 options, OP. Choose wisely.
Any sexual contact that isn't missionary with your same-race wkde for the explicit purpose of reproduction is degenerate. I'm not even kidding at this point.
same-race wife*
That sounds pathetically sterile and consumer orientated. Enjoy your non folkish society.
why would you ask a bunch of autistic virgins? just fuck Latinas op but don't knock them up
>have high iqs
>advocate small government
sorry sweetie but it has been statistically proven that most high IQ people are left leaning
only rural and suburban retards voted for drumpf, all the smart urban population voted for hillary
He's gay or retarded. Possibly both. Almost assuredly both.
It's always acceptable to love whoever you want, as long as they are a consenting adult. If you don't marry someone because you're afraid ugly no chin fags on Sup Forums will be mad at you, then you're a super beta and deserve to be shit on.
You fucking daft mate? If you've ever read the bible you'd know that sex between a married man and wife is not only acceptable but encouraged. Sex outside of marriage however, regardless of race, iq or intent is degenerate.
Sexual intercourse should not take place unless within a partnership for life, whether that be ratified by a marriage contract or no. A life-partner should only be chosen on the basis of love. If you are using a woman simply for sexual intercourse you are a worthless villain and a scoundrel. If a woman is not good enough to keep with for life then you have no business with her.
No, racemixing is a sin, period. Go read Mein Kampf and come back.
Moses himself married a black woman in the Bible. As for the word "sin," that can hardly have any meaning in the context of the atheistic, materialistic ideology of a Hitlerite.
What if said woman you are in a relationship with has had sexual relations with another man before you came to know her?
I'm heterosexual and in my right mind.
Because sexuality is a gift to be used carefully and with respect. Sex for pleasure is just hedonism, no different than drinking alcohol or masturbating or gluttony. Also checked.
Yeah, for the purpose of creating children. Be fruitful and multiply.
if you already have aids and herpes, go for it.
but serious question, do you think a wife-quality white woman is going to marry a man who's had sex with lots of nig and mestiza chicks? white women are not big fans of aids and herpes in my experience. ymmv.
Should I purchase the Ford Translation off of Amazon or is there a better version I should look into purchasing?
>Moses himself married a black woman in the Bible.
you have no idea what her skin color was senpai
Free one here. Stalag has a good rep.
That's all fine and dandy that there is a free version available online and I am grateful you have linked me to it, however, I would much rather read a paper version of Mein Kampf. Is there another translation I should look at for a paper version or do you think I will be fine with the Ford Translation?
The Ford Translation is a decent one. I listen to the audiobooks that are posted on (((youtube))) to catch up on certain chapters because I drive for a living.
The woman is called a Cushite, which, to the ancient Israelites, meant an Ethiopian. This is why the K. J. V. actually translates, "And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman." Jeremiah 13:23 has: "Can the Cushite change his skin, or the leopard his spots?"
So too Josephus tells us in the Antiquities of the Jews:
"For of the four sons of Ham, time has not at all hurt the name of Cush; for the Ethiopians, over whom he reigned, are even at this day, both by themselves and by all men in Asia, called Cushites."
The punishment which God visits upon Miriam for her racial dislike of the woman is also telling: "When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam’s skin was leprous—it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease."
ethiopian is a regional term not a racial one
the cushite kingdom was much farther north and was heavily involved in egyptian history (some were even pharoahs). they also built pyramids.
maybe they were tanner but they werent negros like in ethiopia now
To summarize the discussion so far, here is what has been said.
- Nihilistic approach; "society will collapse soon anyway."
- Only if both you and your partner are in possession of a high IQ, are minarchists, Christian, attend mass, and contribute to the free market.
- Only if a consenting adult, no other criteria required.
- Only if you intend to be with your romantic partner until "death do thee part."
- As long as you are already infected with an STD, it doesn't matter.
- Doing so will create a "dependency" as said partner already should not be in your country.
- Any form of sexual intercourse not in the missionary position without the explicit purpose of reproduction is degenerate; sex for pleasure is hedonism.
- Racemixing is racemixing, which is a sin. No exceptions.
Ethiopian is from the Greek word Αἰθίοψ or Aitihops, from aitho, I burn, and ops, the face. It literally means those with burnt faces. It is a word as old as Homer and has always referred to a black man in the Greek tongue.
The Septuagint uniformly translates Cush as Αἰθιοπία "Aithiopia" -- the land of burnt-faced-men, black men.
The very fact that Jeremiah asks "Can the Cushite change his skin" overthrows your argument. That saying would be utterly feeble and meaningless unless they were considerably darker than were the Israelites, who themselves lived in a hot country and had tanned skin.
This is just a low grade shitpost promoting degeneracy
I recently started fucking a former coworker who is half-Lebanese, half-White. 9/10 body, 7/10 face.
>think to myself "this would not fly with the WN community"
>fuck it she's so hot
>later learn the other half is portuguese
>oh fuck she's like 0.25 White
>have conversation about her heritage, she says she identifies as Lebanese
>keep creampie-ing that tiny spinner mystery meat pussy
whatever, desu