New swedish art piece
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>Even Sweden's flag is bending over backward
You can't make this shit up
What next, burning the Swedish flag for art.
are you sure thats art? In my ikea there was a cup of spilt coffee that dried and no one cleaned it up for serveral years cause everyone thought it was art
is it metaphor for weak sweden penises?
Poland need a large stronk kielbasa monument
lol Swedish people are proof that cuckoldry is taught not inherited. You let the whole world talk your women into thinking their all hiedi klum and hillary combined what did you think would happen. The next flag will be standing next to it black and 11 inches taller.
here is some russian words for you:
cunt - пиздa [peezda]
dick - хyй [hooi]
ass - жoпa [jopa]
>upside down swedish flag
I don't consider this art. It's an accurate reflection of the absolute state of distress that Sweden is currently in.
>Not sure if flagpole bending over to migrant ficki ficki or is upside down signalling distress
Fucking citycucks
Metaphor for the cuck country bending over backwards for muslims?
I thought dishonering national flag is criminal offence. Swedenbadians, is that true?
>I thought dishonering national flag is criminal offence.
In Sweden, this is an honor.
I know this is shitposting but raising a flag upside down as a distress signal isn't a thing outside the anglozone.
They should bend it all the way down and bury it in the sand to simulate Europes dealing with refugees.
You swedes and your weird ass satire.
Antifa organises "steal a Swedish flag" event every national day
Is it bowing towards Mecca?
Serious question.
>The Qibla (Arabic: قبلة, "direction"), also transliterated as Qiblah, Qibleh, Kiblah, Kıble or Kibla, is the direction that should be faced when a Muslim prays during salah prayers. It is fixed as the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca. Most mosques contain a wall niche, known as mihrab, that indicates the Qiblah. Most multifaith prayer rooms will also contain a Qibla, although usually less standardized in appearance than one would find within a mosque.
>Muslims all praying towards the same point is traditionally considered to symbolize the unity of the Ummah, or all Muslims worldwide, under Sharia (Law of God).
its flying upright though
what the fuck are you talking about user
i thought gps was haram
No, that's a Monday.
Pokiticians are collectively rreeeeing because they think it's criticism of multiculturalism
Some dude tryed to take it down tonight, but got arrested.
this nigger! Ha
Read the post again numbnuts.
sweden everyday impressing the world
Somebody please make dale accounts and critisize them for not having it bend towards meca, and for not adding a straight black flag pole beside it to promote regugees.
Heck somebody please redesign the swedish flag to show 'tolerance of refugees' then force the government to implement it.
Yellow cross over brown back drop. Or backdrop of different colors.
Just reinterpret whatever meaning the artist had to make it racist and have it taken down.
>It's a statement which shows the strain on Sweden caused by refugees
Don't worry aus-chan I have a plan. A blonde Swedish girl with brown eyes is going to be bleached by my Anglo-Aryan genes. Then I'll go there and redpilled the nation.
God is with me
Bumping for this.
Would be an easy leap.